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Inside the throne room…


The sound of the throne room closing and they were now the only people left in the room.

It did not matter anymore what the elders and guards thought,  as all the words spoken by the king during this time could only be heard by them and the stone walls of the room.  

"Great Dragon King, do you want us to make sure that we are the only beings in the room?" Wu Jiao offered. She was looking forward to what the patient's condition was. The sooner they knew about  the patient whether she could be cured or not, the better.

Then before she could listen to Long Kael's answer, someone pulled her sleeve from the back.

"Manager… Can I go out too as well… The king wanted to speak something confidential…" Dex murmured as he nervously looked at the king from behind the male version of Wu Jiao. His eyes occasionally looked towards the  huge throne door, from where the elders went out earlier with yearning.

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"Shhh… The king won't eat you. Be braver ah! Since our manager is missing, you are the highest being in the store now." Wu Jiao said encouragingly under her breath.

During all the commotion, she had already told Li Mei to spread her shadows discreetly, to look for Mo Rin and Lu Meili's whereabouts,  so now they were just waiting for the news.

However, instead of being happy, Dex's eyes watered further before he shook his head.

"Your manager in the country is missing?" Long Kael asked suddenly halting their conversation. Though the other people were not trying to broadcast it, hearing them so easily was like next to breathing for him.

He did not need their help to make sure that no one was listening. This was his country, his palace, and outsiders assistance was not needed in the safety department.

In fact, he also found the beings in front of him strange and suspicious.

Why? Because he was living for so long and heard many types of heartbeats .  

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The beating of a heart was also based on someone's emotions . When afraid or excited, it could be so fast or could be so slow.

So far, there were a handful of beings who did not show any type of heartbeat rhythm changes in their current lifetime, even during  an ongoing fight.

It was a long time ago, since he had encountered one and that person was a very strong mage.

With his current visitors, it seemed like  the fae was the only one who could show normal emotions which was normal.

The others were probably not looking at him as someone to be feared despite him being a king. Long Kael did not know if he should have felt  offended or not.

At least if they were strong that meant, they could help his mate get better. With that in mind, Long Kael got more at ease with them.

"Yes, Your Majesty. She has been  missing since yesterday. We tried to contact but there was no response. If you perhaps have any news of her, please let us know. She had a contract with us and can't leave the company until then." Wu Jiao answered sounding almost worried.  

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Mo Rin was an outsider and since that was the case Wu Jiao was assuming that it was always big news when an outsider was found in a place that she or he was not supposed to be.

"Contract?" Long Kael asked curiously. Although he knew that they needed to discuss his mate condition first, but for some reason, he was interested to hear more about this manager.

"Yes. We have a contract with the Manager where she vowed her life to the company and would not leave until someone bought her. I said bought because she was also a part of our Auction Brides. Please help us find her. I can also send your soldiers a  digital picture of her for record." She explained.

Then she continued, "Speaking of that. Dragon shifters are known to take a lot of half mates, right? Why not check out our Auction Brides with your royal family members. It will be a very big event. What do you say, Your Majesty? I can assure you, our brides are the best quality and are guaranteed virgins…" Wu Jiao said raising her eyebrows suggestively.

The more Long Kael was hearing Wu Jiao's statements, the more his face turned black. It was too bad that Wu Jiao was not showing any signs of caring and just continued blabbering about their 'Auction Brides'.

Then Wu Jiao suddenly exclaimed as her gaze shifted to Li Mae, "Oh! Our Mae Mae is also a part of it. Do you find her pretty? With your status and privilege, we can always certainly talk about her valu-"

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"Enough!" Long Kael yelled in annoyance. "If you manage to cure 'her' then I will cooperate with this Auction Bride thing." He said compromising just to get over with it.

"Eh? But curses can't be cured or removed just like that Your Majesty! We also need to first make sure that it is the case with her." Wu Jiao said appalled. She was a strong mage but curses were not her forte. Even Li Mae was not that excellent with them.

There was another martial sister who could give it a try, but she was too selfish for her own good and would surely not help a stranger.

Forget about calling another martial sister, they were not even sure if the curse was done with white magic or black magic that had multiple layers of taboo rules.

If it was too much for anyone of her martial sisters to fix, then it may require their master's assistance. That was, if her master will be willing to show herself and help.  

"Do everything you can!" Long Kael immediately demanded. He was aware of what Wu Jiao had said and he could not do anything about it. There was no need to make sure as well.

Because Long Kael remembered his mate saying before, 'I am cursed from childhood'. 


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!

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