When the competition ended, Lintian was on the verge of death. He was like a salted fish lying on the lake grass with empty eyes.

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He is the supreme quasi emperor, with a strong foundation beyond imagination, and his master of the quasi emperor's law is almost the same as the real emperor's realm.

But these days in the competition with Xi, he was abused like a salted fish every time, and it was futile to try every means to resist.

What is despair?

Lintian finally realized it.

It wasn't until half a sound that Lin Xun was able to recover from his weakness and numbness.

The leaves had already rushed to Lintian. They broke off a handful of precious medicines and put them into Lintian's mouth.

There was no way. Lintian's physical strength was on the verge of drying up. He didn't even have the strength to lift his fingers.

"Master, this kind of competition is almost over, isn't it?"

After another half sound, he felt the new power emerging around him. Then Lintian turned his head and looked at the light sitting on the willow branches.

"Well, don't worry. When the new nameless emperor comes, the contest will end."

Xi's voice is indifferent.

Lintian was black in front of him.

If the new nameless emperor does not come all the time, won't he be trampled, tortured and devastated all the time?

"Lintian, your accomplishments have broken through."

The leaves suddenly make a sound, with a trace of exclamation.

Lintian was stunned. He realized the wonderful changes that were happening around him, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

That's it Breakthrough!?

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There was another trance in his eyes.

Before the last time he set foot on the top of jundi, he went through a bloody battle in front of the ruined gate, and finally released his dying body and finally entered the ruined gate.

The breakup happened in a coma.

Now, it's only more than a month since he broke the border last time, but his cultivation has changed again, and he has stepped into the second heaven of the Jueming emperor!

The speed of promotion was amazing, which made Lintian feel strange.

"Ten days ago, you competed with hunkong Jiandi 19 times. The first 15 times all ended in defeat. After 15 times, you began to turn back the situation and have the power to suppress hunkong Jiandi."

The next leaf said quickly, "but with hunkong sword emperor exerting 30% of his fighting power, you are once again in the situation of being beaten and defeated."

"This kind of competition, despite repeated defeats and battles, makes you extremely tempered in the battle, and your own way and combat power have been consolidated and transformed unprecedentedly."

"In these ten days, Xi and you compete ten times, and each time you are pressed to do all you can to squeeze all your strength, and then you stop. It's like Nirvana again and again, which makes your power change from the best to the worst

Speaking of this, ye admires, "it's rare that every time Xi makes a move, her strength is just right. A little stronger will damage your Daoji, but a little weaker will not release your full potential. Such a method can be called a wonderful peak."

Lintian was stunned: "it's rare for me to be grateful when you say that?"

Ye ye said seriously: "it's only a month or so that your accomplishments have made a breakthrough. If you were other monks, you would have kowtowed happily."

Lintian felt the constant transformation of his whole body. It was strange in his heart that he had been abused for so many days. Was it for his own good?

Isn't it true that in the name of duel, we are really venting our anger?

Ye ye said: "of course, during this period of time, you have consumed a total of 76 kinds of precious medicines, each of which can be regarded as priceless. Ordinary people in the imperial realm are not blessed. Fortunately, your family is rich. Otherwise, you want to break through in such a short time It's hard, too. "

Today's Lintian is indeed rich and powerful. Just the spoils he has seized in this period of time can be regarded as huge and numerous.

And you know, when he was in the forbidden area of Guxian, he also captured a lot of spoils, and there were many treasures that even the emperor's figures coveted!

Therefore, even if you know that you have spent so much valuable medicine, you don't feel pain.

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At this moment, he has completely recovered, cross knee meditation, meditation, in order to consolidate his new strength after breakthrough.

Hesitated for a moment, the leaf still said: "so, I suggest that the duel should be carried on."

Lintian's lips twitched violently.

The last ten days were like nightmares. Not only was his body suppressed, but his mood and spirit were constantly suffering from despair and powerlessness.

That kind of taste was almost unbearable with Lintian's strong and resolute temperament.

But as soon as he thought that this kind of "competition" could transform his cultivation in the shortest time, Lintian hesitated a little, and then he gritted his teeth to accept it.

Leaf heart can not help but praise: "sure enough, he likes to be abused to practice..."Xi then glanced at Lintian and said, "you have made a breakthrough in your cultivation. When you compete, I will increase my strength correspondingly. You should be prepared."

Lintian felt a thump in his heart, and he couldn't help saying, "master, how much power did you use to compete with me before?"

"How much?"

Xi's voice was a little strange.

The leaf thought for a moment and thought carefully: "as far as I can guess Should Far less than 10%... "

Lintian: "yes."


As one of the forty-nine states in Hongmeng world, Wuling state has neither the largest nor the smallest territory, nor the strongest or the weakest cultivation force.

In a word, Wuling is very common, no matter which aspect compared with other states, it is neither excellent nor inferior. It's mean.

Shenji daozong is located in Wuling state, with a very old foundation, but its influence can be ranked among the top ten in Wuling state at most.

After more than ten days' journey, Lintian arrived in Wuling state and came to Tongshan, the blessed land occupied by Shenji daozong.

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But when Lintian arrived, he suddenly found that this famous mountain and blessed land in Wuling Prefecture was first-class, and no one was seen!

In addition, the gate of Shenji daozong mountain was open, and the array covering the mountain also stopped running.

When you walk into it, you can see that the rows of ancient buildings are empty and there is a sign of disorder everywhere.

After searching for a long time, Lintian almost looked inside and outside Shenji daozong, and finally confirmed that all the monks of Shenji daozong had evacuated from Tongshan.

And when he left, he was obviously worried, and some of the magic drugs in the medicine garden didn't have time to clean up.

There was no sign of any battle in the field, which could only prove that the monks of Shenji Taoism took the initiative to evacuate. As for the reason for the evacuation, Lintian could not guess.


Lintian frowned. At this time, he was standing in front of a desolate ancient palace. He was alone. The setting sun cast a long shadow on the mottled blue stone slab.

Shenji Pavilion and Shenji daozong originated from the same vein. Lintian came here to inquire about some matters related to going to the real dragon kingdom.

But I didn't expect that such an ancient and incomparable force would disappear in such a strange way, leaving only an empty Tongshan.

"The evacuation of a clan is bound to cause quite a stir, and it will certainly show some signs in advance..."

Lintian pondered and planned to go to the nearest city to Tongshan to inquire.

But when he was about to leave, he suddenly felt a deadly danger in his heart.

Almost at the same time, Xi quietly appeared, gently picked him away from here, came to the far away under the eaves of a palace.

"Don't talk when there are powerful people."

The light and rain around Xi turned into a kind of magical power, covered her and Lintian together, and made them disappear out of thin air.

Hua La ~

just in front of the hall where Lintian was standing, there was a wave of void, and several figures appeared, including men and women. Although the breath had disappeared, there was invisible terror.

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They stand in the setting sun, just as the gods stand in the dusk!

When he saw the leader's figure, Lintian's pupil suddenly shrank, and the memory that had been silent in his heart for many years was awakened.

At the head of the group was a woman in purple robes. Her figure was extremely slender. Her slender waist was wrapped with a gold ribbon. Her long purple hair fell like a waterfall, and her hair had a magical luster.

She carries a spear, purple robe, purple hair, standing there like a natural moat, giving people can only look up, as high as boundless feeling.

In the face of its figure, just like ants looking up at the sky!

"It's the woman in purple who chased Mr. Lu!"

Lintian was shocked. How could he forget this woman?

At that time, he had returned to the lower boundary and the courtyard where he once lived in Feiyun village. It was there that he came across a wisp of willpower left by Mr. Lu.

It was this wisp of willpower that made Lintian see the woman in purple who was chasing Mr. Lu.

Also let Lintian know that the woman in purple came from the other side of the starry sky. She was specially after his mother Luo Qingyu and Mr. Lu!

However, Lintian did not expect to see the woman in purple in the Shenji Taoist sect, which had been deserted for a long time!

This is no doubt too incredible.

"I want to go to the real dragon world, but I know the sect of the real dragon world, but it disappeared overnight..."

In front of the hall, the woman in purple opened her mouth. Her voice was very pleasant, but it was cold and indifferent.

At her side, following the three men, all of them trembled, showing the color of panic.

"Master, we haven't leaked any information at all. Even we don't know how all the people of Shenji Taoism disappeared. You Don't get me wrongA white haired old man was anxious to explain.

The woman in purple patted the old man on the shoulder and said, "I don't care about misunderstandings. I only care. Why does this happen? Do you understand?"

When her delicate white fingers were taken away from the old man's shoulder, the latter's body turned into a piece of ashes like burnt paper!

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