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Long Kael had repeated that phrase  inside his head countless times. It was something that she had told him before she fainted, and the more he thought about it, the more he became sure that the injury was because of the curse. 

It made him feel bad but with a hint of relief, since he had been feeling guilty for hurting his mate earlier, when she was still using stealth magic. At least by knowing that her back injury was not entirely his fault, made him feel that his burden was a bit lessened. 

"We will do everything we can, Your Majesty. Our top-class herbs are always sold at a reasonable price  because we value life, I guarantee that. So I assure you that we will not disregard the patient's life." Wu Jiao bragged with confidence. 

"However, we are already setting the expectation that the most we could, if it was a curse made of taboo magic, was to prolong her life not remove it." She added. 

Long Kael looked at them, feeling almost tired as his mind processed what he was hearing. No one wanted to deal with taboo magic if that was really the case with his mate. With that, he was thankful that no one else could hear their conversation. 

"How do we know that it was from the taboo magic?" Long Kael asked. He was trying to remember all the things that he had seen on his mate's body. Aside from the wounds, there were tattoos. The tattoo did not look like something taboo magic would do, as it did not emit any presence of dark magic. 

"I want to see her. We need to talk to her and know how the wound started." Wu Jiao demanded.

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"No!" Long Kael immediately refused. His mate was still not awake. There was no way he would let another being see her like that, especially a male one. 

Wu Jiao was surprised and she unhappily shook her head. She had the strong urge to cross her arms over her chest and be sarcastic. Sadly, she was speaking with a king and her current thought was not something she could just do to avoid further conflict. 

'Ah! The hardships of diplomats.' Wu Jiao though as she watched Long Kael standing up from his chair and walking towards the nearest open window. 

Long Kael did not look frustrated but the noticeable movement of his jaw that seemed like he was gritting his teeth, was an indication of his worry. 

Still, he needed to change his mind. Wu Jiao spoke her displeasure, "Dragon king, you are a wise being. How can we help someone to the fullest if we could not check on her personally?" She asked sounding disappointed. 

"I will not let another male look at her like that. Bring a female mage instead." Long Kael replied. His gaze then shifted from the window towards Li Mae and pointed at her. "She can go, but not you and the fae." He said with a tone that did not show any indication of refusal or negotiations.

"Why?" Wu Jiao asked curiously. She had actually forgotten that she was currently in a male form.

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It was normal for males to be possessive with their female partners. However, this should not be a big deal since life and death were at stake. 

With a frown, "Your Majesty, I am only going to talk to her. You see, my companion is not really the best speaker. We are wasting time." She emphasized.

"I know! She is unconscious right now. Her wound is almost covering her entire back and I know she won't appreciate men seeing her like that. Think of other options to help her or at least wake her up first." Long Kael replied compromising. 

Wu Jiao nodded. What Long Kael had stated made sense. To deal with curses aside from the physical aspect, the patient would feel something else. 

Emotional pain, uncomfortable dreams were the most famous signs that the patient could confirm. If she was unconscious though, then they needed to wake her up first. 

 "Your Majesty, aside from that, is there anything she had mentioned to you before?" Wu Jiao inquired curiously. Since the king was not trying to contest her claim regarding the mention of curse details. 

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 Either the king was trusting her words completely which was unlikely. So the next possibility was that in some sense the king knew something which deduced that the issue was really a curse fault. 

Long Kael frowned deeply. He was in deep thought before finally answering, "She said she was cursed when she was a child. It was also hard for me to touch her. A simple touch would cause her pain…" He explained in a defeated whisper. 

"Is she your half mate?" Wu Jiao questioned. If a mate can't touch the other, then what's the point of having one? 

"No. I cannot say what she is to me, but she is very important to me." Long Kael confessed. 

Long Kael was speaking truthfully to a stranger and he did not feel any regret for doing so. 

Was she more important  than his life or throne? He could not answer yet. 

Earlier, he was still conflicted about what to do with his mate who had suddenly appeared in a very bad situation. 

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Aside from the fact that his mate seemed to have the ability to summon a large number of beasts, he did not know why she was on the planet and where she came from. 

Regardless of everything , the more he thought of the possibility of her dying  soon, the more Long Kael accepted the fact that she was important to him. This was the case despite them just meeting each other. 

Wu Jiao hummed. She wanted to feel pity on behalf of the king and the woman the king fancied . If she was not the half mate, then it could only be the truth. 

With the harem of the dragon king, it would be a big problem when the true mate appeared and may not be willing to share at all. 'Probably that is why she was injured?' Wu Jiao thought to herself. 

"Is there anything you  can do to make sure she will be saved?"


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being.

If you also have spare time, please check out my new book, "Mischievous Fake Wife" while waiting for the chapters of this novel. 

From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!

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