When Qin Shiwu saw Lu Tong coming down from Qin Chu’s back seat, he knew that he had said the wrong thing.

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Lu Tong was thin-skinned, and after he finished talking about the “Legend of the Backseat”, it was absolutely impossible for him to sit there again.

He stood dryly in place, realizing there was something wrong with the way he had spoken.

Lu Tong said, “Where is the kindergarten? I’ll take the bus to go there by myself.”

Qin Shiwu got panicky and hurriedly added, “Why are you taking the bus? Let’s go together. You just sit in the back seat of Qin Chu. I don’t think there is any problem.”

Lu Tong simply ignored him and prepared to go to the subway near the school.

Qin Shiwu saw him turning his head to leave and he hurriedly went after him to stop him, “Wait, wait. It’s my fault. It’s my fault. It’s entirely my fault for talking nonsense!”

He hurriedly said, “You don’t take it to heart. I made this up by myself. If the back seat of the motorcycle is only for one’s wife and girlfriend, what about those owners of motorcycle taxis? Wouldn’t it be like having wives and girlfriends everywhere? It is absolutely impossible to implement the system of polygamy with the characteristics and circumstances particular of our country. If there is a return of the remnants of feudalism, I will be the first one to disagree!”

Lu Tong: ……

Qin Shiwu saw him finally stop and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Do you think Qin Chu looks like importunate!”

The building of the Provincial No. 1 High School was located in the city center, next to a small-scale transportation hub. There were many motorcycle owners sitting on motorcycles waiting to solicit customers at the entrance of the bus station.

If Qin Chu had gone to do this, he surely would be very popular. The young girls coming out of the bus station might even have to queue up to take the lottery if they wanted to get into his vehicle.

Lu Tong was amused by Qin Shiwu’s words, and he patiently explained, “I didn’t mean to blame you.”

He paused and said, “It will be more convenient to take the subway. If Qin Chu takes me there, what will you do?”

Two people cannot sit in the back seat of a motorcycle. Otherwise, you will be stopped halfway by the police.

Qin Shiwu didn’t expect Lu Tong to think for him, and he suddenly had mixed feelings in his heart.

He said, “Me? I don’t need to take a motorcycle. I have motion sickness!”

Lu Tong: ?

“So how are you going to get there?”

Qin Shiwu racked his brain, “I’m sure there’s a way.”

No matter what method he used, he couldn’t let Qin Chu continue to miss the opportunity again!

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He saw a child who was riding a four-wheeled bicycle on the side of the road. He immediately lifted the kid up, and said in a serious tone, “I am a policeman, and I’m commandeering your bicycle now.”

That kid looked at Qin Shiwu blankly.

Lu Tong reminded him, “You are doing a robbery. It is illegal.”

Qin Shiwu said to Lu Tong, “How can a scholar’s robbery be called a robbery1? It’s called sharing a bike. And I get dizzy from a two-wheeled vehicle, but not from this kind of four-wheeled vehicle.”

Lu Tong looked at the four-wheeled bicycle that Qin Shiwu mentioned. The main two wheels were in line with the standard configuration of a bicycle. Only the two extra wheels on the left and right of the rear wheel were there on both sides to maintain balance and support. It was suitable for children over three years old and under nine years old, and it was full of a naive and innocent aura.

Lu Tong said, feeling speechless, “Stop making trouble.”

Qin Chu, “Have you talked over it yet?”

He suddenly interjected, interrupting Qin Shiwu and Lu Tong.

Qin Chu looked a little unhappy and had a black face for no reason. He looked at Lu Tong and asked, “Are you sitting or not?”

Qin Shiwu, “He’ll sit! I’ll take a taxi. What is the address of the kindergarten? I’ll go there directly and wait for you.”

Qin Chu gave an address, and when Lu Tong heard it, he thought in surprise: It’s quite far away.

During this period of time, he was still in a “work-study program”, and his temper was stubborn. At present, the money in his hands was earned by working part-time during the holidays. Lu Tong made a visual estimation that since he would have to fight with Lu Zhiyan for a while, the economy will be depressed, and it was not suitable to take a taxi.

Qin Shiwu was afraid that if he stayed for one more second, Lu Tong might give up Qin Chu’s back seat and go to the subway by himself. So he immediately stopped a taxi and got into it at the speed of lightning.

In this era, the XX app for calling a taxi was yet to come up, and calling a taxi was done in the most primitive way: Beckoning with one’s all might.

Qin Shiwu grumbled a sentence and was listened to by Lu Tong.

He silently thought in his heart: What the hell is an XX app for calling taxis?

Qin Shiwu went quickly, and only Lu Tong and Qin Chu were left on the scene.

Qin Chu didn’t talk nonsense with him and directly said, “Get in the vehicle.”

He was so direct and efficient. While in contrast, Lu Tong was feeling a bit awkward.

Yes, Qin Chu himself didn’t care about this terrible urban legend and was really calm. If I dwell on this again, wouldn’t it look like I have a guilty conscience?

Lu Tong thought about it and got onto the back seat without any hesitation.

He said in his heart: This brat is sometimes quite likable, if only he had always been this good.

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As soon as he got in the vehicle, Qin Chu warned him, “Don’t take the opportunity to hug me.”

Lu Tong: ……

I am immediately retracting those words “very good”!

“Don’t worry, I won’t hug you.” Lu Tong said indifferently.

Qin Chu was merciful and said, “But you can grab the corner of my clothes. I will give you permission for that.”

Lu Tong gnashed his teeth in anger and said in his heart: Son of a b***.

He coldly said, “No need.”

Qin Chu heard him make a solemn vow and asked doubtfully, “You really don’t need it? I ride the bike very fast. You won’t be able to sit still and will fall down.”

He was quite proud.

Lu Tong coldly said, “Don’t worry. Even if I fall down and get injured, I won’t scam you. I won’t bother you by making you take care of me for the rest of my life.”

That being said, as soon as the motorcycle started, Lu Tong regretted it.

What Qin Chu said was right. The speed of the vehicle was really fast. When Lu Tong only grabbed the edge of the back seat of the motorcycle with both his hands, his center of gravity was extremely unstable. So in order to stabilize in the center, the whole person did not even dare to speak and wholeheartedly focused on his hands.

After riding the motorcycle for a while, Qin Chu found that Lu Tong really didn’t hug him. He had a quite stubborn character and he couldn’t help but feel a little upset: Why is he being so obedient now? Usually, I don’t see him listening and obeying.

He turned the hand clutch, changed gears, and suddenly increased the horsepower.

Lu Tong did not expect Qin Chu to go even faster, and his face turned pale with a swish.

Qin Chu lowered his body and deliberately overtook at a bend. Lu Tong pursed his lips, feeling that he was almost thrown out of the back seat.

Qin Chu took the gravel road instead of going to the main road. The motorcycle jolted around all the way, and Lu Tong finally couldn’t stand the torture anymore. So he let go of his hand that was grabbing onto the back seat and gently and cautiously held the corner of Qin Chu’s cloth.

He only held a small piece, for fear of being discovered by Qin Chu.

—— That would be really embarrassing!

This kid definitely did it on purpose. Why did he want to take this unmetalled road without cement instead of going to the tarred road on the side?

Qin Chu calmly glanced at Lu Tong from the corner of his eye, and suddenly leaned over onto the body of the automobile at a turn in front of him.

Lu Tong’s body immediately fell to the right along with the vehicle. His sense of balance was extremely poor, so it was only a matter of minutes before he might land on the ground.

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And his body’s survival instincts immediately made him reach out and hug Qin Chu. By the time his brain reacted, Lu Tong’s entire body was almost on Qin Chu’s back.

The speed of the vehicle finally slowed down.

Lu Tong’s entire body was stiff, and he hugged Qin Chu’s waist with both hands. On thinking of the shameless boasting that he had done just then, his expression became even stiffer than his body.

Qin Chu took off his helmet, stroked his bangs, and parked his vehicle at the entrance of the kindergarten.

Lu Tong walked out of the vehicle with a strange expression on his face, raised his eyes, and stared at Qin Chu, “Did you do that on purpose?”

Qin Chu played dumb and deaf, “Did what on purpose?”

Qin Shiwu waved at them from the entrance of the kindergarten, “I’m here!”

Qin Chu walked forward without turning his head. He seemed to have the touch of Lu Tong’s hands on his waist. The other party’s small arms were skinny and the wrist was even thinner. Across the partition of the two thin school uniforms, the warmth had directly passed onto his skin.

Qin Chu remembered that when he looked down, he could still see a pure white arm.

“With a wrist that thin, I can grab both with one hand.”

He thought.

Lu Tong just didn’t know what Qin Chu was thinking about and he followed him with a stiff face. His originally chilly aura was now even more serene.

It was so cold that Qin Shiwu shuddered.

He anxiously looked at Qin Chu and asked, “What happened to Lu Tong? Did you provoke him?”

Qin Chu, “Who provoked him?”

“If you didn’t provoke him, then how could his face be so ugly? My god, don’t you think that everything around you is about to enter the Ice age ahead of schedule!”

Qin Chu suddenly stopped and squinted at Qin Shiwu, “Why do you care about him so much?”

“Isn’t it obvious? He —” Qin Shiwu almost said: He is my mother.

Fortunately, he suddenly made a sharp turn and made an unexpected change to his tone, “He is a gorgeous-looking person. When I see him, I just want to care about him. Can’t I? Even if we can control the sky and the earth, can we mortals control our pursuit of beautiful things?”

When Qin Chu heard this, his heart was even more upset. He looked up and down at Qin Shiwu and felt that Qin Shiwu was not at all pleasing to the eye. He used Lu Tong’s words to block up Qin Shiwu, “He is not interested in men. So I advise you to perish that thought.”

How could Qin Shiwu possibly know why his father lost his senses and he replied casually, “Can’t I just have an unrequited love?”

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Qin Chu, “No way.”

Qin Shiwu: ……

“Explain it to me in detail. What’s wrong with this?” Qin Shiwu was also stirred up. The original owner of the body that he was commandeering now was an Omega. With this innate gender advantage, Qin Shiwu said boldly, “Lu Tong is an A and I am an O. What is this called? This is called a natural pair. He can’t be with me, then can he be with you2?”

Qin Chu was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Up to that date, Qin Shiwu hadn’t yet known that Qin Chu had already known the news of Lu Tong’s secondary gender.

In his dad’s eyes, no matter how he looked at it, he formed a pair of “good sisters” with Lu Tong and he was not worried about what kind of folklores Qin Shiwu would hop out of.

Besides, could this be called a natural couple?

By analogy: He could eat and Lu Tong could cook. So they seem to be a natural couple.

Qin Chu sneered disdainfully in his heart.

While the two of them were talking, Lu Tong had already arrived at the door of the classroom first.

Xiao Nan was now a little over three years old and was still in nursery. She hadn’t even joined the kindergarten level 1 study.

The interior area of the kindergarten was very large. Today, on Teacher’s Day, the park inside it was decorated in a very cute way. Flowers and plants made of KT boards could be seen everywhere. And many parents had already gathered in the small playground, waiting for the next parent-child activity.

Xiao Nan doesn’t need to participate in the parent-child activities. When Qin Chu picks up her, he must go through various inspections and procedures with the class teacher of the Miao Miao’s class, and only after a 100% confirmation that he was sent by Old Zhao that he could take Xiao Nan away.

Xiao Nan knew Qin Chu, and when he came, the little girl automatically hugged Qin Chu’s thigh.

Qin Chu uprooted her from the ground and held her in his warm arms for a second. But on smelling the smell of milk on Xiao Nan’s body, he immediately stuffed Xiao Nan into Lu Tong’s arms expressionlessly while feeling extremely disgusted.

Lu Tong: ……

Qin Chu, “Smelly.”

A parent from the Miao Miao’s Class has been paying attention to them for a long time, and she asked in surprise, “Are you two the parents of the child? Such a young husband and wife?”

The author has something to say:

Qin Shiwu: The second half of the sentence is right. But the first half is wrong! I presume that it is hard to imagine. But in fact, I am their son!


It is a reference from the story《孔乙己 》.


I will cringe to death if I say that about my mom.

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