Astral haven

Chapter 12

Feng Mei reached the outskirts of the wilderness. With his speed‚ it didn't take him more than ten minutes to reach the wilderness. He started roaming around here and there in the wilderness‚ killing any beast that he could find along his way.

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Hours passed by‚ and Feng Mei have hunted 5 big beasts ‚ A black buffalo beast that has a height of over 3 metes‚ with thick horns‚ black horns on its head‚ the other was a bastard rabbit beast‚ around a meter long‚ jumping here and there while humping it's waist back and forth‚ cough cough sadly it couldn't move anymore after being punched to death by Feng mei‚ the last three beasts that Feng Mei hunted‚ were definitely the family member of yesterday night boar beast.

After hunting‚ Feng Mei laid on a tree branch‚ as his back rested on the thick tree trunk‚ he closed his eyes and slept.

By the time he opened his eyes some hours have already passed‚ it was nearly dusk time‚ as the brightness of day and the darkness of night combined creating an enchanting scenery in the skies.

Feng Mei decided to pick up all the beast he hunted‚ and bring them back to the village‚ before the last rays of sunlight vanish and darkness falls all around the land.

He placed all the beast on his back that weighted at least more than a dozen ton‚ forming a small mountain on his back. He started to slowly but firmly walked back towards the village.

As he got out of the wilderness night have already fallen.

Each of his steps created a tremble on the ground and a loud sound echoed out. Him walking toward the village‚ alerted the villagers.

From the villager's point of view it looked like a huge beast coming out of the darkness toward the village to commit mass slaughter.

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The villager alerted the hunter in the village.

Soon every person in the village who has even the little bit experience in fighting picked up a weapon to fight the upcoming beast.

Hundreds of villager standing at the eastern entrance of the village with different types of weapon in their hands like broom‚ iron plower ‚ kitchen knives‚ wooden axe‚ etc was the scene that Feng Mei saw when he got out of the wilderness and arrived near the eastern entrance of the village.

"Cough cough! what are you guys doing here?" said Feng Mei while weirdly looking at the eccentric action of the hundreds or so villagers in front of him.

"Look uncle yuan! the weird fat beast actually spoked in our language" said a burly youth holding an ax to a middle-aged man holding knives in his hand‚ standing at the front of the hundreds or so villager‚ as if he is the leader of them all.

How powerful was Feng Mei? with his cultivation level of physical tempering layer 6‚ he easily heard what the burly youth said and understood the misunderstanding that occurred.

He took down the dead beast on his back‚ and put them on the ground one by one‚ the villagers could now actually see that it was crimson human silhouette standing under the darkness‚ before them

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As if a haunting ghost coming after oneself for thy soul‚ Feng Mei covered in blood started walking toward them‚ some of the villagers felt scared and took some step back.

"I hunted these beasts for all of the villagers‚ you villagers can split them amongst the families of the village‚ no need to thank me‚ I am just a generous young master," Feng Mei said this while politely holding the hand of the middle-aged man‚ and showed a generous smile that looked extremely weird and hellish‚ as he was thoroughly covered in the beast's blood.

After saying this Feng Mei started going into the village.

The villagers were not so stupid‚ to not even understand that this person‚ actually hunted beast to help them. The villagers thanked Feng Mei‚ picked up the beast and bring it inside the village‚ they started splitting the beast and providing it to different households established in the village.


Feng Mei walked toward the courtyard‚ while inwardly chatting with the system in his mind.

"Hey system‚ why don't I get any experience point for killing the beast," Said Feng Mei


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"Any being in the physical tampering realm who is 2 or more level/layer below host‚ won't give experience points upon their death" replied the system in the usual monotone voice

"So basically you just don't want me to kill ants/weakling all the time to level up"‚ said Feng Mei to the system.

"En/yup" replied the system

"How many experience points are now needed to break the break the array," Said Feng Mei to the system‚ as he entered the inn and went toward his courtyard.


«host requires 20000 experience points to break the array».

Feng Mei mood brightened up as he chuckled "Hehe‚ 10000 less experience than last time" thought Feng Mei in his mind.

Feng Mei entered the courtyard‚ but didn't saw the guard returning back to the courtyard‚ nor anyone in any rooms. Feng Mei went to wash the blood off his body and changed his clothes‚ he waited for a while then went to ask little treasure and his mother‚ the whereabouts of the party.

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"Knock knock" Feng Mei went up to the second story of the inn‚ where lady yu yan lives with little treasure‚ and politely knocked.

"Coming" ‚ Feng Mei heard the voice of little treasure‚ coming from behind the door‚ and soon the door opened up.

"Brother Mei‚ why aren't you at the village head house," said little treasure to Feng Mei

"What do you mean‚ why should I be at the village head house‚ and were are being at and others?" said Feng mei.

"The village head invited them to their household‚ yesterday one of the hunters young master saved was the son of the village head‚ To show his thanks and respect‚ he invited young master‚ little sister ya and your guards to his house but the young master wasn't present‚ when the steward of village chief household came with the invite‚ so they went ahead to the village chief house"‚ lady Yu Yan calmly explained to Feng Mei.

"Oh, Oh‚The steward told me to tell Brother Mei‚ that he should go to the village chief household If he returns back to the inn" remembered little treasure as he told Feng Mei.

"Umm‚ where's the village chief house?" asked Feng Mei.

"I will lead brother Feng Mei" replied little treasure.

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