“Take me to see it too. I’ll go see it!”

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“I’ll come too, who is it? Someone’s parents?”

“There seems to be a woman standing in front of the school. Wait for me, I will also come.”

Qin Shiwu had just finished asking when he was surrounded by groups of several more men running towards the school entrance.

From their tone, it seemed like a rich person had come to the entrance of the school, driving a Maybach. Furthermore, it was a woman. Qin Shiwu could understand the curiosity of the boys of this age, and it was normal for everyone to want to run over to watch the fun.

However, his current priority was to get Lu Tong out for an afternoon meal and he had no time to pay attention to the buzz.

Hu Si squeezed out through the students and found Qin Chu, “Big brother Qin, Yang Lin from Provincial No. 4 High School is going to an Internet cafe to play games in the evening. They want you to join them. Will you go?”

As soon as he stood still, his face changed on seeing Qin Shiwu standing leisurely next to Qin Chu.

On the day he had passed through, it was Hu Si who had beaten him up along with Qin Chu — One of his dad’s gang of scoundrels.

Qin Shiwu grunted but he didn’t embarrass Hu Si in front of his dad.

Qin Chu, “At what time in the evening?”

Hu Si, “Just after the afternoon meal. It’s been a long time since we last played as a group. This time, we are playing with the Provincial No. 4 High School. The last time we beat the shit out of them, they denied it, and this time they came back to challenge us one-on-one. These dogs, I won’t believe it if I don’t destroy them to dust this time!”

Qin Chu hadn’t gone to the Internet cafe to play games for a long time, and his hands were itchy, “Ok.”

Qin Shiwu said, “I’m also going.”

Qin Chu looked at him.

Qin Shiwu pointed to himself, “The strongest assistant in the CN, understand?”

Hu Si turned his head sideways towards Qin Shiwu disdainfully.

On turning his head, the entrance of the school had already been surrounded by people.

He was used to messing around in school, and when he saw too many people, he spoke impatiently, “Are they sick? What are they all doing here?”

As soon as Hu Si opened his mouth, the people in front of him heard his sound. And when they looked back and saw Qin Chu, they stepped aside one after another.

The people who were watching the excitement didn’t stay for long. Cause the security guard at the entrance of the school came out of the booth and dismissed all the students so as to prevent them from standing at the entrance of the school and block the school bus from entering the school.

Once the crowd dispersed, the conspicuous Maybach at the entrance of the school was revealed.

After a while, the door opened and a young girl came down from the copilot seat of the Maybach.

With long and straight flat black-bangs, and a dignified yet arrogant demeanor, she looked at Qin Chu expressionlessly.

Qin Shiwu took a sharp breath and started to cough violently.

Hu Si asked, “Are you sick too? Haven’t you seen a beautiful woman before?”

Qin Shiwu started to cough even harder.

The…… reason as not at all that he had never seen a beautiful woman before!

The young girl who came down from the Maybach was none other than Qin Shiwu’s little aunt: Qu Muyao.

Qu Muyao was holding a bouquet of flowers as she looked at Qin Chu, “Why didn’t you come to the airport to pick me up?”

Qin Chu seemed to know the inside story and he said directly, “I am not obligated to pick you up. Do you have a broken leg or a broken hand that you won’t be able to walk here by yourself?”

Qu Muyao put on a fake smile, “I called you countless times but you didn’t answer.”

It seems that the seven or eight text messages and a dozen calls in his phone were all from Qu Muyao.

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Qin Chu, “Didn’t hear it.”

Qu Muyao, “Come and pick me up. Isn’t this what you should do?” After a pause, she sneered, “Brother?”


Qin Shiwu was stunned after listening to their conversation.

He stared unwaveringly at Qu Muyao. He couldn’t believe that this cold and arrogant girl in front of him, who spoke harshly and had a terrible temper, was his future little aunt who was always obedient to him and would do anything he asked.

Yes, he was aware that Qu Muyao and Qin Chu were step-siblings —

But sixteen years later they got along happily with each other and were not much different from the real brother and sister ah!

How was it that sixteen years ago, the two of them were talking like they were going to kill each other the next second?

Damn it……

Qin Shiwu froze in place.

Sixteen years later, the Qin Chu and Lu Tong duo had to be away from Qin Shiwu a lot because of their work, and they failed to take good care of him.

Qin Shiwu was almost brought up by Qu Muyao. In his memory, all he knew about his parents came from his little aunt’s dictation, including about his little aunt herself.

However, judging from everything he had seen and heard since he time traveled, his little aunt was obviously talking nonsense!

Those stories about the past were all fucking false ah!

What gentle and soft like water and delicate wife Lu Tong?

What a poise and graceful scholar Qin Chu?

What misconceptions did Qu Muyao have about his parents’ high school days?!

Or was his little aunt’s personality extremely vile, and she simply said it out to play with him?!

…… I am afraid Qu Muyao had never thought that her precious nephew could have such a magical experience.

He didn’t know if his little aunt would still be making things up in front of him if she found out he had traveled back to sixteen years ago.

Qin Shiwu wanted to scratch the walls sadly.

Qu Muyao walked up to Qin Chu. And the small heels of her shoes clicked under her feet.

Hu Si glanced at Qin Chu, and then at Qu Muyao. He was both surprised and amazed: This woman knows big brother Qin?

— I have never heard Qin Chu mention her before? Where did this woman come from? She is quite good-looking……

Hu Si took out his mobile phone and sent a text message directly to Chen Anqi, asking her to come to the school gate.

He briefly told her about Qu Muyao at the school gate, and then asked Chen Anqi to find an excuse to come over. Chen Anqi had been chasing Qin Chu for a while and her strategies were more brilliant than those of He Yuanyuan. She knew that if she wanted to get Qin Chu, she must first get a few friends around him.

Hu Si was won over by her, and the two had a good relationship now.

Sometimes when something happened to Qin Chu, Hu Si was the first to report it to Chen Anqi.

On the playground, two people received the text message.

The content in both of them was asking them to come to the school gate as soon as possible.

One was for Chen Anqi: Hu Si sent it to her.

One was for Lu Tong: Qin Chu sent it to him.

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When Chen Anqi was going to the school gate, she especially went to the restaurant by the teachers’ cafeteria and bought two cups of milk tea to take with her.

Preparedness averts peril and it also gave a reason to see Qin Chu.

Lu Tong saw the text message – Then expressionlessly deleted it.

He was speechless, “The weasel pays respect to the hen without the best of intentions.”

When Chen Anqi arrived at the school gate, Hu Si gave her a wink.

“Qin Chu!” Chen Anqi waved, “I was just looking for you. Wanna have milk tea? I bought an extra cup.”

She walked over to Qin Chu and finished her sentence before turning her head to look at Qu Muyao.

Qu Muyao glanced at Chen Anqi and smiled faintly at Qin Chu, “You have bad taste.”

Qin Shiwu nodded solemnly and agreed in his heart: Little Aunt, you are so right!

When Chen Anqi saw Qu Muyao, she instinctively had animosity toward her.

Her family condition was good, but she was like a hundred-thousand miles away from a truly luxuriously raised young lady like Qu Muyao, whether it was in terms of dressing or temperament.

When they stood together, it was obvious that Qin Chu, Qin Shiwu, and Qu Muyao were people from the same world, while she was inferior and could not blend into the atmosphere.

Qu Muyao, “The pheromone of omega on you is hers?”

Qin Chu, “Its none of your business.”

Qin Shiwu and Hu Si stared at Qin Chu at the same time.

He had omega pheromones on him? The two men moved their noses without showing any signs, but they couldn’t smell anything.

Lu Tong’s pheromones were like the first snow and it was cold and frosty. It was indifferent just like him.

The smell of his pheromones were not obvious. But it could block all the rotting and clamor of red lights and green wine1, making people’s hearts calm down instantly. It was as if being surrounded by thousands of snow-capped mountains and even the soul would be washed once.


Can only use this word to describe.

If you are not sensitive to pheromones, it was difficult to capture the smell of Lu Tong.

Chen Anqi was not surprised upon hearing it.

She had heard that Qin Chu had “countless” ex-girlfriends, and she could infer that for a handsome guy of Qin Chu’s age whose family was rich, how could it be possible that he had never been in love?

Chen Anqi didn’t care whose pheromones stayed on Qin Chu’s body, she just had to be Qin Chu’s last girlfriend.

Qin Shiwu spoke, “That…… I think…… We should find a place to sit down and talk properly?”

He looked left at his father and then at his little aunt, always feeling that the two would start fighting in the next second.

Qu Muyao sneered, “So it’s not. Your love life is quite rich.” She paused, “Your father told you to go home for dinner at night. I’m tired, so I have to leave now. Get in the car quickly.”

Chen Anqi opened her mouth and asked Hu Si, “Who is she?”

Hu Si said, “I don’t know. It seems that she is Qin Chu’s younger sister?”

Younger sister.

What sister?

The “younger sister” used as a backup girlfriend?

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Or is it a blood-related sister?

Chen Anqi was experienced in getting along with people and she had her way of making acquaintances. Since she was a child, because of her appearance, she had never failed at it as long as she threw a friendly olive branch.

She handed the milk tea to Qu Muyao and said with a smile, “Hello. Are you Qin Chu’s sister? I bought an extra cup of milk tea. Would you drink it?”

Qin Shiwu’s gaze quickly latched on to the milk tea in Chen Anqi’s hand, and the alarm bells went off in his heart: F***! What the h***? Trying to look as if you are my father’s girlfriend?!

It had to be said that Chen Anqi’s rank was much higher than that of He Yuanyuan, so Qin Shiwu didn’t know how to deal with it.

Who would have known that as soon as the milk tea was handed over to Qu Muyao, the latter would let go of her hand?

Chen Anqi’s milk tea smashed onto the ground in an instant, and a few drops of the milk tea splashed on her black pantyhose.

Her face changed.

Qu Muyao said indifferently, “Ah. Hand slip. By the way, I don’t drink things that look dirty.”

Her expression was natural and a little arrogant. She spoke lightly, but Chen Anqi’s face turned pale.

Qin Shiwu looked stunned:…… WTF. Little aunt …… That was too ruthless……

Qu Muyao, “Come back if you wanna and if you don’t wanna then don’t. I just came to let you know.”

She handed the bouquet in her hand to Qin Chu, who had two hands in his pockets with no intention of receiving it.

Qu Muyao also didn’t care. She handed it to him and let it go. That expensive-looking bouquet had the same ending as the milk tea, and it fell to the ground in an instant.

A card fell out of the bouquet, it was in Qin Heng’s handwriting: Welcome home, son.

Qu Muyao smiled but that smile didn’t reach her eyes, “Welcome home, brother.”

After she said that, she turned her head and walked back.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Lu Tong coming out of the small gate at the school entrance.

He had deliberately avoided the main gate, and before he even took two steps, he felt that a line of sight fell on him.

Qin Shiwu followed Qu Muyao’s line of sight to see Lu Tong. And in an instant, all the uneasy emotions disappeared from his heart.

He was like a puppy who had found his home. He couldn’t help but want to hide behind Lu Tong and avoid all the factors that were unfavorable to him.

“Lu Tong!” Qin Shiwu ran over quickly, “Why are you so late? We were all planning to go for an afternoon meal.”

Lu Tong:…… No. I didn’t plan to eat with you guys.

However, on seeing that Qin Shiwu’s tail seemed to be wagging wildly behind his butt, he still didn’t say those words in the end.

“If you have something to do, we’ll wait for you here.”

Qin Shiwu took his hand very naturally.

Lu Tong: …… What’s up with this young girl-to-window-shop posture?

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time. It’s all right now. What do you want to eat? I’ll take you to eat. I have money!” Qin Shiwu’s eyes sparkled.

Lu Tong couldn’t bear to refuse, “…… Whatever.”

Qu Muyao got into the Maybach and went away.

It took Chen Anqi a long time to get over the embarrassment. She looked down at her pantyhose which was splattered with milk tea stains everywhere and spoke, “I’m going to change my clothes.”

She was in a bad mood and she left right after she finished speaking.

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Hu Si was a little worried about her, “Big brother Qin, I’ll go check on Chen Anqi. See you at the internet cafe later.”

Qin Shiwu had Lu Tong. So he did not care about other people’s trivial matters.

He was very clingy to Lu Tong when he was a child, but he didn’t have the chance to be clingy later. Then he grew up, and it was weird to be clingy to Lu Tong again.

Now that he had a great opportunity to cling to him openly, he naturally acted like a spoiled baby.

“I found a restaurant that serves extremely tasty dishes. It is right near the school.”

Qin Shiwu was talking a lot about how good this restaurant was to Lu Tong.

The day was getting darker, the sun was setting, and the streetlights outside the school were lighting up one by one.

Qin Chu walked behind the two of them, listening to Qin Shiwu talking nonsense about this and that.

Sometimes his ears got tired of his talking and he wanted to take Qin Shiwu over and beat him up. But it turned out that he was not talking to him at all but to Lu Tong.

Lu Tong was also patient with him. He just listened without speaking and this was in line with his persona of the Kaoling flower2.

If it were someone else, and the person who they were saying everything to was so unsupportive, perhaps they would have been wise to stop talking.

But this marvelous line of thinking of Qin Shiwu could not be measured with the eyes of ordinary people. The more he spoke, the more energetic he became. But in the end, he suddenly stopped speaking.

Lu Tong was drowsy from listening, and when abruptly stopped hearing sounds, he turned his head and asked, “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

When Qin Shiwu looked at his [LT] side face under the street lamp, he felt a warm halo and he could even see the tiny fluffy hairs on Lu Tong’s face.

Behind, Qin Chu had also stopped in his tracks.

Qin Shiwu spoke dryly, “You’ve never heard me talk so much.”

Lu Tong thought to himself: Isn’t this the first time you talked this much to me?

He added in his heart: And it’s very boring.

He had never walked so simply with Qin Chu and Lu Tong.

Or hold Lu Tong’s hand, while his dad just followed behind like this. They couldn’t take an ordinary walk like every ordinary family.

Qin Shiwu’s nose turned sour.

He looked at Lu Tong and asked aggrievedly, “Can I give you a hug?”

Suddenly, the back of Qin Shiwu’s neck felt cold, and he was lifted from the left to the right like a kitten.

Qin Chu expressionlessly said, “No.”

— This brat, if he goes a day without scaling the roof to rip the tiles3, he has to push forward4.

Qin Chu forcibly squeezed in between Qin Shiwu and Lu Tong. He ordered Qin Shiwu, “Immediately withdraw the request that you just made.”


feasting and pleasure-seeking / debauched and corrupt environment


A very cold fish person


from the idiom: three days without a beating, and a child will scale the roof to rip the tiles; spare the rod, spoil the child


lit. win an inch, want a foot (idiom); fig. not satisfied with small gains / give him an inch, and he’ll want a mile

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