16: Differentiating into Omega

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When Ling Yunfan arrived at the fourth-floor bathroom, he saw the door was closed, and a scruffy-looking boy with folded arms stood in front of it, saying to those approaching, “Go away, go away, the bathroom is under repair, find another one.”

Ling Yunfan didn’t want to waste his breath with him, he simply shouldered past the boy and kicked the door with force.

The door wasn’t locked, and the impact from the kick caused it to slam against the wall, making a loud noise that drew the attention of nearby students and startled the people inside the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom, three or four boys were huddled together, with the boy sporting a crew cut at the forefront, aggressively grabbing Ji Canghai’s collar and pressing him against the wall.

Attention of everyone in the bathroom turned to Ling Yunfan when he barged in.

Seeing the scene in the bathroom, Ling Yunfan immediately got angry and shouted, “What are you guys doing?”

“Damn it, mind your own business!” Several boys cursed back at him.

Ling Yunfan shouted even louder, “I will mind my business, let him go!”

His words were like lighting the fuse, and two boys rolled up their sleeves and went forward to shove Ling Yunfan. Ling Yunfan fought back without hesitation.

“Don’t touch him!” Ji Canghai shouted anxiously when he saw Ling Yunfan being pinned to the ground.

“Okay, when did you grow some guts?” sneered the boy with the crew cut (short-haired), still holding onto Ji Canghai’s collar.

However, what the short-haired boy didn’t expect was that Ji Canghai, who used to be bullied without saying a word, suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand down with tremendous force, leaving no room for resistance.

“Don’t you fucking move!” The short-haired boy tried to grab Ji Canghai’s collar again.

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The next second, Ji Canghai pulled out a utility knife from his pocket and pressed it against the short-haired boy’s neck.

The short-haired boy had bullied many people and had seen many people resist bravely.

But Ji Canghai in front of him was completely different from those people. His hand holding the knife was very steady, and his eyes, which were as cold as frost, had a faint hint of blood in them.

In the moment when the two of them locked eyes, a chill rushed up the short-haired boy’s spine. He immediately realized that the person in front of him dared to cut his throat with the knife. This person was simply a lunatic.

Just before his sanity snapped, a roar came from the door, “Stop it!”

The teacher arrived in time and stopped the commotion.

Afterward, the teacher confirmed that Ji Canghai and Ling Yunfan were not injured, and let them go back to class. The teacher also angrily called the parents of several bullying students.

Except for the short-haired boy, no one noticed that Ji Canghai had pulled out a knife.

Since that day, those boys only occasionally made sarcastic remarks to Ji Canghai and no longer laid a hand on him.

And Ling Yunfan would always walk home with Ji Canghai after school and became friends with him at school.

During that semester, Ji Canghai grew tall quickly, and before he knew it, he was as tall as Ling Yunfan. As he stopped hunching over and hiding his face with his thick hair, more and more people began to notice him.

In the second semester of their second year, they had a new class on their schedule: physiology.

Words related to secondary sex characteristics entered their vocabulary.

During that time, everyone would discuss these things after class.

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“We’ll be testing for secondary sex characteristics in a month, I’m so nervous.”

“My parents are both betas, so I’m definitely a beta too.”

“As long as I’m not an omega, I’m fine. I don’t want to take suppressants.”

“Alphas have to take suppressants too.”

“Are you stupid? Alphas can choose not to take them if they don’t want to. Can omegas? Omegas will only get bullied in the future and have to wear collars to prevent being bitten. Only my dog wears that kind of thing.”

“Brother Fan, why aren’t you worried at all?”

As friends chatted, they suddenly turned to Ling Yunfan, who was sitting bored on his chair thinking about what to eat for dinner that night.

“Huh?” Ling Yunfan barely snapped back to attention.

“Brother Fan doesn’t need to worry at all!” his desk mate said, slinging an arm around his shoulder. “Just look at that handsome face, he’s definitely an alpha!”

“Indeed,” someone else chimed in.

“In a sudden moment, I feel like if I could be marked by an alpha like Brother Fan, it wouldn’t be bad to differentiate into an omega.”

“Get out of here, Brother Fan would never be interested in you.”

“Hehe, I can use omega’s pheromones to lure Brother Fan.”

“Ew, gross, get away!”

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“Don’t dig your own grave, once an omega is marked, they belong to that alpha for life, there’s no use regretting it.”

Suddenly, Ling Yunfan spoke up, “If I really am an alpha, I won’t let the person marked by me regret it.”

There was a brief moment of silence around him, followed by enthusiastic cheers from his friends.

“No wonder you’re Brother Fan!”

“With Brother Fan saying that, even if I’m really an omega, I’ll still use pheromones to lure him and make him mark me, hehe.”

As everyone was joking around, someone suddenly placed a bottle of chilled cola on Ling Yunfan’s desk.

Ling Yunfan looked up in surprise and met the ink-black eyes of Ji Canghai, which shone like stars in the night sky.

“Oh? How come you’re in our class?” Ling Yunfan smiled.

Ji Canghai replied, “I went to the canteen and got you a bottle of cola.”

“Ha, thanks! By the way, your last class this morning is P.E., right? Wait for me at the playground after school, we’ll go home together.”

“Okay.” Ji Canghai nodded, glanced at the classmate who had just talked about using pheromones on Ling Yunfan, and then left the classroom.

After school, Ling Yunfan quickly packed up his backpack, slung it over one shoulder, and said goodbye to his desk mate and the student in front of him. He hummed a song as he went to the playground to find Ji Canghai.

When he arrived at the playground, he saw Ji Canghai standing under a large locust tree by the rubber track. The mottled sunbeams filtered through the green leaves and cast onto him, making the scene look tranquil and picturesque.

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Ling Yunfan couldn’t help but murmur to himself, this guy is growing taller and taller. I wonder what he’s been eating.

Although Ling Yunfan saw Ji Canghai, he didn’t walk over immediately.

As there was a girl standing beside him. The two were talking, and the girl looked shy with blushing cheeks, apparently showing interest in Ji Canghai.

Ling Yunfan didn’t want to disturb them and stood there waiting.

However, not everyone was as considerate as he was.

The short-haired boy who had always bullied Ji Canghai passed by with his hands in his pockets and saw Ji Canghai. He made rude and mocking remarks, “Hey, lovebirds? Why bother? Next month, when they check, you two will definitely both be omegas, both the kind that stays at home to have babies in the future.”

Ji Canghai frowned slightly, but before he could say anything, angry shouts came from ahead.

Ling Yunfan rolled up his sleeves and walked over, “What the f*ck did you say? Didn’t you brush your teeth when you left this morning? Your mouth stinks so bad.”

The boy with the short hair knew he couldn’t beat Ling Yunfan and Ji Canghai alone, so he didn’t act, but he kept cursing and left.

Ling Yunfan was so angry that he wanted to argue with the short-haired boy, but Ji Canghai stopped him.

Ji Canghai turned to the girl beside him and said, “The person I was waiting for has arrived. I’m leaving now.”

Without waiting for the girl’s reply, he grabbed Ling Yunfan’s arm and pulled him away.

When they walked side by side on the road outside the school gate, Ling Yunfan couldn’t hold back and said, “I should have cursed him more. The more I think about it, the angrier I get.”

Ji Canghai turned his head and suddenly said, “I might really turn into an omega.”

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