Ren Yuanye felt that this little classmate of Lu Tong had a little enmity towards him. But he could swear that they had only met each other for one time. Thus he didn’t know where the enmity of Qin Shiwu came from.

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After eating, Qin Chu received a phone call. So he went out of the restaurant first.

In order to protect his own mother from another Alpha dipping a finger1” in him2, Qin Shiwu resolutely stayed in the hotel.

Unfortunately, heaven does not abide by the wishes of people. And he couldn’t even rely on it for a second.

As soon as he walked out of the door of the restaurant, he saw He Yuanyuan outside on the snack street. He Yuanyuan was looking around as if she was looking for someone. The moment she saw Qin Chu not far ahead, she immediately chased after him.

Qin Shiwu: ……Fuck me.

Thus without any warning, the heavy burden of the family was placed on his young shoulders.

Before him was the Alpha who was the ambiguous childhood sweetheart of his mother. And then there was the Omega campus goddess who was relentlessly pursuing his father.

How could he, Qin Shiwu be so miserable and unlucky? Could it be that the god had let him cross over just to close the door for him and then close the window in passing?

Qin Shiwu was distraught and hated that he didn’t have any siblings.

What did his mother want by just giving birth to one?

In any case, he wants one more! If he had a brother or a sister, he wouldn’t be fighting all alone here.

Fortunately, even though Ren Yuanye had a good relationship with Lu Tong, Lu Tong had a strangers-must-stay-away physique pre-installed in him. The appearance of a good relationship was only superficial. This person was hard to make friends with and was a typical case of a white-eyed wolf who would never learn to be thankful no matter how nicely you treat him. It wasn’t particularly difficult to be friends with him. But if you wanted to stay by his side and occupy a place in his heart, it was simply more difficult than ascending to the sky.

Qin Shiwu actually knew very little about Lu Tong, he had heard most of it from his little aunt.

He could clearly feel cold on the outside and colder on the inside nature of his.

The weight of his own son in Lu Tong’s heart was “at risk”, let alone that of an outsider.

Therefore, if Ren Yuanye really meant anything to Lu Tong, according to the arrangement of this script, it can be estimated that he would have already been able to enjoy the benefits of being in a favorable position3. It’s just that no one expected that this beauty was a person who was so stubborn and even after living for seventeen years, no one could walk into his personal sphere at all.

But the case of Qin Chu was more dangerous.

Qin Shiwu squinted his eyes and decided that it was better to go near Qin Chu first to wreak havoc. He was determined not to let other women take advantage of the opportunity.

Qin Shiwu quickly left after informing Lu Tong.

Ren Yuanye saw that even a long time after Qin Shiwu ran away, Lu Tong didn’t look away and he joked, “You seem to care a lot about him?”

Lu Tong turned his head, “No.”

After thinking about it, he continued, “I didn’t know him before. And I only met him a while before.”

Ren Yuanye said, “That’s just the familiarity at first sight?”

Lu Tong shook his head.

Ren Yuanye smiled and said, “It’s really hard to come by. I thought you wouldn’t make any friends other than me in your entire life. I didn’t think that you would also open up your heart to someone one day. My position is in jeopardy.”

Lu Tong glanced at him coldly, “Are you full?”

Having said that, Ren Yuanye still felt a sense of crisis when he saw Lu Tong’s natural closeness to this person.

If there was anything special about Qin Shiwu, it was that he was really skinny.

He really couldn’t figure out what was so special about this person that could attract Lu Tong’s attention.

Ren Yuanye raised his hand and surrendered, “I was just kidding.”

Lu Tong glanced at his watch, “The evening self-study class is about to begin. I will go back first.”

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Ren Yuanye suddenly grabbed his arm. But unfortunately, just as he touched Lu Tong’s sleeve, Lu Tong avoided him without a trace before he could properly grab his hand.

Ren Yuanye’s hand was empty, and he finally placed it on the side of his leg.

“What else is there?”

“You have the smell of an Alpha on you. Is it from that boy just now?”

Lu Tong turned his head and looked at Ren Yuanye vigilantly.

Ren Yuanye, “Don’t look at me like that, I’m also an Alpha. Of course, I’ll be able to smell it. It’s just that I wasn’t sure before, but I am sure today.” He hesitated for a moment and continued, “Xiao Lu, I don’t know what changes have happened to your body. But if you need my help, you can come to me at any time.”

Lu Tong didn’t speak.

Ren Yuanye sighed, “You……”

Lu Tong interrupted him, “Big brother Xiao Yuan, thank you. But I have my own way.”

He touched the back of his neck, where his Omega glands existed.

The temporary mark that Qin Chu gave him was domineering as if he was his man, and he had a very strong sense of presence in his body.

For fear of causing any unnecessary misunderstandings, Lu Tong had used a blocking agent in the afternoon of the day the temporary marking was made. But obviously, the keen Alpha was still able to detect it.

It has been a few days now, and Lu Tong definitely felt that Qin Chu’s pheromone was not very obvious. But he was still discovered by Ren Yuanye.

Lu Tong, “I’ll go first.”

Ren Yuanye sighed and waved his hand, “Go ahead.”

After Lu Tong separated from Ren Yuanye, he went to the pharmacy first to buy a new blocking agent and sprayed some on himself.

He has been with Qin Chu recently, and under the comfort of the Alpha’s pheromones, his state during the heat had stabilized a lot.

He had to say that the inhibitors really didn’t work as good as the Alpha pheromones.

As soon as Lu Tong left Qin Chu for a while, his body reacted again.

The temporary mark that Qin Chu left on his body would slowly fade over time until it completely disappears. Lu Tong with his thick face was embarrassed to ask for another one. So on that night, he injected another inhibitor at home.

However, it was absolutely impossible to get through the first heat with only one temporary mark.

Moreover, once you rely on a pheromone for a long time, you will get addicted to it.

Getting addicted to Qin Chu’s pheromones? This was simply more horrifying than only getting two hundred points in the college entrance exam4.

Lu Tong didn’t dare to cross the border and deliberately avoided Qin Chu. After eating together that afternoon, he never saw him again. Even during the double break, he pretended to be sick and asked Old Zhao for leave, and did not go to make up classes for Qin Chu too.

Qin Chu felt very strange about this.

He used to be able to meet Lu Tong in various places. But now that he had not seen him for such a long time, it was obvious that Lu Tong was avoiding him.

After drawing this inference, his not-so-beautiful mood suddenly hit rock bottom.

He was vaguely more upset.

On Monday morning, the class schedule of class 12 of senior high school was relatively tight. But this did not affect Qin Chu’s sleep in the back of the classroom.

Qin Shiwu slept along with him. But while the latter was really sleeping, the former was faking it.

Qin Chu’s mobile phone in the compartment under the table vibrated, and he turned it on. It was the news from the “Lu Lu’s Embassy” that he had joined before. This group was a group of bored school girls in the Provincial No. 1 High School who had made a fan group for Lu Tong. They didn’t do anything other than discussing Lu Tong’s trivial5 matters all day long.

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It was unknown from where they got pieces of information, but half of it was true while half of it was false.

These people should not know that Lu Tong is an Omega, right?

Since he had a connection from a temporary mark with Lu Tong, under the lead of the pheromone instincts, Qin Chu couldn’t help but focus on Lu Tong.

He swiped the screen twice with his hand and glanced at it hurriedly. There was too much news, and he read it very earnestly. When Qin Chu realized that he had been earnestly reading the news of Lu Tong for a long time, he finally realized that there was something wrong with him.

— Why am I reading news about him?

Qin Chu felt jittery for a while. He turned off his mobile phone, changed his posture of laying on the table, and continued to sleep.

After the class ended, a lot of girls came to the door.

There was a vending machine for drinks at the end of the corridor of class 12. This machine was the most popular one in the school. It wasn’t for anything else, but just because every time they went to buy a drink and wait, they could stand in the corridor for a while.

At this time, through the window of class 12, you could see Qin Chu who was inside.

The students in Class 12 were not surprised by this scene. After all, every time class finishes, girls from the next class, and even from the upper and lower floors will form a team to see Qin Chu.

They would be chattering non-stop and blushing hard. The ones with the most guts would even lean forward on the window and would ask their classmates for Qin Chu’s contact details.

It was just that Qin Chu was very unromantic. Every time, he just laid on the desk like a sleeping god, and never raised his head even once.

Old Zhao walked in from the front door, and the school girls outside the corridor dispersed.

“There will be a swearing-in ceremony in the afternoon. At that time, listen to the commands through the school’s radio. Just like in the morning assembly, you can stand in your designated positions. No one is allowed to escape and I will do a roll call at that time. Do you hear me?”

Sparse and fragmentary voices rang out in class 12, “Heard it.”

Qin Chu took out his cell phone again and again and turned it around in his hand a few times. Unfortunately, even if he drilled a hole, he couldn’t see even a short message sent by Lu Tong to him.

He stared at it for a long time before suddenly stretching out his hand to grab Ji Rang, and his back collar was caught by him again.

“Brother, tell me if you have something to say. I’m still writing my homework. Can’t you give a warning when this God’s hand is coming?”

Qin Chu said, “Let me ask you something.”

Ji Ran said, “No problem. What do you want to ask, do I dare not to answer?”

Qin Chu hesitated for a while and asked, “Can an Omega survive its heat period by only a temporary marking?”

Ji Rang: ……

Qin Chu coldly asked, “Why aren’t you speaking?”

Ji Rang, “I was wondering, did you sexually harass me?”

Qin Chu, “Are you Omega?”

Ji Rang, “Obviously not. If I were Omega, I would have sued you in the association by now. Why are you asking this?”

Qin Chu strangely sat back in his seat.


He started to say.

Ji Rang felt that the big brother behind him was weird today and he was hesitating to speak like a young girl who had started to develop feelings for the opposite sex. He couldn’t help but stop writing, put down his homework, and decided to take a look at this good deal of a joke.

“I have a friend who temporarily marked an Omega. Will he suddenly start paying attention to that Omega for this reason?”

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Ji Rang was shocked when he heard this.

He roasted in his heart: Is this friend about whom that you are talking about yourself?

Qin Chu couldn’t wait for the answer, and threatened, “Hurry up.”

Ji Ran hurriedly organized his words and said after a fastidious selection, “……I think so. AO’s marking connection is really solid. Even a temporary marking can easily affect one’s normal judgment. But if your friend gave that Omega a temporary mark, wouldn’t he mean something to him……”

Qin Chu said decisively, “Impossible.”

Ji Rang: ……

After Qin Chu finished speaking like chopping the nail6 and slicing the iron, he continued to say, “You haven’t answered my last question.”

Ji Rang, “Of course. It is impossible to survive the heat period with just a temporary mark.”

Qin Chu, “Then why didn’t he come and ask me for a second one?”

Ji Rang: …… Are you too lazy to pretend now?

“Pheromones are addictive. If he is marked twice in a row, he will be very repulsive to the pheromones of other Alphas. Moreover, the other party is an Omega, and he is looking for the Alpha to mark him temporarily. This is totally…… That’s a hint. Even if an ordinary Omega got the first mark out of frustration, it would never be possible for him to do it a second time. ”

Qin Chu, “Can’t he find another Alpha to mark?”

Ji Rang shook his head, “No.”

Qin Chu paused, “What if he has a good relationship with the Alpha? The childhood sweetheart kind.”

Ji Rang, “…… Then I can’t say for sure?”

Qin Chu flew into a rage, “Withdraw!”

Ji Rang quickly changed to a resolute face, “That must not be possible!”

Qin Chu got up from his seat, and Ji Rang asked, “Where are you going? The swearing-in meeting will begin soon, and Old Zhao said that she would take a roll-call.”

Qin Chu was angry and he went out through the back door, just in time to meet the group of girls who were looking for a pretext to see him.

As soon as these women saw Qin Chu coming out, they pretended to be passing by and walked past in front of Qin Chu.

He walked out of Building D and went directly toward the exam building.

When you pass through the basketball court, you could see that hot air balloons had already risen high into the air above the playground. Below the two rows of hot air balloons was the banner of the swearing-in conference, as well as the students’ union members and teachers who were coming and going to arrange the scene.

As a representative of the second-year high school students, Lu Tong had to give a speech at the swearing-in meeting.

At this moment, he was holding the manuscript and silently memorizing it. When he went out in the morning, he took a shot of an inhibitor, but the effect was not very good. The inhibitor clearly began to lose its effectiveness in his body. Before Lu Tong could memorize for long, his heart felt distracted and his thoughts became in turmoil7. His back was covered in a cold sweat.

There were many Alphas in the classroom. In such an environment, Lu Tong, who had Qin Chu’s pheromone on him, instinctively rejected these Alpha pheromones. With a tightness in his chest, he stood up and walked out of the classroom, planning to go to the infirmary to sit down for a while.

And to conveniently get a shot of inhibitors from the infirmary on the way.

As a result, Lu Tong’s journey to the infirmary was arduous, and the momentum of the high fever that approached during the heat was tumultuous. Fortunately, Lu Tong picked a deserted path and there were not many people. The blocking agent still had some effects on his body. So he wouldn’t attract the attention of other Alphas.

It was just that the Alpha pheromones in the school made his stomach churn and made him wanna vomit. As soon as he took two steps, Lu Tong covered his mouth.

It smelled bad and disgusting. He felt nauseous and flustered.

Lu Tong didn’t expect Alpha’s pheromone rejection to be so strong.

He couldn’t bear it any longer. So he took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Qin Chu.

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When Qin Chu received the text message, he happened to be “passing by” the exam building.

Therefore, it didn’t take him much time to find Lu Tong from the minor road behind the exam building.

When he came, he saw Lu Tong sitting on a stone, and the situation was not very good.

“What’s the matter with you?” After Qin Chu got closer, he smelled a trace of the sweet fragrance of the Omega that was leaking through the blocking agent.

Lu Tong gritted his teeth and looked up at Qin Chu, “I……”

Needless to say, Qin Chu knew what was going on.

Although the scene was wrong, Qin Chu couldn’t help but feel smug in his heart: See, he still needs me.

Qin Chu’s pheromone was cold and clean. And it silently wrapped around Lu Tong in tacit understanding, isolating the other Alpha pheromones in the air. Lu Tong’s desire to vomit finally became less intense. And at the same time, his hands and feet regained consciousness as well and stopped trembling.

Lu Tong calmed down for a while. He then raised his head and looked up at Qin Chu.

He wasn’t thick-faced enough to ask Qin Chu for another mark. But he was in urgent need of Qin Chu’s pheromone, and it will be the swearing-in meeting in a while. So at such a critical juncture, Lu Tong could only say, “Can I……”

Qin Chu stared at him.

There were many ways to temporarily mark besides biting the gland.

Acions like hugs, holding hands and kissing having different degrees of contact have different effects.

Lu Tong had taken the inhibitor in advance this time. So his heat was not as turbulent as the previous heat period, and he was still conscious. In theory, there was no need for glandular marking.

He gritted his teeth and continued to finish his sentence, “…… Can I get a kiss from you?”

The author has something to say:

Lu Tong: Can you give me a kiss?

Qin Chu: Recalling about his baby: …… You are doomed to be alone forever ah!!!

Translator’s corner

I finished translating this years ago but I couldn’t edit it……



to dip a finger (idiom); fig. to get one’s finger in the pie / to get a share of the action / abbr. for 染指於鼎|染指于鼎


This sounds so wrong in English……


lit. a pavilion near the water (idiom); fig. using one’s proximity to the powerful to obtain favor


The highest score you can get is 750/750.


lit. chicken feathers and garlic skins (idiom) / fig. trivial (matter)


fig. resolute and decisive / unhesitating / categorical


distraught with anxiety

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