Qian Xiaofei caught a lot of people. As long as the people had something to do with this fight, they were strung together by him and were taken to the Political and Educational Office in a grandiose.

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When passing through the corridor, the students from other classes who were in their self-study period couldn’t help but stick their heads out to watch.

When passing by class 3 of high school second years, a boy in the class suddenly heckled, “Hey, Chen Anqi. Did your boyfriend get caught again?”

Roars of laughter came from class 3.

The person who got heckled was a schoolgirl with an outstanding appearance. Her face was a little red, and she glared at the person who heckled, “You are going to die!”

The boy stayed out of the situation by laughing out loud, “Did I say something wrong? Why don’t you go and say a few words to him?”

Class 3 was in the middle of a self-study class. So Chen Anqi stood up, walked to the back door, and stopped Qin Chu.

She called out to him twice in a row. But Qin Chu ignored him, and it was Qin Shiwu who looked back at her.

“Who is that?” Qin Shiwu asked Lin Xiaomian.

Lin Xiaomian honestly said, “A senior sister.”

“Nonsense. Of course, I know that she is a senior sister. What I am asking you is why did she call Qin Chu?”

Lin Xiaomian had heard the gossip from her female classmates in the same dormitory. She counted by fives and tens, “She, she is chasing Qin Chu.”

Qin Shiwu’s mind became very alert. Although there were many people chasing his father, it was rare to see such a good-looking one. So he asked, “Chen Anqi?”

Lin Xiaomian nodded.

An alarm started to sound in Qin Shiwu’s head.

He completely knew about this Chen Anqi. Wasn’t she the legendary ex-girlfriend of Lu Tong and the goddess who was Qin Chu’s current girlfriend!

This woman wasn’t someone who was easy to deal with. Fearing that she would be a quite major obstacle in Qin Shiwu’s birth process, he immediately slowed down, planning to see what Chen Anqi asked Qin Chu to do.

The girl was leaning forward on the window to call him, but Qin Chu pretended that he didn’t hear her at all.

It would be very embarrassing for the other party if he walked straight away. So after Chen Anqi called out to him three times, he finally couldn’t ignore it and stopped.

There were waves of heckling in the classroom, and Chen Anqi said, “Don’t pay attention to them.”

Qin Chu didn’t speak.

Chen Anqi looked outside the classroom and asked, “Where are you guys going? Isn’t this the direction to the Political and Educational Office?”

Qin Chu, “En.”

Chen Anqi laughed, “Fought again?”

Her laugh was very neat and sweet and it looked a bit like “Shen Chia Yi1” from the hit movie《You are the Apple of My Eye》.

Her academic grades were also pretty good and she held the post of a host in the school. And it was precisely for this reason that she was hailed as a goddess by many schoolboys.

Before Qin Chu could answer, Qin Shiwu suddenly appeared like Tu Xingzun2, “He didn’t fight. He didn’t fight. We were the ones who fought. The Political and Educational Department is catching Qin Chu for having a puppy love.”

He put emphasis on and stressed the two words “puppy love”.

Chen Anqi’s face changed with a swish. She looked at Qin Shiwu and then at Qin Chu.

Qin Shiwu moved a little forward to stand, “We still have to go to the Political and Educational Office to do an ideological report inspection. Go, go. Don’t delay the senior sister’s class.”

He pushed forward Qin Chu. But Chen Anqi suddenly opened her mouth to ask, “You are in puppy love? Who are you in puppy love with?”

Qin Shiwu promptly scrambled his words, “Senior sister, this is a good question. Our grade director, Comrade Qian Xiaofei is also very interested in knowing who Qin Chu is in puppy love with. I am afraid the specific result will have to wait until the briefing to the assembly after the flag-raising ceremony on Monday morning. At that time, Qin Chu will definitely reveal the partner of his puppy love in front of the whole school!”

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Qin Shiwu was having quite the fun by gossiping and it unexpectedly felt like he was opening a grade-level meeting by speaking out the criticism about the briefing.

When Chen Anqi saw that Qin Chu didn’t deny it, her heart was somewhat in upheaval. But right when she was about to come out, the teacher in charge of class 3 entered the classroom. So she was forced to suppress her emotions and return to her seat.

After leaving class 3, Qin Shiwu asked, “Dad, do you like this Chen Anqi?”

Qin Chu coldly spoke, “Who are you calling Dad?”

Qin Shiwu said, “I told you that I came from the time 16 years later. But you do not believe me. This ‘Shen Chia Yi’ is not good-looking. She is not even as good-looking as you. What do you see in her?”

Qin Chu said, “Who said that I have a crush on her?”

Qin Shiwu, “That’s what the campus forum said.”

On the campus forum, it was also said that Qin Chu was the “school beauty”3. But he didn’t dare to tell his dad about this point.

He leaned a bit closer to Qin Chu, and sniffed him with his puppy nose, “Where did the Omega pheromones on your body come from?”

This pheromone felt oddly familiar to him. Qin Shiwu wrinkled his nose, but he didn’t know where he had smelled it before.

The pheromones on Qin Chu’s body were naturally that of Lu Tong. But Lu Tong didn’t seem to have a plan of disclosing his secondary gender to the public. He was currently holding this handle4 in his hand and Qin Chu didn’t want to lose this joke that he got without much effort, for nothing so soon.

“Why do you care so much.”

“Of course, I have to ask! I am your son. If you are with another woman, what will my mother do!”

Qin Chu suddenly stopped his footsteps and asked, “Who is your mother?”

This trick was extremely useful. Every time he asked this, Qin Shiwu would shut up at once.

Qin Chu sneered, “Nutjob.”

It seemed that the groundless talks of Qin Shiwu could not be taken into account at all.

One moment, Qian Xiaofei was making tea in the Political and Educational Office and everyone strode over in the next moment.

He took a sip of tea and then knocked the cup on the office table with a “click”.

“Who will say first? What was the reason behind the fight.”

Gu Kaifei came back from the infirmary after the wound on his head was simply treated. He opened his mouth to say, “Qin Shiwu started it.”

Qin Shiwu said, “Gu Kaifei sat in my seat without permission and forcibly occupied the property of the masses.”

Qian Xiaofei said, ” Did you beat him up like this just because he sat in your seat for a while? Then are you going to hit me too if I come to sit in your seat?”

Qin Shiwu said, “Reporting. No. I don’t want to drop out of school yet.”

Qian Xiaofei sneered, “You are quite good at treating people according to their social status.”

He didn’t believe a word that these students who fought said. Qian Xiaofei looked at Lin Xiaomian and nodded, “You tell me. Why did they fight?”

Lin Xiaomian was a typical good girl who had never been to the Political and Educational Office because of a fight. As soon as Qian Xiaofei asked her, she confessed truthfully.

Among them, she included how Gu Kaifei usually bullied Qin Shiwu and asked her to copy her homework, as well as the insulting words on the desk. These invisible methods of school violence were all spread out and put in front of Qian Xiaofei at this moment.

Gu Kaifei’s face turned white and red alternately5.

According to Lin Xiaomian, Qin Shiwu was like a little cabbage who had been bullied for many years, and finally couldn’t help but strike back.

While drinking tea, Qian Xiaofei finished listening, “I understood this matter of you guys. In normal times, Gu Kaifei used to bully you. You put up with it for too long, and now you’re fighting back, right?”

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Qin Shiwu felt too lazy to explain and nodded.

Qian Xiaofei looked at Zhao Yan, “Teacher Zhao, how do you think we can solve this?”

Zhao Yan said, “Both of them are in wrong. Gu Kaifei, I usually don’t fix my attention on you. But don’t think that I don’t know what you are doing. This time I will give you a warning and you should be a little bit restrained in the future. Qin Shiwu, the same goes for you. If someone bullies you, just inform me directly. Can you solve a problem by force in private?”

Both of them were morally educated by Qian Xiaofei and Zhao Yan in turn for a long time.

Lin Xiaomian, as a person who had nothing to do with the matter, was sent away by Zhao Yan in advance and asked her to go back and self-study properly.

Qin Chu stood leaning in front of the table for a while and felt that he should go too. So he proceeded to follow Lin Xiaomian to walk out.

Who would have known that as soon as he arrived at the door, Qian Xiaofei’s voice would be heard, “Qin Chu! Where are you running off to? I haven’t solved your matter yet!”

Qin Chu said lazily, “Director Qian, what matter do I have that hasn’t been solved?”

Qian Xiaofei said, “Come back here! You’re okay, right? You’re parading yourself ostentatiously about the town with Omega pheromones on your body. Are you challenging the school’s authority?”

Qin Chu said, “This is my medal for helping others today.”

Qian Xiaofei was so angry that he laughed, “Medal! Who are you in puppy love with? Speak.”

Qin Chu said, “There is no puppy love.”

Qian Xiaofei, “No puppy love? How can you have this smell on your body when you are not in puppy love?!”

Qin Chu shut up and stopped talking.

When Qian Xiaofei saw that he did not speak, he mocked Qin Chu with a few more words and told him to go back and write a 3,000-words self-criticism.

He only said two sentences verbally to Qin Chu and did not impose any materialistic punishments on Qin Chu. After all, when this great young master came, the school leaders on top of him had especially called, asking him to leave this mess alone as long as the matters were not serious.

Qin Chu came back from abroad. So when the time comes, he would definitely take the path of international students in the college entrance exam. As long as the undergraduate rate of No. 1 Middle School is not dragged down, they will just pretend that there was no such person in the school.

After scolding everyone in the Political and Education office, Qian Xiaofei was finally satisfied and let Zhao Yan take them back to class.

After the last two math classes were over, it was time to eat food. No. 1 Middle School had 2 hours lunchtime. Today was Sunday. So there was one less class in the afternoon. So there were 3 hours to be precise.

Chen Anqi texted him in the afternoon asking where he was going to eat. Seeing this situation, she wanted to come over and force Qin Chu to eat together.

Qin Chu didn’t reply to her text message. As a result, he was blocked by Chen Anqi at the corner of the stairs when class was over.

Hu Si, who was walking along with Qin Chu, tactfully said on seeing Chen Anqi, “Brother Qin, then I’ll go first.”

Chen Anqi asked him, “Why didn’t you reply to my text message.”

Qin Chu, “I didn’t see it.”

Chen Anqi grumbled a sentence, and then asked, “Where are you going to eat? The restaurant at the entrance of the school makes delicious Korean food, and I want to eat it.”

Qin Chu said to turn her down, “I want to go to the music classroom.”

Chen Anqi saw that he was carrying a violin case on his back, “Then, won’t you eat?”

Qin Chu thought: It’s not that I don’t want to eat. It’s that I don’t want to eat with you.

This couldn’t be said directly to Chen Anqi. Qin Chu was a bit annoyed by her pestering and remembered Qin Shiwu.

Didn’t this brat revolve around him very diligently a few days ago? Now that it was a critical moment, why didn’t he come out and call him “Dad”?

At that time, he could just push the boat with the current6 and tell Chen Anqi that not only did he fall in puppy love, but he also got married really early and had children early too.

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Having no room to advance or to retreat7, Qin Chu planned to open his mouth to refuse Chen Anqi.

At this moment, his mobile phone vibrated in his pocket. Qin Chu never tried to cover up when he played with his mobile phone in school. When he picked it up, it was a text message sent from an unfamiliar number.

-Where are you? Lu Tong

Qin Chu raised his brows.

Strange. Lu Tong texted him? The sun is gonna rise from the west.

– The rooftop next to the vocal classroom on the fifth floor. Why do you have my phone number?

There was a quick reply.

– I have something to do with you. I will come over now. I asked Teacher Zhao for the phone number.

Qin Chu put away his mobile phone and walked to the vocal classroom on the fifth floor.

Chen Anqi said, “Then I’ll go to the restaurant to pack something for you and come back? Are you going to skip having a meal this afternoon?”

Qin Chu, “Piano practice. I am not hungry.”

He didn’t talk much to the girl. After arriving in the music classroom, he found a table and sat down.

Chen Anqi said, “Then I’ll stay here with you. It just so happened that I don’t have anything to do. I’ll order takeout in the evening.”

Qin Chu raised his eyes to look at her, “I have something to do.”

Before Chen Anqi could ask him what the matter was, the door of the music classroom was knocked on twice.

Chen Anqi turned her head to see Lu Tong standing at the doorway of the classroom and her complexion changed again.

Lu Tong didn’t expect to see Chen Anqi here. The corners of his mouth froze, and without saying a word, he immediately greeted the 18 generations of Qin Chu’s ancestors in his heart.

He was looking for someone. But he didn’t say that when he was looking for someone, he would get one free when buying one, and there would be one more person.

Son of a b****h, son of a b****h! He was really a son of a b****h! If there is small inattentiveness, you will be bitten by him!

“Lu Tong… why are you here?” Chen Anqi asked. In her eyes, Lu Tong and Qin Chu appearing in the same place was no less than her current boyfriend meeting her ex. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to dig a hole and bury herself.

She lowered her head and asked Qin Chu, “Why didn’t you say that Lu Tong was coming?”

Chen Anqi wanted to ask even more: When did you two get acquainted?

However, now was obviously not the time to talk about former times. Chen Anqi hurriedly greeted him and took her leave.

One might well ask, in this kind of scene, could she still stay foolishly?

When Lu Tong saw her go out, Qin Chu said, “Won’t you chase after her?”

Lu Tong coldly said, “Chase after her to deliver her to you?”

Qin Chu, “Oh. I forgot that you are an Omega.”

Lu Tong: ……

Qin Chu leaned back with both feet on his desk with an attitude of a great young master, “Why did you find me for?”

There was a knot in Lu Tong’s heart — Even though Chen Anqi wasn’t his girlfriend, she had been rumored to be in a relationship with him for a long time. At this age, a man would be possessive. Liking her was out of the question. Earlier, he didn’t feel anything when he heard that Chen Anqi was chasing Qin Chu. But now that he really saw it, he still couldn’t help but respond and feel revolted.

He asked a question back angrily, “Why did Chen Anqi find you for?”

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Qin Chu, “To find my puppy love. Are you here to find my puppy love too?”

Lu Tong paused for a moment, as if there was something too embarrassing to mention and that he found too hard to talk about.

Qin Chu looked at him, “I am swamped. Be quick if you have something to say. You are free to send banners8. It is my hobby to help others.”

When it came to business, Lu Tong was at a loss instead.

He stood in the same place for a long time, not telling the reason.

Lu Tong looked at the review book in his hand and asked, “What are you writing?”

Qin Chu thought that half of his self-criticism book was bestowed upon him by Lu Tong and felt angry in his heart, “Self-criticism. About puppy love.”

Lu Tong touched his nose. He changed his normal behavior and was quite kissing up to him, “I’ll write half of it for you.”

Qin Chu was stunned and looked up at him, “What do you mean?”

Lu Tong took a deep breath, sat next to him, and smashed the pot as it was already broken9, “Can you give me a temporary mark?”

Afraid that Qin Chu would refuse in one breath, he solemnly stretched out a finger, “Just once. I absolutely won’t touch porcelain10.”

Qin Chu took a long time to return back to his senses, “Do you know what you are talking about?”

Lu Tong was asking for a favor at this moment. So he had to compromise, lower his voice, and sweet talk.
The prime minister’s belly was big enough to support a spacecraft in it11 and said, gritting his teeth, “I know. I’m not crazy yet.”

Qin Chu unhurriedly said, “An Omega asking an Alpha for a temporary mark is just like asking him for a condom. Do you think this matter is in line with our country’s fundamental characteristics and circumstances?”

Don’t feel shy to let me know in the comment section or in the discord of Knoxt if you find any mistakes~




This portion is quite weird cause “校花” is used for girls. But neither is Qin Chu a girl nor is he an alpha.


information that could be used against sb


Cause he is both surprised and angry.


fig. to take advantage of the situation for one’s own benefit


without any way out of a dilemma / trapped / in an impossible situation


As a gift or prize


It is an idiom that means, “When you feel really down in your life, you abandon yourself to despair because you lack the strength and courage to pick yourself up.”


(coll.) to scam sb by setting up an “accident” in which one appears to have sustained damage or injury caused by the scam victim, then demanding compensation (variations include putting “expensive” porcelain in a place where it is likely to be knocked over by passers-by, and stepping into the path of a slow-moving car)


“The prime minister’s belly was big enough to sail a boat in” This is the original idiom that means to be broad-minded. So he is broaaad-minded.

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