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Lately, Suzuka has been making envious faces while interacting with the children.

She probably wants a child.

We can have children.

It is correct to say that I have the ability to cultivate seeds and Suzuka has the ability to cultivate eggs. We are the product of the desires of those who created us.

The desire to be united with the opposite sex of one’s choice and to leave excellent offspring. Such desires.

Of course our seeds and eggs were excellent. They are the best seeds and eggs available, even if they are genetically modified.

Is it, however, the offspring of Kibitsu cho? Or the offspring of Suzuka Ashigara?

And if we were to produce a child, it would very certainly be a “pure human being.”…… Surely.

The black fog still lingered, though it was not visible.

I believe it is due to tampering with the DNA, but I am not willing to take that chance. If the child goes berserk, I’d be horrified to…… With my own hands.

Our bodies are made by human desires. There are people who want to leave no children, but only spit out their greed.

The reproductive function can be turned off to fulfill this desire. Heat is passed through the seeds and the eggs will not be cultured.

In the end, we chose to “just have fun” like that.

It’s something we can’t help.

That’s why Suzuka hasn’t approached me about having a child. She simply desires children.

Maybe teaching children is an alternative. I guess being a former teacher is a big part of it.

What am I talking about while I’m telling you all this heavy stuff? The reason for this is that I observed the residents of the garden reproducing without restraint.

I felt so happy that I wasn’t light-headed and didn’t have to get lost.

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I’m not particularly bothered by the sight of a garden taking shape. However, I’m not sure I’d want to live in it.

I had the impression that I was taking part in a city-building simulation game. There are other components, such as social games, that will continue to develop on their own even if you leave them alone.

Nonetheless, we should refrain from mass-producing Dark Elves in other people’s gardens, as this would be irresponsible. It’s been two years since they arrived, and I believe that is sufficient time to bring about a change.

As the population grows, the demand for additional goods and services grows as well. Apparently, they have no intention of abandoning their funky tiger print look anytime soon.

They have to go outside if they want the skin, therefore they spend a lot of time outside.

Thanks to this, the west gate of our garden has been left open most of the time lately.

In terms of security, I’m not concerned because I have defense equipment. However, my grandmother taught me a long time ago to close the door after opening it, so I feel a little guilty.

And, despite the fact that there is no evidence to support it, Grandma is almost always correct.


It’s not that I had forgotten, but I had heard that some people who had a grudge against us had formed an invasion force. And if you’re wondering if they’re coming from the west, that’s where they’re coming from.

Naturally, we can afford to intercept them. There was no such thing as a “just in case” situation, but I had ordered the monitors in the garden to display the scene when someone came to the gate, so that we could be ready to take action if a man or beast entered through the open door.

I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s true.

I didn’t forget that there are people who have a grudge against the invading force, and that if they show up and we see them on the monitors, the vehicle-borne Shuten-san will arrive in time to intercept them..

I simply wasn’t interested and didn’t give it any thought. Grandma, please accept my apologies.

Shuten is a former knight. He is good with a sword.

I also knew that the Tiger Skins were blacksmiths, making swords, or rather machetes.

I knew that with my current body, if I wanted to, I could easily overrun a hundred knights.

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Even if there were a large number of opponents, the Tiger skins, who despise knights, would lend a hand, and there were defense measures in place, so there was no danger of being defeated.

That’s why when I saw the image of nearly 500 knights lying in a bloody heap on the monitor, I knew it was coming.

There are three things I don’t agree with. One point that I regretted.

First and foremost. Shuten’s weapon of choice was the tuna knife that Suzuka had given him earlier in the day. I truly hope you aren’t cooking with a knife that has been used to slaughter others. Suzuka, who has only recently begun to teach me how to cook, will be the one to consume it.

“I’m not the same as I was in the past. This body and the sword given to me by my Lord are my guide.” 

With just one look at you, I can tell that you are different from the past, and aside from your body, I don’t remember giving you a demon sword.

Second. For some reason, the W(Wolf), G(Gorilla), and E(Eagle) series were helping out.

I understand that animals like to move their bodies, but please don’t hunt people for fun. Your identity is cuteness.

[Behold the power of my people! !]

Those kids are mine, Ogre-san.

Third, I’m not sure if he knew them or not, but he purposely let some of the knights to flee and said.

[Derusu. Go home and tell Count Wind and Gairai. My sword is dedicated to the Lord of this city.]


[We’ll meet again sooner or later.]

I want you to stop because it sounds like a declaration of war. Apart from that, I don’t recall receiving any kind of commitment.

So far, I’m kind of complaining. It’s not a big deal.

“So who’s gonna clean up the body…..”

This is the root of my dissatisfaction with the situation. These days, if one or two people perish in the wild, animals will take care of them, as they always have.

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But if the door is open, no one will clean it because we have to intercept the beast before it gets too close.


It is not impossible to cultivate tiger skin. However, it is not advisable to give too much, but should I think about it?

For the gate that never closes.


They celebrate the victory of war, they feast, and today the Tiger skins are working hard at shaking their hips.

They don’t care if there are people from the village.

Apparently, Junee is now old enough to participate in this event. I’m deeply moved.

The people in the town were shocked and hurried back to the hot spring facility.

They usually live at home, but since they don’t have a place to stay yet, it seems that Ogre and his friends have given them a room in a spa facility. That’s mine……

But what. Children……

“What’s wrong?”

“No, I was thinking about children.”

“You want it?”

“Not really. It’s just that Suzuka’s looking so envious lately.”

“Oh, yeah. I mean, sure, I can be jealous, but I don’t want it, you know?”

“Well, considering the risk of going berserk.”

“No, no. There’s that too, but I rather not be without it right now.”

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“That’s kind of surprising……”

“There was a time when I wanted to have one. But when I saw Shuten-san, I had second thoughts……”

“I see what you mean.”

We can’t die. The ones who are born are normal children.

You will have to watch their death at some point in the near future. When I think about it, it almost seems impossible.

We will adore them as soon as they are born. So much so that I’d be willing to give up my physical body to do so. That’s why I’m not sure I’ll be able to deal with that death.

Would he have taken that decision at that time if he didn’t have a daughter? Most likely, no.

Shuten makes the option to see her daughter die of old age rather than choosing to live in order to raise her.

We, who are not yet parents, are not prepared for such a responsibility. Even if we are able to deliver a child without going berserk.

“But then again, maybe there are times when I still think about it…”

“We can think about it then. If there are people who have come to reason, maybe we can give reason to the children we give birth to.”

We’re not going to die. So there’s no need to rush.

You might call it procrastination, but there is plenty of time to procrastinate.

“We’ll take our time.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

But we’re still going to do it.

Human desires can be very cruel.

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