Chapter 3

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As the sky shone brightly at the Floating Cloud City.The resident of the city start to wake up to start a new day.The shop owner start their business,the warrior start to practice their weapon and the other start to doing their own things.

While at Xia Family courtyard,there is a boy that sitting meditation but if you look closely you will notice that there was a deep frown on his face.

'System why there is no progression in my body although I already cultivate for an hour?'asked Xia Yuanba.

[Host is lacks of focus while cultivate that why host progression is slow]

'This is your fault system,if you don't prompted that special quest this thing will not happen' thought him.

[System have nothing to do with this.It's happened because host pervert thought]

'#%#%@&@& pervert thought you said I'm pure you know' said Xia Yuanba.

[Pure as asshole] mumble system.


Few minutes earlier,

[Special Quest : Peek on naked body of Xia Qingyue (Time limit : Today)

Reward : 1000 SS Point]

Xia Yuanba 'System what is this?What the #%#%# did you prompted quest like this?'


[This is special quest that system talk about before.Special quest always have a time limit but for normal quest it didn't]

[As for the special quest it will randomly initiate by system to give host a challenging task]

'So you challenge me to peek my sister body?And why the heck with that many point?'asked him again.

[This is privilege for first special quest,system have already multiple it 10 times from original reward.Usually every special quest given reward based on difficulty]

'So you mean that after this I may will not get another chance?'

[Yes host]

He feel like he head is spinning think about this thing so he decided to meditation.



"Let's take a bath first.Maybe it will give a little bit piece of mind"said Xia Yuanba.

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While bathing he look himself onto the mirror notice that his hair length already touch the shoulder so he cut them shorter.After bath he wore his clean clothes but he felt the clothes is bit bigger,this making him uncomfortable.

"Sister Yang!Sister Yang"he called his housekeeper.

"Yes young master Xia,I'm coming"Sister Yang replied.

He heard a footsteps move quickly to his room and mature woman about 20 years old with a perfect curve entered his room.

"Sister Yang is there another new clothes this cuz this clothes is bit bigger"said him.

Sister Yang a bit dazed when saw Xia Yuanba topless with only his towel wrapped around his waist.There were faint outline of muscle on his body not like before that filled with fat.Added with his height that more than his peers even a young girl with normal heart will have a skip of beat.

Xia Yuanba seeing her condition he move himself in front of her."Sister Yang!"loudly him said.

She in the dazed state snapped herself heard voice of him.She blushed because when knew how the ways she see her young master.

Luckily she already trained professionally by main housekeeper a.k.a her mother."But young master these clothes is a normal one that you always use"replied her seriously.

"There are no other clothes that can I wear cuz it size"said him.

Sister Yang : Ummm...let me think for a second.Ha...I got an idea I will sewing young master new clothes but...but…

Xia Yuanba : But what?

"I need young master new measurements"replied her fidgety.

Xia Yuanba : Ok but can I ask how long need you to finish sewing?

"About 20 minutes"said her.

"Ok.You can start measurements"said him.Sister Yang start to take out measurements tool and check his size.She took this chance to stare at Xia Yuanba muscle body.She gulped see his body,her sexual hormone aroused when smell his man fragrant.

[Lust + 10 SS Point]

Xia Yuanba : Sister Yang are ok?Your face is reddish color.

"I'm okay young master just today I'm a bit tired"replied her hastily scared her doing will get expose.

Never did she know her action already been known by him through system.

Sister Yang : I'm already finish measuring.Only need to sew it.

"Ok"replied him calmly but inside he felt turbulent because system notification.Seeing the lust word he subconsciously look to her and gulped himself but he manage suppressed his inner demon that want him to 'eat' her.If his body a little bit bigger thought him with pervert mind.

After 20 minutes,he wore his new clothes that fit nicely with his body.

He look charming with black clothes,short black spiky hair and little bulky muscular body.He thanks her and went to the kitchen to get himself a breakfast.

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Along the way to the kitchen he asked system 'System what actually happening to my body'

[Host actually there venom waste in your body in some part of your body.As you guess your tyrannical emperor's divine vein can resist poison but it need energies]

[Host excessive fat used by your divine vein to act as energy to neutralize the venom]

Xia Yuanba asked worry 'So that why I feel sore in my body.System what will happen if I already out of fat?'

[Don't worry host system already estimate the condition that you will ok and this is a best way to destroy fat in your body]

Along the way he pass by Xia Qingyue room and felt ice cold aura.'It's look like big sis already interact with the Frozen Cloud Asgard' thought him.

Before this he have an idea to prevent her sister from join Frozen Cloud Asgard because the problem lies in the cultivation technique but he dismissed it because 2 reason.

First the sect consist of female this way she can protect herself from guy with bad intention.Second he can't prevent her to join any sect because it's her desire to strive becoming strong to meet her mother.


After breakfast he decided to take a walk around the city.As he think should he finish the special quest he noticed someone that he knew.

'Xiao Lingxi' thought him.She been surrounded by a group of boys and appeared to bullied by them.Without second thoughts he charged himself to the group.

Some of them got hit by him screaming in pained expression.

"Its dumb from Xia Family" bully 1

"Don't mess with us before we beat you"bully 3

"Yeah he only at 1th Elementary Profound Realm we already 2th Elementary Profound Realm"bully 2

"Let's beat him"bully 3

"Yuanba what you doing here?"asked her in worry tone.

"Lingxi don't worry I will protect you"seriously Yuanba said as he show his back to her view.He wide back look like a impenetrable wall in her eyes without knowing she let out a warming smile.

The group beat him like some kind of dummy he gritted his teeth endure the pain.Some of them tried to hurt Xiao Lingxi he quickly hugged her body protecting her.

"Yuanba let me go you is injured.Just let me,I don't need you to sacrifice yourself for me"said with sad tone,

"No I will not let you go if I do that you will get hurt"replied him firmly.

"But-but you…"stuttered her tried to says because she on verge to crying.

"It's's okay...ughh.."said Xia Yuanba calming her while endured the pain.

After a few minutes,

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The bullies group felt tired.

"Fyuh...what wrong with him"bully 1

"Yeah...did he don't felt pain"bully 2

"Lets go from here,our work is just to annoy Xiao Lingxi...I don't want contact with this this dumb of Xia Family"bully 3

After the group leave,Xia Yuanba flop to the ground with body full of bruise and injured.

Xia Yuanba : Uggh...uhuk...uhuk..

"Yuanba...sniffle ..sniffle….why did you protect me?"asked her while crying.

"I protect….ugh... you because I like you"(as a friend)said him calmly.

"But….but I already have Xiao Che"muttered her heard his said he like her while blushing but Xia Yuanba can't hear because too focus to endure the pain.

Xia Yuanba : I gonna go home

Xiao Lingxi : I will send you home

Xia Yuanba : it's okay I think you need to see brother in law first(Xiao Cue).I think he must worry about you.

Xiao Lingxi : But..but..

"No but you need to go"said him placing his finger on her lips.

After seeing her leaving.He look around luckily today there not many people.

He loudly shouted "Arghhh...."pent up the feeling pain he bottle up.


As he walked home the injured show sign to heal.He cursed himself because his too weak in this world that strong prey the weak.But he still patient because he don't want to ruin his own plan.This pain also help him realized the suffer he need to withstand to become strong.Like people said 'No Pain No Gain'.

Arrived home he quickly entered his room.After the event,his mind became more calm.He lets his wound heal perfectly,after that he sat on the floor close his eyes and start cultivating.The profound qi smoothly entered his body and start to increasingly.He felt his cultivation at the peak of 1th Elementary Profound Realm feel a wall before breakthrough,he absorbed all the profound qi forcefully into his body.Finally he felt his aura is increasing and he breakthrough to 2th Elementary Profound Realm.

Because of his special divine vein he cultivation speed is slower than normal people.After breakthrough he open his eyes and notice it already about to get midnight.Thinking back his special quest it look like it failed though him.

For now his want to take a bath after smell his body.He decided to go to the main bathroom of the house cuz it much bigger than personal bathroom.

As he arrived in front the door he open the door slowly because don't want to disturb the other people who was sleeping.He entered the bathroom and take of his clothes.Xia Yuanba about to jump into the pool 'yes a pool' that why he want to bath here.

He heard a feminine ice cold voice "Freeze" and he saw a young girl wrapping herself with towel near the pool.Her small breast that shown sign to start develop and her ass start to take a shape can be seen through to the bulging of the towel.Added with her beautiful face shone with moon light.It truly beautiful thought him at the same he notice who actually her it was Xia Qingyue.

"Wait!..."before he finish his word Xia Qingyue attack him.

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Luckily she recognizes the voice and manage to deviate the path of the attack slight.The ice shard pass beside his ear made his spine shudder because a see the result of the wall behind is crumbled in front of this attack.

"Yuanba is that you I'm sorry I thought you an intruder because you look different"said her worriedly as she ran to me.While her ran she accidentally tripped herself.Xia Yuanba ran to her and catch her into his arm.

Feeling the something soft press against his chest he felt blissful while his left hand wrapping around her waist and right hand on her ass.Because his height is about the same with Xia Qingyue he saw her face only 1 cm distance from him.

At the same time, 'Why I feel so warm against my chest and its different than I thought' think him because Xia Qingyue should wearing a towel.He lowered his vision to his chest and gawked because there is no towel wrapping her body because she now totally naked in my arms.Her towel already fall to the floor.

He gulped.His right hand that placed on her ass subconsciously pinch her ass as he felt the direct skin contact.

Suddenly he felt murderous aura targeting him he look to the source and found that came from Xia Qingyue.Her face is red because of anger and shame.After that he heard she said "Pervert" and attack him.Xia Yuanba start lose conscious.

[Ding!..CONGRATULATIONS…...Host finished quest before the time limit...Peek on naked body of Xia Qingyue…..rewards 1000 SS Points]

[Bonus +200 SS Point -Pinch her ass]


Next morning,

"Ughh….why is my head is hurt"said Xia Yuanba wake up from the bed.

"Yuanba are you okay?"asked Xia Hongyi worried.He heard from his daughter that Yuanba is tripped in the bathroom.He don't know how her daughter knew because his son is tripped while naked.This make him felt suspicious but he dismissed it and quickly take Yuanba to his room to have a medical check.

Xia Qingyue is in the room too.She there to make sure that her brother never tell what actually happened last night.

"Father….Where am I should not I on the way to the bathroom?"asked Xia Yuanba.

"Qingyue found you tripped in the bathroom"said his father.

"Did I tripped myself,how can"mumble him.He tried to think what actually happening but it make his head in pain.

Xia Yuanba : Arghh…

"Yuanba are you okay?"seeing him in pain his father panicked start to ask him.

"I'm okay just my head is hurt maybe because I try to remember what actually happened"said him.

Xia Qingyue felt guilty seeing him in pain and the same time relieved because he doesn't remember last night accident.Remember last night situation she blushed because Xia Yuanba muscular body and her pinch ass.She quickly get out of the room.

Xia Hongyi seeing his daughter leave also decided to leave to let him rest.

'System what actually happening last night' asked Yuanba.Its look like he really don't remember the accident.

[You will never know will never know] said system mysteriously.



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