Ch13 - F*cked in the womb (NSFW)

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The womb was located in the abdomen, about ten centimeters away from the anus, and would usually be in a closed state. It would only open if the flesh was stimulated. If the semen entered here, there’d be a chance of conceiving a child like a woman, and would blossom.

They would, however, be required to do a ’c-section’. There had been cases before where new females would have a normal delivery, but all had caused a tear in their anal holes; for the ‘mother’s’ sake, the new females who were 9 months pregnant would be arranged to stay at the hospital, where they’d be assigned a specialist to assist their delivery.



Their wombs were versatile, which differed from a woman’s uterus wherein penetration would be painful. If the womb was rubbed and thrusted in during the moment of passion, it would bring them to ecstasy, as the inner walls were made up of heavily-layered obsequious meat; it would give a very intense pleasure, and even the giver would receive an unprecedented bliss.

That’s where the lord general was currently invading him. 

The dainty flesh hole had been brutally stretched and propped up by him to the point where it was big enough to accommodate it in, and when the ravishing flesh sucked on its intruder for the first time, both men stifled a carnal moan. Cheng Jin’s body bounced even more as his hole sucked and contracted rapidly, sensibly stimulated, and because it was too stimulating that he instinctively wanted to hide.


But as soon as his knee moved forward, his ankle was firmly clasped by his husband, and the long, thick cock had thrusted in him again; the meat pilar had broke through the tight shackles and completely penetrated deeply, allowing the small half of the penis be wrapped around the womb.

“Wuwu…. Don’t… Husband… husband….” Cheng Jin only felt sore and numb inside; that sort of feeling where it’d make people lose control, as if they’d go crazy at any time; even his cock on the front had been stimulated to the extreme. He fell into a trance. The feeling seemed familiar to him, as if he had experienced it at some point, but he could not remember exactly when.

“Where does don’t apply? Isn’t it obviously very good?” Lu tao, of course, wouldn’t let him go. He even hated the thin-layered condom, which prevented him from fully tasting the pleasure of being wrapped in his partner.

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The lord general suddenly thought of a bad idea. He decided to take off this cover when Cheng Jin was unprepared.

“It’s so strange… wuwu… it’s so strange…” Cheng Jin trembled all over, and his mouth couldn’t close. The crystal clear saliva flowed down from the corners of his mouth, a layer of sweat emerged from his glittering skin, and his entire body was as pink as a shrimp.

Lu tao whispered, “It wouldn’t be strange if we do it more than once.” He started thrusting in and out, unable to control his movements. He pulled his penis out of that narrow womb, threading through the intestines, then out with just the head nipped in the anal hole, and then mercilessly nailed it in, thrusting it deeper inside the womb.

With the tightness within, he just wanted to push it hard inside, especially when the head was sucked by ecstatic layered meat. It was as if he had been brought to heaven, so he couldn’t help but fuck him more violently. The person in his arms was so fucked by him that he was trembling, his tears and saliva flowed out, and he looked miserable. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

But once his movements slowed down a little, the slutty red ass hole took the initiative to clip and suck him, and Cheng Jin also unconsciously screamed, “Husband… husband..wuuu… Husband….”

Oe Kjb kjr ralweijafv, jcv tf ilrafcfv klat vfiluta. Lf byrfgnfv tlr afcvfg klof’r qlaloei jqqfjgjcmf, atfc tf qlcmtfv tlr mtlc jcv xlrrfv tlw, jii atf ktlif oemxfv tlw tjgvfg atja tlr yfiis yeiufv.

Jtfcu Alc vlvc’a lcrlra obg abb ibcu ab gfjmt atf milwjz. Llr mbmx kjr vjwq; tf’v yjrlmjiis gfifjrfv tlr frrfcmf klatbea yflcu abemtfv. Ktf atlmx jcv ktlaf rfwfc pfgxfv jcv gfifjrfv mbcalceberis, rqega ys rega. Ktf oielv ofii bc atf yief rtffa, rtbklcu atf agjmfr bo byrmfclas. Qtfc tf fpjmeijafv, tlr gfjg mbcagjmafv fnfc wbgf, jcv tlr atgbja rqliifv bnfg j mjailxf mgs atja kjr ybat ibnjyif jcv qlaloei.

After he came, he had an adapting phase. At that very moment, Lu Tao moved again and he felt uncomfortable, but he tried to endure it. He didn’t say anything, but Lu Tao sensed something was wrong. 

Cradling the man in his arms, Lu Tao rubbed his little balls, his little tits, and touched his soiled dick, while his penis was dormant inside him. Lu Tao said in a low voice, “Cummed so soon? It hasn’t even been ten minutes yet.”

Cheng Jin blushed and whispered, “It’s because it was too good ah…”

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Lu Tao was moved by his lovely reaction. The tall man couldn’t help but slowly thrust in his back hole while he kneaded him, grinding his sensitive spots with his dick’s body as he kissed him again. His tongue stirred in his mouth, and when they parted, a thread of saliva was stuck together and was pulled between them.

Cheng Jin had a sensitive body, so he got excited again. The little dick stood up gallantly once more, full of spirit. His back hole excitedly wriggled, and began its second round of eating cock. 

By the time of Cheng Jin’s second release, his squirt had reached the womb. The hungry inner flesh rapidly sucked and gripped, and the reaction was more intense than the throat. The reaction was even more intense than when he’d deepthroated him. Lu Tao inhaled, and completely broke his defenses. He brutally fucked his insides dozens of times, and then cummed frenziedly.

Cheng Jin was too lazy to move his hands and fingers after he came. He was soaked all over.  His back was covered with hickeys, while his chest was covered with finger marks and pinches, and his seductive nipples kept sticking out coquettishly.


Lu Tao dropped a kiss on his earlobe, then slowly pulled out his penis. The transparent condom was stained with white liquid. Its peak was heavy, and full of warm seed. He had a large amount of semen and looked like it filled half of the condom. Cheng Jin was also taken aback. He whispered, “That’s a lot…”

Lu Tao approached, his gaze burning. “If I shot directly into your womb, will it be filled?” 

Cheng Jin imagined that his womb was filled with his husband’s semen. He felt so embarrassed that he wanted to pull a quilt to cover his head, but Lu Tao stopped him.

His husband threw the condom into the trash, grabbed his hand and placed it between his crotch, then said, “One more time.”He added with a low smile. “You prepared two condoms, I can’t refuse your good intentions.”

Cheng jin was so shy that his heart beat faster as his fingers grasped the big, slippery cock. His heart had also yearned for a second union with his husband. Cheng Jin’s body had quite a fast recovery. After a while he already had the strength to lick his man’s penis. He directly contained the still soft cock into his mouth, and then when he spat it out, the penis had already turned thick and big, and restored its hardness.

While he was putting the condom on his husband, Cheng Jin looked at him and asked shyly, “Can you… hold me this time?” He hooked his arms around Lu Tao’s neck and spread his legs open. 

Lu Tao hugged his waist and impatiently pushed his penis into his anus. “Of course.”

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The posture of making love face-to-face was what Cheng Jin had been looking forward to before. He felt that he could clearly see the other with this posture and facilitate kissing. It was a completely intimate position.

He had used this position with Lu Tao once before, but it did not make him happy, and instead, made him feel sad, because it made him obviously see the indifference in his husband’s eyes.

He gave up after that. If his husband wouldn’t even show a bit of affection for him during sex, the more desperate he’d be to elicit a response. During that time, he’d just found out about his family’s bankruptcy. Cheng Jin had gained insight to how the world truly worked in just a short time, and his mentality had suffered a very large change. It had also been the first time he truly realized his previous mistakes. 

Cheng Jin realized that Lu Tao would never fall in love with him in this life. He had corrected himself too late, but he couldn’t make up his mind to give up. He always wanted to put it off until the last minute. 

And it dragged on until the current change of fate.

Though he knew it was not a favorable turn of events, but a fond dream given to him by an accident.

What Cheng Jin saw from the broken shadow was no longer indifference, but passion. Cheng Jin felt content. He snaked his arms around his husband’s neck and kissed him with trembling lips. When their lips met, he wasn’t rejected, but was passionately kissed.

Cheng Jin even felt his heart was melting away. 

The two were tightly clasped together, intertwined. The fiery cock kept pushing in and pulling out of the delicate hole. When it invaded the womb, Cheng Jin’s body shook once again, and his erotic cry had become more sweet and satiny. and was finally fucked into cumming.

Before the lord general came, he had always felt a bit dissatisfied. He licked the person in his arms like a kitten, then all of a sudden he lifted Cheng Jin’s butt, pulled out his penis, and then removed the condom.


When the hot penis fiercely pushed in again, even Cheng Jin, who was still under the effects of his post-orgasm, noticed the difference. His already big eyes had widened further in disbelief. “Y-you took off the condom…”

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“I don’t want it.” Lu Tao closed the distance and kissed him until he had no power to refute. He shoved his cock inside the womb. It felt exactly the same as he’d imagined. Unimpeded sex made him extremely excited and brave. He felt fearless. Cheng Jin had yet to fully adapt to it when he began to thrust fiercely. 

“Wuwu…. N-no…ughh…I’ll get pregnant….” Cheng Jin was panicking a bit. He clung both his hands on his husband’s shoulders, but he lacked the strength to stop his movements.

And the fact that he’d been inserted by Lu Tao without a cover had also given him intense psychological pleasure. The beautiful walls in the womb actually sucked and clamped harder than before.

Lu Tao obviously felt it and said with a low laugh, “Don’t you love it? You’d rather be fucked by me directly than with a condom, right?” He added with an evil smile, “It swallows so tight ah, Cheng Jin, little treasure.”

Cheng Jin blushed, but didn’t know how to retort. The violent pleasure swept him like a tide, and made him only feel happiness. At the most comfortable moment, even his toes curled up. Sensing the urge to cum, Lu Tao leaned and whispered in his ear, “If you get pregnant with a baby, then have the baby.” 

Cheng Jin’s eyes widened and stared at him in disbelief.

His handsome husband said softly, “Don’t be afraid, because I’ll always be by your side.” Then he kissed his lips and pushed his penis inside him again.

The huge cock head grinded his itchy and promiscuous inner flesh vigorously, making them secrete more juice. It went so deep that Cheng Jin’s belly had often even showed the shape of his husband’s dick head, which made the hard-as-steel cock tremble, then shot out semen in his womb.

With his womb repeatedly rubbed, Cheng Jin’s body trembled as he’d been attacked by a strong sense of pleasure. The liquid juices gushed out uncontrollably and covered the crown of Lu Tao’s dick, which made the hard-as-steel cock tremble, then it shot out semen in his womb. 

A large amount of semen sprayed on the inner walls of the womb, scalding Cheng Jin’s insides as he sobbed. The womb contracted violently, and finally enclosed all the semen released by his husband.

As Lu Tao had suspected, his womb was filled with his husband’s semen.

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