Old man’s conversation

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It was three days later that the old man came out of the tank.

Only the face is a human cyborg. I let the hair follicles die because it would be harmful if the hair grew.

When the mask is removed, the top of the head that peeks out shines brightly. It’s too bright, so put the mask on properly.

A bald fish washed ashore on the riverbank, and his time as a fish in a fish tank came to an end.

I wanted to get rid of him as soon as I could… let him go to his daughter, but there’s something I want to ask him first.

Why were you swimming in the river when your village was being burned?

It’s not as if the old man has gone to sleep.

“I’d like to express my gratitude to you for saving my life. This is something for which I will be eternally grateful to you……”


When the old man opened his mouth, the tips of his canine teeth, which were so long that it was impossible not to notice them, peeked out. He looks like a vampire.

“By the way, I’ve heard some of what’s going on. Can you tell me what happened?”

“Huh? Oh, that’s right. Please allow me to introduce myself once more. My name is Shuten. I was the captain of the East-Size Town.”

“Yes, a knight.”

“It’s all in the past, but I’m sure…… the town will believe that I was responsible for the village’s destruction.”

“……Let me walk through it.”

“Yes. It all started when they came to the East-Size Town. They came from the Holy City, invading the City of Iron and Stone.”

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The city of iron and stone…… When a knight who followed Eiga and Junee first arrived at this place, he remarked something along those lines.

“They were referred to be the “proud knights” who had been chosen by the Holy City Central. However, there are pricks all over the place…. Two of them attacked my wife in an attempt to humiliate her.”

“I heard about that. I heard that you turned them away, that you went to the town to report them, that you never returned, and that those knights came to the village instead.”


Shuten, the old man clenches his fist. I don’t want to be bothered by the metallic clang. If I bring up his wife in this conversation, he will become too enthusiastic to continue, therefore I will refrain from saying anything.

“I returned to the town and informed Count Wind, the ruler, of what had occurred, advising him to punish those responsible. He, on the other hand, did not listen to me and instead ordered his soldiers to arrest and imprison me. They claimed that I had assaulted them without any justification.”

“A lie that will soon be exposed. There are witnesses in the village…… The stories are starting to connect.”

“When the soldiers held me back, Count Wind apologized to me. He said, “I’m sorry, Shuten.”

“You mean he knew…… what were you doing?”

“I had mistakenly believed that the truth would eventually come out and that the perpetrators of the crime would be brought to justice. Within a short period of time, it became clear to me that this was impossible. Because those two knights came to my cell and explained everything to me “politely”.

“Third rank villains……”

“Full cooperation with the invasion force was the order from the center of the Holy City. I guess Count Wind couldn’t resist. He had to destroy the evidence to protect them. And that the massacre of the village would be carried out by me.”

“Too much adult stuff going on.”

“The soldiers on watch were my men, and they were sympathetic to me. He gave me the key and urged me to escape, as I would be sentenced to death for all the crimes I had committed.”

“You’re a good man.”

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“To prevent him from being accused of a crime, I stunned him, took his weapons, and hurriedly ran to the village when …… Thorne…”

“……You saw that, didn’t you?”

“I saw it. The moment my wife was cut down and fell to the ground….. I challenged the knights in anger.”

Perhaps I shouldn’t have asked in such a formal manner.

“But I was outnumbered by a large margin. In the end, I was unable to win.”

“That’s a shame, but it happens…….”

“Realizing that I would not be able to win, I escaped into the woods and attempted to kill everyone of my pursuers individually. Eventually, I found myself in a bind. A wild beast attacked me and I was bitten by a snake. I was cut down and struck by arrows. During my hazy state of consciousness, I recall slipping and falling into the river.”

“So, you were swept away and here you are…… I’m genuinely surprised that you’re still alive.”

“It’s true.”

In fact, how many days have you spent being washed away by the tide? If You’re still alive, you’re not a normal human being.

I’ll look at the operation records later.

“I never thought that I would be picked up by the City of Iron and Stone and live to see my daughter again.”

“Oh, you noticed?”

“I’m just guessing, based on the look on your face during our earlier conversation.”


It seems that the human part has done its job.

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“I’m not sure I can still refer to you as “living” in that situation, however. If you don’t mind me asking, what is the city of iron and stone called in your town?”

“The demon city ruled by the evil dragon that destroyed mankind. The treacherous beings who launched an invasion of the Holy Church of Sunrise, drove the Foothandle into collapse, and destroyed North-Size.”


There has been a lot of discussion about it. There are no boundaries to the slander.

But sadly, it’s not like I don’t have any idea what’s going on.

“I’m sure I didn’t do anything wrong……”

“The way you are seen by others has absolutely nothing to do with your current situation. This is something I’ve personally experienced. I want you to be at ease. I have no animosity towards you.”

“Thank you for that.”

Trust and confidence are important.

Let’s install a self-destruct mechanism later. I’m not going to lose in a genuine fight, though.


The old man had to spend some time with Ogre and his friends. It was only natural, since he had a daughter there.

Periodic maintenance of the cyborg body is required, but I do not wish for him to remain in the shelter. I’ll delegate this task to Masaru and the others, and I’ll let him live on his own for the time being.

Shuten immediately hit it off with Ogre and the others. It was probably because they were friends.

“Seems like there are few decent people in armor ! !”

This is what Ogre said when he spoke to Shuten-san. Shuten-san seems to have been laughing bitterly.

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His opponent was a former armor wearer. He’s still an armored warrior. And the ones in tiger skin are quite a bit older in terms of brains.

One issue was settled at the debut of Shuten-san’s new garden. It’s the horse problem Suzuka was talking about.

Shuten-san’s body is strong and powerful, but his instantaneous power is only slightly better than others. I mean, the body is heavy.

Maybe that’s why Onido-san had a special car ready for this body. I’m referring to the “food energy vehicle” I stated earlier. It is linked to the cyborg body and moves by absorbing the energy of the latter.

Shuten-san has to eat a lot of food to keep the vehicle moving.

It absorbs energy and electrolyzes it as soon as you consume it, so you don’t have to go to the restroom with a stomach ache like we do.

The only thing that comes out is water.

In case you’re wondering, I have an butthole, too. I don’t want to tell you what it’s used for.

If you were to imagine of a centaur with tires for legs, would you be able to understand the shape? This is a supercar that can be driven by thinking alone, with its legs docked to directly connect the transmission circuits.

This form of placing a human body at the front of a vehicle that can run at over 100km/h. I would like to teach the developers the meaning of the existence of airbags.

Shuten-san, who pulls his truck and plows the field, has gained a great deal of popularity among the residents.

Kane-chan was taken aback by his new appearance at first, but as soon as she saw his true face through the open iron mask and heard his voice, she burst into tears and went to embrace her father, a dazzling smile on her face.

He has a bald head.

Suzuka was happy to see the emotional reunion between father and daughter. The number of people living in the garden has increased, but since there were originally 500 people, it doesn’t matter too much. I’ ve decided not to worry about it.

It’s okay. My habitat is in the shelter.

It’s just that I hope they will give me a break.

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