Luanxingtan is a famous ancient battlefield relic in Jiehe.

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It's said that in ancient times, there was a world shaking duel here. A Kendo sage appeared here. It's just a sword, cutting down the stars!

The stars burst into pieces, turned into meteorite fragments, and smashed out one huge abyss like crater after another.

Until the boundary river appeared, this area has experienced the change of endless years, and has become today's "chaotic Star Beach".

"Look, there is luanxing beach in the distance. It's just for many monks in Dongsheng kingdom. Luanxing beach is a treasure land. There are a large number of real" meteorites "left in it. In these boundless years, I don't know how many monks have come to explore and excavate."

On the deck of the treasure ship, Kou Xing pointed to the distance, looking relaxed and talking.

Because after arriving at luanxing beach, it is equivalent to entering the boundary of Dongsheng. Within half a day, you can reach the nearest city to the boundary river.

In the distance, the boundary river is full of turbid waves and clouds.

It's just that different from other areas, there are lots of rocky land, which is full of potholes, and the river is spreading in it, which looks like a beach.

Its range is extremely large. Some reefs are only more than ten feet wide. Some reefs are no different from islands. They are tens of miles in size.

"It's true. In ancient times, that Kendo sage was very famous. He was called the" demon breaking sword sage ". He once fought here and spent his whole life fighting. With one sword, he cut down the stars all over the sky, and the broken remains of the stars fell here forever, forming this spectacle."

Le girl speaks out. She is very intelligent and knows many secrets of ancient times, which makes people doubt whether there is something she doesn't know in this world.

The sword master?

Lintian felt that the title was really amazing!

"What a treasure is that meteorite?" Lintian couldn't help asking.

"It's similar to Fengyuan spirit stone. After cutting, there is a great chance to cut out rare and precious treasures, such as spirit material, spirit medicine, ore, precious jade and so on."

"Some rare ones can even be cut into miraculous treasures such as miraculous materials, spiritual treasures and spiritual fetuses."

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"Spirit fetus?" Lintian was surprised.

"Yes, about ten years ago, an elder of banbu kingdom in the holy land of Tianshu in Dongsheng kingdom once obtained a strange meteorite in the luanxing beach. After cutting it, he found that it was pregnant with a rare" green golden beast "spirit fetus. Before he awakened his spiritual consciousness, he had a whole body of Taoism, which can be called miraculous."

Miss Yue said, "this kind of thing has happened more than once in the past years. I heard that some people have cut mysterious animal bones from the meteorites, which are branded with the unparalleled practice method."

When Lintian heard the words, he could not help but marvel. The world was so big that there were so many strange things.

When Miss Yue mentioned "Tianshu Holy Land", Lintian unconsciously thought of some past events.

When he was in the ziyao Empire, he heard that most of the top students in Qinglu college were sent to the holy land of Tianshu to practice.

What impressed Lintian most was Gu Yunting. He had the talent of "Dao Huo Jin Shou". He was very famous in Qinglu college.

But Lintian didn't like this guy very much. At the beginning, Gu Yunting was arrogant and wanted to take it away from him for the sake of being a Kui Niu horn, which led to a conflict.

Although it didn't start in the end, the contradiction was settled.

In addition to Gu Yunting, many people in Qinglu college also went to Tianshu holy land to practice, such as Zuo Yujing of Zuo clan, Zhao Jingwen, the son of emperor and royal family, and so on.

In other words, for some reasons, Lintian had taught some descendants of Tianshu holy land, and was hated by those descendants of Tianshu holy land.

"Where is the holy land of Tianshu?" Lintian asked.

"It's on the other side of the boundary river, in the ancient Cangzhou. It's an ancient orthodoxy. It's very famous in Dongsheng." The answer is Kou Xing.

Lintian said a word and said nothing more.

At the time of the conversation, they were near luanxing beach.


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The reefs here are all over the place. Looking around, you can't see the edge.

The gray mist is ethereal in the void, looming, occasionally shining stars like fireflies, giving this area a layer of mystery.

When Lintian's treasure boat approached, he could see at a glance that many monks were scattered in different areas, or in groups or alone, looking for something.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this area is occupied by our Qixia sect. I advise you to make a detour. If you dare to approach it without permission, it's better than killing!"

As soon as he got close, on one of the rocks, a middle-aged man with a black beard suddenly yelled, his eyes shining with evil spirit.

Lintian was stunned, and his divine consciousness spread. In the nearby area, a group of monks were digging something in the river.

Obviously, the black bearded middle-aged man is on guard.At the same time, a monk was surprised and said, "I've got it. I've got it. It's a high-quality meteorite!"

In his hand, he was holding a stone the size of a bowl. It was dark and covered with cold metallic luster. If you look at it carefully, the surface of the stone was still imprinted with wisps of silver texture, with dreamlike starlight.

All of a sudden, the nearby Qixia Zongqiang people gathered around.

"Cut and see!" Their eyes were burning, and they all fixed on the newly excavated meteorite.

Lintian was also curious, but the middle-aged man with black beard became alert, and yelled: "if you don't leave, don't blame me for being rude!"

Kou Xing and they all frown. This guy only has Yan Lun's initial cultivation. Even they are inferior, but they dare to scold him like this. It's disgusting.

"Let's go." Lintian didn't think much of this. In his current state, he would not be easily angered.

Unless it's aimed at himself, he doesn't care.

Immediately, they steered the treasure boat, made a detour and headed for the depths of luanxing beach.

Along the way, you can see the figures of monks everywhere on the big and small reefs. They are all using various methods to excavate the meteorites. It's a scene of great enthusiasm.

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At the same time, there are also many monks on guard to guard against other monks approaching.

In this process, Lintian was repeatedly scolded and ordered not to get close to them. Lintian didn't feel anything. Kou Xing and they were already full of anger.

"Damn it, this chaotic Star Beach is a land without owners. Anyone can come to search for treasures, but now it's like this!" Kou Xing was very angry and couldn't help complaining.

"Are you blind? Don't you see this area occupied by our suspended door? Get out of here

Before long, another monk yelled at them. His arrogance and coldness seemed arrogant.

Kou Xing was furious. It was more than a reprimand. It was clearly pointing at their nose!


This time, however, Lintian was more direct than Kou Xing. He grabbed the man in the robe.

"You..." As soon as the man in the brocade robe stayed, he was shocked and angry. As soon as he wanted to shout, his body was smashed in front of Lintian, and he fell into all kinds of flesh and blood. In front of them, there were stars.

"I ask, you answer, or no one will save you." Lintian looked down at the man with dark eyes.

The latter's whole body was frozen, and his heart was full of terror. His eyes were like the abyss, and he seemed to swallow his soul. It was too frightening for him to understand the danger of his situation in a moment.

"Was there so many people here before?" Lintian spoke directly.

"No The man in the brocade robe shook his head. "Recently, the boundary river suddenly changed, which made some changes appear in the chaotic Star Beach..."

According to his explanation, although luanxing shoal is rich in meteorites, in these boundless years, I don't know how many practitioners have come here and dug up all the meteorites.

But just recently, with the sudden change in the boundary river, the nearly exhausted luanxing shoal also experienced a sudden change, and the meteorites began to appear frequently.

The most amazing thing is that these meteorites have been buried for a long time, and their appearance is extraordinary, far more than before.

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Some people even dug out a meteorite with the size of a millstone and cut out a broken and decayed bronze halberd, which is suspected to be a damaged holy treasure!

After this matter spread out, it immediately caused a big sensation. Countless monks flocked to luanxing beach, which had been ignored, suddenly became lively again, and the situation was unprecedented!

"We heard that before long, some ancient orthodoxy will also step in. That's why we rush to divide the territory here and do our best to dig for some benefits ahead of time. If we wait for those ancient orthodoxy forces to come, we're afraid we won't even be able to drink soup."

The man in the royal guards answered all the questions and cooperated very well.

Lintian didn't embarrass him. When he learned what he wanted to know, he let him go.

"The great change of boundary river will inevitably disappear in the end. Let the four boundaries merge again and put an end to the isolated world pattern."

Le girl thought, "so, with this upheaval unfolding, some secrets and opportunities hidden in the boundary river are destined to emerge into the world. Maybe this chaotic Star Beach is a similar situation."

Speaking of this, she raised her head and asked Lintian with a smile: "what do you think? Do you want to dig some meteorites to have a chance?"


Lintian was also curious about what kind of treasure was hidden in the meteorite. Since he had been touched by him, it would be a pity to miss it.

As they talked, they moved on, trying to find a beach that was unoccupied.

But they had no choice but to find the place where they had no master.

"Well?"When she was searching for herself, she suddenly looked at a reef like an island in the distance.


PS: the plot is about to enter the Dongsheng world. This should be the most critical and important plot in this book, and goldfish himself is looking forward to it.

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