17: Pheromone Disorder Rampage

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Upon hearing this, Ling Yunfan was stunned and opened his mouth slightly, “Huh?”

Ji Canghai lowered his eyes and spoke softly, “Today, our physiology teacher said that there is an 80% chance that an omega will give birth to an omega. My mother is an omega, so I am highly likely to be an omega too.”

Ling Yunfan thought to himself, How come he remembers the teacher saying that there is an 80% chance of an omega being born when a beta and omega mate? Does that mean Ji Canghai’s father is a beta?

No, no, that’s not the point.

The point is why Ji Canghai suddenly brought up this topic.

Ling Yunfan recalled the various vicious words of the crew-cut guy just now, as well as the panic and resistance expressed by his classmates in their conversations about the possibility of omega differentiation. He immediately understood what was going on.

Ling Yunfan made a bold promise without hesitation, “Don’t worry if you really differentiate into an omega, I will always protect you and won’t let anyone bully you. I’ll help you drive away those who have ulterior motives against you. You can rest assured that I will do what I say.”

Ji Canghai laughed and asked, “Always?”

“Yes!” Ling Yunfan nodded. “We are friends!”

Ji Canghai’s lips, which had just curled up, drooped down a bit.

The sky was dimly lit, and the setting sun pierced through the thin clouds, casting the tall buildings’ shadows long to the extreme, from the street to the sky, covering Ji Canghai silently.

Ji Canghai suddenly said to Ling Yunfan, “If I really differentiate into an omega, and you differentiate into an alpha, can you mark me?”

“Huh?” Ling Yunfan was startled.

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Ji Canghai said, “Didn’t you say you would always protect me?”

Ling Yunfan hurriedly said, “But that’s a different matter. Don’t let fear cloud your judgment. Marking you would directly deprive you of your future right to choose a partner. This is a big decision that will affect your whole life. How can we make it recklessly?”

Ji Canghai’s eyes were as dark as the deep sea. He was quiet for a while before saying, “Then please temporarily mark me. Temporary markings will disappear, so it should be okay, right?”

Ling Yunfan said, “I will protect you even without marking you.”

Ji Canghai said, “It is said that the omega’s estrus period is very difficult to endure. If you are willing to mark me temporarily, I won’t have to endure the pain of estrus.”

“But… we haven’t even been tested yet…” said Ling Yunfan

But was interrupted by Ji Canghai directly, “What if you really are an alpha and I really am an omega?”

Ling Yunfan didn’t immediately respond. Although he was in the midst of a bustling street, he felt as if the world had been muted, and he could hear his heartbeat pounding like drums in his chest.

Silence is not avoidance, but the result of the young men’s careful consideration.

Then, with great solemnity, Ling Yunfan said to Ji Canghai, “Alright.”

Ji Canghai’s eyes instantly sparkled like stars.

Ling Yunfan promised, “If I am really an alpha, and you are really an omega, I will temporarily mark you until the day you no longer need it.”

With this promise, the next month became very difficult for the two young men.

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One month later, after a blood test organized by the school, they each received a white envelope from their respective homeroom teachers.

Inside the envelope was the result of their secondary sexual traits test.

Ling Yunfan clenched the envelope and ran to the meeting place with Ji Canghai, feeling hot all over and sweating on his palms and the back of his neck.

When he arrived at the big locust tree on the school playground, he found that Ji Canghai was already waiting for him.

Under the clear blue sky and dappled tree shadows, the two young men faced each other, each holding an envelope, looking at each other and struggling to find the right words.

“I’ll look first,” Ling Yunfan said.

“Okay,” Ji Canghai nodded.

Nervously, Ling Yunfan subconsciously swallowed. He carefully tore open the envelope, took out the folded sheet of paper inside, and slowly unfolded it.

When he saw a certain word, Ling Yunfan breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately felt that his responsibility had become even greater.

However, he did not regret the promise he made a month ago.

Ling Yunfan looked at Ji Canghai and said to him, “I am an alpha.”

Ji Canghai’s pupils contracted and he immediately tried to tear open his own envelope, but his hand was shaking so much that he couldn’t do it in a few tries.

Ling Yunfan took the envelope from his hand, tore it open, and handed it to Ji Canghai.

Ji Canghai took out the paper inside and looked down at it.

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Ling Yunfan looked at Ji Canghai and saw a look on his face that he had never shown before.

Ji Canghai’s face turned instantly white, and his lips trembled slightly from the shock, his gaze seeming to lose focus.

“What’s wrong?” Ling Yunfan was startled by Ji Canghai’s expression. “What’s your secondary gender?”

Ji Canghai didn’t answer. He lowered his head and tightly clenched the paper in his hand as if he wanted to crush it.

Ling Yunfan was puzzled. “Is it really omega? Don’t be afraid, I’m here.” He said, looking at the diagnostic report in Ji Canghai’s hand.

In the column for secondary gender, it was written in bold letters, alpha.

Ling Yunfan was stunned for a moment, then breathed a sigh of relief, reached out and patted Ji Canghai’s shoulder, and smiled, “That’s great, you’re not an omega.”

“Great?” Ji Canghai’s voice was a bit off, with a terribly low tone. “What’s so great?”

Ji Canghai’s cold words made Ling Yunfan startle. He quickly smiled and said, “So now you can throw this diagnostic report on that short-haired guy’s face, it must be satisfying. By the way, you don’t have to worry about omega’s estrus anymore, also you wouldn’t need my temporary mark.”

Ji Canghai’s tone was cold, “You really don’t want to mark me, huh? Was it difficult for you to pretend before?”

Ling Yunfan was confused, “No, why do you think that? I didn’t pretend. If you were really an omega, I would definitely help you. We’re friends, right?”

“Ling Yunfan!” Ji Canghai suddenly shouted uncontrollably, “Who the fuck wants to be friends with you?”

Ling Yunfan looked at Ji Canghai in shock, stepped back half a step, and was at a loss for words.

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Perhaps because of the tense atmosphere between the two, Ling Yunfan felt the heavy, hot air pressing on his chest, making it hard for him to breathe. He breathed heavily, his cheeks and ears turning red, and a thin layer of sweat formed on his back.

Ling Yunfan thought to himself, Why, why did Ji Canghai suddenly get angry with me? Did I do something wrong?

He suddenly remembered what his physiology teacher had said.

Alphas always play the role of managers and winners in society, so there is bound to be competition between alphas, which is particularly evident during adolescence.

So did Ji Canghai suddenly turn on him because they are both alphas?

Ling Yunfan felt like his brain had turned into a puddle of paste, with even his reflexes slow and sluggish, he couldn’t snap out of it.

Suddenly, a faint fragrance wafted through the air.

Instinct gradually awakened and clamored within him, causing Ling Yunfan to turn his head abruptly in the direction from which the fragrance was coming.

Ji Canghai gripped Ling Yunfan’s shoulders with both hands, exerting great force, and interrogated him, “What are you looking at?”

Ling Yunfan opened his mouth but couldn’t say anything.

Amidst the chaotic crowd where the fragrance was coming from, someone shouted, “Sister, sister, what’s wrong with you?”

“Sister is an omega, could it be her heat cycle?”

Fragments of conversation drifted into their ears, making the already bad situation like a chemical reaction with a catalyst, instantly spiraling out of control.

Ji Canghai’s eyes suddenly turned blood red, and he reached out and fiercely covered Ling Yunfan’s mouth and nose. “Don’t sniff! Don’t look! Look at me, you can only look at me!”

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