Chapter 2

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[Wake up….wake up….host]

Xia Yuanba : Just let me sleep for another 5 minutes.

[WAKE UP!!!]

Xia Yuanba close his ear using his but it futile cuz system straight talking to his mind.

"Yea..yea.. I already awake" said Xia Yuanba rubbing his eyes.He look around his room but see no one.He jolted from the bed and subconsciously guard up himself.

Xia Yuanba : Who's there show yourself.

"Maybe there a pervert barge in my room cuz I'm look cute"muttered Xia Yuanba.

[Oi host I'm in your mind]

"Fuck! a ghost try to possess me.Father! Father! help me!"loudly he shout.

[Oi host can you shut your mouth.I'm not ghost,you should call me SS System]

After heard that there were no ghost Yuanba sigh relieved.As for system he thought 'is this my cheat like in novel?'


[ why there a SUPER word in every you naming]

"Cuz you say that you a system so that why you need a SUPER word to show your omnipotent"replied Xia Yuanba nonchalantly.

Suddenly there someone barge in the room.Xia Hongyi heard his son asked for help so he quickly speed himself to Yuanba room.

"Yuanba what happening are you okay?I heard you screaming did someone attack you?Let me handle him"said Xia Hongyi worry.

Yuanba felt warm in heart heard his father word.He sheepishly replied "No Father I just having a nightmare".

Xia Hongyi : Take a rest.I know yesterday is a hard day for you.

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His father advice him after that walked out of the room.Yuanba close the door and take a sit on the chair.

Xia Yuanba : System what is your function and why you choose me?

[Host can just talk through mind I don't want my host to be call crazy kid]

[As for my function is to guide host to become strong while for why I choose host, you don't need to know]

[And also I'm not omnipotent system]

Yuanba noticed that at the end of system talk there were faint trace of scared tone.He felt suspicious but eventually he decided to let it go.

[Host just need thought status in your mind]

Xia Yuanba 'Status'



[Age : 8]

[Realm : 1th Elementary Profound]

[Bloodline : ?????????]

[Profound Vein : Tyrannical Emperor's Divine Vein]



[SS point : 0]

'So you called Seven Sins System' thought Yuanba.'System can I get starter pack'said him.

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[Sorry host...You need work yourself to get SS point.I'm not a charity you know]

Xia Yuanba 'How can I get SS point?'

[Host only need to become target for seven sins.If host don't understand let me give example : if someone feel envy to you will get point.If someone feel wrath to you,you get point.]

[Host also can finished quest to get SS point]

'System can you explain me about types of sins to get the point replied him.

[Seven sins consist of seven type GREED,ENVY,SLOTH,PRIDE,LUST,WRATH and GLUTTONY]

'What the $&$%.System how I can get point through GLUTTONY and SLOTH' cursed him.

[I don't know it's up to you host]

He thought 'System open the shop section'


[Special For You-

HELL AND HEAVEN TYRANT EMPEROR CULTIVATION TECHNIQUE (10000 SS Point) ~ 99% discount {time limit-10 years}

BLOODLINE AWAKENING PILL (8000 SS Point) ~ 70% discount {time limit - 5 years}


[Anime Version - One Piece (1 years)~Before rotation


                        HITO HITO NO MI (10 -2000 SS Point)

                        TORI TORI NO MI (10 -2000 SS Point)

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                        LOGIA TYPE-

                        HIE HIE NO MI (2000 SS Point)

                        YAMI YAMI NO MI (2500 Point)



                        PARAMECIA TYPE-

                        GOMU GOMU NO MI (650 SS Point)

                        SUBE SUBE NO MI (700 SS Point)




                        KENBUNSHOKU (2500 SS Point)

                        BUSOSHOKU (2000 SS Point)

                        HAOSHOKU (80000 SS Point)

                        WEAPON: .....]

'System the *special for you* categories already discount or not?'asked Xia Yuanba.

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[It already discounted host]

'Tch I can't even imagine the price if it not given discount.Just how many years did I need to spend to get that points thought him.

[Don't worry host you will manage it]

Xia Yuanba 'System what meaning for the 1 year before rotation?'

[It mean after 1 years time,the shop will refresh to sell other anime world item cuz system made shop to only open for one anime world at a time for every 1 year period]

He nodded indicate he understands the explanation.

Xia Yuanba 'System open the quest section'

[Quest : -Steal the sky poison pearl from Yun Che (2500 SS Point)

            -Awaken bloodline (2000 SS Point)

            -Breakthrough to Nascent Profound Realm (1500 SS Point)



'There were many quest but system if I finished all the quest what will happen asked him.

[Don't worry system will add new quest and there also special quest that have time limit prepare for host]

'So I will have about 8 years time before Xiao Che died and Yun Che reincarnate when big sis wedding being held thought him.

He need to find a way to become strong.But he will not choose to awaken his divine vein for the time being because he want to build solid foundation of skills and get as many experiences as he can.

As he think his future plans,ding sound is heard.

Xia Yuanba bewildered after that gawked when heard the system quest.

[Ding...Special quest initiate….Peek on naked body of Xia Qingyue..time limit today....reward….1000 SS Point]

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