Apocalypse Forecast

Chapter 97: Wish

"Where am I?"

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She looked around in astonishment at the familiar faces. "Where am I? Where did I end up?"

Looking at the confused faces around her, from the Sublimators of the Xuan Niao to the Social Security Bureau, they couldn't help but cover their embarrassed faces, feeling a headache coming on.

A white dove, which she didn't know where it came from, landed on her shoulder. After cooing twice, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Realm? Good, good."

"I told you something was off the further we went. We couldn't find anyone." She proudly straightened her chest. "Who said I got lost? I didn't go too far!"

Well, today's young White Emperor was still lost.


In the awkward silence, a shocked cry suddenly rang out.

The girl turned around in confusion and saw the destroyed altar and Huai Shi sitting on the ground, scared by something that had fallen from the sky.

He stared blankly at the White Emperor in front of him, comparing her to the illustration on his phone, unable to believe it. "You, you, you, you..."


The White Emperor looked puzzled. "What's wrong with me?"

Before she could finish her sentence, she felt someone rushing towards her, gripping her hand tightly. His face turned red, and his eyes seemed to shine. "You are the only card I want!"


Zhu Qing Yu was stunned for a moment, not understanding.

"Is it warm? It's actually real? My goodness!"

Huai Shi held her hand, almost moved to tears. Who said paper people had no depth?

"Miss, did you come from the two-dimensional world just to see me?" Huai Shi asked excitedly. "Are you free tonight? Can we have dinner together?"

"Well, um... it's not... am I not popular?" Zhu Qing Yu looked at him in astonishment, wondering if he mistook her for someone else.

But looking at his eyes full of sincerity and anticipation, his fanatical and joyful expression, and the hand holding her fingers, for some reason, her mind suddenly went blank. It was like a chaotic thought, with an abstract mango icon slowly rising, bringing a shocking speculation.

She opened her mouth in astonishment.

- To be continued, my dad in hell... I think I just got confessed to.

The first time in fifteen years.

Feeling such a terrifying impact!

She suddenly felt dizzy and stared blankly at the boy in front of her, at a loss.

"Um, sorry, I... um... I'm only fifteen... I'm still young..."

Her tongue suddenly started to stumble. "Besides, I don't even know your name... we should get to know each other first, right?"

"I, I... I didn't mean to..."

As she tried to explain, it became more and more unclear. In the end, she almost gave up, closed her eyes, and shouted, "Anyway, that kind of thing should wait until we're eighteen!"


Huai Shi was stunned, not understanding what she said.

Soon, he noticed the gaze of the Sublimators in the distance, filled with astonishment, gloominess, and coldness... a killing intent that made his hair stand on end.

Finally realizing what he had said, he broke out in a cold sweat, dumbfounded, and his smile gradually disappeared. He felt like he was doing a whole set of radio calisthenics on the edge of death.

Don't panic, Huai Shi, don't panic!

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Stay calm!

Use your brain!

Think of a way to save yourself!

In that instant, Huai Shi's mind raced, and he finally found the only way out among countless branches leading to the crematorium.

"Cough, actually... I'm your fan."

He forced a smile, trying to present himself as a friendly big brother. "Can you give me an autograph?"

"Ah? Oh, sure!"

Zhu Qing Yu also realized what he meant. Blushing, she lowered her head and, after waiting for a while, whispered, "Can you loosen your grip a little?"

"Ah, okay!"

Huai Shi awkwardly let go of her hand and showed a sincere smile to the other big brothers and sisters who came to rescue him. But he couldn't help but rub his hand against his back, feeling the touch again. It felt so good.

Tears welled up in his heart.

After receiving the pen Huai Shi handed over, the White Emperor searched her pockets but couldn't find any paper. Huai Shi suggested, "How about signing on my clothes?"

"No, it's okay, wait a moment..."

Thinking of some strange scene, the girl's face turned even redder. She hurriedly refused, looked around, quickly jumped into the abyss, and then quickly returned, holding a crystal the size of a palm. She haphazardly signed her name on it and finally handed it over, lowering her head.

"Here you go."

"Thank you."

Huai Shi quickly reached out to take it, but accidentally touched her finger. She recoiled as if she had been electrocuted, then turned and said, "You're welcome... I... I should go now."

Just as she took a step, her feet gave way. She stumbled, and quickly lowered her head, avoiding the gaze of others. Taking advantage of the fact that the door to the blissful land had not yet closed, she ran into it as if she were escaping.

In the silence, only Huai Shi stood alone at the edge of the platform, staring in astonishment at the abyss that was rapidly disappearing as the mirror shattered. Finally, he looked down at the crystal with her signature in his hand.

"What a pity."

He murmured softly. "I should have asked for a 'smack!'"A withered hand patted his shoulder, causing him to shudder. When he turned around stiffly, he saw the gloomy Xuan Niao standing behind him.

"Hey, kid."

The old man squinted his eyes as he scrutinized this audacious brat. "Do you know the consequences of harassing a minor?"

A murderous intent surged.

Huai Shi's legs went weak, and he instinctively wanted to beg for mercy. But then he realized, "Wait, I'm a minor too!"


Xuan Niao was taken aback and couldn't find words to respond.

At this moment, Niu Lang, who had been dazzled by his little brother's actions, finally reacted and quickly approached, forcing a smile as he spoke, "He's only seventeen this year, sir... You should be more lenient..."


Xuan Niao became furious. "You dropped out of school at such a young age to become a social outcast? Don't focus on dating before you study well!"

Damn it, he dropped out of school!

Why is he just like Director Fu!

"Part-time jobs, they're all part-time jobs to support the family..." Huai Shi gathered his courage and raised his hand. "Moreover, I play the cello very well, and it gave me a significant boost in the college entrance examination!"

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Xuan Niao seemed skeptical and pulled him over, staring at him intently. One of his eyes suddenly turned completely black, as if it could see through Huai Shi's destiny.

The Eye of Fate of the Heavenly Bird!

Huai Shi didn't know what he saw, but Xuan Niao's expression changed slightly.

"The great-grandson of Huai Guang, huh? Quite rare..."

He seemed surprised, pondered for a moment, and then his expression suddenly became kind. "Working at the Astronomy Association has no future, kid. How about coming to work at the Social Security Bureau? I'll transfer you to the same team as Xiao Bai. You can see each other every day!"

After you finish the college entrance examination, you won't have to worry about universities anymore. I'll write you a recommendation letter, and you can directly go to Jixia for further studies. After four years, you'll become a civil servant with a stable job and decent salary. How about it?"

In an instant, the words "stable job" almost covered Huai Shi's eyes.

Good harvest, a fulfilling life, and a stable career...

Thinking about his own shameful deeds, he swallowed his saliva and shook his head firmly, rejecting seriously, "Thank you for your kindness, but I have already decided to dedicate my life to defending the realm's peace!"

"Tsk, all of you are slippery..."

The old man shook his head unhappily but didn't say anything more. He just waved his hand to signal his subordinates to take care of the wounded and disappeared into the expanding night.

There were other places that needed his attention, and he didn't have time to linger here.

Before leaving, Li Jian Hu Po glared at him resentfully.

Huai Shi didn't know whether she meant "wait for me to call someone" or "wait for me to knock you out when you walk alone at night to vent my anger."

Huai Shi waved his hand lightly, pointed to the badge on his chest, and smiled without saying a word.

Come and hit me!

And so, the chaos came to an abrupt end.

Under the descending iron hammer, all conspiracies, tricks, and deceit were completely crushed by absolute power.

With the power demonstrated by the Social Security Bureau and the foundation of Dong Xia, it wouldn't be long before this war came to a complete end, right?

But that was no longer Huai Shi's concern.

When he was supported by Liu Dongli and walked out of the subway, all he saw was the night sky.

He didn't know when, but it was already evening.

The entire city still shone brightly, and the few explosions during the day were easily attributed to a nonexistent chemical factory in the eastern suburbs. Although there was some turmoil, it would eventually be quickly settled, right?

The world continued to turn.

Huai Shi breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he could finally relax. As he sat in the ambulance and checked his body, he saw the familiar wheelchair.

Ai Qing, with a pale face, quietly received an IV drip. When she saw Huai Shi, she nodded slightly and said, "Well done."

"Ah, it's nothing..."

Huai Shi smiled awkwardly, about to be modest, but then he heard the second half of her sentence, "Especially confessing to a fifteen-year-old girl in front of everyone. It's quite your style."


Huai Shi suddenly panicked and wanted to explain, but he saw Ai Qing wave her hand calmly. "In the future, when you're being an idiot, please pay attention to the surroundings. Don't let someone's parent behind you pinch you to death with one finger."

"Uh, okay..."

Huai Shi nodded reluctantly, shrinking on the bed, trying to reduce his presence. However, after Liu Dongli finished dealing with Director Fu, he squeezed over and sighed as he looked at the crystal stone with Bai Di Zi's signature in Huai Shi's pocket.

"Brother, you hit the jackpot."

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He examined the seemingly ordinary crystal stone in Huai Shi's hand. "To receive such a luxurious consolation prize even after a failed confession, it's unheard of."

"What is this?"

Huai Shi was taken aback and picked up the seemingly ordinary crystal stone, flipping it over and over, unable to see any extraordinary effects.

"Is this really amazing?"

Liu Dongli rolled his eyes. "It's a Crystal of Fulfilled Wishes. Isn't it amazing?"

"A Crystal of Fulfilled Wishes?" Huai Shi was curious. "Can it be used to make wishes?"

"It's a limited form of wish-making."

Ai Qing glanced at it and said, "It should be the source material crystallized from the miracle within Jia Lou Luo's body after he was killed in an instant."

"If such power is released in an instant, it can disrupt the balance of the Silver Sea and accomplish many unimaginable things. Of course, let's not talk about something as far-fetched as world peace. At most, it can only expedite the realization of what humans can already achieve."

Huai Shi was thrilled, "Isn't that already quite impressive?"

Seeing his excitement, Ai Qing shook her head, "Compared to the real thing, this is just a crudely assembled defective product. You'd better not get your hopes up too high."

As for what Huai Shi would wish for, she didn't care. After all, this guy would probably just wish for a pile of money, right?

A wish of this level, converting it into tens of millions or even billions of assets would be quite simple, right?


Huai Shi held the wish crystal in his hand with some unease and asked seriously, "If I want my family to come back, can it make it happen?"

Ai Qing fell silent.

Liu Dongli shifted his gaze away.

Search tinyurl.com/2p9emv8w for the original.

"Ah haha, it can't, can it?" Huai Shi laughed awkwardly, scratching his head, "Right, it probably wouldn't grant such an excessive wish..."

At that moment, the crystal in his hand suddenly trembled.

Cracks appeared on the crystal, and in an instant, it quickly became murky, turning into something like old glass, devoid of any magic.

In the silence, all three of them were stunned.

Soon, the night stirred. Outside the window, they saw a golden light soaring into the sky, tearing through the layers of dark clouds, revealing the brilliant stars.

The direction from which the light rose...

"Is it my home?!"

Huai Shi jumped up in fright.



By the time Liu Dongli drove him there, it was already more than ten minutes later.

The brilliant golden light had long since dissipated, replaced by the soft yellow light in front of the door and a brand new nameplate for the Shi Moi Hall.

Huai Shi jumped out of the car, staring blankly at the completely renovated courtyard behind the fence. The previously overgrown weeds had disappeared, the dust-covered statues were now shiny and new, and in the center of the courtyard, the broken marble fountain was once again gushing clear water.

And behind the layers of trees, the brightly lit main building showed no signs of damage. Not only the broken windows and cracks in the walls, but the entire building seemed to have reversed time, regaining its former delicacy and grandeur.

The dazzling light from the crystal chandelier shone out from the hall.

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Illuminating the thin figure waiting at the door.

The old man, wearing a black bow tie and immaculate suit, had meticulously combed his mottled white hair to the back of his head and stood upright at the bottom of the stairs.

He smiled at the returning young man.

"Dinner is ready, young master."

He opened the door for Huai Shi, took the cumbersome object from his hand, and smiled warmly and kindly, "Welcome home."

Huai Shi stared blankly at the old face.

He had never seen such a face and figure in his memory, but for some reason, he found it so familiar, as if they had been together for more than a decade.

Never separated.

As if in a dream, he followed the old man into the house through the open door, looking around at the antique decorations and scenes that only returned in his dreams.

Finally, he entered the dining room and sat down at the dining table.

Looking at the steaming dinner in front of him.

Huai Shi picked up his chopsticks, but hesitated, looking back at the old man behind him:

"Is this... for me?"

"Of course." The old man smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, I haven't cooked in many years, and the supplies at home are somewhat lacking. I could only make these in a hurry. Please forgive me."

"No, it's okay."

Huai Shi shook his head, picked up his bowl, took a bite of the tender green vegetable, paused, and slowly put down his chopsticks.

The old butler bent down and asked softly, "Does it not suit your taste?"

"No, it's delicious."

Huai Shi lowered his head, rubbing his reddened eyes, unable to hold back the urge to cry, "It's really delicious."

Just like when he had lost everything.

Now, when he found everything again, he couldn't help but want to embrace his family and cry loudly.

After a long, long time, witnessing many miracles and disasters, experiencing countless pains and wishes.

Huai Shi finally fulfilled his wish.

He was home.



Outside the Shi Moi Hall, watching the young man go in.

"Now is not the time for guests to visit, we should go."

Ai Qing knocked on the window, reminding Liu Dongli who was lingering outside, "If there's anything, we can talk about it tomorrow."


He reluctantly withdrew his gaze and returned to the car, but was surprised by the familiar smell of smoke, "You actually smoke?"

In the back seat, the girl looked at the warm light in the window and calmly replied.

"Just occasionally when I'm in a good mood."


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