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Again Mo Rin hopes were shattered. Instead of releasing her, due to disgust, Long Kael just continued to run somewhere, like nothing had happened.

She looked at him annoyingly  "Oy! Did you not see what I just did?" Mo Rin asked demandingly, her respect to royalty completely forgotten. "I just dirtied the clean king of the entire dragon race…" She added before murmuring, "…are you not going to punish me or something? Like throwing me away?" 

Long Kael did not provide a proper reply and Mo Rin did not raise her head to look at his expression, to avoid getting herself more confused. She was also thankful that he was only holding her where she was covered with clothes because being in the skin to skin contact with him seemed to be so painful. 

'Is he going to take me somewhere to execute. But… But… I still have things to do. Things I wanted to see or people I need to annoy before I disappear completely.' Mo Rin was already thinking the worst. Because of that, she needed rescue. For her, it was amazing to be able to shout for Lu Meili for help. 

"You want to be punished so badly?" Long Kael suddenly asked, his voice laced with curiosity.  

Mo Rin's eyes bulged. "No! I don't want to be punished. But, where are you taking me? Is that where you will skin me alive before feeding my flesh to the wolves?" She asked curiously. 

She was looking at Long Kael intently while speaking this, so Mo Rin was not able to miss how he gritted his teeth and glared in front of him. The veins on his neck were protruding as well that time but despite the clear evidence that he was displeased, it made her nervous. 

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In all honesty, Mo Rin was not sure what was going on. There was something different but she could not point out what was it. 

"We do not have wolves in this country." He replied tightly without looking at her. 

Mo Rin was dumbfounded, "Huh? But… But…" She could not continue her statement when Long Kael glared at her. 'Then what do you call the wolves inside the Thunderforest? Since we are not getting close to that, does that mean, I used a wrong reference?' She could only ask herself silently. 

'Does he not like wolves?' Another question popped up into her head. 

It was not a secret that if the Shou Planet was known to have the majority of its citizens to be beast shifters, it was also known for cold wars between the countries. 

Why? Of course, being civilized would require everyone a great deal of effort, especially when there was a savage voice within them. 

One of the races that always had an occasional dispute were dragons and wolves. There was a long-standing debate regarding the territory as wolves were mostly land creatures. While the dragons were supposed to be on the sky, which Mo Rin found highly stupid. 

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After all, beasts' shifters in the Shou Planet unlike on other planets, were not allowed to fully shift unless there was a special pass to do so. Since that was the case, for Mo Rin all land territory should have been equally divided. Those that broke this law were left into prison. 

It did not mean that this rule was strictly followed in private. 'What if he will feed me to something else?' 

With that in mind, Mo Rin became more anxious. "Ah, you know Great King, I am not the type that could be turned into a slave. My bones are weak so I get injured easily. I can't be a guard." She explained with lips trembling, in her attempt to convince Long Kael to let her go. 

He did not reply for a moment. No one knew what he was thinking. However, when someone would look closer, the guilt in his eyes could be seen before he hid it away with indifference. 

"That makes sense." Long Kael replied eventually after he nodded in agreement. 

Then Mo Rin added carefully, "Yes sir! Also when I was a child, a seer told me that I will have an unfortunate life as I was born with a curse. She did not tell me what the curse is but, you know… It's so believable. The forest incident was proof enough. So I suggest you put me down and let me just pay for the damages that I made on a different way. I really cannot serve you. Is that a deal?" She asked offering for compromise. 

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Long Kael just hummed before glancing at her for a moment. However, he did not speak further. 

'What's that supposed to mean? Are you setting me free or not?' Mo Rin asked herself while giving him a questioning look. 



The noises made from the beasts continued to come not far from them and could be easily heard. When Mo Rin checked, the dragon soldiers were busy setting up nets to distract the beasts while the seal was being repaired by Lu Meili. 



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Some of the soldiers fired their guns and one by one beast of different kinds started falling. 

Mo Rin then saw Lu Meili surrounded by soldiers as she concentrated on repairing the seal by holding it with both hands. 'I want to learn that when I leave here.' She thought to herself with determination. Based on the pace of the repair it won't take long for it to complete. 

With that realization, Mo Rin's eyes brightened, since after the repair was done, she won't feel guilty anymore for causing the entire mess. 

Then they stopped not far from the seal. Long Kael seemed to be observing the entire situation without any expression on his face. For Mo Rin, he was so carefree like everything was under his control.

Could she blame him? Not at all, because dragons were known to be way above the food chain.  

Then Long Kael's gaze shifted, particularly at Lu Meili. 


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!

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