Qin Shiwu silently withdrew his eyes, not daring to challenge Lu Tong’s bottom line when he was fuming.

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On second thought, his mother was still unwaveringly pretending to be an Alpha in the school. If he were to be insensitive and reveal his identity that was in disguise at this time, then wouldn’t his mother hold a grudge against him?

Qin Shiwu hurriedly changed the subject, “I know from where we can climb over the wall.”

Lu Tong stood in the same place without moving while Qin Shiwu led the way, “I had climbed over from there before. And there was no student council patrol there. So it’s not likely that we’ll get caught.”

He said this just for Lu Tong’s sake.

These two people, Qin Chu and Qin Shiwu were more disgraceful than the other. One was the big scoundrel while the other was the little scoundrel and they were undisciplined and out of control in school. They were not even afraid of the Director He of the Political and Educational Office coming in person, let alone a few members of the student union.

If Qin Chu wanted to go out, the student union would turn a blind eye to it. Would they really dare to come up and stop him?

Of course, they wouldn’t dare.

Both father and son were repeat offenders and the only novice among the three was Lu Tong.

Not only had he never climbed a wall, he hadn’t even gone over the windows of the classroom before — The back door of Classes 1 and 2 of Senior High School was broken. Sometimes if the student carrying the class key can’t return on time while the others are going back after recess, then everybody wouldn’t be able to enter the classroom. So they would push the window to directly dislocate the lock and then they would open the window to jump in.

This was something that they were skillful in. But Lu Tong had never done it either.

In short, for Lu Tong, climbing over the wall could be considered a big event that was worthy of being recorded in history.

If it weren’t for the fact that Qin Chu still had his handle in his hand, he wouldn’t have ever skipped classes.

But when Lu Tong followed Qin Chu, he felt a little excited in his heart. He had been obedient since he was a child, and had never done such a thing that overstepped the bounds of what was proper. And the excitement was accompanied by a hint of the thrill of retaliating against Lu Zhiyan.

Qin Shiwu passed through the basketball court avoiding the teachers. And as expected, he found a spot behind the teacher’s cafeteria that was an exceptionally good place for climbing over the wall. The wall here was low, and there were stones put together under a corner of the wall that lent strength and steps. The wall was speckled with countless footprints, and judging from these footprints, this should be a popular spot for students to climb over the wall.

Avoiding the school teachers, Qin Shiwu passed through the basketball court. And sure enough, he found a spot behind the teacher’s cafeteria that was the perfect place for climbing over the wall. The wall here was low and in addition to that there were stones put together below a corner of the wall, that gave strength and steps. The wall was mottled with countless footsteps and judging from these footprints, this should be a very popular spot for students to climb over the wall.

Qin Shiwu jumped up from the stone in an extremely skillful manner and jumped over the wall with a gentle leap while supporting both his hands on the wall. With his proficiency, the two-meter-high wall was just like an ornament1.

For the first time, Lu Tong couldn’t help but be a little surprised when he saw others climbing over the wall.

However, what was strange wasn’t the matter of climbing over the wall. Rather, what was strange was the person who climbed over the wall.

He had noticed Qin Shiwu before. Although he had never met him, he had heard of Qin Shiwu’s name: He was a famous good-for-nothing in class 12 of the high school first year. The kind of person who was at the mercy of everyone.

When did he become so proficient in the art of climbing over the wall?

As he was looking at it while being lost in thought, he was suddenly blocked by a figure in front of him.

Lu Tong looked up and saw that it was Qin Chu. He didn’t know if the other party was deliberately blocking him. But it just blocked his sight of Qin Shiwu.

He couldn’t figure out what Qin Chu meant. So simply didn’t look anymore — After this son of a b*** bit him, he [QC] seemed to recognize himself as his [LT] master, and his attitude towards him became odd and strange too, making Lu Tong speechless.

Qin Chu’s movements were faster than Qin Shiwu’s and he climbed over the wall in the blink of an eye.

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Lu Tong looked at the lump of stones in front of him and fell into a deep thought.

Outside the wall, Qin Shiwu patted his pants and patted away the white wall dust that he got on himself after rubbing against the wall.

When he turned his head, Qin Chu had already jumped over from the other side of the wall.

Qin Shiwu: !!!

Qin Chu was baffled by his dumbfounded gaze.

Qin Shiwu pointed at him as if Qin Chu had missed the opportunity to make a hundred million RMB. He trembled and asked, “You climbed over alone?”

Qin Chu coldly said, “What else? Do you want me to perform acrobatics?”

Qin Shiwu opened his lips and closed, “No. Then what about Lu Tong?”

Qin Chu said as if it was a matter of course, “He will climb over by himself.”

…… You will be alone forever ah!!!

Qin Shiwu froze for a full three seconds and finally roared out in his heart.

He simply didn’t dare to believe it. Qin Chu just left Lu Tong next door like this? He, Qin Shiwu took the lead and became the first one to climb over the wall, despite everyone’s obstruction. What was his plan? Wasn’t he just trying to leave an opportunity for Qin Chu to show off whom he treasures?

A great physical contact to promote affection between the two of them was just wasted by Qin Chu!

Qin Shiwu stared at him indignantly, his eyes almost turning red.

The words “unable to tell good from bad” and “scumbag” were written all over his face. Qin Chu was very unreasonably slandered by him. When the former was about to grab Qin Shiwu’s collar and teach him a lesson, there was a sudden movement on the wall.

Qin Chu and Qin Shiwu climbed over the wall like most boys, leaping over as soon as they supported their hands on it. This was obviously their method after they have become proficient.

But Lu Tong was climbing over the wall for the first time. Under the gazes of the two of them, he slowly supported his body with his arms and slowly climbed up.

A fluffy head suddenly appeared above the wall2 — A handful of Lu Tong’s hair curled up because he was climbing too hard and he was protesting silently.

…… It was a bit cute.

The Kaolin Flower3 who was usually as cold as ice was currently climbing over the wall clumsily. But it was still for the “breaking the law” path that Qin Chu had embarked on and it made Qin Chu feel an inexplicable pride in his heart.

He looked at Lu Tong’s head which popped out and calmly took a step forward.

Lu Tong used both his hands and foot and after spending a long time, he finally managed to put himself on top of the almost 20 cm wide wall. He placed himself on the wall with extreme cautiousness and took a glance outside the wall — He felt his head swimming.

Lu Tong was born with hypoglycemia and it was a problem that he brought along with him when he came out of his mother’s womb. Wherever he went, he had to carry a few candies in his bag.

Usually, the recurrence of his ailment of hypoglycemia wasn’t really frequent. But he didn’t eat much at noon, and now he had tormented himself. So when he sat on the wall, his physical strength was obviously weak, and even his lips were a little pale.

Qin Chu sensed this and took another step forward, saying, “Hurry up and get down.”

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Qin Shiwu paused in his steps and suddenly spoke, “Lu Tong has hypoglycemia.”

He reacted as if he had suddenly remembered about it.

This was indeed the case.

Qin Shiwu got to know that Lu Tong had hypoglycemia because of a coincidence.

Sixteen years later, Lu Tong didn’t have much time to spend with him. As a public figure, his schedule was nearly filled with announcements every day, with no time to rest for twenty-four hours.

The only time that he remembered being with his mother was when he went to eat a meal with Qin Shiwu on a whim. On that day Lu Tong had just finished shooting a Sino-foreign cooperative film. He had continuously slept for no more than three hours a night for a month. And not long after he went out with Qin Shiwu, he fell to the ground without any warning.

At that time, the Qin Shiwu who was still young was frightened and he called Qin Chu. Qin Chu immediately came back from the company and took Lu Tong to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, he [LT] was photographed by many passers-by. The hot searches on every major search engine that day were about him fainting, and it was this incident that almost exposed his relationship with Qin Chu.

So much so that for a long time afterward, Lu Tong could not get rid of the scandal of “Being kept by a golden master4“.

Qin Shiwu remembered how on that day, he and Qin Chu waited for Lu Tong at the entrance of the hospital’s emergency room. And when the stretcher pushed in, Lu Tong had countless candies in his pockets, some of which was for himself to eat and some of which he had bought for Qin Shiwu.

When he put it in his mouth, he ate a mouthful of bitterness even when the candy was obviously sweet5.

Later, he never again asked Lu Tong to accompany him to go out and play.

Qin Shiwu emphasized, “His hypoglycemia is very serious. You should look after him, or he will fall down.”

Even though Lu Tong felt dizzy it didn’t go as far as him falling down and he didn’t completely lose sight of the path under his feet.

He tentatively put down one leg and then retracted it.

Lu Tong squinted to estimate the height of the wall, gritted his teeth, and decided to jump down directly.

Qin Chu stood below and suddenly said, “I’ll catch you.”

Lu Tong thought that he had heard wrong and looked down. Qin Chu was standing not far from him with his arms folded in front of his chest.

…… Neurotic.

Lu Tong said in his heart.

Jumping down and getting caught by Qin Chu? He might as well come down himself.

He had already lost face in front of Qin Chu and now he had to jump down for Qin Chu to catch him. Where could he put his face?

Are we acting in an idol drama? Lu Tong silently criticized in his heart.

He simply refused to pay attention to Qin Chu and looked for a suitable position to jump down.

Who would have known that Qin Chu would be more aggressive with him? As soon as Lu Tong moved, the Alpha pheromones in his body suddenly surged up violently like an undercurrent — Those were the pheromones that were left in his body by Qin Chu and they spread to all the limbs and bones in his body in an instant. Lu Tong’s leg was softened by the Alpha pheromones, and he fell down from the wall in an instant without any strength.

Qin Chu’s position under the wall was just right and it was just enough to let Lu Tong land in his arms. He just came slamming down and the fragrant pheromones that were as cold as frost smashed a crack in his impenetrable city wall.

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He had never hugged someone so tightly before. The sweetness from Lu Tong kept drilling into his body. Qin Chu’s train of thoughts ran around like a heavenly steed that was soaring across the skies6. Instead of grasping the main point, he thought: Why is his waist so thin and soft? Can a man’s waist be so soft?

Lu Tong was greatly embarrassed. After struggling to stand firm, he violently pushed Qin Chu away.

On remembering that Qin Shiwu was present, he lowered his voice and said while gritting his teeth, “You are pressing me with your pheromones? Are you sick?”

Qin Chu mocked him coldly, “Still going to jump when you have hypoglycemia. Isn’t it you who are sick? Are you planning to scam me7 after falling down and getting injured? I’m not interested in taking care of you for the rest of your life.”

Lu Tong blushed when he said it. But he had to admit that what Qin Chu said was true.

If he had just jumped off by himself in that black-eyed state of his just now, he would have gone out of luck and the consequences would have been uncertain. However, Lu Tong considered the loss of face unthinkable and he would never admit that he was a coward. He was still older than Qin Chu. How could he look like a coward in front of him?

So he pretended to be indifferent and said with a stiff face, “I don’t need your help.”

All three climbed over the wall without being caught by the school, and all that was left was to rush to the kindergarten.

Qin Chu found his motorcycle in the parking lane next to the school, and Lu Tong stared at it speechlessly, “…… You ride this to school?”

Qin Chu put on his helmet, tugging at it awfully, “Is there a problem?”

As a person who had never driven a two-wheeled vehicle before, Lu Tong did not make any comment.

Qin Chu seemed to have more than one motorcycle. Lu Tong hadn’t looked into this field. But from the color of the vehicle, this black one was not the same as the white one he saw in Old Zhao’s garage last time.

Lu Tong looked around and saw that there were no other means of transportation except motorcycles.

Qin Chu got him out and asked him to go to the kindergarten with him. But he never made him call a taxi.

— Then, was it because he was gonna ride his vehicle?

Lu Tong had never been in someone else’s vehicle and he was not used to being close to people. But his straight man’s line of thought was very prominent at this time: We are all men. What’s wrong with riding in a vehicle?

But he never thought about what it meant for an Omega to ride in the back seat of an Alpha’s vehicle.

When Lu Tong stepped into the back seat of the car, Qin Chu didn’t seem to refute it — there was only one possibility: He had originally intended to do so.

When Qin Shiwu came up from the back, his eyes lit up on seeing Qin Chu’s motorcycle. When he stepped forward, he couldn’t help but touch it twice with envy, and he was almost drooling onto the vehicle. It seemed to be a common hobby.

“Cool. A BMW Double R!“ Qin Shiwu touched the handle of the motorcycle and said enviously, “It is the 20098 model. I wanted to buy the 2019 model9 before. You…… My dad said that I was underage and didn’t let me buy it no matter what. I think he wanted to buy it for himself. But my mother didn’t agree. So he just bullied me.”

Lu Tong felt very strange on hearing this, especially on the issue of time. He mentioned the year 2019 as if he was recalling it. But now it was still six or seven years away from 2019. How could he recall it?

As he got in the car, he asked casually, “What’s so good about this thing?”

Qin Shiwu replied without thinking, “You won’t understand even if I say. This is a man’s romance! Do you know a man’s commitment is to only give the back seat of his motorcycle to his girlfriend and wife?”

Lu Tong who happened to be sitting in the back seat:……

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In an instant, he stepped his right foot that he had swung past, onto the ground; slid down from the other side, and stood a meter away from Qin Chu’s back seat, expressionlessly pulling apart a distance of the Mariana Trench between him and the motorcycle.

Qin Chu saw him complete the three actions of getting on the vehicle — waiting for 0.5 seconds — and then getting off the vehicle like moving clouds and flowing water10 and asked with his eyebrows raised, “Are you jumping over a vaulting horse11?”

Lu Tong: …… Your mother is jumping over a vaulting horse12.

The author has something to say:

Little Lu: Alert.jpg·

Qin Shiwu: Dad, I hate you for being a piece of wood!13


It wasn’t even an obstacle.



Cause he was a person who could only be seen from a distance, but cannot be touched by others.


financial backer/bankroller




unconstrained in style


(coll.) to scam sb by setting up an “accident” in which one appears to have sustained damage or injury caused by the scam victim, then demanding compensation (variations include putting “expensive” porcelain in a place where it is likely to be knocked over by passers-by, and stepping into the path of a slow-moving car)




fig. very natural and flowing style of calligraphy, writing, etc / natural and unforced



Obviously, he is cursing him


Cause he is dense AF.


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