No… hold, hold… Let’s calm down a bit…. my mother caresses her stomach as she asks me about my preferring a brother or a sister. If you think about it normally, this would mean that Mother is pregnant.

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No, no, no! It’s weird! Let’s be a little more realistic.

First of all… if my mother had a child, when would that happen? Considering how long it’s been since I left my father last time, it’s been a long time. Even so, it’s strange that Mother didn’t notice until now, and that her physical condition and figure didn’t change. So she must not have been able to do it the last time she was separated from Father.

And it’s only been a little over a month since I came here. Even if you hustle on the first day and get a hit on the first try, how can you know so clearly in just a little over a month?

Pregnancy test kits on Earth are more accurate and desirable to be tested after 4 or more weeks of pregnancy, preferably 5 or more weeks. Even with the high-precision testing of Earth, why is it so easy to find out in a world where medical care is not developed?

Even if it hasn’t happened for a month, it shouldn’t be so abnormal yet. There are times when it will be a week or two later, and I wouldn’t immediately judge that it’s a pregnancy just because the first irregular period has happened.

“Eh, eeh~… Mother… are you sure, that you are truly, honestly pregnant?” I timidly asked.

Maybe it’s a misunderstanding, a quick decision, a mere hope or desire, or something like that.

“Yes! There is no doubt!” Mother said with a nice smile.

I don’t know why she can say it so clearly, but is there some kind of basis for it?



When I looked at Father, he looked a little embarrassed, but he was nodding seriously. Apparently, even Father concurs.

…… Huh? Seriously? At this age… can I have a younger brother or sister?

No, no! Calm down! Yeah, calm down! Sure, that’s good news, but calm down. I am 16 this year, so my oldest brother, Friedrich, who is 7 years older, is 23 or 24. Even if my mother got married at 16, got pregnant, and gave birth to Friedrich, she would be at least around 40.

To give birth at the age of 40… No, since her birthday is around October 10th, she might be 41. It’s a fairly old birthing age on Earth. Of course, on Earth, there would be many people who give birth at an older age. The number of women giving birth in their 40s is increasing, and we are now in an era where there is no such thing as absolutely no getting pregnant past a certain point. Still, giving birth in your 40s is a pretty high risk.

Giving birth at an older age not only puts a burden and risk on the mother’s body but also poses various risks to the baby. It was said that the risk of not growing up properly or being born with a disability would increase. Moreover, this kind of medical care is not developed in the world. I wonder if both Mother and her new child can be delivered safely…

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And I don’t know her exact age. Even if you think about it in the youngest, it’s just optimism that it’s about 40. If Friedrich were born later, she would be older.

“I hear that giving birth at an old age is very dangerous for both mother and child. Is it all right?” I asked.

“Oh? Flora dear? Are you trying to say that your mother is supposed to be a grandmother instead?” 1

Mother says so with a smile on her face. She used to do this, I was afraid to have it directed at me, and I would back down. But this time I can’t say that.

“Actually… Mother, you’re at an age where it wouldn’t be strange for you to have grandchildren. Even at that age, it would be a pleasure to have a child. But for your sake, Mother, and my younger brother or sister… you should think about the future properly.”

I stared straight at my mother and said so. It’s not a good thing to be vague and afraid of my mother as usual. Considering the ages of my two older brothers, no, it wouldn’t be strange for someone my age to get married and give birth. My mother is old enough to be my grandmother.

Only recently has it become possible for people in their forties to give birth at an advanced age on Earth. No matter how much magic there is in this world, medical care is underdeveloped, and healing magic does not exist. The risk is too high, and it’s not a good story to tell without a doubt.

“Fufu, it’s okay. Mother is strong.”


She softened her expression and said so. I can’t say anything after that. I have no right to interfere in my father and mother’s marriage. I worry about them because they are my family. But in the end, it’s up to the couple to decide.

Then… what I can do… is to prepare a system that allows my mother to give birth properly… We must increase the number of hospitals and establish a medical system.

If you ask me if I have cut corners in the establishment of hospitals and clinics until now, there is no way to argue against it. However medical care is underdeveloped in this world. There are no doctors who look like modern doctors, and most of them rely on folk remedies with dubious effects. I was thinking about trying to spread medical care somehow, but I thought it was still 5 or 10 years away. But I can’t say that anymore.

We must quickly gather medical information from around the world, systematize it, and work to spread and develop it.

If you ask me what will change in the next 9 or 10 months, it’s probably “not much.” But doing nothing is not an option. Even if it’s just a little, I have to make preparations so that I can help my mother give birth at an advanced age…

I’m doing well at the Caan Knight’s National School, but it doesn’t give me much stimulation. After all, I don’t listen to classes and just work. If that’s the case, I don’t think there’s any point in going there as much as the travel time is wasted.

“Hold, Charlotte! Are you listening!?!” Mikoto yelled.

“I’m listening. Even if you tell me to increase the number of dishes in the cafeteria…” I said.

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When I was thinking about my mother, my job, the medical system, and many other things, Mikoto said something like that. Certainly, it’s a school I run, so if I give a single command to the admin, it should be able to have a certain amount of real effect.

But no, I don’t want you to advertise that I’m in a position to make decisions like that in the presence of other students. And Mikoto has a loud voice… Mikoto doesn’t understand even though I’m saying it in a roundabout way.


“I’m tired of the food in this cafeteria! It’s just the same things every time!”

“Mikoto… I’m not talking about extravagance,” I said.

Among the students here, there are some who didn’t even get a proper meal. Even if you can eat properly every day, you should be grateful and more grateful still. Don’t say that the taste is weak or that the menu is the same and you’re tired of it.


Mikoto seemed to finally understand what I was saying, and although she puffed out her cheeks a little, she became quiet. First of all, it would be a problem if we advertised that I was in a position to decide the school cafeteria’s menu. I’m secretly looking into the inside workings of the school. Even the teachers don’t know about me.

Besides, we are usually too accustomed to luxury. The food I recreated from Earth is heavily seasoned. Luxurious ingredients are used without hesitation, the taste is strong, and there are many varieties. What a luxury compared to ordinary people who eat the exact same menu every day.

I don’t eat that kind of food with tax money, but I cover my living expenses with the money I earn from working at my trading firm. Therefore, no one should be embarrassed. But from the point of view of the people, it probably doesn’t matter. They probably don’t know where the money comes from, and if the feudal lord’s family were living a luxurious life, they would think, “They are living luxuriously with our taxes!”, and you can’t blame them for it.

I’m doing it fairly by publicizing it as much as possible, but it doesn’t change anywhere in the world that there are people who criticize only with their selfish images, without doing a proper investigation.

The wives and family members who are used to my eating habits are probably getting a little extravagant. It might be better to let them eat a little vegetarian food here.

Well, my mother is pregnant, so I can’t force her to live a simple life. I have to think about the menu as much as necessary for the health and growth of mother and child.

“Everyone, you’re too careless. Isn’t it better to have a discussion somewhere quieter?” Katharina said

“It might be as Katharina says,” Alexandra said.

Hmmm… surely……. There’s also the case with Claudia the other day, and I wonder if everyone has forgotten that we’re hiding our identities and names and infiltrating. It’s my school in my territory, so there’s no problem with it being found out, but that’s just for this cover story.

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If everyone seems to repeat careless things like this without being careful, I will have to reconsider all future responses. Inadvertently slipping on other important occasions may be irreversible.

“Tonight… let’s talk properly.”

“Yes… let’s relax at night.”

At this time… I still didn’t realize that everyone had the eyes of a wild beast watching their prey.

The next morning, I managed to get out of bed. Last night didn’t turn out to be a leisurely discussion after all, and it just resulted in me being played with a lot. 2

If I had thought more calmly… I should have known what would happen if I called everyone into my bedroom at night… I was also careless, or should I say that I underestimated everyone. I thought we could have a more rational discussion, but the result is what you see. I might want to rethink this.

I wonder if everyone doesn’t listen to me when I’m serious. This time’s infiltration doesn’t mean it’s going to be a big problem just because it’s exposed. But that doesn’t mean you can ignore what I’m saying and do whatever you want, right?

Perhaps because I was strict with Katharina before, Katharina is doing it very seriously this time. Katharina was the one who stopped Claudia and Mikoto. But I feel like everyone else is a little hyped and has too lax an attitude.

After finishing my morning routine… let’s talk properly with everyone today. If you still don’t listen, you won’t be able to entrust important things to everyone anymore.

“Everyone, I have something important to talk about before going to school. Please gather up,” I said.

Our mornings are early. I wake up much earlier than the time school starts, so I still have time to go to school. If I don’t talk about what I couldn’t do last night, we might have to stop going to school.


“What is it?”

“… First of all, are you listening to me properly? Do you know what kind of position we’re in, infiltrating the school right now?”

Only this time, I can’t compromise. This is because if they do something now, you don’t know what kind of failure it will lead to when it’s really irreversible.

“I know that exactly. But it’s because our identities were exposed…”

“That’s what I’m saying. That’s the worst case,” I said. “This time it’s not a big deal, but it’s we can’t say it’s fine regardless. We go to school while hiding our identities and true positions. And I’m asking everyone to keep that secret. But if you take that lightly and admit you can’t keep your promises, then I won’t be able to trust any more important operations with you in the future, do you understand?”

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“Come on, you’re exaggerating, right…—!?”

I stare at Mikoto, who has been answering comfortably and casually since a while ago. She’s too optimistic. What would you do if there was a spy at school and we were found out and it became an important incident? Even though I’m telling you to pay close attention and be as vigilant as possible, if you don’t keep that guard up, I can’t trust you anymore, and I can’t leave important things to you.

“I’m saying that it’s not a big deal this time, so you can’t feel like it’s okay,” I said. “No matter what, no matter what the situation, I can trust you because you can’t keep your promises properly, right? Even though I want you to do this, I can’t leave anything to you if you act selfishly according to your interpretation of what’s fine.”

“That is……”


Shyun, something struck everyone and they apologized. However, I don’t want you to apologize, I just want to have a proper and serious discussion. If you don’t agree, just tell me that you don’t agree. There is no such thing as a good idea if you can discuss and exchange opinions with each other and come up with a better idea.

The only problem is that I don’t want you to make selfish judgments about whether this is all right or how good something is. If that’s the case, we should talk to each other about why we don’t want them to do that, and why we think it’s okay to do this.

“I said something similar to Katharina before. That’s why Katharina stopped everyone this time. It’s good to have different opinions and thoughts. If you don’t agree, let’s discuss it. And if you come up with a better idea, that would be great. The problem is everyone adds their personal judgments and interpretations, we lose control, and our behavior becomes inconsistent.”

“I’ll be careful…”

“Uhm… I’m sorry…”

After some discussion, I think everyone understood. You just have to shut up and listen to my opinion! I’m not saying that, I’m just saying that I don’t want each of you to arbitrarily judge what you’re doing based on your thoughts, strategies, and tactics, leak unnecessary information, or do things that hinder your friends’ work.

If you have a reason or opinion against it, I want you to discuss it first. If you do whatever you want without even talking about it, thinking that it’s okay because you think this way, you’ll lose cooperation and end up dragging your allies down.

This time I said something a little harsh to everyone. I guess it’s also because we were excited to go to school together. But… I had no choice but to say this with my heart as a demon would.

However, I think that thanks to our being able to talk frankly like this, we were able to get closer to each other than before and to be able to talk with each other with sincerity. Thinking about it, it might have been good that we were able to talk so bluntly with each other.


Yeah, it is weird that Flora has no nieces or nephews. Friedrich and Georg are both disappointing potential lovers and fathers in unique ways. I remember asking the author about these scenes and why it’s blacked out. The response was, to paraphrase, “I would have to move this story to the adult section of Syosetu.”, which can be a massive hit to an author’s potential views and notoriety. I’ve seen some do R18 versions separately, but this author seems to prefer to keep it this way.

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