She recalled seeing a purple thistle before, and the one in front of her looked very similar to the one she knew.

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“Oh, of course, this is top secret! Because it has something to do with His Majesty’s health.”

“Embra! Does the imperial medical center manage the medicines that go to His Majesty’s Palace?” Mia came to her senses and asked urgently. Seeing her like this, Embra was puzzled by her behavior but she still obliged to answer her.

“General-purpose medicines that go into food are managed by medical centers. Why?” Embra tilted her head and replied.


I was confused with that word and somehow felt uneasy.

“Have there been any security issues? Actually… I think there was a suspicious person here before.” She recalled the mysterious person before who was nearby the medical center and couldn’t help but speculate.

“Really? What did they do?”

“They took the purple thistle! I know it because there was a sign that clearly said ‘Purple Thistle’!”

“Oh? Really?” Unlike Mia who was anxious, Embra seemed calm. “Did that happen? You didn’t see it wrong, did you?”

“No! It was definitely suspicious…”


“Well, I can’t explain it, but… … .”

Upon hearing this, Embra laughed loudly, then she patted Mia’s hands and replied,

“Lady Mia, His Majesty has always faced the threat of poisoning.For that reason, he always takes care of himself by injecting a small amount of poison to raise his antibodies. Don’t worry!”

“But doesn’t that mean he’ll get sick from consuming the poison?!”

“Yes?” Embra was surprised at Mia’s concerned outburst.

“Even if he doesn’t die, he’ll still be sick… What if he took that for granted…” Mia answered anxiously and bit her lip. Embra didn’t know how to respond to her and help her calm down.

“Well, you might think so but…”

“That’s right!” While Mia was busy worrying for Adillot, Embra had a surprised expression on her face as if she had just recalled something. “It’s probably just a doctor in charge who delivers medicines. Let’s not worry too much!”

“I wonder how the staff are doing. I’ll be excusing myself, Lady Mia.”

“Embra!” Caught by the sudden change in demeanor from the chief medical officer, Mia wanted to make her stay to answer some of her questions.

“Come back for dessert next time! We seem to have the same preference!”

“Why are you running away?!” Mia, who was left behind, was confused.

Seeing as staying in the office would do nothing for her, she decided to return to Adillot’s bedroom. She then recalled the content of ‘Serenity in the Rose Garden.’ 

‘There’s no scene that mentioned Adillot was ill with poison.’

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There were some details that didn’t match with what she heard before, but it would have been mentioned in the story if the male lead was in danger.

Thinking about it that way made her feel reassured. But there was still a feeling of uneasiness in her chest.

‘But why does it seem like something is going to happen?’

* * *

It was dinner time. Mia was escorted to Adillot’s private office. When the door opened, she saw Adillot dressed in comfy clothes and was holding documents. 

The tea set was laid out in front of him, but it looked untouched.

“Excuse me…”

When Mia entered the room, the man standing next to Adillot was the first to reply.

“Ah. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

Mia’s eyes widened at the unexpected person.

He had light brown hair that cascaded down to his shoulders and silver-rimmed glasses, which covered his blue eyes.

“My name is Joachim Kirch. I’m one of His Majesty’s aides.”

Mia smiled at Joachim’s friendly greeting.

“My name is Mia. Nice to meet you!”

“Aren’t you going to at least feel wary of me?”

“You’re too good-looking to receive such a treatment from me!”

“Haha, I’m a little embarrassed to hear that in front of His Majesty.” Joachim smiled softly.

“Anyway, I have to go to the East soon, so I won’t be seeing you again for a long time. Please take care of His Majesty while I’m away.”

“I am not a child…” Adillot, who had been looking at the documents without raising his head, grumbled. Then Joachim, who was smiling kindly in front of Mia, immediately replied.

“If you’re not a child, shouldn’t you eat your meals on time, Your Majesty?”

“Ugh.” He couldn’t help but groan out of annoyance before putting down the papers and reaching his hand to his shoulder to massage it. But he suddenly stopped when he saw her, specifically her hand

“Why is your hand like that?”


Mia looked down at her right hand, which had been rolled up with gauze.

“Ah… I went out to play and accidentally got hurt!”

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“An accident?”

“It’s not uncommon for pets to get hurt while playing!” Mia, who didn’t want to talk about the medical center, answered playfully. As for going to the medical center, Adillot must have already known about it anyway.

‘Since I got hurt in Chrysor’s area, I hope Adil will know that I’m on his side.’

Even if he didn’t think so, I think it was an issue that Adillot wouldn’t care about.

However, contrary to expectations, the expression on Adillot’s face changed.


He said coldly in an instant.

Mia couldn’t help but gasp. She was nervous as the atmosphere suddenly became serious.

Joachim immediately bowed his head.

“Prescribe her something.”


“And receive the punishment.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.”

Mia stared blankly at him.

‘What the hell are they talking about…?’

Apparently, Adillot and Joachim had the ability to understand each other’s incomplete sentences.

Well, Joachim and Ferdinand were also on Adillot’s side until the end of the original story.  They were so loyal that I think Serenity might lose compared to them.

‘Honestly, I don’t understand that.’

When Mia shook her head, Adillot said.

“Let’s eat.”

He pointed to the space next to him. There was silverware on the floor along with several layers of colorful carpets.

The carpet was obviously of high quality, and silk cushions embroidered with gold thread surrounded it. Flowers were scattered here and there. I felt as if I was coming to a sultan’s chamber.

The trays, tableware, and bowls were all silver, and the food seemed too much for just Mia and Adillot.

‘Persian style.’

Contrary to Mia, who was admiring the space in front of her, Adillot said bluntly.

“Let me tell you, this is not my opinion.”

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“This space, Mia.”


What are you talking about?

Joachim smiled apologetically.

“Lady Mia is charged with treason. Since your official status is His Majesty’s pet, you have to pretend to some extent, so I put the food on the floor.”

Ah right, she’s currently his pet. Mia had forgotten why she was still alive. Well, It didn’t matter if they gave her the dog food bowl as long as she survived.

“I love this place!” Mia smiled broadly and sat down. Adillot looked at Mia and said, “Your hand will be treated again later.”

“Huh, it was already treated though?”

“It needs to be treated properly.”


Mia wasn’t sure, but she nodded her head. 

Adillot’s expression softened strangely, and then returned to being cold again.

“Well then, let’s eat!”

Mia grinned and held up her fork. When Mia was about to take a bite of meat and put it in her mouth, she saw Joachim.

He was watching Mia and Adillot eat with satisfied expressions on their faces. Mia pulled Adillot’s sleeve who was sitting on the chair.

“You won’t invite him to eat?”

“Joachim doesn’t normally eat with other people.”

“I see.”

Come to think of it, she had never read about Serenity and Joachim having a meal together in the original story.

‘Author… why do you keep omitting the details from the novel?’ Mia muttered in her head and glanced at Joachim with worried eyes.

“Are you worried?” Adillot quickly noticed Mia’s gaze.

“Isn’t that obvious?” Mia’s eyes blinked.

Adillot, who was looking at Mia with a frown, put down the grape he picked up and moved his hand.


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He flicked his finger to her forehead. 

Tears immediately started welling up in her eyes.

It seemed like he didn’t flick that hard but she still felt excruciating pain on her forehead.

‘Why!? Why did you do that to me!?’ Mia looked up at Adillot with questioning eyes.

“Hurry up and eat. You are not in a position to worry about anyone. Especially him.”

“Hahaha.” Joachim oddly neither affirmed nor denied, and couldn’t help but laugh at the scene in front of him.. Mia pouted her lips.

“If you treat your pet like this, when you die, you will go to hell!”

“Think about how many people I have killed, do you think I will go to heaven?”

That’s… true. She was caught surprised by Adillot’s being brutally honest so she couldn’t come up with any words to make a comeback.

Mia quietly raised her fork while frowning. Adillot was quiet throughout the meal, and so did Joachim.

‘Why are they so awkward?’

Mia finished the meal while feeling that way. The meal ended quickly and quietly. 

When Mia was rubbing her stomach to soothe her full stomach, an attendant came in and started serving dessert.

At the same time, Mia’s eyes lit up.

“Wow! This is Ramopet’s carrot cake, right?! They’ll only sell 12 a day!”

A three-tier cake and another tea were placed in front of Mia. Contrary to Mia’s fussing, Adillot was nonchalant and said, “There will be more to come.”

Mia glanced, bewildered at Adillot’s words. She thought it was just a simple meal she had with him.

“Are you still hungry after eating all that?”

“Are you worried about me?”

“No. Please don’t take mine and eat that instead.” Adillot smiled and picked up the teapot. “You really have a small appetite.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t make you go bankrupt with my appetite!”

“What… oh, yes.”

Adillot laughed and tilted the teapot.

The bright purple tea then flowed into the teacup.

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