Yu Zhaohan was not satisfied with Shi Du’s attitude. It was such an important matter, yet Timeless was unwilling to cooperate and even told him not to ask nonsense questions.

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But he had to ask. He must ask.

“We can’t escape this problem, Shi Du.” Yu Zhaohan said earnestly, “If we are really gay, we should face our feelings and think about what to do in the future.”

Shi Du’s expression was indescribable: “For example?”

“For example, how should we tell our family and whether we can cope with the pressure of society. And also, after we start living together, should we raise rabbits or cats? Whom should we invite as best man at our wedding?”


Shi Du’s eloquent mouth completely lost its strength at this moment.

“Marriage” and “honeymoon” were too far away for an eighteen-year-old boy, but when Yu Zhaohan said it, he thought it was outrageous and cute, and he was even interested in having an in-depth discussion with Yu Zhaohan about it.

Since they met on the professional gaming stage, they could have their teammates as the best men, and they could have both rabbits and cats as pets.

After realizing what he was thinking, Shi Du laughed to himself.

What was he doing? Could it be that silliness was contagious?

Shi Du took a deep breath, trying his best to look [nonchalant] and [at ease]. “Alright, I’ll listen to Yuyu, we won’t avoid it, we’ll face it seriously.”

Yu Zhaohan nodded: “Exactly, that’s the right way to solve the problem.”

The two of them stood in the middle of the second-floor corridor, each holding their gaming laptops. The laptops, due to their performance, were not as lightweight as usual laptops; they felt as heavy as bricks in their hands.

Shi Du took Yu Zhaohan’s laptop from his hands and said, “Then I’ll ask you too, would you want to kiss me?”

When Yu Zhaohan asked Shi Du, he had valid reasons, now it was his turn to be asked, he was the same as Shi Du— stuck.

What could he say? He liked being hugged and close to Shi Du, but he also enjoyed hugging and being close to his other teammates. As for kissing, he had never considered that two guys could kiss each other before. If he knew… would he want to?

Yu Zhaohan answered honestly, “I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it.”

Shi Du felt somewhat dissatisfied and retorted, “Well, neither have I.” Shi Du felt a little guilty and added, “At least not until today.”

Yu Zhaohan pondered: “Does this mean that we are not gay yet?”

“It’s hard to say,” Shi Du replied slowly, “I think we should be more strict in our approach.”

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Yu Zhaohan agreed: “You are right. Then we will continue to observe the little boss and his wife, and then conduct a strict comparison.”

“But… isn’t that a bit inappropriate?”

“We’ll observe discreetly.”

They had lingered on the second floor for so long that they heard Old Tan shouting from downstairs, “What’s taking you two so long to get a gaming laptop? Cheese is going moldy and growing hair!”

Cheese shouted cooperatively: “I’m growing hair! I’m growing hair!”

The two were silent for a few seconds, and Shi Du said, “Shall we go down?”

“Wait a minute,” Yu Zhaohan rubbed his cheeks, “I’ll wash my face first to let it cool down.”

They returned to the training room and gave their spots to Li Yuexi and Nan Xu. Then, they logged into their gaming accounts using their laptops.

As Li Yuexi and Nan Xu were regular players and couldn’t be on the same team, they drew lots to form two teams. In the end, it was Timeless, Li Yuexi, Cheese, and Stone in one team, and Yu Zhaohan, Nan Xu, Jiang Di, and Qi Xian in the other.

Li Yuexi put on the earphones and said: “Let’s agree that this is a casual game, and we can play however we like. As long as we have fun.”

Cheese said meanly: “Does that mean I can beg the captain not to kill me?”

Yu Zhaohan replied calmly, “You can try.”

The eight of them entered the custom room. The host, Jiang Di, asked, “Which map should we choose?”

“Mars Base,” Li Yue Xi said, “It’s my favorite.”

Apart from Yu Zhaohan and Shi Du, the other four R.H were very considerate of being companions while playing games with the little boss and his wife. They encouraged Li Yuexi and Nan Xu to choose the position first and to give up their positions to the bosses if needed.

Li Yuexi wanted to play the assassin role, while Shi Du picked the sniper position. According to Li Yuexi, Nan Xu wasn’t good at shooting games; if they were playing a MOBA tower-pushing game, he could carry the team, but in a shooting game, he could only play a support role and heal others.

Shi Du’s sniper was at a high position and saw Nan Xu’s position through the sniper scope: “The little boss’s wife is next to the astronomical telescope in the observation room on the second floor. There’s a bulletproof glass blocking me, so I can’t snipe.”

Li Yuexi volunteered and jumped into action, “Then I’ll kill him.”

Shi Du: “Okay, I’ll cover.”

Li Yuexi climbed over the wall to the second floor and saw Nan Xu hiding in the corner, providing support to his teammates through a narrow door slit. As the assassin approached, Nan Xu had no escape unless his sleep dart could hit a highly agile assassin, which was quite challenging for a regular player.

Nan Xu’s reaction was quick, and he used his sleeping gun the first moment he saw Li Yuexi and luckily hit him. But Li Yuexi reacted faster, and a timely rebound skill made the bullet of the sleeping gun go back the same way and hit Nan Xu.

Nan Xu fell asleep by his sleeping gun and lay motionless on the ground.

Li Yuexi proudly said: “Brother, you still want to put me to sleep, but I didn’t expect you to fall asleep instead?”

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“Figure it out,” Nan Xu said, “It’s not like I’ve put to sleep just once or twice.”

Qi Xian smiled and joked, “I never thought that the boss’s wife would make such a joke because he looked cold.”

Yu Zhaohan: “Huh?”

Cheese: “Huh? Did the boss’s wife make a joke?”

Shi Du: “What kind of joke?”

Qi Xian hesitated for a second and said, “Just pretend I didn’t say anything, virgins.”

Li Yuexi did not kill Nan Xu after putting him to sleep; instead, he stood next to him and performed a ninja move, pretending to slice an apple with his knife.

Shi Du pondered deeply.

Is this love?

When Shi Du was distracted, an arrow grazed past his face, narrowly missing his head—it was shot by Yu Zhaohan’s archer. Shi Du immediately used his grappling hook to escape.

Yu Zhaohan exposed his position because of this arrow. Shi Du saw that his health bar was only one-third full, meaning he could take him down with a body shot, but Yu Zhaohan needed a headshot to take him out.

It was well known that challenging Yu Zhaohan in a sniper duel was suicidal. They had an advantage in a direct team fight, so there was no need to take such a risk.

Shi Du asked his teammates for help without hesitation: “Cheese, come with me to kill the captain.”

Cheese exclaimed, “On my way!”

Shi Du used his grappling hook again to get behind Yu Zhaohan. He managed to apply the effect of an assassin to a sniper. With Cheese’s support, he didn’t even need to scope in; the normal attack damage was enough to kill Yu Zhaohan.

However, just when he was about to make a move, he hesitated for the first time in his life.

This was just a friendly game between friends. Even in the comparison earlier, Little Boss didn’t have the heart to kill his wife. Did he really want to kill Yuyu now?

Cheese noticed Timeless’ hesitation and shouted, “Little Brother?!”

Yu Zhaohan caught Shi Du’s hesitation at this moment, turned around and shot his head with an arrow, and sent him back to the resurrection point quickly and ruthlessly, and also securing Cheese’s head.

[R.H Shine eliminated R.H Timeless]

[R.H Shine eliminated R.H Cheese]

Shi Du: “…” His wife is ruthless.

Cheese yelled: “What is Timeless doing! Xiao Jiang, someone here is playing fake games, come and scold him!”

Shi Du had a cold expression: “Shut up.”

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Jiang Di said, “It’s just a friendly match, no need to criticize.”

The eight of them played for two hours. Yu Zhaohan was thinking about Qi Xian’s hand and said, “Let’s stop here for today, it’s time to rest.”

Little Boss wasn’t satisfied, “Ah, I haven’t played enough yet.”

“You guys can stay at the base for another day,” Old Tan warmly suggested, “There’s an empty room in the base that Auntie frequently cleans, you can just make a bed and stay.”

Li Yuexi was a little moved but didn’t agree immediately. He asked Nan Xu: “Brother, what do you think?”

Seeing the anticipation in his junior’s eyes, Nan Xun replied, “Sure.”

The room where Li Yuexi and Nan Xu lived temporarily did not have a bathroom, so they could only share the public bathroom with Shi Du and Cheese. When Shi Du went to take a shower, there were already people in the bathroom, so he turned around and walked to Yu Zhaohan’s room.

Yu Zhaohan opened the door and saw him, then said, “You’re here. It just so happens that I have something to tell you.”

Shi Du walked in with a bath towel on his shoulders: “What’s the matter?”

“Little Boss couldn’t bear to kill Boss’s wife, but I was very happy to kill you.” There was a hint of unintended disappointment in Yu Zhaohan’s tone. “Through the comparison, I can conclude that I only have a teammate’s affection for you—I’m not into guys. Timeless, I’m sorry.”

Shi Du was stunned for a moment, then blurted out: “You’re talking nonsense.”

Yu Zhaohan said, “I’m not.”

“Your comparison is wrong.” Shi Du said, “The little boss and his wife are not professional players, but we are. We are used to being merciless to the enemy in the game. This does not mean that we are not gay.”

Yu Zhaohan was confused: “You mean, we are gay? Are we already bent?”

“…I’m just saying that every couple has a different way of getting along, and you can’t always compare us to them.”

Yu Zhaohan was persuaded, “I see, I’ll find another way to determine it.” He noticed the towel on Timeless’ body and asked, “Are you here to use the bathroom?”

“Yes, the bathroom is currently occupied by Little Boss.”

Yu Zhaohan had a sudden thought: “Shi Du, do you think the little boss and his wife take a bath together?”

Time Du: “.”

“Should be. Bathing together seems to be a very normal thing between couples.” Yu Zhaohan asked again: “Then have you ever thought about taking a bath with me…”

Before Yu Zhaohan finished speaking, everything went dark in front of him. Shi Du had put his towel over his head, and he could smell the laundry detergent that Shi Du often had on his body.

Then, Yu Zhaohan heard the boy’s exasperated voice: “I told you not to ask nonsense. Are you trying to ask or trying to remind me, for fuck sake?”

Yu Zhaohan took the towel off his head: “Why are you always so rude? I’m telling you, my mom dislikes foul-mouthed people the most.”

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“…Sorry.” Shi Du pressed his temples and forced a smile, “I think I won’t be using your bathroom right now. I’ll wait for Little Boss to finish—goodnight.”

That night, Yu Zhaohan did some impromptu research and collected quite a bit of information about gay relationships, delving into some… details. By the end of it, his face had wrinkled up in a weird way while looking at the computer screen.

The next day, Yu Zhaohan woke up early as usual. Jiang Di was already at the gym working out, and the other gaming enthusiasts were still asleep. As he passed by the public bathroom, he heard the sound of running water.

The door of the bathroom was not closed, he approached and saw the little boss and his wife standing side by side in front of the sink. The little’s boss wife was washing his face, and the little boss was brushing his teeth with a toothbrush in one hand and checking Weibo with his mobile phone in the other.

Nan Xu saw Yu Zhaohan and said “Morning” to him. Li Yuexi looked over immediately, spit out the foam in his mouth, and smiled: “Morning, Shine, you woke up so early.”

Yu Zhaohan looked at the two of them: “Morning.”

When Li Yue Xi saw Yu Zhaohan standing at the door without moving or saying anything, he couldn’t help but ask, “Do you need something?”

Yu Zhaohan was about to say something when a hand landed on his shoulder.

“He’s fine,” Shi Du’s voice came from behind Yu Zhaohan, “Sorry to disturb you, you can continue.”

After Shi Du finished speaking, he put his arms around Yu Zhaohan’s shoulders and took him away, leaving the little boss to continue brushing his teeth in confusion.

Once they were far enough, Timeless asked, “Didn’t we agree not to compare ourselves to them? Why did you still observe them?”

“I was just passing by and couldn’t help but take a few more glances,” Yu Zhaohan’s tone sounded somewhat urgent, “Shi Du, I know how to determine if we’re gay or not. I did some research yesterday.”

Shi Du’s expression remained unchanged: “No, you don’t know.”

Yu Zhaohan said seriously: “I really know.”

Shi Du pretended to be listening attentively: “Then tell me.”

Yu Zhaohan said: “I read an article on the Internet, and I think it makes sense. The article said that gay men like the same sex because they prefer the charm of men.”


“So they pay more attention to their body than their faces. Those men who spend all day in the gym and like to wear clothes that highlight their figures are more in line with the characteristics of gay men than men who have exquisite skin care and pay attention to dressing.”

The more Shi Du listened, the more he felt that it was getting more and more ridiculous. He stopped near the gym entrance and pointed to a guy inside wearing tight sportswear, showing off his muscles, “Does Jiang Di fit your criteria? Do you think he’s gay?”

Yu Zhaohan was startled, and said in shock: “Does he wear white socks? The article said that eighty percent of gay men prefer white socks.”

Both of them turned their attention to Jiang Di’s feet. Jiang Di was wearing a pair of lightweight running shoes, and above the shoes were a small section of pure white ankle socks.

Jiang Di was running on the treadmill just fine, but suddenly he felt a bit uncomfortable. He turned around and met two gazes: one from Yu Zhaohan as if saying “Well done, you’ve successfully surprised me,” and another from Timeless as if saying “Ignore him, we’ll lose if we entertain this.”

Jiang Di: “?”

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