“Why am I like this? Ahh! It’ll be embarrassing when I see him again!”

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Her fist pounded the pillow again.

“Why did I suddenly talk about Empress Leah…”

I wanted to survive, but that didn’t mean I wanted to survive by doing embarrassing things. 

After pounding the pillow for a while longer, she decided to throw away the pillow.

Let’s forget about it.

Forget it.

Nothing happened!

“Yes! Basically, pets can be a little over-sensitive! But pets are cute because of that!”

Mia concluded and rationalized her actions in an instant.

“Then, right now… is it time for the rebellion to be suppressed and Adil’s tyranny to rise?”

Mia, who was curled up in a ball and clutching a pillow, mumbled.

‘But it will be different from the original this time.’

Count Celestiel had to be slain in the original story, along with his family and servants. 

Empress Dowager Chrysor will exploit it to incite more hostility against him.

However, he survived, and with the exception of some criminals, most of the servants escaped unscated.

Then Mia suddenly remembered the businesses run by Count Celestiel.

‘Mine, liquor, and agriculture were the biggest. Is it fortunate that the money was returned to the country?’

Because it was a traitor’s property, the state had to confiscate it. In other words, Mia’s labor aided Adillot.

It wasn’t worth that much, it was a trifle in comparison to the cost of her life.

Besides, she can always make money again.

‘I can think of something else…’

Then she remembered the enormous amount of work she was dealing with before. Mia quickly scraped the plan.

“Let’s not work and be a pet instead…”

Anyways, although it was slightly different, the hostile relationship between Adillot and Chrysor itself remained the same. If so, Adillot’s tyranny will continue to grow.

‘And finally, the role of Serenity, the female protagonist, is to clear up the misunderstandings…’

Being loved by everyone is the virtue of a female protagonist.

Of course, Serenity was loved by everyone except for a few villains, but in fact, she was kind enough to deserve love. Perhaps even now, she’s helping children in need.

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‘Still, there is still time until Ren appears.’

Mia, who remembered that, was startled.

‘But when Ren falls in love with Adil, would I still be his pet?’

Of course, Serenity is kind and she might not say anything.

However, all male leads are often infatuated with female leads.

I didn’t know how Adillot would turn out.

“I wish I could at least be released in the wild…”

It would be devastating for her if he attempted to euthanize her rather than releasing her. After contemplating, Mia got up from her seat.

“Okay. Let’s go!”

First, it was necessary to know the geography of the Imperial Palace. There will be many events in the future, so she has to make sure that she can find someone right away when she needs them. Adillot is busy anyway, so he won’t come until night.

Besides, because of Adillot’s personality, if he really wanted Mia to stay still, he would have chosen to tie her up.

‘In other words, Adil let me act freely to a certain extent.’

Maybe it was to find out if she’s an enemy or an ally.

She wasn’t upset. If he’s the emperor, he must be like that.

She glanced open the door, and there was no one in the hallway. Mia looked around, found simple clothes, quickly changed and left the emperor’s bedroom.

Clack, clack.

Mia started walking down the hallway with her pink hair fluttering. Naturally, Adillot came to mind. 

It seemed like Adillot really wanted to catch Count Celestiel, who had fled with her as bait.

Of course, Mia was skeptical.

‘Will that indecisive, arrogant person really come to see me?’

He is a man who did not even take care of his daughter in the first place because he was so hung up on his career. It was unlikely that such a person would show up now that his daughter had been caught. Even if he appeared, there would be no beneficial results for Mia.

‘Anyways, I’ve done enough as Mia Celestiel.’

She wished she could have another father instead. Count Celestiel was never sincere to her from the very start.

‘From now on, I am someone else.’

That meant Mia had to do all she could to live on her own.

“Then I have to trust Adil first… … .”

Just when she reached the end of the hallway, she could see many buildings.

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“Where should I go?”

Mia shielded herself from the sunlight with her hand and looked around.

At that moment, she saw something shining on one of the buildings. The building had a round, transparent glass roof.

‘The Imperial Medical Center had to grow a herbal garden, so it must’ve had a glass garden.’

If it’s a medical center, Mia knows it well. Only from the novel, of course.

This is because of the female protagonist, Serenity Durane.

Even before entering the castle, Serenity spent most of her time helping others.

As a result, she planned to continue assisting people even after entering the Imperial Palace.

Naturally, she made frequent visits to the medical center. 

Personnel of the Imperial Medical Center were initially wary of Serenity.

The personnel of the Imperial Medical Center were all supported by the Krauss family and were on the empress dowager’s side.

However, the female lead, Serenity, with her sincere heart and beautiful appearance, eventually made those people come to her side.

‘So, even if she eats poison, she’ll live, and even if she gets hurt, she’ll get treatment right away…….’

Her heart pounded at the thought of seeing the building inside a novel she enjoyed reading with her own eyes.

‘And if I’m lucky, I might be able to get to know her too!’

Mia arrived safely at the building. Mia said,

“Excuse me!”

And she gently opened the door. The medical center’s inside was filthy. They must be too busy to clean it.

There was a faint smell of bitter herbs in the air. 

Then Mia saw a man. Mia assumed he was a doctor since he was dressed in a white robe.

“Oh! Hey, I’m not a suspicious person! I was thinking about getting some medicine while I was stopping by…….”

The man took a step back as soon as Mia spoke to him after glancing around. He was taken aback.

‘Did I disturb him?’

Mia’s attention was drawn to the man’s hand. There seemed to be some herbs on his hand.

“Ah! You must be working! I’m sorry. If you’re busy, just…”

At that moment, she quickly saw what he was holding in his hand.

‘Purple thistle.’

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“Wow, what a strange thistle! Is it purple thistle?”


The man immediately froze. She saw his hand slip into his pocket and grab something. 

Mia’s instinct started to kick in.

There was no one else here.

The man even acted suspiciously.

She backed away slowly.

“Are you not employed here?”

No answer came back. When the man looked at Mia and came one step closer,

“Are you taking the herb!?”

Her loud shout was heard even to the hallway outside the door.


She heard the man click his tongue. Then he quickly disappeared.

‘What was that?’

Mia picked up the white robe that was lying on the floor and was bewildered. Then, the door swung open.



She was immediately confronted by a lady with short green hair and spectacles.

After that, the people in white robes gathered around. Mia stiffened with the robe in her hands.

‘What if they thought I was an intruder?’

However, the woman was angry in a different way than she expected.

“You’re the newcomer right? What the hell are you doing here!?”


Mia hurriedly waved her hand.


“It’s an emergency, what are you doing here? Follow me! Take the medicine box! Hurry up and follow me!”


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“If we all have our heads cut off, are you going to be responsible!?”

“Wait! I’m not…!”

“A newcomer should obey their seniors!”

The woman was forceful. Then, someone handed Mia a medicine box very naturally.

“It’s not me!”

“Shut up, newbie!”

No matter how much she shouted, no one listened to Mia. 

The people soon began marching in unison, their faces pale. It felt as though they were about to die.

In the end, Mia was stuck between them and put on the robe.

‘Shouldn’t they be more wary of strangers?’

While grumbling, Mia completely forgot about the suspicious man she had just met.

‘All right, for the time being, let’s follow them and collect information. Let’s just enjoy it.’

However, contrary to what she thought, the people gradually went to the depths of the imperial palace.

Mia started to feel nervous. Because she knew who lived in the deepest part of the Imperial Palace.

But it was already too late to return.

All she can do is stay lowkey.

Mia arrived at an old palace. The ambience was unique in comparison to that of the other palaces. Despite the fact that it was noon, the place seemed gloomy, even the servants were rigid as a wax figure.

“She’s waiting.”

The maid, who seemed like the wax figures captain, quietly greeted them.


The woman answered her. Mia was now convinced who the owner of the palace was.

‘It’s that woman. The villainess of this novel.’

* * *

The crowd was ushered inside the enormous chamber. A lady sat in a sunny location.

She had black curly hair and ferocious green eyes. A dimple around the mouth and mole on the bridge of her nose.

“You’re late.”

A sharp voice with a low-pitched tone pierced the air.

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