Apocalypse Forecast

Chapter 98: A quitted


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"Huai Shi."



In the inquiry room, the tired-looking young man behind the desk yawned and curiously raised his hand, "Hey, aren't these kinds of conversations happening too often recently? It feels like you guys are recruiting prostitutes..."


Director Fu slammed his hand on the table with a cold face.

"Be serious!"

Director Fu: "You are currently in your parole review meeting. If you still want to continue serving two more years in prison, then ignore what I said and continue being arrogant!"

"No, no, no."

Huai Shi quickly straightened up and forced a smile, "I'm just trying to save us some unnecessary procedures. Please continue, please continue."

"Considering your good behavior in prison and the contributions you made to Xin Hai, the Social Security Bureau will reduce and exempt you from the crimes you committed, as well as the forty years of border service."

Director Fu expressionlessly held the notice from the higher-ups, furrowing his brows with each word, feeling a headache. He didn't want this little brat to leave his prison so easily.

Finally, he put down the notice and looked at Huai Shi coldly, "Next, we will judge whether you can return to society based on your answers."

"Okay, okay, okay." Huai Shi nodded anxiously.

Finally, it's here!

What did he risk his life for? Just to get rid of his sentence and go home as soon as possible!

Hurry up, hurry up.

He had already prepared a five-thousand-word report on how he had changed and become a new person. Just as he was about to clear his throat and start speaking, Director Fu asked with a sinister smile, "What do you plan to do after you get out?"

Of course, cause trouble!

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Huai Shi almost blurted out the truth, but luckily he reacted quickly and didn't say it. Otherwise, his parole would be ruined.

Tsk, this old man is really cunning!

He cursed in his heart and then coughed twice, answering seriously, "After receiving guidance from the Special Affairs Department, I have decided to reform myself, serve society, and become a qualified citizen who benefits the present realm and the East Xia realm from today onwards..."

"Alright, don't try to deceive me."

Director Fu waved his hand, signaling the two awkward review officers to step aside. He tapped the table with his finger, looking as if he didn't know what Huai Shi was thinking.

"Be practical, what do you really plan to do?"

"Uh... go home?"

"Yes, and then?"

"Go to school?"

"Yes, good." Director Fu nodded in satisfaction, then asked again, "And then?"

Huai Shi continued along with his words, "Study hard and make progress every day?"

"Yes, that sounds good." Director Fu nodded and casually asked, "From now on, follow the school rules, strive for excellence, study hard, and don't mess around with relationships, right?"

Search "pawread dot com" for the original.

Huai Shi's eye twitched as he looked at the middle-aged man behind the calm facade. He discreetly reached for the gun handle. He shook his head vigorously, as if playing a drum, "No messing around! No messing around, Uncle!"

Director Fu visibly breathed a sigh of relief.

Why are you so afraid of me harming your daughter?

Huai Shi's heart broke. When did anyone harm your daughter?

It was always your daughter causing trouble for others...

Forget it, in order to avoid being killed on the spot by this guy, it's better not to say that.

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After a seemingly endless hour of reporting, Huai Shi finally received the notice with the official seal from Director Fu.

After packing up his belongings in the detention room, he was kicked out of the Special Affairs Department.

He was free again.

At least until the next time he gets into trouble.

Huai Shi carried his guitar case and looked back at the Special Affairs Department where he had lived for a long time. He felt a bit reluctant and even wanted to stay a few more days...

After coughing a few times, he shook his head. His home was no longer the haunted house it used to be. Even the Wi-Fi was three hundred megabytes. There was no need to miss the hard bed here...

Ah, life is beautiful!

Thinking about the hot million-plus in his account, his mood became even happier. He decided to indulge himself and take a taxi. Just as he walked to the road, he saw a car parked across the street.

And behind the rolled-down window was a girl looking at him.

Ai Qing.

Huai Shi was stunned, "I didn't expect someone to come pick me up from prison?"

"You didn't really spend much time in prison, did you?"

Ai Qing retorted. After Huai Shi got in the car, she waved to the driver in the front seat to start driving, then threw a stack of reports and notices into Huai Shi's hands.

"What's this?" Huai Shi curiously flipped through them, but couldn't understand any of the words.

"They're just a bunch of meaningless copies. Just keep them." Ai Qing said, "From now on, no one will investigate the trouble you caused a few days ago. Originally, the Jinling branch was prepared to be criticized by the Social Security Bureau, but those bastards were already planning to beg for mercy before it even started. If it wasn't for Xuan Niao personally giving you the green light, you would have had a lot of trouble this time."

"Xuan Niao? Green light?" Huai Shi was astonished.

"Huh? Director Fu didn't tell you?" Ai Qing looked at him and said, "It's said that Xuan Niao directly intervened and approved the emergency arrest operation by the Social Security Bureau..."Qi Wen was under investigation for allegedly colluding with evil forces beyond the border and foreign terrorist organizations. As for your 'accidental' killing of Qi Wen during the arrest operation, you probably got a few insignificant penalties.

Congratulations, you're acquitted."


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Huai Shi lowered his head, looking at the release notice in his other hand that hadn't even warmed up yet, and his eyes widened: He had been tricked by Director Fu again!

Thinking of all the irrelevant things he was tricked into signing at the Special Affairs Department, he gritted his teeth in anger.

"Looks like you've suffered quite a bit."

Ai Qing withdrew her gaze with schadenfreude, "Consider it retribution for all the reports you made him write. Director Fu hasn't had an easy time lately."

"Forget it, I won't hold it against him."

Huai Shi grinded his teeth for a while, then simply tore up the release notice in his hand and threw it away, pretending nothing had happened.

After asking about the aftermath of the Purified Citizens' mess, he finally asked, "What's next? Is there any work from the Astronomical Society?"

"Business as usual, but it basically has nothing to do with you."

Ai Qing counted on her fingers, "The rest are all reports, reports, reports, and reports. You can't handle the aftermath. Moreover, the higher-ups may not be able to manage it."

"Huh?" Huai Shi was puzzled.

"Yesterday's news, the expeditionary force of the East lineage has successfully returned to the realm, with remarkable results. However, there was a little problem in the realm. The Purified Citizens tried various ways to open the route to the Demon City along the coast, including Xin Hai, a total of seventeen places. One of them was almost successful."

Ai Qing opened her phone to show him a dark location, "The passage was opened for a moment, although it was immediately closed. But according to satellite detection, something was thrown into the Demon City. I guess the Social Security Bureau is probably having a headache over this now?"

"Is it troublesome?"

"Hard to say." Ai Qing shrugged, "The Social Security Bureau probably has a permanent team in the Demon City, and they can react quickly to any problems. Xuan Niao is still quite generous, and it's not to the point where they won't say anything to cover up. Now both sides are negotiating how to deal with it, but it has nothing to do with us.

However, before the problem is solved, places like ours probably won't appear in their eyes. It's a mixed blessing."

"Close the door and live a good life, right?" Huai Shi understood.

"That's the idea, but there's a lot of mess on a certain guy." Ai Qing's words returned to the main topic, "When are you going to Jinling?

All Sublimators must register and record their identities, and that inexplicable Holy Mark on you... Before that, you'd better find a way to solve the hidden danger."

She said bluntly, "If you can't solve it, please think of an excuse that won't involve me."

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"I'll try."

Huai Shi scratched his head and sighed, "Next month? Anyway, I have to go to Jinling for my cello professional level exam next month, so I might as well do it all at once."

"Oh?" Ai Qing looked at him with a strange look, "Are you also planning to participate in the New Talent Competition?"

Huai Shi was puzzled, "What New Talent Competition?"

"It seems you really don't know."

Ai Qing stared at him for a long time, and only after confirming that he wasn't pretending to be stupid did she explain, "It's a large-scale competition held by Tomorrow News, the Asian New Talent Selection that takes place every three years. All Sublimators below the third rank in Asia can register to participate.

Not only are the prizes generous, but there are also many benefits. In addition to many Sublimators in the wild who want to win a place, many Sublimator organizations see this as a way to showcase their strength.

Whether it's for the prize, for fame, or for advancement, it's a great opportunity. If you can get into the top ten, it will help you in promotion or other things, in addition to the prize."

At this point, Ai Qing looked deeply at Huai Shi, "To be honest, I thought you would be determined to win."

"Although it sounds exciting, it feels like a hassle to participate..." Huai Shi scratched his head, "We'll see when the time comes, maybe I won't be able to go."

At this point, Huai Shi's eyes suddenly looked out the window and said to the driver, "Stop here."

He saw Fu Yi.

"If you need anything later, just call me. I'll go first."

Huai Shi picked up his backpack and jumped out of the car, waved to Ai Qing, and watched the car drive away. When he turned back to look at Fu Yi, he noticed that her steps seemed to quicken.

Her expression was panicked and urgent.

Like being chased by someone, she ran in small steps through the crowd, anxiously looking back at the figures chasing her, and finally darted into an alley.

The middle-aged men chasing her looked at each other and showed lewd smiles, speeding up to chase into the alley.

Soon, Fu Yi's scream came from inside.

Huai Shi frowned.

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