‘Empress Dowager Chrysor Krauss.’

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Mia hardened when she saw her. The short-haired woman quickly bowed down.

“I’m sorry! It’s because of work…”

“Work? Is there anything more important than taking care of me?”

“I didn’t mean that! We were only late because the formulation of the drug took longer than expected!”

“That’s just an excuse.”

“I’m sorry!”

The Empress Dowager’s eyes were still glaring at them even after they had repeatedly apologized.

“Okay, then get to work.” 

She stretched out her arms as she sat on the chaise longue.

Chrysor’s sleeve was raised by the maid behind her. At the signal, several people started to treat her.

Mia bowed her head, hiding behind the other people as much as possible and lowered herself. Empress Dowager Chrysor Krauss is the villain in the novel ‘Serenity in the Rose Garden’.

She is also the enemy of Adillot. 

Chrysor hated Empress Leah, Adilot’s mother. So there was a separation between her and the Emperor.

‘Actually, it is because of Chrysor that the war with Gentaria, the motherland of Empress Leah, was waged.’

The moment Empress Leah died, Chrysor was convinced that all power now belonged to her.

However, the emperor was ill, and her son, Crown Prince Claudio, died by accident. 

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She was thrown from heaven to hell in an instant.

Chrysor had never disliked Adillot before, but after Claudio’s death, she changed.

Chrysor was convinced that Adillot was responsible for Claudio’s death and thus began his assassination attempt.

Mia, who remembered the original, glanced at Chrysor among the people.

“Let’s increase the dosage a little bit more.”

“More? But it would be-“

“I get it. Just do it.”

‘It’s true that she had a chronic disease.’

Chrysor became sick after the death of her son Claudio. 

For that reason, at the end of the original story, she realized that her life was short, and even made the last radical attempt.

‘I haven’t met the female lead Ren yet, but I’ve met the villain first. There must be something wrong, right?’

Mia lowered her body even more with worry and anxiety. Meanwhile, the people gave Chrysor some prescriptions.

“……This is a small amount.”

Chrysor looked more tired than before in that short time.

“I’m tired, so go back.”

As soon as the work seemed to be over, Mia sighed in relief.

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‘I’m happy though. It goes on without a hitch…’

It was then.

“Pink hair,”

Chrysor’s green gaze was focused on Mia.

“You stay.”

As Mia bowed her head, her body stiffened. The short-haired woman’s eyes looked at her strangely.

“Your Majesty? She’s new, so if there’s something wrong-”

“Do you have to tell me that too?”

“Your Majesty, this is for your own good…”

“Don’t be presumptuous and go back.”

Chrysor was enraged, and she lashed out.

“……Yes. Your Majesty.”

The green-haired woman bowed her head and withdrew from her seat along with the other members of the medical center. 

Through her glasses, her brown eyes persistently focused on Mia, but Mia didn’t notice it.

Only Mia, Chrysor, and the maids remained in the room.

“Come closer.”

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Mia sighed and got up. She approached Chrysor with the noble gait she had learned as Mia Celestiel over the past year.

“I greet you, Empress Dowager.”

Even with her old age, the woman was still charming and beautiful.

“You’re the daughter of Count Celestiel.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Mia replied. Contrary to her calm reply, she was in a turmoil.

‘I understand how my identity has been revealed. But why did you tell me to stay?’

Count Celestiel is a traitor. To others, Mia would also be seen as a traitor. Chrysor, who hates Adillot, would be grateful to her.

But there was no reason to summon Mia in this way.

‘If I were Chrysor, I would take advantage of me, and then told me to instigate an assassination……’

Thinking like that, Mia felt like she had been hit in the head with a hammer.

‘No way?’

Chrysor smiled brightly at the stiff Mia.

“You’ve done a great job staying at the devil’s side.”

Mia tightly closed her eyes.

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‘Damn the Count…….’

Now everything made sense. 

Chrysor was behind Count Celestiel. It wasn’t in the original story.

‘Somehow, I thought it was strange because he suddenly committed treason!’

When Mia first possessed the body, she never thought about it.

She was too focused on finding a way to avoid death. Naturally, she even thought about making the treason non-existent.

From that day on, she needed to be at Count Celestiel’s side.

‘In the original story, it was written that Count Celestiel was always dissatisfied with his poverty and desire to succeed.’

So Mia used the original information to bring wealth to the Celestial Count. 

She thought that if the poor Count Celestiel had his circumstances changed, the Count would not rebel.

But no, the treason did happen. 

Contrary to what was written in the original, it was not simply because of poverty.

‘The author should have indicated that Chrysor and Count Celestial were connected at the very least!’

Since she remembered the contents of the novel, she would have known if there was even a single line that said so.

Then she should have done something to the Count instead of handing him all of the money!

‘I believed in that one thing and worked hard…….’

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