The object of Yu Zhaohan’s secret observation target changed from the little boss and his wife to Jiang Di.

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Of course, a person’s sexual orientation is their privacy, and intentionally prying is a very uncouth behavior. Although Yu Zhaohan stumbled upon it unintentionally, he still felt guilty about it. Due to this guilt, he decided to promote Jiang Di’s status from a nobleman to a concubine, giving him the title of “Concubine Jiang.”

Concubine Jiang went to take a shower after exercising, while Yu Zhaohan and Shi Du finished their breakfast and arrived at the training room. Yu Zhaohan asked, “By the way, why did you wake up so early today?”

Shi Du pressed the power button of the console and lazily slouched in the esports chair, “I didn’t wake up early, I simply didn’t sleep.”

Yu Zhaohan: “Why?”

Shi Du thought to himself that Yu Zhaohan still have the nerve to ask why.

Shi Du said: “I’m gay now, isn’t it a big deal? Can’t I lose some sleep over it?”

Yu Zhaohan understood Shi Du’s feelings. Whether they were gay or not would affect their future life trajectory, and its importance was no less than that of a crucial exam in middle school.

He comforted Shi Du: “Don’t lose sleep over it; the conclusion is not certain yet. We may not be gay.”

Shi Du didn’t respond and opened the game client to log in to his account. After Yu Zhaohan put on the earphones, Shi Du said, “I think the probability is high.”

Not long after, Li Yuexi, Nan Xu, and Jiang Di came to the training room one after another. Seeing them training, Li Yuexi didn’t disturb them and stood quietly behind Shi Du to watch him play.

After finishing a game, Shi Du took off his earphones and said, “Shall I play two rounds with the little boss and the little boss’s wife?”

Li Yuexi said politely: “No need, your training is more important.”

Shi Du said, “It’s okay, Brother Xian, Cheese, and the others haven’t woken up yet. Training usually starts in the afternoon.”

Li Yuexi sat down in the vacant seat next to Shi Du: “Oh, in that case, sorry to bother you. Can I continue to play the assassin role? Did we win this segment?”

Shi Du looked confident, “Even if you AFK, we can still win with you.”

Yu Zhaohan noticed Jiang Di leaving the training room with a coffee cup, and after a brief moment of hesitation, he picked up his cup and followed.

The base’s coffee machine was brought in by Old Tan at great cost and was usually only used by Yu Zhaohan and Jiang Di. Freshly ground coffee took a few minutes, and Jiang Di was waiting nearby, ready to turn off the machine as soon as he saw Yu Zhaohan.

Yu Zhaohan said, “It’s okay, I can wait.”

Jiang Di seemed unwilling to let him wait, “This cup is for you.”

“No,” Yu Zhaohan said, “I want to try new coffee beans.”

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Jiang Di nodded: “Alright.”

The awkwardness of rarely having a conversation between the fake aloof and the real aloof was evident. For two minutes, the only sound in the kitchen was the operation of the coffee machine.

“Jiang Di,” Yu Zhaohan said casually, “Why do you like to exercise?”

Jiang Di said, “It’s a habit.”

Yu Zhaohan: “Oh.”

It was really difficult to talk with the real aloof.

Though the real aloof disliked talking, the person in front of him was his most admired captain, after all. It was the first time Yu Zhaohan actively asked him personal questions, and he didn’t want to be evasive.

“I used to be an athlete,” Jiang Di said, “During college, I trained for four to six hours every day, and my body got used to it.”

Yu Zhaohan recalled Jiang Di’s information, the column of education said “high school”, which meant Jiang Di came to play professionally after taking a leave of absence or dropping out of college.

“Which university?” Yu Zhaohan asked.

Jiang Di mentioned the name of a university, and Yu Zhaohan was somewhat surprised, “Such a good university, why did you come to play esports professionally?”

Jiang Di’s face changed slightly, and his lips tightened into a line.

Yu Zhaohan vaguely realized that he had made an insensitive remark and immediately apologized, “Sorry.”

Jiang Di shook his head, “It’s not the captain’s fault. I just feel that perhaps in E-Sports, there might be the fairness I’m looking for.”

Beep- the coffee machine stopped, and a cup of bitter black coffee was ready, ending their casual chat. Yu Zhaohan’s original goal in talking to Jiang Di was to explore the characteristics of gay men for self-analysis, but his goal was not achieved. However, he gained a different kind of insight.

Everyone in the base has their own past, and Concubine Jiang was no exception.

The little boss and his wife left after lunch. They had to catch an afternoon flight back to Beijing because Little Boss had an experimental class that evening where the teacher would take attendance.

Before leaving, Little Boss announced some good news: “I’ve already talked to the headquarters, and for every game R.H wins in Korea, we will give a bonus of 80,000 yuan every time per person for every win!”

Compared to the annual salaries of several R.H starters, 80,000 yuan might not be a lot, but it was an extra bonus for each win in regular matches. Who in the league, apart from their Little Boss, would be so generous?

Cheese raised his knees like a lion king, and cheered: “Yeah, yeah, my brother who has no money to buy a house is going to be so happy!”

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Shi Du: “?”

Qi Xian said with a smile: “With Little Boss giving out money like this, can the club really make money?”

“Of course!” Li Yuexi said happily, “Just the revenue from the team’s merchandise and subsidies from the league are enough to cover the team’s daily expenses. Not to mention sponsorships, streaming revenue, and tournament winnings… The prize pool for this year’s international invitational will be announced soon, and judging by the current popularity, I suspect it will be even higher than last year.”

“Speaking of merchandise, can the operation team launch a few more personal merchandise of the captain?” Stone mustered up the courage to speak, “The response to the Q-version standee was so good last time. If we have figurines or body pillows, they’ll definitely sell well.”

Old Tan repeatedly said: “This is good, this is good! I’ll talk to the operation team about it.”

Yu Zhaohan also thought it was a good idea; he really wanted to hug himself while sleeping.

“Figurines are nice, but let’s skip the body pillows,” Shi Du said, “I have one request though: can we not do the cheer slogans this time?”

Cheese smiled and said, “Oh come on, it’s just a cheer. You’ve done it before too, just remember not to say ‘Fuck’ next time.”

Shi Du: “.”

With the new grudge added to the old grudge, R.H’s assassin held a grudge against his own support for the whole afternoon. So much so that Cheese collided with Timeless in a Korean server game, and he was killed by him twenty-one times in a single match. Cheese was dumbfounded, sitting in front of the computer, losing his usual radiant demeanor.

At the end of the game, Shi Du thoughtfully gave him a thumbs-up.

“Brother Cheese took the lead in this game,” Shi Du said, “Brother Cheese is super cool.”

Cheese completely broke his defenses and burst into tears.

In the evening, Lu Youshan surprisingly finished training early. Old Tan gathered the boys in the living room and emphasized the points to be noted for the upcoming competition in Korea.

“The flight is booked for tomorrow at noon, so you need to get up by nine in the morning at the latest—yes,” Old Tan nodded seriously at Timeless, “you heard me right, nine in the morning. Make sure to check your passport and ID, and it’s best to bring a spare set of mouse and keyboard. When we land, someone will pick us up…”

“Wait a minute.” Shi Du said, “Where’s the captain?”

He hadn’t seen Yu Zhaohan since they finished dinner.

Old Tan shrugged, “I didn’t call him. Your captain is always mature and responsible, whether he listens to my nagging or not doesn’t matter. What’s important is you guys! Did you all remember what I just said?”

Cheese nodded half-heartedly, “Yes, yes, I remembered, it’s etched in my heart.”

Shi Du sent Yu Zhaohan a WeChat message asking where he was, and Yu Zhaohan quickly replied to him.

[Shine: Where is Shi Du?]

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[Timeless: Living room]

[Shine: Please turn on the TV in the living room and tune it to the movie channel]

[Timeless: ?]

Shi Du was puzzled, but he turned on the TV according to Yu Zhaohan’s words. The movie channel is currently broadcasting a foreign classic film. The heroine is a national treasure-level beauty, sexy and charming, with a charming smile, and successfully caught the eyes of the boys in one shot.

Cheese excitedly said: “Xianxian, isn’t this your goddess!”

“That’s right.” Qi Xian narrowed his eyes and said, “To me, she is the Most Mesmerizing Flower.”

Stone asked: “Mesmerizing Flower?”

Qi Xian explained: “The Most Mesmerizing Flower on Earth.”

“Who is the Mesmerizing Flower?”

Yu Zhaohan’s voice came from the stairs, and Shi Du turned to look. He was stunned for a moment.

“The captain is here! We were just talking…” Cheese’s words were cut off as he saw Yu Zhaohan walking towards them. He almost bit his tongue in shock. “Ca-Captain?”

Yu Zhaohan had just finished taking a shower; his hair was still wet, with water droplets on his eyelashes and collarbone. His lips were tinted red from the steam. He was wearing a pure white t-shirt, and the cotton fabric was slightly damp from the water dripping from his hair, revealing his graceful waistline.

Yu Zhaohan always wore long pants regardless of the season outside, only changing into shorts after a shower. Not to mention newcomers like Stone, even veterans like Qi Xian were seeing Yu Zhaohan’s bare legs without any obstruction for the first time. His legs were long and straight, no less impressive than those of the goddesses on TV.

The living room fell into a strange silence as everyone maintained their previous actions. The scene seemed frozen in time.

Yu Zhaohan said expressionlessly: “Does anyone have a hairdryer? Mine is malfunctioning.”

Cheese gulped madly, “Captain, you…”

“I just took a shower,” Yu Zhaohan said, “Are you guys watching a movie?”

“No,” Qi Xian quickly snatched the remote control from Shi Du’s hand and decisively turned off the TV. “We were waiting for the captain to have a meeting together.”

Yu Zhaohan nodded, “I see.”

“I have a hair dryer, I’ll get it now.” Shi Du stood up, using his body to firmly block the sight of others, “Captain, come with me.”

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Old Tan stretched his neck long behind Shi Du’s back: “Timeless, give a way, I have to take a picture of Shine for business.”

When Shi Du looked back coldly, Old Tan flinched and quickly retracted his neck.

Shi Du grabbed Yu Zhaohan’s shoulders: “Let’s go.”

When the two went upstairs, they happened to meet Lu Youshan who came down from upstairs. Lu Youshan’s mind was all about the competition, and he didn’t show the slightest interest in Yu Zhaohan’s rare freshly bathed appearance: “Shine, I have a new idea for breaking the shield, let’s talk about it?”

Just as Yu Zhaohan was about to agree, Shi Du took a step ahead.

“He’s not available,” Shi Du said, “He can’t talk right now.”

Yu Zhaohan was brought to the room by Shi Du. Shi Du slammed the door, and had an angry look on his face, “No… Yuyu, wife, what are you doing?”

Yu Zhaohan looked at him seriously: “Shi Du, I’m sure now, you are gay.”

Shi Du: “?”

Yu Zhaohan raised his mobile phone in front of Shi Du: “Look at this.”

On the screen of the mobile phone was the interface of a question-and-answer community.

[How to judge whether a person is gay?]

[Thank you for asking. I discovered my sexual orientation at the age of seventeen, and it’s been ten years now. Based on my experience, the best way to determine if someone is gay is to look at their eyes. Gays aren’t interested in women, but when they see good-looking guys, they can’t help but take a few more glances.]

Shi Du closed his eyes and pressed his throbbing forehead.

“Our R.H. may be doomed. Have you seen it? As soon as I came out, everyone didn’t even look at the most mesmerizing flower on earth.” Yu Zhaohan lamented, “Cheese, Xian, Xiao Jiang, Stone, and Old Tan… they might all be gay. You too, Timeless, you are gay too. You didn’t notice, but your eyes widened when you looked at me. Only Lu Youshan may not be.”

Shi Du was about to die of anger: “Are you stupid? Brother Xian once had a girlfriend, how could he be gay?!”

Yu Zhaohan suddenly said: “Oh, right.”

“Based on your way of judging, your millions of male fans are all gay. Even if you just use your fish brain and think; it’s impossible!”

Yu Zhaohan pondered for a moment and sighed, “In that case, this method of judging isn’t reliable either. I’ll find another way.”

Shi Du’s blood pressure was soaring: “…Don’t, I beg you not to.”

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