Astral haven

Chapter 13

"Lady Yu yan‚ since little treasure is going along with me‚ and it's night time‚ I won't feel good if I send him back all alone‚ so I will bring little treasure back to the inn with me after we return from the village chief residence," Feng mei told his heartfelt thoughts to lady Yu yan.

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"ok‚ young master Mei‚ little treasure don't be naughty and playful‚ if in case you bring trouble to young master or anyone in the village chief household‚ I won't talk to you for three days" lady Yu yan replied to Feng mei‚ while simultaneously telling little treasure‚ that he has to behave properly or else say bye-bye to his mom for three days.

The inn where Feng ya and others were staying at was located in the south-western part of the village.

Little treasure walked out of the inn and heading toward the western side of the village‚ as Feng mei followed behind him.

Along the way little treasure chatted with Feng Mei asking him about where he had gone to the entire day.

"I was hunting beast in the wilderness for the villager," Feng Mei told little treasure trying to spread his action of generosity.

"Wow‚ brother Feng Mei really hunted beast‚ normally the villager only hunt animals and bring back some fishes from the nearby lake‚ I have heard that the beast are extremely dangerous and some are extremely huge"‚ little treasure was excited that Feng Mei hunted beast and exposed his little bit of knowledge about the beast to Feng Mei

"The beast was extremely huge and the villagers on the Eastern side were scared shitless when I returned carrying the beast on my back‚ they thought that I am a big monster‚ they even held weapons in their hands," Feng Mei told little treasure.

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"Hahahaha the villagers must have been stupefied by their own action"‚ little treasure said while laughing loudly.

"Oh! I think it must be little hai who altered the villagers" said little treasure in a normal tone after calming down.

"uhm‚ who is little hai?" asked Feng Mei since he needed any information that may help break the array.

"Little hai is the grandson of the Niu house head‚ located in the Eastern side of the village‚ sadly his Father died when the wild wolf‚ that came out of the wilderness attacked our village in the winter‚ ever since that day little hai would go around the village‚ or go up above the cliff and look out for any possible danger that may appear near the village‚ though some time he was right most of the time he was wrong"

while walking little treasure told little hai life story/experience to Feng Mei.

Going west through the slightly dusty yet plain and paved street of the big village‚ Feng Mei and little treasure finally reached the village chief house.

Some guards wearing copper armors and iron blade stood outside the house gate‚ Feng Mei again felt awe towards the spiritual array when he determined that these guards had the cultivation of level/layer 3 physical tempering realm.

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As Feng Mei walking behind little treasure neared the village chief house‚ the guards turned towards them.

"Young sir‚ who are you" the guard politely questioned Feng Mei while looking at him.

"Hello‚ I am Feng Mei‚ the village chief invited me to his house today" said Feng Mei to the guard".

"Young master‚ wait a minute I will go inform the head steward" said a guard with a young face‚ who went inside to talk to he steward.

Soon an elderly Man that looked around 70 with a head full of white hair and a long white beard appeared‚ surprisingly Feng Mei determined that this old man has achieved level 5 of physical tempering realm.

"Young master‚ the village chief has been excepting your arrival for hours‚ please come in" The old man Lead Feng Mei inside.

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Along the way toward the main courtyard the old man treated Feng Mei with extreme politeness. Feng Mei heard multiple voices of people coming from within the courtyard‚

As he entered the courtyard with little treasure‚ he saw the village chief sitting in a wood couch covered in luxurious silver designs and Feng ya and others sat around him‚ as they all joyfully chatted with each other.

As Feng Mei and little treasure entered the courtyard the village chief looked at them "Ha‚ little treasure came along with brother Feng mei‚ come guys sit down‚ We were just about to start eating" saying this‚ the village head called out toward the nearby servants‚ telling them to start placing the prepared food on the jade tablet.

The village chief looked like a middle-aged man with wrinkles around his eyes‚ Feng Mei determined that the village head has reached level 6 physical tempering‚ having the same cultivation as him.

"I thank brother Feng mei‚ if it weren't for brother Mei‚ this zhang son would have definitely become a cripple or even worse‚ lose his life" The village chief kept on thanking fen Mei.

"Uncle zhang must know‚ that we can't tolerate other people getting hurt and we have always been helping those in need throughout our lives" Feng Mei directly referred to the village chief as his uncle‚ giving respect‚ as he spoked out the cliche lines that he has prepared for this exact moment‚ while inwardly asking system about the remaining experience point needed to break the array.

\u003cDing!\u003e «host need 18000 experience point»‚ system replied to Feng Mei.

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"Brother Feng Mei and young miss guards deeds of generosity have spread throughout the village‚ all the household of our Ju Hua village demanded me to ask you guys to stay in the village for three more days‚ as the village summer end festival will begin and the chrysanthemum flower planted along the river stream will bloom‚ I believe brother Feng Mei and young miss won't be disappointed by the tasty wine‚ beautiful scenery and sincerely hope that you guys will stay"‚ the village chief said

"Sure‚ why not since it's only three more days we will definitely stay and join in to have fun in the festival" hurriedly said Feng Mei without giving anyone else the chance to reply to the village head.

" Hahaha‚ since brother Feng has agreed‚ I can rest assured and tell the villager to start preparing" the village chief joyfully said.

"Brother Zhang‚ don't need to trouble the villagers about the meat‚ since I am in the village I will hunt the required beast". The village chief tried to refuse him‚ but how could Feng Mei let go of this chance of earning more good karma‚ he insisted on hunting beast until the village chief gave in.

Feng Mei and others finished eating and after some hours decided to leave the village chief residence. As little treasure has fallen asleep‚ Feng Mei decided to carry him back to the inn. They left the village chief residence‚ came back to the inn. Feng Mei gave little treasure to lady Yu Yan‚ who didn't sleep as she was anxiously waiting for her child return.

Feng Mei‚ Feng ya and the guards returned back to their rented courtyard‚ the guard went inside their room to rest and sleep‚ as Feng Mei didn't feel like sleeping he went inside the pavilion‚ with a small pond‚ near their courtyard and sat down to rest.

Gazing at the moon reflected in the pond silently‚ he reminded himself that the entire village is merely an illusion.

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