Chapter 4

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Xia Yuanba as he lie down he started asking many questions to system but he felt helpless cuz system ignored him.

He lift up the blanket to get up from the bed and noticed he is naked luckily he don't move too much in present of his father and sister.If that happens he don't know how to explain.

He felt his body is somehow lighter than before.'System did the venom fully neutralize' asked him.

[Ding!....Yes.Now host body in the perfect state]

Now his body look a bit bulky with height about 6 feet added with tan wolf-like face he look a bit like wolverine(Logan).Seeing his 'little brother' with size 7 inch in normal state he feel proud in heart but he felt his little brother a bit wet and somewhat hurt.

'Did I have a wet dream?' thought him.He also think who the model in his dream if he did for example Xia Qingyue or Xiao Lingxi.


What actually happening when our MC unconscious,

Early in the morning,while Sister Yang cleaning the dining room someone shout calling her.

"Elder Sister Yang!"???

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"Ohh.. it's Maria what do you want?"asked Sister Yang calmly.

Maria : Elder Sister Yang,your mother pass me a message that you need to clean young master Xia body.

"Clean young master Xia body??"Sister Yang tilted her head in confusion.

"You don't know what actually happened to young master Xia"replied Maria seeing expression.

Sister Yang shook her head.Maria start to tell her the story about Xia Yuanba tripped in the bathroom and now unconscious to let her know the situation.Although she felt weird cuz there crumbled wall in the bathroom based on the story but she quickly dismissed it.

"Thanks Maria for the information.Now I need to go get a thing for the work"said her to Maria.

She bring a basin of water and a small towel and move entered Xia Yuanba room.

Seeing him lie down on the bed with a towel intanct to his body.She wet the towel into the water in basin and wipe his upper body.After finish it she in the state of an uncertain if she should clean his lower part body.

Subconsciously she start to stare to his crotch that slightly bulging through the towel.Her sexual hormones start to released as her face becoming bright red.

[Ding! Lust+ 20] sound system in MC mind but unfortunately he still unconscious.

She move her hand touching the bulging crotch and slowly rub it.She slowly removed the towel that close his crotch.

After she removed the towel,her mind become little bit disorder because she saw the size of Xia Yuanba little brother.'It's a little too big for 8 years old kid' think her.She touch his little brother and move her soft hand around it.Xia Yuanba little brother start to turn hard and bigger felt the soft touch.The size now is 9 inches!!

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She entered his little brother into her mouth and start suck it.She doing *******(you know what) to his manhood.Her crotch start to getting wet as she play with the MC little brother.

[Ding! Lust+ 30]

[Ding! Lust+ 50]

"I can't take anymore" said her as she intent to enter his little brother into her crotch.Just she about to take off her panties,she heard footsteps coming towards the room.

She quickly cancelled the intention and start to clean the room.She even panicking when forgot to put the clothes on her young master and start to search something to cover his body.Luckily there is blanket she hastily use it on him.

Before she sigh relieve she noticed that there bulging on the blanket but this time it more like a tent.She remember his little brother that already turn hard and bigger.Using her hand to push it to stay down but it futile because it will revert back and somehow it turn more harder after doing it.

She found a thick book on the table and subconsciously grab it.She slammed the book onto his crotch with all her might.


Finally the tent like image at MC crotch turn smaller but still don't the condition of it can be use or not after this incident.

As the footsteps stop in front the door.The door slowly be opened and entered Xia Hongyi into the room.Last night,he has a business outside so he just arrived home and after heard his son condition he hastily strive to this room.


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Xia Yuanba prepared himself,after that he take a breakfast.

"Young master Xia.There is your friends is coming.There is waiting at the courtyard" said one of the housekeeper after he finish eating.

"Friends huh…" thought him cuz his only friend is Xiao Che of the Xiao Family.As for Xiao Lingxi its more like acquaintance as she too obsessed with Xiao Che.

He show eager expression heard this.He want to know what true character of Xiao Che because in original novel it talk less about him than protagonist.

He walked himself to the courtyard while releasing his faint tyrant aura.

Arrived at the courtyard,he saw a young girl is chatting happily with a handsome boy.He noticed that the young girl is Xiao Lingxi as for the boy is the only one of his friends in this world that is Xiao Che.

He move himself toward him with slow pace while put his hand behind his back.Using his faint tyrant aura he pressures him intentionally.

Feeling the aura Xiao Che start to sweat himself and knell muttered apologies to him without batting eyes.Seeing his action Yuanba show a disdainful gaze because he hope Xiao Che at least will endure the pressure.But the result really disappointed him and change his view of him in his eyes.He just like coward when been pressured and didn't even to try protect Xiao Lingxi as he apply a little bit aura to her too.

But Xia Yuanba cannot blame him because if someone like him who completely believe that he can't become strong it give a shadow into his heart.Just imagine you crippled from birth and can't cultivate added to engagement with most beautiful girl in the city.'Just how many pressures he need to withstand' thought him.

"Xiao Che are you okay?"he asked nonchalantly.

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"I'm...okay" replied him with shaking leg.

"What's was that for?" asked Xiao Lingxi angrily to our MC.

"It's a test for him" replied him simply.

"Test...test for what?Look what you did to Xiao Che"bellowed her angrily.

I look at her straightforward and said "Test for him if he want to marry my Xia Qingyue"

Xiao Lingxi : Marry!Why you need to test now?Why not before this?

Seeing her acting like this for Xiao Che he only shook his head and replied "Because she not suit with him and because I love her as a opposite gender".

"You lo-love her.She is your sister, Xia Yuanba.You can't love her" stuttered she said.

" make me laugh hearing those words from your mouth.How about you don't you love Xiao Che your nephew"said MC sarcastically.

She cannot say a words heard what a said.Just she about to reply.

"I don't know what you came here for but I got nothing to do with a COWARD" looking to him as he said those words.

He turn his back and start to walk to his bedroom.

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