Qin Chu pinched Qin Shiwu’s face, looked left and right, and thought in his heart: It didn’t get smashed that hard…… No one came after such a big noise?

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Qin Shiwu grimaced in pain and looked at the black screen of the computer with tears in his eyes, “Is my face hurt? This brother’s face is worth a hundred billion. Do you understand the dreams of 900 million girls? That smash made 900 million girls lose their dreams!”

Qin Chu looked over to the opposite side. Old Cheng and Lu Tong had separated. So he picked up a little bit of fatherly love and took out a band-aid from his pocket, “Stick it yourself.”

Qin Shiwu loved to be beautiful. So he wouldn’t paste a bandage on his face.

His face was his life, and it was to be used to pursue beautiful girls from all over the world. So before he reaches adulthood, there must be not the slightest damage.

Lu Tong sat down and chose bot lane adc1, also known as a shooter, who was responsible for long-range attacks. Generally, in addition to the shooter, an auxiliary will be deployed in the bot lane to assist the rapid development of the shooter, so that everyone present could be controlled in the later stage.

Seeing that Lu Tong had chosen adc, the group of people in the Fourth High School rushed to assist him.

Wu Ke reminded, “On the opposite bot lane are Hu Si and Qin Shiwu. Don’t be afraid of Hu Si’s technical skills. But that Qin Shiwu has something and he can assist in PentaKill. Keep an eye on him.”

Old Cheng finally snatched the role of Lu Tong’s support and said with a smile, “School grass, don’t be afraid. I’ll help you.”

Lu Tong had seen others play this game before and he knew the basic operations. But today was the first time that he got to actually play it.

Moreover, on the opposite bot lane was Qin Shiwu. Listening to Wu Ke, he was very good at playing games?

Qin Chu suddenly asked, “Do you want to win?”

Lu Tong glanced at him, made sure he was talking to himself, and replied, “Otherwise?”

Lose to you?

He wasn’t willing to do that.

After the lineups on both sides were determined, Lu Tong and Old Cheng set off from the bot lane and arrived at the foot of the tower unimpeded all the way. They then met face-to-face with Qin Shiwu and Hu Si on the opposite side of the narrow path2.

Hu Si’s style of attack was aggressive and as soon as he arrived, he wanted to kill Lu Tong to get the first blood. Moreover, with the assistance of Qin Shiwu, he was basically walking around in the game, and now he was playing even more recklessly than before. Lu Tong held the mouse steadily. Although it was his first time playing a game, it wasn’t too bad.

With the assistance of Old Cheng, he gradually got the hang of it.

Lu Tong’s eyes were fixed on the screen, and he saw Hu Si rushing over like lightning. Old Cheng made a wave of assists, and Lu Tong followed closely and fired two moves. The three of them fought hard and Hu Si was focused on the first blood. In less than a minute, the mechanical female voice in the game came out from everyone’s headphones.

“First blood.”

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Hu Si looked at his body which had fallen to the ground and was dazed. Why did he die?

He turned his head to look at Qin Shiwu. His strongest support in the national service: Qin Shiwu — Who was right in the middle of opening the second can of Wangzai Milk. His hands were not on the keyboard but on the milk.

Facing Hu Si’s dull gaze, Qin Shiwu methodically took out a set of physics practice question papers from his school bag; and slowly and methodically worked on the multiple-choice questions.

“Qin Shiwu!!!!”

Hu Si finally came back to his senses and looked at Qin Shiwu, who was motionless outside the game and looked at the hero who was motionless inside the game too.

“Where is your fucking support!!!”

Qin Shiwu said, “I supported ah. You ran too fast. So I could not keep up.”

Hu Si, “You’re bullshitting! You just stood there and didn’t move! You tell me who you supported!”

Qin Shiwu said shamelessly, “The strongest support in the national service.” He pointed to himself, “Quickly supported the opposing adc to develop quickly and send the first blood.”

…… You can at least fucking assist your own comrades!! Is that what you were bragging about just now?? That you would support the other side’s adc??

Qin Shiwu, “Besides, the fighting on the battlefield was so fierce. How can I have time to support you? Did you see those pawns?”

These pawns were controlled by the system and were generally cannon fodder, used to harvest gold coins and economy.

Qin Shiwu, “I have to protect them too. As the saying goes, the military and the masses have a close relationship like between fish and water. Fishes are inevitably linked to water and the water can’t not have fish. My people were in trouble. So how could I sit idly by and ignore it? And you too. Don’t always think about grabbing credit. You have to think more about the people. You have to be firmly rooted among the masses. The masses are the foundation of all revolutionary victories. Do you know?”

“Moreover, it is just a game – It’s good enough to have a great time. Don’t care too much about the outcome of the battle, haha.”

I almost couldn’t tear opened the opponent’s head just now because I lost — I, Qin Shiwu, don’t understand romance. I only know that winner-takes-all — And the young man who planned to jump on the opponent’s coffin board, said so.

— That’s the reason why all your big moves were empty?

“I, your father has been fighting in Ionia for so many years, and this is the first fucking time to see a prodigy3 protecting the pawns!”

Hu Si continued to roar, “If you fucking want to release water4 for Lu Tong, just say it!”

Qin Chu’s hands paused, and he said straightforwardly, readily following the good advice5, “I want to release water for Lu Tong.”

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Hu Si maintained a state of Roaring Emperor Ma Jingtao’s6789 expression package, and looked at Qin Chu, confused: ????

Over there, Lu Tong also heard this sentence. His joints were distinct, and his five slender fingers paused on the keyboard.

Old Cheng was also stunned, and looked at Lu Tong, “When did you meet Qin Chu?”

Lu Tong, “…… Not long ago.”

Old Cheng said, “I thought you didn’t know each other.”

Qin Shiwu glanced at Qin Chu’s avatar. He took the SoloMid10, and what he did to release water for Lu Tong could be called a flood discharge.

Qin Chu couldn’t be found in the mid lane — He was playing wild in the jungle.

SoloMid fought the monsters in the jungle, leaving the one playing in the jungle nowhere to fight.

The one who was originally fighting in the jungle saw Qin Chu’s and Qin Shiwu’s operations and AFKed directly.

The support assists the opposite adc. The SoloMid runs to the jungle to fight. This is goofing around ah……

Is this not bullying ……

So only Hu Si alone was left to struggle on the opposite side, who was unilaterally killed by Lu Tong in less than five minutes.

…… What’s the matter with winning so well but having no sense of accomplishment?

Old Cheng opened his mouth to say, “Forget it. Anyway, we are not here to play games. Let’s go. I’ve booked a restaurant. Let’s go have a meal together?”

The reason why Lu Tong came out was for Wu Ke’s sake. He had originally eaten a meal with Qin Chu and his stomach was full. But now he had no desire for eating at all.

Old Cheng’s generosity was hard to resist. So Lu Tong yielded after making a show of resistance.

After Lu Tong left, Qin Shiwu couldn’t sit still. He sent a text message asking where Lu Tong was going to eat, and after he got the address, he said he would come to pick him up.

When Lu Tong received the text message, he thought Qin Shiwu was a very warm-hearted person, and what Lu Tong didn’t even notice was that his tone had gotten softer when he replied to him: Why are you picking me up? Don’t I have the legs to walk by myself?

Qin Shiwu hurriedly said: I am willing to come! Just let me come, I promise not to make trouble!

Lu Tong couldn’t resist Qin Shiwu even for a bit, so he agreed after a few tries.

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Qin Shiwu sat in the Internet cafe for half an hour in a daze. He finally couldn’t bear it anymore and ran out after him.

Qin Chu immediately stood up, “I’m going out.”

Hu Si was still immersed in the grief and indignation of the big brother’s epic flood discharge just now. So he did not care who left and who stayed.

At this time, Lu Tong had just finished their farewell dinner with Old Cheng and Wu Ke.

Qin Shiwu was like an Imperial army spy and he squatted behind the bus stop next to the restaurant like a sneaky doggie11. It was a place from where he could clearly see the movements of Lu Tong.

For some reason, Qin Chu also followed up.

Lu Tong walked out of the restaurant and saw Wu Ke’s strange expression. So he looked back and felt suspicious. Isn’t Old Cheng going to confess to a girl? I didn’t see any girls after the meal.

Wu Ke made an excuse, “I am going to the convenience store to buy some chewing gum. After drinking, my mouth doesn’t smell good.”

The rest of the people also found reasons to leave one after another, and only Old Cheng and Lu Tong were left outside the restaurant.

At 9 pm, the lights outside of H City were still brightly lit.

Lu Tong took a few steps ahead but was suddenly stopped by Old Cheng.

When he turned around, he saw Old Cheng smiling, “Before we knew it, we had known each other for six years.”

Old Cheng met Lu Tong on the first day of junior high school. But it was a pity that Lu Tong was insensitive, “That was one-sided. I only met you last year.”

Old Cheng helplessly said, “Do you have to be so heartless? School grass, let me ask you something. Can you tell me if I can succeed in confessing to the person I like before going abroad?”

Lu Tong actually did not feel like paying attention to him, but there were only two people in the scene. And if he did not talk, there was no one else to talk, “What is the use of asking me? It’s not up to me.”

Old Cheng paused for a moment and opened his mouth to say, “What if it’s up to you?”

Lu Tong looked back at him and finally realized the reason for all the things that were wrong before. And it seemed like Wu Ke was the one who deceived him.

What kind of girl was there? Old Cheng’s meal was aimed at him.

He was surprised and he pointed at himself, “You are confessing to me?”

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Old Cheng said, “I know that you are an a, but I just like you. From the beginning of the second year to now, I have never thought of anyone else. I came to ask since I am leaving the country. I will regret it for the rest of my life if I don’t say it.”

His nervous palms were all sweaty due to nervousness and he could not help but wipe it on his pants, “What do you think? I think I’m okay. Why don’t you…… Consider me?

Qin Chu and Qin Shiwu who were standing in the secret place:……

Qin Shiwu, “What do you think?”

Qin Chu, “I don’t think it will work.”


Attack Damage Carry


lit. to meet face to face on a narrow path (idiom) / fig. enemies or rivals meet face to face


(slang) weirdo


(sports) to throw a game


(idiom); willing to accept other people’s views


He is a Taiwanese actor and he is known by the name “Roaring Emperor” due to one of his roles.





The name SoloMid refers to a strategy in League of Legends where a single player (solo) would attack the middle lane (mid).


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