Ch12 - Sodomy (NSFW)

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The lord general was obviously satisfied with Cheng Jin’s initiative to throw himself in his arms. Although he could tell that something was wrong with Cheng Jin’s tone, he had amnesia, and at such a moment he had no time to think it through.



He had to earnestly taste his little wife’s body.

His hand slipped under the hem of his bathrobe, touched the round meaty buttocks wrapped in underwear, and kneaded it with vigor; the sensation felt wonderful. 

Let alone that the person in his arms had been kneaded by him into whimpering, the sound was euphonious and sweet, which excited him even more. Lu Tao whispered, “It’s really good to knead. Let me take a look.”


Cheng Jin blushed, but still obediently knelt on the bed. Trembling, he pulled the string of his robe off. Not waiting for him to take all of it off, Lu Tao intervened, “I’ll do it.”

Like a child peeling off a candy wrapper, Lu Tao eagerly took off his partner’s clothes. When he saw Cheng Jin’s bare back, and when his smooth waist line and undulating hip line was revealed, he was so excited that his breathing had turned chaotic.

Cheng Jin wore a pair of gray underwear under his bathrobe, his skin reflecting as translucent as jade. The fabric bulged up by his upturned buttocks, and a small, wet mark could be seen at the sippet.


Cheng Jin collapsed on his knees, his legs were still somewhat closed, and when Lu Tao gently pried them, he trembled and cooperatively opened his legs some more. Sensing his nervousness, the lord general dropped a light kiss on his shoulder and teased, “Where’s the courageous you just now? Where did it go?”


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“That wasn’t me…” Cheng Jin shyly buried his face in the pillow. When he was about to suffocate himself, he was picked up by his husband and kissed. This time, he kissed his lips. Cheng Jin didn’t dare to look at him. In fact, although he’s full of longing for the other, he’d developed a kind of fear once he comes into close contact with him.

He wasn’t afraid of Lu Tao’s ruthlessness, but he was afraid to see the abhorrence he had for him in his eyes. 

Especially when they were doing something intimate.

He closed his eyes and passively accepted his man’s kiss, Lu Tao had never kissed him so gently before, and between their intertwined lips and tongues, all that  uneasiness and anxiety were suppressed for a bit. He felt the man stripped him off his underwear, and the two became completely naked.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Cheng Jin’s buttocks were in good shape. The secluded hole between his buttocks had been cleaned and already turned soft and wet. When his husband’s fingers rubbed  lightly against the entrance, Cheng Jin squirmed his butt uneasily, subconsciously wanting to escape. But then, the slender, calloused finger went in. 

“Ahh…” Cheng Jin panted, his cat-like eyes were red. “Husband, you can just come in right away…”

Oe Kjb uijcmfv ja atf tbif atja mbcajlcfv bcf bo tlr olcufgr, jcv atfc ibbxfv ja tlr atlmx qfclr. Lf ibbxfv rxfqalmji. “Qbc’a sbe ufa tega lo P fcafg vlgfmais?”

“…Qbc’a…” Cmaejiis, la kbeiv tega j ilaaif ja atf yfulcclcu, yea Jtfcu Alc xcfk tf’v rbbc ufa erfv ab la. Pcrafjv, tf kjrc’a erfv ab tlr teryjcv fzqjcvlcu tlw, yfmjerf tf tjv cfnfg fzqfglfcmfv la yfobgf.

Lu Tao perceived something and suddenly asked, “Have I… never done this for you before?” 

Cheng Jin’s momentary pause answered Lu Tao. Guilty, he leaned over and kissed Cheng Jin tenderly on his lips. “How could I have been so wicked before ah!”

“Not wicked.” Cheng Jin hurriedly said, “I’m just not good enough.”


So I’m unworthy, undeserving. 

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In fact, Lu Tao also felt it unbearable when his slender fingers were inserted into the bottom. Even if it’s just his fingers, he could feel how tight and hot Cheng Jin is inside. If he changed it into his big dick… He did his best to squeeze in and expand, and suddenly asked, “Where’s the womb?” 

“Push inward…” Cheng Jin blushed. “It’s a bit deep, your fingers may not touch… ahh…” His husband’s fingers had already rubbed the entrance before he even finished speaking, and the pleasure that spread instantly made Cheng Jin let out a sweet, cloying shriek.

Lu Tao then felt a stream of liquid pouring out of the entrance, wet and slippery, glistening and moistening the entire canal. He brushed his fingertips there again, and Cheng Jin shook his ass uncontrollably, his throat emitting incessant whimpers, as the passageway increasingly turned wet.

“So sensitive?” Lu Tao was surprised.

“I… I don’t know…” Cheng Jin’s shyness turned endless. The length of Lu Tao’s fingers could only touch the entrance, but the pleasure was already very intense. 

“What would you look like if it were fully penetrated, huh?” The lord general’s tone was full of interest. He was also a bit chagrined that he had lost his memory, and couldn’t remember what Cheng Jin’s reactions were like in the past.

Cheng Jin bit his lower lip and whimpered, “Never been…entered…” Lu Tao didn’t want to impregnate him. More than just having sex with a condom on, he’d also not enter his womb. It was pure anal sex.

On a couple of occasions, the small opening of his was rubbed open a bit, and his husband had almost pushed his dick’s head all the way in, but in the end he restrained himself.

This time it was Lu Tao who froze. He looked at his soft partner who had melted in his arms. If he weren’t hard down there, he’d really doubt if he had been able to do it before, otherwise why hadn’t he completely invaded him? 

Not allowing him to think about it, Cheng Jin climbed up and took the initiative to embrace his neck and kiss, the tip of his brows and the corners of his eyes full of spring. “Do you want to… try it now?”

Between his partner’s open legs, the pink cock was already erect, and the two little balls were also very cute. “Don’t you need to be loosened more?” asked Lu Tao.

“It’s okay.” When Cheng Jin went to get the condom, unsealed it, and was about to put it on Lu Tao, the lord general was a little aggrieved. “Can I not wear it?”

Cheng Jin laughed, retained his smile and no longer spoke. He continued to sheath him, then squeezed some lubricant on it. 

When he was contemplating whether he’d take the initiative to sit on it, the man had pushed him down on the bed with a violent force, grabbed his waist with one hand and firmly held him. A moment later, the thick, long penis touched his fleshy hole, rubbing against the opening of his petite hole and then drove straight in skillfully.

“Nghaa…” The moment he was stretched out, Cheng Jin had still felt a hint of pain, but was soon surrounded by a sense of satisfaction. He’d get excited every time he had sex, not just physically, but also psychologically.

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Only then could he get so close to Lu Tao. 

The tears uncontrollably filled his eyes and were illuminated by the light, shattered into a whole luster. The man ambled up, leaned forward and dropped a shallow kiss on his shoulder. His tone was gentle and low, “It’s so tight inside, baobei….”

Hearing this nickname, Cheng Jin shivered all over and looked back at Lu Tao in disbelief. “How did you know my nickname…”


Lu Tao chuckled. “It’s written on the back of the photo ah, little idiot.”

The spoiling tone frightened Cheng Jin. He whispered, “That was written by my mom…” 

Seeing his wife like a small animal, the lord general’s heart badly wanted to bully him until his eyes reddened and his whole body flushed pink.

The more he thought about it, the more his penis swelled. He rammed straight into Cheng Jin’s body, stretching him open, allowing the original entrance with some creases to be stretched out, similarly to a pink ring.

The penis kept plunging deeper unceasingly. When it rubbed against a certain spot, Cheng Jin’s trembled. “Di-Dim the lights….”

The voice-activated lights dimmed, hiding his pitiful appearance in the darkness. The lord general felt dissatisfied. “Turn on all the lights,” he shouted. 

Click. All the lights in the room lit up, illuminating the whole bedroom as bright as day, and once again made Cheng Jin’s reaction visible.

Cheng Jin trembled, his ass hole clenched the invading object tighter; he’d panicked so much that he pulled the quilt to cover his face. But before he could grab it, his hand was clasped by his husband’s own, and he could no longer move it forward.

The long, thick weapon edged in slowly, the white lubricant smeared at his hole, seemingly similar to that substance, and looked very erotic.

The lord general jostled him down altogether. “Why won’t you openly show me?” asked the General, as if he were his master. 

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Cheng Jin suddenly felt wronged and whispered, “You didn’t want to look before…”

“Then I used to be such a jerk.” Unable to pry further, Lu Tao fell into a frenzied lust, and felt that the place clamping him seemed to be devouring him whole. Cheng Jin refuted, “You’re not a jerk, you’re….ahhn… Hnng… So deep…”

Different personality, but still the same strength when having sex; plunging straight into the deepest depths, the pillar inside violently rubbed his sensitive spot, eliciting a scream of ecstacy from Cheng Jin.

His rear hole grew more wet, especially when the entrance to his womb had been grinded. The sensation was so pleasurable that it shook his mind and his whole body was so soft that he could do nothing but bear the man’s violent railing. 

“It’s all in deep.” Lu Tao looked joyfully at the place where the two were joined and said with a slight smile, “You really can ‘eat’…”

Cheng Jin blushed. His husband’s penis was thick and long. He could gobble it smoothly every time, so he’s really ‘edible’, isn’t he? He felt so satisfied that every time he was able to be one with Lu Tao, he felt that his love also had some meaning.

Their testicles were almost packed together, one small and one heavy. Lu tao played with them and also fondled Cheng Jin’s dick. “So excited?” He teased in a low voice as he felt the sticky precum on the tip.

“Naturally ah…” Cheng Jin boldly looked at him, at Lu Tao, who had the same face but carried  a completely different personality. “I like making love with my husband…” 

One sentence was exchanged for an even more violent fucking from his husband. The thick and long cock pulled out most of the way and then pushed it back in deeply, reaching at the very depths, until his dick bulged in Cheng Jin’s belly.

Lu Tao’s sexual prowess was top-tier. Because he had great physical strength, with his V-shaped  bod, he’d usually fuck him uninterrupted for nearly an hour. Cheng Jin used to cum two or three times before he’d cum once.


“Huk… Hnng… So good…” Cheng Jin was incredibly invigorated. It was clear that anal sex could not be considered the best way to make love, but he just felt so good that he even felt his womb opening up under the intense friction.

Apparently Lu Tao noticed, too. He slowed down and finally positioned his tip at the entrance of his womb. “This is where you can give birth to babies, right?” He whispered. 

“En…” The womb seemed to sense that it was about to be invaded, so it shivered feverishly, and a large stream of viscous liquid gushed from the entrance. Lu Tao was stimulated by the liquid. In the end, he couldn’t hold back and sent his dick in.

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