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Ren Shiyuan noticed that someone was taking their photos that was why he decided that it's about time to leave. He didn't want Nian Jiezhen to be caught by any of his fans.

"I think that you should go back to work now."

Nian Jiezhen raised a brow at him. "I thought that you wanted to stay longer with me?"

Ren Shiyuan smiled at her remark. Ah... how adorable. Was this her way of telling him that she was feeling the same?

"I can visit you later." He offered.

"No, you don't have to." Nian Jiezhen wiped her lips with a napkin. "Since this is your treat, I won't pay a thing here."

She stood up and gave him a blank look. "I'll take my leave now."

Ren Shiyuan: "..." This woman's mood was like lightning. One moment she was smiling at him and enjoying her food, the next moment, she's looking at him as if he did something wrong.

"Princess, wait for me." He quickly paid for the food and followed Nian Jiezhen out.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

She huffed, "Your face is."

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He pouted. "I'm not that handsome enough for you? Or do you prefer me in a dress?" He held her hand.

Nian Jiezhen's brow twitched. Not handsome enough? He's too handsome! Too beautiful that she can't bear to look at his face for too long!

"Let go of my hand."

"No." He stubbornly tightened his hold.

She heaved out a heavy sigh and stopped walking. She turned and faced him, "Tell me Ren Shiyuan, why are you still sticking around with me?"

"Because I'm your boyfriend?" He smiled.

She was not amused by his answer. Instead, she wanted to beat him up until he learns his lesson.

Ren Shiyuan pursed his lips when Nian Jiezhen gave him a cold stare.

"Stop wasting my time, Ren Shiyuan. I don't want to deal with you anymore." She tried to pull her hand away from him but he didn't let go.

"Ren Shi-"

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"I like you." Ren Shiyuan interrupted her. For some reason, he felt that his cheek was heating up after he said those words. His heart started to become uneasy and it started speeding up.

Nian Jiezhen was caught off guard by what he suddenly said.

Ren Shiyuan avoided her gaze, suddenly feeling shy like a small boy. "You see..." He trailed off.

The suspense was killing Nian Jiezhen. Just like him, her heart was racing and she was feeling uneasy. She could feel her hands sweat because of it.

"Dammit." He cursed under his breath. Why was he acting that way? He should act like a proper man!

He finally faced her, "I want to be with you. I think that... I'm falling for you, Jiezhen."

Him? Falling for her? Why would he start liking someone her?

"I want to give this relationship a chance and I want you to give us a cha-"

A loud crispy slap was suddenly heard.

Ren Shiyuan placed a hand on his cheek, it was stinging in pain.

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What the hell...?

He turned to Nian Jiezhen, looking at her in disbelief. "Why the fuck did you slap me?!"

Their moment was already going well and yet, she just has to spoil it!

Nian Jiezhen's eyes was wide as if she was surprised with something. "It's not a... dream?"

Ren Shiyuan frowned deeply at what she said. "THE HELL?! If you want to know whether this is a dream or not, you should slap yourself not me!"

"It's not me! It's you! I just want to make sure that you're still in the right mind!"

Right mind? Of course he was in his right mind!

"I really like you, what's wro-"

He received another slap from her. This time, it was on his other cheek. Now his cheeks looked red as a tomato because of her hard slaps."

"Are you awake now?" She looked at him like a curious child.

Was this woman crazy?!

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Nian Jiezhen sighed in relief, "Good... good..."

Ren Shiyuan was glaring at her in annoyance. He held her hands in place, making sure that she was not going to give him more slaps. He leaned close to her, "Listen carefully, Nian Jiezhen, I like you and I want to make our relationship official."

Nian Jiezhen's face was instantly covered in its deepest shade of red because of his words and how close his face was. "Y-you... really like me?"

"Yes, I do. I seriously like you."

Nian Jiezhen didn't know how to react, it was her first time in receiving a confession from a boy. She turned her head to the side to avert her gaze.

The look on her face was priceless for Ren Shiyuan. He even found her so adorable that he suddenly had the urge to hide her away from everyone and keep her to himself!

Fine! He'll forgive her for slapping him since she is being so cute to him.
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He leaned and pecked her lips, "I know that you like me too so let's make this official, okay?"

The grin on Ren Shiyuan's lips was erased when Nian Jiezhen stepped on his foot and held his arm.

She faced her back to him and just like what she did back then, she threw him off the ground. She turned and glared at him but the redness of her ears gave her away.

"Don't think of coming near me ever again or else you'll receive more than this!" She turned and run off to escape him.

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