Qin Shiwu said, “It will be over in two minutes.”

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It means: It can’t be withdrawn.

However, Qin Shiwu did not pester Lu Tong for a hug.

His mother was only seventeen this year. It may be assumed that it was not so easy to accept the fact that he had a son.

After all, the one who gave birth to him was Lu Tong, not Qin Chu.

High school students were very happy to rush to be a father to others, but he had never heard of anyone rushing to be a mother to others.

Qin Shiwu shut up knowingly.

Lu Tong didn’t eat much for dinner as he had other invitations in the evening.

But Qin Shiwu went crazy with putting vegetables into the bowl for him, and when he left the restaurant, his stomach was already full.

Lu Tong felt speechless for a moment. Then after informing Qin Shiwu, he walked in the direction of the school.

Qin Chu walked in the other direction. But Qin Shiwu was still standing in his place, reluctantly looking at Lu Tong’s back as he walked away.

Qin Chu tugged at his collar, “WTF are you looking at? Walk.”

Qin Shiwu was so unconvinced, impotent, and furious; and he roared in his heart: What’s wrong if I look at my mother! Why do you care?

The two of them were dragged and went to the internet cafe next to No. 1 High School.

This internet cafe was called “Immortal Friendship Cultivation Base”. And all the people in it were immortal night owls who smoked. Qin Chu knew the owner of the internet cafe and as soon as he entered, the boss said, “I have reserved the seats. Four seats in row C.”

Qin Shiwu asked, “Dad, isn’t the internet cafe a bit bad for minors?”

Qin Chu, “I couldn’t tell that you are very glorious and upright. There is still time for you to go out now.”

Qin Shiwu immediately stood at ease and then stood straight, “That’s not what I meant. On the battlefield, father and son are of the same force, understand? The strongest support in the national service, it’s me!”

After he praised himself, he didn’t forget to praise Qin Chu too, “What are you playing as?”

Qin Chu, “adc.”

Qin Shiwu, “Then you are the strongest at adc. It really won’t make sense if our combination won’t be the number one in the world. Tonight, this elder brother wants to conquer the hearts of all the girls in the internet cafe! By the way, it will be just me. You don’t need to conquer the hearts of other women. You have to keep yourself pure for my mother, you understand?”

He hurriedly found a seat and couldn’t wait to show off his operations. He patted his side and motioned to Qin Chu, “You sit here. In a moment, you’ll see how I use my God-like operations to slay.”

Qin Shiwu turned on two computers. And as soon as he sat down, he turned his head to see that in addition to Qin Chu, there were other friends of Qin Chu who also arrived.

Qin Shiwu was oblivious to his dad’s high school friends circle. The only ones he knew so far were Hu Si and Ji Rang. But Ji Rang didn’t come today. He knew Hu Si from the scene, and there were a few boys who looked like they were from other schools.

Among them was a girl delinquent with a row of piercings on her ears. She sat next to Hu Si and was talking to Qin Chu, “Your little girlfriend didn’t come with you, huh?”

Qin Shiwu stretched out his hand and walked directly between Qin Chu and the young lady, separating the two, “Excuse me. Let me dispel the rumor: Qin Chu doesn’t have a girlfriend. Also, flirty bantering is forbidden on the battlefield. If there is anything we can talk about it on Ionia2 with real swords and guns!”

The girl delinquent looked at Qin Shiwu. Qin Shiwu stood up and changed places with Qin Chu, “If you have anything that you want to tell Qin Chu, you can just say it to me.”

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Girl delinquent, “Will you help me convey it?”

Qin Shiwu spoke up, “I’ll take it as a fart3.”

The girl delinquent turned her head to look at Qin Chu with a confused look on his face, “Who is this? Your friend?”

Qin Chu, “My son.”

Hu Si added, “The son whom Qin Chu had picked up.”

The girl delinquent couldn’t understand why high school boys were so keen to be fathers to each other. So she cursed them “crazy”, and turned her head to turn on her computer.

At the same time, Old Cheng was standing at the entrance of the internet cafe with Lu Tong and the others.

Lu Tong was hesitant. Old Cheng, “It’s okay. I know the owner of this cafe and we will definitely not be checked when we go in. Just beware of Old He coming to attack.”

As soon as he finished, a leading student from the No.4 high school next to them, who had taken along his friends and was standing on the left side of the internet cafe said, “Don’t worry, I know the owner of the internet cafe and I have reserved seats.”

Lu Tong: ……

“How many students does the owner of this internet cafe know?”

Old Cheng touched his nose, “Probably…… A wide friends circle?”

When the student from the No.4 high school saw Old Cheng, he called out a “hey” while waving, “Old Cheng! How did you have time to come today!”

Old Cheng turned his head and Wu Ke said, “The school bully of the No.4 high school is quite a nice person. He knows Old Cheng.”

Lu Tong commented with a paralyzed face, “Wide friends circle?”

Wu Ke laughed, “Sort of. Haha. Now you are also one among them.”

Lu Tong looked at the school bully from No.4 high school. There were two piercings on his ears and he had put on golden earrings after leaving the school gate. His hair was dyed in a fashionable granny gray4. He was an alpha who talked a lot and he chattered endlessly when he saw Old Cheng.

He was also a school bully, but it seemed that Qin Chu was still more outstanding in terms of appearance.

Old Cheng turned his head, “Let’s go in with Tao Yuan. He has an appointment with someone to fight in Ionia today.”

Lu Tong whispered, “What is Ionia?”

Wu Ke, “It is a region in China Telecom. I’ll teach you how to play later.”

“I’ll teach!” Old Cheng hurriedly recommended himself, “I am the No.1 adc in China.”

Wu Ke, “He is just boasting.”

Tao Yuan poked his head out to look at Lu Tong and his eyes lit up, “Won’t you introduce me?”

Old Cheng, “Don’t think it’s an omega when you see a beautiful one. This is our No. 1 High School’s school grass. He is a genuine A who can support both heaven and earth. So give up the dirty thoughts in your heart within three seconds.”

Tao Yuan, “Isn’t that Qin Chu the school grass of No. 1 High School?”

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When Lu Tong heard Qin Chu’s name, he couldn’t help but think about it.

Tao Yuan, “Is your No. 1 High School this fashionable? As the saying goes, a mountain does not allow two tigers, unless one is a male and the other is a female. You guys have hit a jackpot today. This brother has made an appointment with Qin Chu to play a game today, and I promise to kill him with a crushing defeat!”

Wu Ke paused, “You asked Qin Chu to play a game? Here?”

Tao Yuan, “Yeah.”

Wu Ke looked at Lu Tong.

Among the many versions of the legends in Provincial No. 1 High School, none of them said that Lu Tong and Qin Chu had a good relationship. Wu Ke’s database had not been refreshed yet, so he was not aware that the two were in a nasty and petty little capitalist dog male-male relationship[fotnote]A couple engaged in an illicit love affair. A slightly changed version of dog male-female relationship[/footnote] now. Even this afternoon, the family of three had a happy family dinner.

Wu Ke also thought that the two of them were fighting for a woman till their heads were broken and blood flowing.

“It doesn’t matter, right?”

Wu Ke asked and its subtext was: You and Qin Chu won’t fight in an internet cafe, right?

Lu Tong shook his head.

Old Cheng hooked Wu Ke’s shoulder, “Why are you scared of that Qin Chu? Don’t be such a wimp. Let’s support our Brother Lu!”

Lu Tong cast a slanting glance at him. It was cold and indifferent. The end of his eyes swept over Lao Cheng in a way that made his hearts flutter.

What a pity that he was an alpha.

If he was an omega, he would have been entirely worthy of the campus flower title of the Provincial No. 1 High School.

Tao Yuan, “Wow, awesome. A high school infighting ah.”

Wu Ke, “Fucking spout less nonsense and open the account quickly!”

A group of people sat in the southeast corner of the internet cafe.

As soon as Lu Tong entered, he heard cheers coming from the southwest corner of the internet cafe.

“Awesome Qin Shiwu! Fuck, you did a Penta Kill. The other side is struck dumb by you!”

“F***, f***, f***, f***, f***. Just how did you operate that move? It’s awesome!”

Qin Shiwu was elated by the flatterings and he boasted shamelessly after taking a sip of his Wangzai milk, “It’s just so-so. This big brother has been fighting in Ionia for so many years. What kind of maneuvers haven’t I done well? You guys just have too little knowledge. So you have to learn more from me in the future.”

Sure enough, Qin Shiwu followed Qin Chu to the internet cafe.

Just by imagining, Lu Tong can call to mind how Qin Chu would proudly brag in his seat with his legs crossed and his little dog’s tail.

What’s wrong with being a bit cute?

He couldn’t help laughing.

Old Cheng looked back and tsked, “What is your school grass thinking about that he can smile with such…… With such a maternal glory!”

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Wu Ke, “Wow. You’ve earned it. Lu Tong rarely smiles. Do you know what his nickname is? It is Kaoling flower, understand? But the second half of your sentence determines that you are out of the game. Hurry up and run, Brother. Since Lu Tong has heard you, you will be left crippled if not dead.”

Tao Yuan from No. 4 High School met Hu Si, and the two enemies became extremely furious when they met each other. After routinely cursing each other and humiliating each other’s birth mothers 108 times, they were able to talk calmly.

“Don’t be a wimp, Tao Yuan.”

“Big brother, don’t you know how to write the word coward at all? Don’t run away if you can’t beat us, just like last time!”

Hu Si was not at all ashamed of his way of fleeing in defeat last time, and he opened his mouth to say, “Fuck, last time this father was in what you call a strategic stalemate, understand? Don’t you know circuitous tactics, you illiterate!”

Tao Yuan, “Then you’ve been detouring long enough.” He lowered his eyes and he greeted, “Qin Chu, I heard that you picked up a son?”

Qin Chu stretched out his hand to signal that he had heard it.

Although Tao Yuan couldn’t get along with Hu Si, the friendship between high school boys had always been in a way that in one moment they would be beating each other to the point of crying out to their parents, and in the next moment they would hook each other’s shoulders and play basketball together. It was really unpredictable like a woman’s heart.

Qin Shiwu whooped, “Who was picked up? Fuck. Your m……”

He suddenly saw Lu Tong behind Tao Yuan, and he changed his tone without showing any expression, “Clothes are quite good-looking.”

The puppy’s tail suddenly became obedient.

Hu Si took a look at him, “What’s wrong with you?”

Just now when playing the game, he had his mouth exclusively filled with sparks of lotus flower5. In the game, the national curses6 continued to flow out in an endless stream all day and the words for cursing were not repeated. During the act of beating the crap out of his opponent, he produced a strong mental attack on the other party too. But then Qin Shiwu suddenly stopped swearing. Was he sick?

From where could he have known that if he f*** others’ mothers, his own mother would be f*** by others7? It’s called the cycle of heaven and the retribution was not good.

Qin Shiwu’s own mother was not more than three meters away. So where would he dare to defy his superior and start a rebellion!

When Qin Chu saw that he was distracted, he knew that Lu Tong was coming.

Qin Shiwu was not afraid of him, but he was unexpectedly very afraid of Lu Tong. He couldn’t say what kind of fear it was, but as soon as Lu Tong appears in a five-meter radius, Qin Shiwu will immediately behave.

It was the same as a kindergarten kid meeting his parents.

At this moment, Lu Tong was standing among a bunch of alphas.

On the left was Tao Yuan and on the right were Wu Ke and Old Cheng.

Qin Chu sat up straight.


Why would he, an apparent alpha, attract so many As?

Hu Si asked, “Do you want to play?” He glanced at Lu Tong and then asked tentatively, “With Lu Tong too?”

Qin Shiwu asked, “With whom? With Lu Tong? Lu Tong can’t play games.”

Qin Chu, “How do you know?”

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Qin Shiwu, “Can’t play means can’t play. I just know it. Why are you so curious? If you are that curious, you can just ask him yourself.”

After sixteen years, Qin Shiwu had never seen Lu Tong playing games.

While at home, apart from knitting sweaters, he would beat Qin Chu — Although in Qin Shiwu’s opinion, the amount of strength with which Lu Tong beat Qin Chu was probably just a trifle amount that was similar to the feeling of a small fist beating your chest.

“I have a scientific basis.”

When Qin Shiwu saw Tao Yuan and the others sit down to turn on their devices, he made a serious statement, “I solemnly remind you all that in order to build a harmonious Internet surfing environment, all netizens are requested to express their surfing sentiments prudently. You shouldn’t punch people’s faces when beating them, you shouldn’t curse people’s mothers when cursing them and from now on the feudal lord-like habit of fucking-other’s-mothers is explicitly forbidden. Understand?”

Tao Yuan asked, “From where did you get the explicit prohibition?”

Qin Shiwu was shameless, “Article 1 of the 1992 Consensus forbids you from fucking-other’s-mothers. Especially mine. PS in bracket: I hope that the compatriots present on both sides of the strait except for Qin Chu will strictly comply. Otherwise, I will have to suppress it by force.”

Qin Chu, “Are you done?”

Qin Shiwu, “Done.”

Qin Chu, “Should I give you a round of applause?”

Qin Shiwu deeply agreed, “This is necessary. Am I not doing this much for you? If others f*** my mother, isn’t that like giving you a cuckold?”

Translator’s corner

Hey guy, a laaaaaaaaaaaaaaate happy new year to ya’ll . I mean I just had my new year celebration in school last day.

Thank you so much for reading the chapter. If you liked my translation and wanna support me, you can comment down your thoughts or send me a Kofi.


Don’t feel shy to let me know in the comment section or in the discord of Knoxt if you find any mistakes~


Giving a green hat means cheating in a relationship.


It is a region in League of Legends.


To give zero value.



It refers to having the literary talent to speak beautifully. But it was said sarcastically here.


The three-character classic: F*** your mom.


Aren’t you taking this too literal bro?

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