“Who’s on!”

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Hu Si slapped the table and directly asked Tao Yuan.

Tao Yuan brought some friends with him. But he wanted to talk to Lu Tong, so he casually asked, “Does your school grass want to play the game now?”

Wu Ke looked at Lu Tong, “He’s not very good at it. So don’t drag your feet. We can let him hang out……”

Those few brothers of Tao Yuan immediately put themselves forward and crowded in front of Lu Tong, “I’ll take him. I’ll take him. My leg is free to drag! Drag it as much back as you want!”

“I can give you two legs to drag!”

“Then I can give three legs —”

“Shut up!”

Lu Tong: ……

Qin Shiwu’s right hand squeezed the mouse tightly. He turned his head, and asked Qin Chu, “Has he always been so popular?”

Not only popular among omegas but also among alphas?

Qin Chu’s expression didn’t look much different, but it wasn’t much better either.

He was a little bit more bking1 than Qin Shiwu. No matter what happened, he would first stabilise his composure, so that he looked very dignified and decent.

“Doesn’t this go without saying? Is this the first time that you got to know Lu Tong ah?” Hu Si looked at Lu Tong, and then at Qin Shiwu before opening his mouth to say, “Before he differentiated, he was the dream lover of the Alphas in the entire school district.”

Qin Shiwu being the dream lover of 900 million girls was self-proclaimed, while Lu Tong being a dream lover was publicly known.

“…… Fuck, is there anything else?” Qin Chu stared at him wide-eyed.

Hu Si, “You and Qin Chu both came here halfway, so you definitely don’t know about it. I have known Lu Tong since Junior High school. He went to the Affiliated High School. He has both good grades and good looks. He has been a hot topic on campus forums for a long time and a group of vulgar A’s fantasise about him every day.”

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The girl delinquent on the other end interjected, “Wasn’t he very famous in junior high school? Those alphas made a vote for who will be the district flower. At that time, everyone thought that Lu Tong would differentiate into an omega and those who wanted to chase him began to line up to vote in advance. In the end, no one expected that he would eventually differentiate into an alpha.”

Hu Si, “Have you not heard of the urban legend? The West Lake had pulled up a banner ‘There are plenty more fish in the sea. So why bother being in unrequited love with a grass.’ to warn people not to think about jumping into the West Lake. Without one o, Lu Tong, there are still thousands of o’s standing up!”

“Alpha?” Qin Chu suddenly spoke out.

He didn’t know what he was thinking, and he tapped the desktop lightly with his index finger.

Lu Tong was clearly a pure omega and he still had Qin Chu’s pheromones on his body. Why was there a rumour that he was an a before?

Qin Chu didn’t know Lu Tong before, nor did he know about this rare promotion of secondary differentiation.

In fact, Lu Tong had really differentiated into an a before. But then for some unknown reason, he inexplicably differentiated twice.

Moreover, the estrus period was so fierce that it was almost forced out by Qin Chu.

Hu Si, “Lu Tong was too famous back then. The Os who had a crush on him were tolerable. They weren’t very offensive. But the As were not. Sometimes when he went back home from school, he would be blocked by some little hooligan alphas, which had troubled him for a long time. I also heard that later, Lu Tong had someone pick him up and drop him off at school, until after senior year when he had differentiated into an alpha and then only these people gradually stopped.”

Girl delinquent, “Fortunately, he differentiated into an a. Otherwise, Lu Tong would have really become an o, which would have been really annoying to death. And it is terrifying to even think about it.”

Hu Si stroked his chin, “But I’m not interested in Lu Tong, whether he’s an A or an O. He is not my cup of tea. I like a hot beauty with a good front and a good back. What’s so good about an iceberg like Lu Tong who doesn’t say more than a few words a day and has a coffin face all day?”

Girl delinquent, “What do you know? Do you know what men like the most? What they like the most is to conquer this kind of thorny and unpleasant ascetic Kaoling flower. If you can sleep with him once, you will have the capital to brag about for the rest of your life, and you can bring it to your coffin too.”

“Sleep with him? Then you can lay on your bed for the rest of your life and brag about it. If you don’t get maimed by him, you’ll become a ghost.”

Hu Si still couldn’t quite understand and he turned his head to look at Qin Chu, “The people in the Fourth High School were also directly promoted from the Fourth Elementary School, and the Fourth Elementary School was next to the Affiliated High School. They all had an inexplicable obsession with Lu Tong, and they were brooding about his failure to differentiate into an O. Even if he differentiated into a, they didn’t give up. Look at this group of repulsive men. No words! What is the difference between showing affection to an a and watching a film blindfolded? This is called a b*** in the bones. For them seeing Lu Tong is like a dog seeing a bone, and it can’t be changed for a while.

After listening to his mother’s junior high school and high school records, Qin Shiwu gulped slowly.

Originally, he thought that he just got a difficult mode crossing over script. But he didn’t expect…… That his was actually the f*** hell mode one……

Because Qin Chu was too good at attracting bees and butterflies2, Qin Shiwu focused most of his attention on Qin Chu, for fear that he would find a stepmother for himself if he didn’t pay attention.

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He never expected that the one who really lived among thousands of flowers, killed both men and women, and ate all ao was actually Lu Tong!


Qin Shiwu uttered a national curse fiercely in his heart.

Then when he was nervous, he also took the time to express a bit of his happy emotions: He is indeed worthy of being my mother! Sure enough, people who look like me are so popular. Ai, just blame it on my face!

— He was very good at inverting black and white3.

In fact, Qin Shiwu looked more like Qin Chu.

Qin Chu’s facial features were bright, sharp and compelling, and his beauty was very aggressive and lethal. There was a dazzling brilliance between his eyebrows and eyes. As long as you give him one glance, you will remember him forever. In the words of a disgraceful person, he could be called a flirtatious b***.

On the other hand, Lu Tong’s facial features were more glamorous. His skin was snow-white, his temperament was cold, and he was a “cold” beauty. He wouldn’t even hook shoulders with those good brothers of his who had the best relationship with him. He had a cold aura, which made people be intimidated at first glance, and no one would dare to get too close to him. He was an extremely typical iceberg beauty.

He and Qin Chu were completely different. If it weren’t for that sudden estrus period, the two might not have had any intersection after high school.

So far, there were two heinous people who had frequent physical contact with Lu Tong: Qin Shiwu and Qin Chu.

The former was thick-skinned and carefree. He could hug and pull him whenever he wanted to. He was not afraid of Lu Tong’s ‘Strangers Don’t Enter’ temperament — After all, it was his own mother. Qin Shiwu had never hugged his mother to greet him before!

The latter, Qin Chu, did it because of the connection of ao marking and their pheromones became the connection between the two. Lu Tong instinctively could not resist his closeness, and he would even feel like ‘his desire wasn’t fulfilled’ if did not have any physical contact with Qin Chu for a long time.

Tao Yuan roared from over there, “Do you want to fight or not!”

Hu Si answered, “Fight. I’ve never seen someone who is in such a hurry to die. Don’t come crying and calling me dad after a while.”

He turned his head and looked at Qin Shiwu. After going through Qin Shiwu’s superb PentaKill just now, Qin Shiwu’s image rose from the ground in his heart, and his majestic figure was second only to Qin Chu.

“Qin Shiwu, hold on. You don’t have to worry that you will lose! Give them another PentaKill to see!”

Qin Shiwu asked, “Lu Tong is also playing?”

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Hu Si looked over and Lu Tong was listening to Old Cheng talk about the basic operation of the game with his head tilted.

The two heads were a little close together, and Qin Chu was in a bad mood when he saw this.

It’s just a game. Is it necessary?

Is Lu Tong deaf?

Qin Shiwi was also gnashing his teeth, and Qin Chu suddenly put his hand on his head.

Qin Shiwu: ?

Qin Chu said expressionlessly, “Go ahead, Qin Shiwu. It’s your turn!”

Qin Shiwu: ???

Qin Chu pushed hard.

Qin Shiwu was unprepared, and he got smashed on the keyboard with a scream, which caught Lu Tong’s attention.

“It hurts me to death!” Qin Shiwu burst into tears and scolded, “Are you my fucking father? Have you not heard that a tiger, though cruel, will not devour its cubs4?”

Qin Chu, “What is wrong with a boy getting injured? Have you ever heard of a man’s medal?”

“Fuck! Getting injured for the woman you love is a medal, and it’s a fucking shame to be beaten by dad!”

Wu Ke was about to laugh at Qin Shiwu, but Lu Tong stood up.

Wu Ke: ?

He couldn’t laugh anymore.

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“What are you going to do?”

Lu Tong, “Should I go and have a look?”

Wu Ke’s face distorted with fear, “Are you going to go have a look? Who are you going to see? Don’t tell me you are going to see Qin Shiwu?”

Lu Tong, “His voice was very loud. I don’t know if his skin got wounded.”

Wu Ke: ……

Fuck. Big brother, why would it matter to you if his skin got wounded or not?

I’ve never fucking seen you care about others before?

Wu Ke’s expression was full of shock, which made Lu Tong’s body a little stiff.

After he stood up, he came back to his senses: Am I sick? Is it my business if he is hurt or not?

Lu Tong sat down again.



Something like a “bking” is a king of “装逼“ which is someone who does cool stuff effortlessly or everything they do is unusually “cool”


(fig.) to attract the opposite sex / to flirt


to distort the truth deliberately / to misrepresent the facts / to invert right and wrong


even wild beasts look after their young

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