He was considered to be at an impasse when he came to find Qin Chu.

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As a secondary differentiated Omega, the biggest difference between Lu Tong and the other Os was the inhibitors used during heat.

His first heat came aggressively, and Lu Tong himself wasn’t prepared at all. Like a blind cat who finds a dead mouse1, Qin Chu hurriedly stabilized his heat with inhibitors. But if it was not combined with Alpha pheromones, Lu Tong would have soon developed a heat fever for the second time.

Underage Omegas could go to the hospital with their parents to receive their own Alpha pheromones that can be used for getting through their heat.

Lu Tong was still four months away from reaching adulthood. And if he wanted to go to the hospital to get his pheromones, he was bound to tell his parents about his second gender. But after getting through the fever of this heat, he could get it by himself after reaching his adulthood and can avoid getting it known by others.

— Lu Zhiyan has always been very strict with him. If he gets to know that he is an Omega, then going out of the house in the future would be more difficult than going to heaven.

Moreover, Lu Tong was still in a cold war with his father, and he would never give in first.

Having no other alternative, he thought of Qin Chu.

The only Alpha who knew about his second gender at present.

Although the two of them had briefly met each other several times, they had not left a good impression on each other.

But now that things have come to this point, Lu Tong had no other way.

It was just borrowing a few pheromones. Qin Chu should not be that stingy.

He thought about it all afternoon and finally braced himself to come to find Qin Chu.

It was just a temporary mark. If it was for just one time, then it was no big deal to him. Besides, he just felt that Qin Chu was a brat who was difficult to deal with. He hadn’t reached the point of loathing him. As a secondary differentiated Omega, Lu Tong also skipped a lesson in his physiology class and didn’t know what the temporary mark meant. In his eyes, it was roughly similar to classmates helping each other.

Qin Chu leaned back in his chair and listened to this slightly cold senior calmly finish all the causes and effects before asking, “Why should I help you?”

Lu Tong had known earlier that Qin Chu was not that good at making demands. So he immediately sweet-talked, “If you do me this favor, you can come to me if you have any difficulties in the future.”

Qin Chu squinted at him, “You think this is a favor?”

Lu Tong was stunned and said in his heart: What is this if not a favor?

However, he looked at Qin Chu’s appearance and knew he was out of luck.

Originally, he had the attitude of giving it a try. If Qin Chu did not agree, he could only go to the hospital for the pheromones of a matching Alpha.

Or if there was really no way, he would ask Ren Yuanye for help.

When Lu Tong stood up, Qin Chu suddenly tugged at his arm.

“Where are you going?”

Lu Tong said, “Where can I go. Ancestor. If you don’t help me, I’ll have to go find someone else?”

Qin Chu felt a little uncomfortable in his heart when he heard this.

It was probably the mischief caused by the innate possessiveness of an Alpha to an Omega that was there in his bones. When an Omega came looking for him, he subconsciously classified him as something of his own. Besides, he was the first one to discover Lu Tong’s second gender. And this hidden connection made Qin Chu to be vaguely excited as if this Omega that no one knew about belonged to him alone.

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“Who are you gonna look for? That pesticide-smelling Alpha who drove over a car to pick you up last time?”

Lu Tong, “It’s not pesticide. It’s lemon……”

Qin Chu thought: You remember pretty well.

He, “You have so little willpower? Don’t you know to ask more if I do not agree?”

Lu Tong looked at him and as it seemed a bit promising, he open his mouth to ask, “How do you think I should ask?”

Qin Chu said, “Call out “ge2” twice for me to hear?”

Lu Tong:……

“I am going to the hospital.”

“Ah. Wait, wait.” Qin Chu spoke again.

Lu Tong had been staying in this classroom for a long time. Strands of pheromones poured out from his body in torrents from the back of his neck and drilled into Qin Chu’s nasal cavity, briefly affecting his ability to judge.

It smells so good. It’s not bad to take a bite.

“I agree too.”

“Then can we just do it here?” Lu Tong didn’t seem to be very clear about his own situation. He got down to business as soon as he said it. After Qin Chu agreed, he immediately sat down with his back towards him, and asked, “Can you?”

Asking an Alpha if he could do it was basically the same as asking a man if he could and on such an occasion, it was brimming with implications.

Qin Chu licked his lips, “You will be able to know if I can do it after trying it out.”

Lu Tong was a slim person and his skin was white. His neck was thin and long, like the neck of a beautiful lady in a traditional painting.

Qin Chu lowered his head to approach him and the cold and fragrant pheromones of the Omega surrounded the tip of his nose.

Lu Tong could feel Qin Chu’s pheromones and it was the carbon copy of the flower fragrance that he smelled the other day. Only that this time it was more aggressive which made him a little breathless.

Lu Tong’s hands were placed on the desk and he couldn’t resist the urge to escape.

— How about letting it go.

The ends of his eyes were reddened by the Alpha’s pheromones. He stood up and tried to leave.

The Alpha sensed his intention and suddenly extended his hand to hold his shoulders down.

Lu Tong struggled twice and Qin Chu coldly said, “Don’t move.”

The next moment, two warm lips were pressed on his nape.

Qin Chu’s pheromones completely enveloped him. Lu Tong instinctively felt that he was being targeted by a predator and wanted to go back on his words. However, Qin Chu opened his mouth without giving him a chance and bit his gland. Lu Tong groaned in a muffled voice, and he fell to the ground as soon as his body softened. Qin Chu helped him up. But, Lu Tong still felt weak all over, and the strong feeling of being possessed spread out from the gland at the back of the neck to all the limbs and bones of his body. He laid on the table for a while before calming down.

The pheromones of the Alpha invaded and occupied him in an instant. For the first time, Lu Tong felt that he wasn’t his own. Rather, he belonged to someone else.

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Qin Chu left the back of his neck, and an additional circle of teeth marks was left there immediately.

He had two small eye teeth3 that were pointed and were particularly obvious above the circle of teeth marks.

After a spell of sluggishness, Lu Tong raised his hand to touch his neck. The teeth marks were so deep that he could feel them with his hand.

He hesitated for a moment, “This matter……”

Qin Chu, “You don’t go making irresponsible remarks about matter everywhere and ruin my innocence.”

Lu Tong: ……

Qin Chu looked at him condescendingly, “Helping you isn’t free of charge. When I think of how I want you to repay me, you can come again to repay the debt of gratitude.”

Lu Tong: Why did I think for a split second that he was a good person? This fu** is a complete son of a b**……

“Wouldn’t I have to thank you now?” He gritted his teeth.

Qin Chu waved his hand, “Stop kneeling and retire.”

Lu Tong, “About my second gender……”

Qin Chu, “You don’t worry. I’m not interested in you, nor will I fall in love with you just because I bit you.” He looked up and spoke, “I am neither interested in men, nor in a male O.”

Qin Chu’s temporary marker was very effective and its effect was more obvious than whichever inhibitors Lu Tong had used before.

But in order to prevent others from smelling Qin Chu’s4 pheromones from his body, he used a large amount of blocking agents every day to cover up Qin Chu’s pheromones. This brat was not very old, but his pheromones were actually strong and fierce. It hogged his body and refused to leave, emphasizing the other person’s presence all the time.

After the flag-raising ceremony on Monday, the school announced the exact time of the autumn sports meet.

When Lu Tong stepped into the doorway of his class, Guo Chen, the sports committee member, slapped the registration form on his desk, “Our class is still two people short on signing for the 1,500 long-distance race. Do you want to apply?”

He Nian said, “Lu Tong won’t apply. He has hypoglycemia and he will easily faint after running a long distance.”

Guo Chen started to say, “Old Zhou said that everyone in the class should sign up. Especially Alphas and you are the only one in the class who hasn’t signed up yet.”

He Nian looked at Lu Tong. He knew about Lu Tong’s second gender, and immediately grabbed the registration form, “Is there nothing else besides long-distance running? Lu Tong can’t run long distances.”

Guo Chen, “Everything else is reserved for Omegas. But we can’t find anyone for this long-distance race. Lu Tong, why don’t you give it a try? I remember that you also participated in the long-distance race last year, and even got first place.”

He Nian thought: Last year was last year. Last year, Lu Tong was still an A. But Lu Tong is an O this year!

He still wanted to say a few sentences. But Lu Tong didn’t want to take the trouble and said on spot, “Whatever. Just fill me in for the long race.”

Guo Chen completed his task and said being elated, “Okay. Anyway, you don’t have to get a place. So you can just run casually. Our class is just there to make up the number of people. It’s all about participation.”

Lu Tong fished out a candy from his pocket and put it in his mouth. He then rummaged out a stack of class notes of science from his school bag and started to organize them.

He never took notes in class and he only liked to scribble drawing on his textbook. In addition to that, the new courses of the sophomore year were all finished by September. So now they just kept on doing test papers every day and then reviewed the contents that they had learned before. The teachers in all subjects were in a hurry, and Lu Tong was also in the sophomore class that focused on science. He was dizzy and disoriented from being busy all day long. So how could he still have time to take notes. Moreover, this note was not from the sophomore year, but from the freshman year.

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He Nian glanced over and was stunned, “Why are you organizing your freshman year notes? We don’t need them.”

Lu Tong, “It’s not for me. It’s for someone else.”

“Who?” He Nian asked warily, “Qin Chu? Are you two in love?”

Lu Tong said, “I won’t fall in love with a man even if all the women in the world die.”

He Nian breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s good. It can be seen that you have no opinion about men. Otherwise, with this ge’s beauty, I would have already been in the top position.”

He suddenly remembered something and started to say, “Did you know that the school’s forum blew up yesterday?”

Lu Tong seldom visited the forum and replied casually, “It has nothing to do with me.”

He Nian mumbled to himself, “They said that Qin Chu marked an Omega yesterday in the vocal classroom. But I don’t know if it’s true……”

The nib of Lu Tong’s pen with which he was organizing his notes tilted and drew a horizontal line.

He Nian, “They are so courageous. They dared to mess around at school. That Omega’s pheromones are heard to smell really good. Why didn’t Qin Chu know to restrain it……”

Lu Tong turned the page with a guilty conscience, “You’ve finished your homework and have nothing to do, right?”

He Nian, “No, I was just curious. Oh, by the way, Old Zhou asked you to write a speech draft. The representative of sophomore students at the swearing-in ceremony this Wednesday is you. If you don’t want to take a draft with you, you can rush in to directly write it down and memorize them.”

Lu Tong nodded his head. He then stapled together all the materials in his hand and prepared to go to the classroom of high school first years.

Even if he agreed to help Qin Chu to cheat in the mid-term exam, with the poor abilities5 of the other party, perhaps he wouldn’t even be able to understand the questions.

The notes in Lu Tong’s hand covered the entire key points of the high school’s first year’s science. As long as Qin Chu was willing to memorize them, he would go to Old Zhao’s house at the weekends to give Qin Chu two hours of tutoring. He ain’t getting first place from the last in the test was still promising.

The fastest way to get from the examination building to the D building was through the rooftop. Class 11 of high school second years was located on the fourth floor of the D building.

He had just walked up to the rooftop when he heard someone confess in front of him.

“I truly really like you. If you don’t have a girlfriend, consider me.”

Lu Tong retracted the feet that he had stepped out with. The voice was very familiar and was like that of He Yuanyuan.

He stood in that corridor of the rooftop, intending to wait for the end of the confession of the people on the rooftop before going out by himself. From a distance, he saw a man and a woman standing on the rooftop. The woman was precisely He Yuanyuan and the man was Qin Chu.

Lu Tong’s heart skipped a beat. He was feeling a little bit of indescribable dissatisfaction.

Even though he knew from He Nian’s mouth that He Yuanyuan was chasing after him for Qin Chu, the impact of seeing her confess to Qin Chu personally was still quite big. Lu Tong didn’t seem to like He Yuanyuan that much. It was just that he couldn’t accept it. They were both men. But why did it seem like his charm was a point weaker than that of Qin Chu?

Why were all the girls related to him running away to fall in love with Qin Chu?

“Wow, awesome. A live version of rooftop confession. Aren’t you very angry? Very sad? Very jealous? Aren’t itching to step forward to break up this dog couple6.”

When Lu Tong was lost in thought, a teenager’s voice suddenly came into his ear.

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When he turned his head, Qin Sihwu, who had appeared at some point, was staring at him with glowing eyes.

Lu Tong, “Qin Shiwu?”

Qin Shiwu asked, “Why are you here?”

Lu Tong, “I’m here to find someone.”

The two of them had met before at Zhao Yan’s house and were quite familiar with each other.
When Qin Shiwu saw his biological mother, a burst of inexplicable excitement and unexplainable affection bubbled up in his heart. It had almost been a week since he had passed through to a time 16 years before. But he still hadn’t gotten rid of this problem: As soon as he saw Lu Tong, he wanted to burrow into his embrace and roll.

As he approached Lu Tong, Qin Shiwu was taken aback for a moment, and was surprised: How come Lu Tong had the smell of an Alpha?

Qin Shiwu was extremely sensitive to the smell of pheromones. No matter how much blocking agent Lu Tong sprayed, it still would be useless.

He sniffed on Lu Tong’s shoulder. But strangely, Lu Tong didn’t push him away — He hated any contact with people. Lu Tong was a bit of a neat freak and didn’t like getting too close to strangers. But he uncharacteristically didn’t refuse Qin Shiwu’s closeness to him.

It made him feel strange too.

“Does it smell good?”

Qin Shiwu was in the process of identifying the smell of the pheromone on Lu Tong’s body when a voice came in.

At first, he thought that it was Lu Tong who asked him. So he answered honestly, “It smells pretty good.”

After saying that, he suddenly realized that there was something wrong with this voice and looked up to see that Qin Chu had been stationed in front of him at some point.

His dad’s complexion didn’t look too good.

Especially when he noticed — From Qin Chu’s perspective, it looked like he was holding Lu Tong in his embrace.

The author has something to say:

Baby: Wanna hug mommy.


Blind luck


older brother



They said ‘Lu Tong’s’ in the raws. But I think it was a typo.


It is an idiom that literally means “The mud does not hold the wall.” The detailed meaning is that the said person is totally hopeless and incompetent that any effort made to teach him can be better spent on some activity that is less useless.


a couple engaged in an illicit love affair / a cheating couple

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