Qin Chu had sensed it as soon as Lu Tong arrived.

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After a temporary mark, the Alpha would have an extremely subtle possessiveness for his Omega. As long as the Omega appears in his vicinity, he can immediately perceive it. It was like an instinct that was engraved in his bones.

But unfortunately, He Yuanyuan had been standing in front of him. So he couldn’t go first. Therefore, he planned to wait for He Yuanyuan to leave on her own before seeing what Lu Tong wanted to do.

However, things didn’t go as he wanted.

Qin Chu couldn’t wait until He Yuanyuan leave on her own, so he actually waited for the arrival of the little bastard, Qin Shiwu.

From his point of view, Qin Shiwu suddenly appeared beside Lu Tong and stood next to him without any plans of leaving. After the two of them said a few words, Qin Shiwu got closer and closer to Lu Tong without distinguishing between red-green or black-white1.

What the hell are you doing?

In an instant, Qin Chu’s attention was all on Lu Tong.

Doesn’t he know how to step back?

Qin Chu’s ground his rear molars together.

What is a marked Omega doing by being so close to other men? Don’t you have any general knowledge of physiology?

It wasn’t until Qin Shiwu seemed to hold Lu Tong in his arms that Qin Chu finally couldn’t stand it anymore.

Halfway through He Yuanyuan’s words, Qin Chu broke into a run and left right away. Her face became white before she got time to finish reddening.

The next second, Qin Chu appeared in front of the corridor.

The sentence “Does it smell good?” was full of hostility.

When Qin Shiwu looked up and saw his father, he didn’t react. His line of thoughts was still stuck in the time sixteen years later and he did not regard himself as a person of the same age as Qin Chu. Moreover, in his understanding, Lu Tong was his biological mother. So what was there to avoid suspicion about? He didn’t even feel that there was a problem with his attitude of wanting to act like a spoiled child with Lu Tong.

But in Qin Chu’s view, all this was undoubtedly a kind of silent provocation.

The Alpha’s pheromones came pressing down without giving any room for an explanation and Lu Tong was the first to feel uncomfortable.

He was caught off guard by Qin Chu’s inexplicable anger, and said in his mind: Is he sick? Why is he using pheromones to pressurize me as soon as he came up? Is he blaming me for crashing through his love affair?

Lu Tong was marked by him, and it was easy as turning his hand for Qin Chu to use his pheromones to control him. He soon felt completely uncomfortable and took a few steps back.

He was somewhat apprehensive in front of Qin Shiwu and didn’t dare to directly show an unfriendly expression to Qin Chu, this son of a b***.

This body of Qin Shiwu was not very sensitive to pheromone perception. But Qin Chu’s pheromones were very dominant, and he too felt a burst of palpitations when it came pressing down.

Not only did he feel palpitations, but also felt that Qin Chu’s posture was like he was gonna beat him up. He had been beaten up by his father a lot before. So much so that later, when his father wanted to beat him, Qin Shiwu’s conditioned reflex was so strong that he even had a radar that could give him an early warning.

He was so anxious that he wanted to scratch the wall.

He Yuanyuan followed Qin Chu and when she saw Lu Tong in the corridor, her face paled slightly.

Lu Tong glanced at her, but he quickly moved away his line of sight.

He Yuanyuan was extremely embarrassed. She had never thought that Lu Tong would bump into the scene of her confessing to Qin Chu.

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The first person to break the silence was Lu Tong. He really couldn’t stand the pressure of Qin Chu’s pheromone anymore and he opened his mouth to say, “Can you stay away from me for a bit?”

This sentence was obscure and He Yuanyuan who had a guilty conscience instantly took Lu Tong’s words as being said to herself. She hurriedly said, “I’ll go first” and then left by Lu Tong’s side with her head lowered.

Lu Tong turned his head and glanced at He Yuanyuan one more time. On this side, Qin Chu opened his mouth again and asked in a chilly voice, “Is she good-looking?”

Lu Tong looked back at Qin Chu and thought again: Is he really sick? He is speaking in a strange way. What’s wrong with me looking at her? Is it in your way?

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Tong suddenly remembered that Qin Chu seemed to have fought with others for this He Yuanyuan.

He inwardly speculated: Qin Chu likes her? Then, it is no wonder that he was so scared that I would pry him out of the corner[foonote]Steal one’s GF/BF[/footnote].

Lu Tong couldn’t help but continue to think: He actually likes this type?

I really beg you to differ.

Even though He Yuanyuan was pretty, she was still a total washboard that hadn’t been fully developed yet and looked very underripe2. Although her body was tall, it was awfully thin as well. It seemed as if just a gust of wind could blow her away.

Lu Tong himself liked girls who were fully developed. And of course, the most important thing was that He Yuanyuan’s eyelashes were not really long, and he still liked girls with long eyelashes.

After He Yuanyuan left, Qin Chu opened his mouth to ask, “What are you doing here?”

The question was obviously asked to Lu Tong.

Nevertheless, the one who answered was Qin Shiwu — Qin Shiwu thought that his father was asking him, and he said without thinking, “I was free and bored. So I just casually strolled around.”

— How could that be?

He, Qin Shiwu was meticulous and regarded himself as highly intelligent. At this peak moment of his struggle for his own birth, of course, it was impossible that he just bumped into He Yuanyuan confessing to Qin Chu when he was roaming around at random.

Qin Shiwu was clearly worried about Qin Chu. So he ran out to completely monitor Qin Chu!

If Qin Chu hadn’t taken the initiative to interrupt He Yuanyuan’s confession, Qin Shiwu probably would have had to resort to all sorts of tricks and he would have firmly made plans to fail He Yuanyuan and Qin Chu’s love affair before it could get carried out.

It’s just that Qin Shiwu didn’t expect that, while he was lurking in the dark, he would see Lu Tong before he could make any moves to put a spoke in Qin Chu’s wheel.

Qin Chu said, “I didn’t ask you!”

With eyes as sharp as the point of a spear, he slashed at Qin Shiwu with his glance.

Qin Chu’s eyes were the standard peach blossom eyes and when he looked at people coldly, they became very indifferent and cold. His appearance was beautiful yet aloof and when he looked over like this, he quite had a bit of the majesty of President Qin sixteen years later.

But unfortunately, Qin Shiwu wasn’t even afraid of President Qin sixteen years later, and even dared to beard the lion in his den3. Not to mention that this person was a young man who had not yet become the President Qin of sixteen years later.

Qin Shiwu pretended to be dumb, completely ignoring the eviction order in Qin Chu’s eyes. And he stood upright by Lu Tong’s side in a daze, as if he had grown roots under his feet and was motionless.

Lu Tong said, “I’m here to deliver you the materials.”

He was holding the notes that he had sorted out, in his hand.

Qin Shiwu was like a puppy who had smelled meat and bones. As soon as he saw the sheets of white paper, his dog’s eyes lit up with a swish and his heart jumped fiercely: Love letter?

In the next second, when he heard Lu Tong open his mouth to say materials, the little dog tail that was wagging so much behind his butt instantly disappeared again.

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…… What the hell? It was actually materials.

Qin Shiwu hated iron for not becoming steel4. He silently criticized that his mother was indeed totally unromantic.

Rooftop, campus, the holy land of romantic confessions……

What kind of materials do you have? Did you come here to learn the core values of socialism together?!

Qin Chu glanced at the sheets of white paper, and asked indifferently, “Materials? I thought you were going to give me a love letter.”

Qin Shiwu raised his head abruptly: !As expected of my dad! He thought the same as me!

The corners of Lu Tong’s mouth twitched, “Excuse me, can’t you see how many sheets of paper are here? A twelve-page love letter? Am I writing a full account about love?”

Qin Chu flipped through the content, all of which were the review summary of the entire semester of high school’s first years.

Lu Tong reminded him, “The contents that will come in the midterm exam have been put on the first page for you in advance. If you don’t understand anything after reading, I will come to Teacher Zhao’s house during the weekend to teach you.”

Qin Chu accepted the materials and asked, “What do you take this as? A kitten returning a favor?”

…… Me kitten, my a**.

Lu Tong clenched his fist with a crunch.

Qin Chu’s words were obscure. Qin Shiwu’s IQ was only inherited from his father, and he was confused on hearing this.

But Lu Tong immediately understood that Qin Chu was referring to the matter of the temporary mark.

He went speechless in his heart. If he had known earlier, he would not have asked Qin Chu for this mark. He just asked him once. Will he mention it for ten years or something?

On the other hand, Qin Shiwu was dumbfounded on the sidelines.

It was as if his parents had made a qualitative leap in their relationship in a corner he didn’t see. And now they were able to play riddles in front of him5?

Although he couldn’t figure out what it was, he was relieved to see that Qin Chu and Lu Tong were not as tit-for-tat6 as before.

Qin Chu collected the materials, and suddenly said to Lu Tong while holding them casually, “Accompany me to the kindergarten this afternoon.”

Lu Tong refused without a second thought, “Not going.”

He had classes in the afternoon. Moreover, there were two physics classes, a general class7, and an information technology class. They had to take the academic exams for the latter two subjects in the first half of the high school second-year semester, and they were intensively preparing for the review. The new lessons had been completed, and all that was left was to do test papers and immerse in exercises. Although Lu Tong scored more than 95 points every time, he still didn’t want to skip classes.

He had been strictly controlled by Lu Zhiyan since he was a child. Not to mention skipping class, not even the matter of him coming late or leaving early had ever occurred. It was impossible to break his own principles for Qin Chu.

“Why are you going to the kindergarten?” Although Lu Tong wasn’t going, he still blabbered a question.

Qin Chu, “Their kindergarten is also holding activities today on Teachers’ Day. Old Zhao is pretty tied up and can’t go to pick her up. I am helping her to take her back home.”

Lu Tong was suspicious, “Teacher Zhao asked you to skip classes to pick up someone?”

“The skipping of classes is an itinerary that I planned myself.”

Lu Tong: ……

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Qin Shiwu was very upset after hearing this, “What are you doing picking up other people’s nieces after school?”

Well, you might think that his anger was a bit hasty. It was for no other reason but in his memory, Qin Chu had never picked him up from school after the dismissal of classes.

Whether it was in kindergarten or in elementary school, it was the driver who picked him up and dropped him off at school. Every time he came back, only his little aunt was there. While other kids showed off their fathers, Qin Shiwu was without any inkling8 to say about his father.

The matter of his father never coming to pick him up was still tolerable. Qin Shiwu was not a petty person. He wouldn’t remember this little thing.

But he now got to know that his dad had gone to pick up other children before, which made him extremely angry.

Qin Chu was baffled by Qin Shiwu’s resentment-filled remark.

He glanced at Qin Shiwu — There seemed to be something really different about this young man who had been convulsing since he was beaten once last time.

It wasn’t his appearance, but his temperament. He was not as annoying as before and Qin Chu actually found him quite pleasing to his eyes, so much so that he could even calmly ignore the matter of him opening his mouth to contradict him.

You must know that his reputation as the “Prince” in the Provincial No. 1 High School was not for nothing. Qin Chu was notoriously bad-tempered and had a powerful family. There were almost no people in the school who dared to provoke him. But there were actually a lot of people who were in a hurry to smooth whiskers and pat the horse’s bottom9.

It was strange and Qin Chu himself felt it to be amazing too. Could it be because Qin Shiwu had called him “Dad” so many times that he really gave birth to a bit of the affection of a father?

Qin Chu only glanced at him, and then said to Lu Tong, “I was just letting you know. Did I ask you about your willingness?”

Lu Tong stared at him with his eyes slightly widened and Qin Chu grinned, showing his two eye teeth and looking exactly like a little devil.

This smile was full of too many things. Lu Tong almost immediately recalled that he still had his handle in Qin Chu’s hands, and he knelt down spinelessly.

“…… When are you gonna go?”

Qin Chu, “Right now.”

Lu Tong found it hard to believe, “You wanna skip all your afternoon classes?”

Qin Chu, “Cut the crap.”

Qin Shiwu suddenly butted in, “I wanna go too!”

Lu Tong asked reflexively, “What are you gonna do there?”

He didn’t even feel it that he brought along a tone of a worried parent when saying that.

Qin Shiwu, “I……”

A bright idea suddenly occurred to him and he asked, “Aren’t you guys going to kindergarten? Look. You are the father and you are the mother. So isn’t that niece of Old Zhao just short of a good and young brother who is really talented?”

He winked and the Mao Sui recommended himself10, “Isn’t there a parent-child activity in the kindergarten? And the only thing that is left is for me to play the role of the big brother. If you want to skip classes, let’s do it together. The family should be complete and neat.”

Lu Tong got goosebumps all over his body, “Who is the mother!”

Qin Chu asked venomously, “Did you take your seat according to the ticket number11? Did Qin Shiwu point at anyone?”

Only then did Lu Tong react that he had put himself in a trap and his ears were red, “I didn’t.”

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Qin Chu shot a glance at Qin Shiwu and continued to proceed with his venomous tongue, “I can’t give birth to a son as big as you.”

Qin Shiwu answered back sarcastically12, “I don’t need you to give birth. Why are you worried?”

After he finished this sentence, the air suddenly quieted down.

Qin Shiwu and Qin Chu coincidentally moved their gazes slowly together and they nonchalantly fell on Lu Tong’s body.

The blue veins on Lu Tong’s forehead jumped. He gritted his silver teeth and squeezed out a sound from between his teeth.

“…… I can’t fu** give birth either!”


He suddenly reacted.

— Why the fuck would I give birth to Qin Chu’s son!

The author has something to say: The entire family…… Wanna just completely and neatly…… Skip classes.

Don’t feel shy to let me know in the comment section or in the discord of Knoxt if you find any mistakes~


Which means (Not to distinguish between right and wrong.)


(fig.) young and inexperienced


provoke sb. far superior in power or strength


to feel resentful towards sb for failing to meet expectations and impatient to see improvement (idiom)


he is saying that cause he can’t understand what’s going on now.


to oppose each other with equal harshness (idiom); tit for tat/measure for measure


This is the lit. translation.


not knowing anything at all (idiom); completely ignorant / without an inkling


to use flatter to get what one wants / to toady / boot-licking


to offer one’s services (in the style of Mao Sui offering his services to king of Chu 楚 of the Warring states)


(fig.) to put (things or people) in their right place / to take a general comment as a personal attack


to retort

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