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“I also know you financed Count Celestial’s treason.”






Ferdinand frowned. 


Mia rubbed her nose and pouted.


“I didn’t mean that, but… But His Majesty also knows that, right?”


“His Majesty knows everything.”


“Then why did His Majesty keep me alive?”


“I don’t dare guess his intentions.”


“Ah. You don’t know…”


Ferdinand’s eyebrows twitched at Mia’s murmur.


Mia quickly raised her hands and smiled broadly.


“Marquis, I’m-”


“Even though you’re clueless, I still don’t trust you.”


At that moment, Ferdinand took a step closer to Mia. His hands, which were full of calluses, reached for the hilt of his sword,


“You’re the daughter of a traitor. Even if I kill you right now, no one would complain…”


As she lowered her head, his words entered her ears.


‘Kill?’ She imagined herself being cut down by the powerful person in front of her and it made her shudder. However, contrary to Mia’s thoughts, Ferdinand did not draw his sword. 


It was not the will of the emperor he trusted and followed. But the person in front of him was still the daughter of the emperor’s enemy so he could not fully trust her. 


“If you have any intention of harming His Majesty, be prepared to face the consequences.” He warned Mia with murderous intent, ready to strike her at any moment if commanded by the emperor.




The sound of Mia swallowing her saliva could be heard in the terrifying silence. She looked like a frightened rabbit. 


As Joachim said, she was like an open book.


‘But she is still the woman who might have helped with the treason. I should stay vigilant.’


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Ferdinand turned around, his eyes as cold as the northern wind.


“I hope you won’t do something as useless as betraying His Majesty.”


He went away.


* * *


Mia was left in the middle of Leventor Palace’s garden. Ferdinand didn’t even say goodbye to her. She stood there as her gaze wandered into nothing with her thoughts occupied by that horrific encounter.


While Mia was still shocked, someone waved to her from afar.


“There you are. I’ve been searching for you!”


Upon closer inspection, it was the green-haired lady she saw at the medical center. She ran to Mia and knelt on the ground.


“I have sinned!”




“How could I mistook a precious person like you for a mere newbie!”


Mia looked down at her, surprised by the sudden action. She could see her hand on the ground trembling slightly. She looked nervous, and Mia was slightly confused about what was going on


‘If she’s Chrysor’s doctor, there is a high probability that she’s on Chrysor’s side.’ She recalled the lady’s position and thought up something. If she were to be on good terms with her, then that’s one less problem in the future. If so, it is better to be nice to her. As she pretended not to know anything, grabbed the woman’s hand and lifted her up.


“I’m not precious! I’m just a pet!” Mia said in a self-deprecating manner to let the laddy’s guard down.


“It is a great honor to be His Majesty’s pet! Besides, His Majesty is a person who doesn’t open up easily! And yet you’re by his side, that’s great!”


…Not really. I’m being watched.


Mia smiled without hiding her embarrassment, and awkwardly changed the topic.


“Oh, what’s your name?”


“Oh no, I forgot about introductions!” The woman smiled broadly with her green hair fluttering. “My name is Embra Theta! I am the chief medical officer of the Imperial Medical Center!”


“Wow!” Mia exclaimed but she was a little puzzled. Chief medical officer? In ‘Serenity in the Rose Garden’, isn’t the chief medical officer someone else?’


Well, I guess she’ll be retiring soon. All workers will eventually retire.


“Thank you, Embra! My name is Mia. I am living in this castle now because my home was destroyed after the treason attempt.” Mia replied solemnly.


“Ah, that’s okay! It’s not your fault!”


“But did you come here to apologize?”


“Yes, I’m sorry for mistaking you as a newbie…”


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“Um, it’s fine!”


“No! I can’t send you away like this! If you have time, would you like to stop by the medical center? We will serve you delicious tea. By the way, we also have Newmini’s new product, Cherry Blossom Candy!”


Mia, who was about to refuse immediately, stopped when she heard it.


“Newmini’s… new product?”


“Yes! I love sweets so I ordered them a long time ago. But since it is from Tiberium, it took time to import.” Embra replied with a cheerful smile.


“How is it? Will you forgive my mistake with cherry candy and a cup of tea?”




I didn’t want to go, but I wanted cherry blossom candy!


Mia had a bit of a sweet tooth. She has developed a habit of eating sweets while working her ass off. While running her own company, the Miromis Company, the only things Mia bought for herself were all kinds of desserts.


At last, Mia nodded her head.


“All right, I’ll go!”


“Excellent choice!”


She was caught in her trap easily. But she was considered to be on the empress’ side so it’s fine. 


Mia rationalized that and followed Embra’s footsteps.


* * *


Embra led Mia to her private office inside the center. She was shocked to discover that the office room was a mess with the table in the center being particularly dirty. 


All kinds of paper, garbage, kettles, and even herbs were scattered all over the place.


On the floor… She didn’t know why, but there were clothes. It was a very chaotic room, but Mia just smiled broadly.


“So cozy!”


“Right!? Since I’m the senior, I’m given a separate space!”


Mia looked around and sat down in the chair Embra had given her.


‘First… I should think of this as making connections for my future. I vowed never to be swayed merely by Newmini’s cherry blossom candy.’


“Alright, please wait!”


Embra started to diligently clean the table.


“Lady, could you please put the medicine pot on the seat to the side? There are not enough seats.” She said without turning to look at her as he cleaned up.


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“Is this a potion?” Mia looked at it and she saw a round medicine pot.


“Wait, this is…” The moment Mia raised the pot—


“Yes. It’s hot, so be careful!”


“It’s hot!”




Mia released the medicine pot the very second she felt the burning sensation of the heat on her palms, and then it broke on the floor.






Embra rushed over and looked at Mia. Her palm was red, indicating that she had burnt herself.


“Oh no! Come here, you need to cool it down with cold water!”


Mia grimaced as Embra carefully led her to where some cold water was. But amidst the searing pain she felt in her hand as she followed the kind woman before her, suspicions began popping up in Mia’s head.


‘Just now… Did she say it late on purpose?’


Mia looked at Embra’s face. But Embra had a really worried expression as she looked at her palm.


“I’m sorry! We use a lot of medicine, so we use a stove connected to the table! I forgot to tell you because I’m used to it…”


Mia was now confused because it was a reasonable excuse.


Soon after, Mia’s hand was doused with cold water to help with the burn. Embra made Mia sit down and began to apply a cooling ointment.


She tried to give her a whole bag of cherry blossom candy as an apology, but Mia had no appetite anymore.


“How are you doing?” Embra asked while gently applying a light green ointment.


“I’m fine because Adil is doing well!”


“Oh! His Majesty’s name…” Mia saw Embra blushing and bowing her head.


‘Calling his nickname has become a habit…’


Mia quickly changed the topic.


“More than that, are you tasked to take care of His Majesty, Embra?”




“Hmm?” She had thought that since she was the chief medical officer, her task would involve treating the royal family, especially Adillot.

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“His Majesty does not seek treatment from the staff of the Imperial Medical Center.”


“Then where does he go when he’s hurt?”


“We don’t know. It seems he has a private doctor and a priest, but we don’t know their identities.” Mia remembered the novel as she listened to Embra.


‘The novel only said that if Adil was injured, he was treated by a doctor. So that person couldn’t be a staff of the Imperial Medical Center.’


‘That makes sense, it would be strange to entrust himself to someone who might potentially kill him since they’re all on the Empress Dowager’s side. I thought it was a plot hole, but it seems like a lot of things were just omitted.’


‘Just like Empress Chrysor was behind Count Celestiel’s treason.’ Mia sighed. There were so many things she didn’t know, even though she is now living in the story that she has read before.


“Has something happened to His Majesty that would require medical attention?” Embra asked, putting a thin piece of gauze over the ointment.


“It’s not like that! It’s just…”


“What is it?”


“I thought I wanted to be of help to His Majesty, but it just didn’t work out.”


“Ah…” Mia answered lightly and looked at Embra’s expression. It seemed like she was thinking about something. Embra, who finished treatment, closed the medicine box and smiled.


“Lady Mia, there are many things we don’t know in this world. But doctors need to make sure that they don’t make a mistake right?”


“A mistake?”


“Yes! In particular, mistakes made by doctors are fatal. If the combination of drugs is wrong, something that is not poison can become poison.”


“Ah! Medicine can also become poison?”


“That’s right! Depending on their body, it can be poisonous. But how do we know that in the first place? We went through trial and error.”


“Is that so?”


“Yes. For example…” Embra stopped talking and glanced around. But there was nobody in the room. “When His Majesty was young, there was a time when he suffered from taking medicine made with a purple thistle. I wish I had known earlier…”


“A purple thistle?”


‘Why does it sound so familiar?’


Mia furrowed her eyebrows.


“At that time, the doctor was almost sentenced to death. His Majesty, who barely woke up, said he was fine, and the doctor luckily survived. After all, one cannot know everything. We have to experience it to know!”


Embra’s voice could no longer be heard by Mia.


“Wow, what a strange thistle! Is it a purple thistle?”


Suddenly, she remembered the mysterious person she met at the medical center.

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