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Mo Rin felt herself falling, and since she was not feeling well, and also felt very exhausted, thus she decided to just let it be.

She even closed her eyes to show the dragon shifters that she did not want to fight. After all, once Lu Meili would be done fixing the seal, and Mo Rin would be still on the ground, she could easily get free to run. 

However, instead of the familiar muddy, dirty and cold ground, she was expecting, Mo Rin ended up falling on someone else's arms. 

Mo Rin suddenly shrieked and opened her eyes in alarm as the arm had caused her to feel the electrical shock again on her back this time, where her skin was exposed. 

She then stiffened, almost feeling frightened because he turned her around to face his chest. This removed any contact with her wounded back. 

"Your Highness!" All the dragons shifters around said respectfully in unison. 

Mo Rin ignored the loud greeting that sounded more like them calling out the man, who was currently holding the dirty her.

She tried to get away from Long Kael who had just appeared out of nowhere. The arms that were circled around her waist were way stronger than her, thus Mo Rin was not able to escape.

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Since that was the case, she had no choice but to lean on his chest shamelessly. 'You are already being kind enough, might as well do it some more.'  

Honestly, Mo Rin wanted to puke at him, because that was what she felt like doing. 'Should I, or should I not?'

Mo Rin also decided to let Lu Meili deal with the red pendant on her own. 'I need to get out of here. But how?'

With that in mind, Mo Rin suddenly lifted her knee strongly to hit Long Kael on the nuts. Sadly, he was as always, on guard because before her knee could reach its destination, he swiftly moved back and kicked her feet.

Mo Rin glared at him. While Long Kael's lips twitched slightly, looking at her with amusement. No one knew if he was smiling or trying to suppress his annoyance.

His hand reached her back and surprisingly, he removed the rope that was tying her hands with his claw. Then he removed the chain from around her body.

The action made Mo Rin surprised and she thought that he was letting her go.

Sadly, instead of doing that, Long Kael circled his arms around her further. This time they were tighter than before. Because of that, it was easier for their skins to touch.

While Mo Rin was thinking of ways to get away from Long Kael, the other beings who were able to see what was going on were dumbfounded, mouths hanging open.

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Firstly, the king would never bother to look at a dirty disheveled woman, which was more with saving one.

Second, it was the first time they were able to see another emotion on the king's face aside from murderous intent or boredom.

Thirdly, not only did he save a woman, but he was also keeping her so close to him.

"Ahm… Your Highness, can you take your hands off me? The magic in your body… It is too painful. I will die before I get a proper trial." Mo Rin asked with gritted teeth as she tried to endure the pain of their contact, to her wound. She was not looking at him, but by looking at her, it was obvious that she was not lying.

Mo Rin's face was now considerably paler, beads of sweat were also running down on her face and clear discomfort was clearly written all over it.

Long Kael frowned deeply as if he was trying to solve a very complicated problem. His lips pursed unhappily but he did not speak, nor he took his hands away from her.

After a while, Long Kael adjusted and held her by the shoulder instead, still letting her lean on his chest. They were still so close together that both of them could feel the unmistaken heavy aura around them. Every time he looked at her, the heavier it became.

Mo Rin could feel this strange unfamiliar feeling that she called his magic and she did not like it one bit. Since that was the case, it was understandable why she was fighting and moving so much, in the attempt to get away from him. 

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This time, if she would meet death, then fine. Lu Meili's wish to see her turn into a skeleton would be granted. 

"Do not try anything stupid," Long Kael said warningly.

Instead of doing what she was told, Mo Rin did not answer, but her head hitting his chest weakly meant clear refusal on her part which was just ignored.

'Try what? What are you doing here? You are busy protecting your citizens from beasts right?' She wanted to point that out. 'Why bother with the little old me? Is that because you wanted to use my unuseful ability to call beasts?' 

Since her ability was unuseful, Mo Rin ignored the feeling of disappointment. She tried to shift her gaze towards Lu Meili's direction instead and see what was going on. Aside from that, she was feeling extremely weak and dizzy to the point of passing out.

"Why-" Mo Rin's question was stuck in her throat and as Long Kael carried her to who knew where. She was being carried bridal style and had the opportunity to clearly look at his face. He also held her in a way that his skin could only be in contact with her clothes.

"Wait! Stop!" She hissed weakly. Once again, her demands were ignored.


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However, Mo Rin had been dizzy since earlier. Because of that, Mo Rin could not stop herself and ended up puking directly on Long Kael's shirt as she was carried bridal style. His white shirt that had holes now was stained with her puke, which was not a lot. 

'Darn it! I should have eaten before running around like this,' Mo Rin grinned evilly though disappointed because she preferred to dirty the king further even if it was the last thing she would do on her life. 

"That's disgusting! Your Highness, she needs to die!" 

"How impudent!"

Mo Rin heard some people scream in terror because of what she had done. She ignored it as she was still happily looking at his shirt when Mo Rin heard a growl from him. Feeling more rebellious she wiped her mouth with the part of his shirt that was still clean. 

'Hmp.' Mo Rin snickered before hiding the smile on her face. Actually, she was really delighted about getting back at the king for him causing most of her wounds. 

Though her puke stinks that he surely could smell with his awesome senses, it was disgusting. With that Mo Rin was sure that, the king would surely let her go.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!

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