“Forget about it.”

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Lu Tong suddenly spoke as Qin Chu’s brain was blank with shock.

He said in his heart: I think I’m crazy to be able to say this kind of nonsense.

Lu Tong propped up his knees and was ready to stand up and go to the infirmary.

Who would have known that Qin Chu would yank him violently, “Don’t you keep your word?”

“What?” Lu Tong was confused.

Qin Chu got anxious, “Are you always like this? Not working hard at all and then giving up halfway?”

Lu Tong: ……

Does he know that he is mocking himself?

Don’t work hard at all? Give up halfway? Isn’t that what Qin Chu do?

“I just said it without thinking. Don’t take it seriously. If I really wanted to kiss you, would you be able to endure it?”

Lu Tong’s relationship with Qin Chu has eased a bit recently, and they weren’t as incompatible as fire and water like it was spread on the campus network. But it was not good enough to kiss and hug.

Moreover, they were an A and an O. But Qin Chu was shameless and he still wanted it.

It could be only said that they had turned swords into plowshares1, but they could barely stand together and talk for a while.

Qin Chu hesitated for a moment and let go of his hand.

Lu Tong got his pheromones and was in a much better condition. But he had doubts in his heart. Although this person was not interested in physiology class, he had never heard that Omega would be so dependent on Alpha’s pheromones after receiving a temporary mark.

It was a bit morbid.

“Then why did you text me to come over?”

Qin Chu spoke in a bad tone.

Lu Tong said, “Originally I was looking for you. But now I have changed my mind. How about…… you accompany me to go there?”

Qin Chu sneered, “Do you think I want to accompany you?”

After Lu Tong was done, “he suddenly turned his face and did not recognize him anymore”. After using up the pheromone, he threw it away and pointed to a direction, “Then you can scram by yourself.”

The radio closest to the two of them suddenly sounded with music, summoning all the students to line up on the playground.

Lu Tong looked up and said, “The swearing-in conference is about to begin. I will go to the infirmary first, and then I’ll go back to the classroom.”

He looked at Qin Chu, “If…… You don’t have anything to do, why don’t you go back first?”

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Qin Chu suddenly rose in revolt and dragged Lu Tong towards him. Lu Tong was dragged to a
stumble by him, making him almost unsteady on his feet, and he reflexively grabbed Qin Chu’s shoulders with both hands.

“Are you playing with me for fun? Calling me and waving me away?”

Qin Chu grabbed him, and Lu Tong is not to be messed with either.

The two of them were very close. They were closer than any distance Lu Tong could tolerate, and he was uncomfortable all over.

The other party was aggressive, and Lu Tong immediately pushed Qin Chu’s shoulder away.

“Qin Chu! Are you sick!”

When it came to fighting, Lu Tong was a novice and had no experience.

Moreover, Qin Chu didn’t seem to want to hit him. He was just nitpicking and venting his dissatisfaction.

Lu Tong was treated as an object of venting, and he was simply confused – Who knew what made this dog unhappy again?

Qin Chu didn’t hit Lu Tong with his hands or feet. But with the advantage of his height, he tied Lu Tong’s hands so that he couldn’t move.

His wrists were really the same as he thought, and he didn’t even need two hands – Instead he could just hold it with one hand.

Lu Tong was suppressed by his pheromones and he couldn’t shake Qin Chu away no matter how much he shook his hand.

The more he couldn’t get rid of it, the angrier he felt.

He is a bit cold by nature, and he had an extremely superior face. Although he didn’t have many friends, he didn’t have many people who troubled him too.

Qin Chu could be considered to be the first person to open up the heavens and the earth2. For the first time, Lu Tong felt weak and extremely irritated in his heart.

He, Lu Tong was fed up. Standing here and letting others use him as a stress reliever?

Without saying a word or two, Lu Tong gritted his teeth and twisted them together like a fried dough twist.

A scream came from the sides of the two.

Lu Tong panted and pushed Qin Chu’s face away, “You screamed?”

Qin Chu grabbed his hand, “Do you think I can bark in such a soprano voice?”

Lu Tong angrily said, “The dog barked.”

The woman next to them screamed again.

Lu Tong found that he made a mistake with the target of his last sentence, and after pursing his lips, he took the rest of the words back.

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Qin Chu let out a laugh, “Who screamed?”

Lu Tong bared his teeth and said fiercely, “The dog is barking now.”

The woman, who didn’t know what came after, took out her phone in the speed of light and took a picture of Lu Tong and Qin Chu wrestling together and ran away.

Lu Tong suddenly realized something and hurriedly chased after her.

Qin Chu, “Why are you chasing her?”

Lu Tong, “She took a picture, and I have to make her delete it.”

Qin Chu didn’t seem to understand why Lu Tong had such a huge reaction and because of this, Lu Tong speculated that Qin Chu may not be too aware that there was a campus forum in the school.

This forum had opened a brand new section to focus on their relationship, and every day two groups of men and women who don’t read any book, mingled in it, trying to get their contact details.

Most of the photos in the forum were taken by the students in the school without their permission or knowledge.

From canteen, classroom, playground; clear, vague and every kind.

This female student took pictures without knowing what they were doing. But uploading them to the campus forum will bring endless trouble to Lu Tong.

As soon as he reached the corner, the girl disappeared.

Qin Chu followed him and he was puzzled, “Why are you having such a big reaction?”

He Nian came out of the class and was just in time to meet Lu Tong.

He was pressed back a step by the pheromones on Qin Chu, and after seeing Lu Tong, his heart jumped a beat and he pointed at the two of them, “What are you two doing?”

In broad daylight, what are a lone A and a widowed O doing by standing in the corner of the stairs that is a blind spot where the camera can’t capture?

The main point was that how could Lu Tong have the smell of Qin Chu’s pheromones on his body?

Lu Tong asked him, “Did you see a girl running over just now?”

He Nian shook his head, “No. Why are you asking about a girl?”

Lu Tong, “I was chasing her. There is matter.”

This chase wasn’t the other kind of chase.

He Nian thought he had heard wrongly and he asked in surprise, “You chased a woman?”

Do you still need to chase women? If you wave your hand, won’t a lot of people take the initiative to give you a hug?

His eyes fell on Qin Chu.

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Qin Chu, “I was also chasing her.”

He Nian, “…… Wow. Awesome. Are you guys chasing the same girl?”

Lu Tong, “The same. Now scram. If you didn’t see her then get out of the way. I’m busy.”

He Nian hurriedly stepped aside and reminded, “It will be the swearing-in conference soon. A friendly reminder, have you memorized your speech?”

Lu Tong, “Help me save a seat. I’ll be there soon.”

He Nian looked at Qin Chu, “Do you want it too?”

Qin Chu, “Won’t you have to save one for the senior?”

He Nian offered his services, “I have someone in the freshman year.”

Qin Chu, “Then you can save one.”

As soon as the two of them left, He Nian took out his mobile phone and opened the campus group of the No. 1 High School.

More than 800 people were online, and their avatars were candid pictures of Director He of the Political and Educational Department with tiny and confused eyes which looked very comical.

An indecisive beautiful man spoke: Big news! According to first-hand news, Lu Tong and Qin Chu were chasing a woman at the same time!

When this news came out, it was followed by the bubbling of numerous people.

The chattering of discussions began, and the speed at which the news spread was even quicker than what He Nian thought.

“Don’t you browse the forum? Qin Chu and Lu Tong fought on the road behind the cafeteria? [Photo.jpg]”

“I saw it too. Crazy. Two As fighting for one O. Who’s that girl? It can’t be Chen Anqi, right?”

“Who took this picture?”

“Although they have long been rumored to be at odds, it is the first time that we have got to see them really fight. How was the battle? Who won? Is the topic of who is the most handsome a in the Provincial No. 1 High School finally coming to a conclusion today?”

“I’ll bet on Qin Chu. Lu Tong looked weak and fell with just two punches.”

“Then I will bet on Lu Tong.”


The topic of conversation in the group had already been skewed.

Lu Tong and Qin Chu couldn’t find the female classmate in the end. On the other hand, photos of them “fighting” had been spread all over the campus forum.

Lu Tong opened the campus forum, and Qin Chu leaned over to take a look.

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“The speed of the uploading is really fast.” He fanned the flames while watching the sense of bustle3, “It says we both fought over the same woman.”

“Is it glorious? Little Dog Qin even read it out. Are you afraid that I won’t be able to read it?”

Qin Chu listened and frowned, totally grasping the wrong point, “Who is the puppy?”

Lu Tong, “Whoever answers me is a puppy.”

He touched the back of his neck, remembering that the last time he made a temporary mark, Qin Chu’s strength was not light. And the tooth marks hadn’t completely disappeared until now.

The more Lu Tong thought about the photos of the two of them fighting being taken, the angrier he got. And the main point was that Qin Chu looked like he didn’t care, while he was torn up as if he was very concerned about the matter.

What is this?

Lu Tong was sincerely angered a little bit by it.

“I don’t have time for you.”

When the news reached Qin Shiwu after layers and layers of processing by the people’s artists4, he finally got a story of love and hatred that integrated the annual dog-blood vocabulary of sadomasochism, reunion, two a’s for one o, and stand-in lovers.

If summed up in one sentence: Qin Chu and Lu Tong fought head-to-head on the path of the school cafeteria for a woman. The results were unknown, but neither of them had caught up with the woman.

So here comes the question.

Who is this legendary woman who won two major school grasses with one stone?

Qin Shiwu listened to everyone’s discussions and he clenched his mobile phone until it was almost broken.

…… It is your sister ah…… It is your sister who got two with one stone ah……

Translator’s corner

This chapter is hella long. So I thought of splitting it up.

So see ya guys.

Don’t feel shy to let me know in the comment section or in the discord of Knoxt if you find any mistakes~


bury the hatchet


idiom. creation of a new world, dawn of the history; great, heroic, epoch-making


The general usage is “看热闹不嫌事大.”. It’s an idiom. It means “fan the flames while watching the sense of bustle”, even trying to make things worse.


An honorary title in China

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