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"Why is your face red?" Jeremy asked, curious. "Don't tell me that... you did something naughty with your fiance!"

Nian Jiezhen glared at him. "Shut up."

"NJ has a fiance?" George was surprised.

A gasp was heard from Sophia. "Omg! NJ, you're finally a woman!" She happily cheered for her.

"NJ's fiance is a hottie!" Jeremy grinned.

"You saw him?"

"Yeah, I did."

"That's not fair! I want to see him too!" Sophia pouted.

Nian Jiezhen wanted to hide herself from her friends. She had already calmed down earlier in the restroom but when she came back to her desk, she suddenly remembered what Ren Shiyuan did.

Did he really like her? How? Why her?

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His words were hard to digest. Since it was the first time that a man has confessed to her, she was clueless about how to respond.

She has never had any experiences in dating. She was curious. If she wanted to try it out... then Ren Shiyuan was the best person to be with at that moment since he was suggesting it to her. It's not like she likes him back, okay?

Nian Jiezhen wasn't sure of her feelings for him yet. Maybe she'll find out about it if she gives him a chance?

If things won't work out between them then they just have to separate. Easy, right?

There's no wrong in dating him, right? It's not like... she was going to marry him. She was not planning to marry anyone anytime soon.
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She still couldn't help but get worried at how things would turn out for them.

She remembered what she did to him before she left... she suddenly felt guilty. What if that drove him off and made him give up? What if he suddenly thought that she was too boyish for him?

Nian Jiezhen sighed inwardly. If that was the case, then that should be good, right? He's not worth it!

Even if she thought of that way, she felt a prick in her chest and she felt disappointed to herself. It's not always that she gets to have a confession... He was the only man brave enough to do that.

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She decided that if he ever comes in front of her and continues to ask for her, then she'll give him a chance. She wanted to try to be in a relationship with him... she wanted to try dating

"We have a case." Dale approached the group with a serious look on his face.


Ren Shiyuan was in his car, heading back to his hotel when his phone started ringing.

It was a call from his manager, Tang Bin.

He put on his earpiece before he answered the call. "Hello?"

"Ren Shiyuan, have you checked your Weibo?" Tang Bin's voice was panicking on the other line of the call.

"No, not yet. Why do you ask?"

"Your photo with Ms. Nian is circulating all over the web!"

Ren Shiyuan suddenly remembered the woman in the cafe who took his photo with Nian Jiezhen. He wasn't worried about it since Nian Jiezhen's back was facing that person.

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"Oh... that. What about it?"

"So you have seen it?!"

"No, I didn't." He calmly replied. "I only caught the person who took it."

"Then why didn't you stop them from spreading it? It's not just the photo! The video is circulating too! The views are getting higher and higher and your fans are getting wild!"

Ren Shiyuan furrowed his brows slightly. "Video? What video?"

"The video of you getting beat up!"

Ren Shiyuan parked his car to the side and quickly took his phone to check on what Tang Bin was talking about.

He was able to find it at once since it quickly became a hot topic in Weibo.

In the video, Ren Shiyuan and Nian Jiezhen's figures were seen. Since the video was zoomed in, it was easy to tell that the person was taking it had enough distance. Ren Shiyuan and Nian Jiezhen's conversation wasn't heard because of it.

The content of the video was taken from the part where Ren Shiyuan confessed and got slapped until the the part where he was thrown off by Nian Jiezhen.

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Ren Shiyuan went through the comments and saw how his fans were saying nasty things to Nian Jiezhen.

[Who the hell is that bitch! How dare she bullied my Yuanyuan!]

[Who the hell give her permission to slap Emperor Yuanyuan?!]

[I'm so jealous that Yuanyuan kissed her! Why the fudge did she bully him like that? If it was me, I would have ask for another kiss!]

[I want a kiss from Yuanyuan too! (TT.TT)]

[I hope that she's not Yuanyuan's new girl! (>A<)]

The comments went on.

Ren Shiyuan tightened his hold on his phone. He never expected that things would turn out that way. He has been too careless this time.

"I'm still working on taking it down. Don't worry, Shiyuan, I'll take care of-"

"No, leave it be." Ren Shiyuan said, interrupting him. "I'll take care of it."

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