“Are we really going to open this up a second time already…?” I asked.

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“Yes. There is no choice but this,” Mikalojus said.

I put my hand on my chin as I listened to Mikalojus’ words and started thinking. Mikalojus, who had been negotiating with Moscove ever since he returned to the Caan Knight’s Nation, said that now was the time for the Second Division of the Kingdom of Polsky.

As for me, in order to divert the attention of Moscove to Polsky, I wanted to spend more time discussing and buying time. But Mikalojus said that it would be better to start this new division now.

“Do you really think that now is better?” I asked.

“Yes,” Mikalojus said. “Currently, Aust is in the midst of a war to expand its power in the direction of the Barchans. Aust is busy with the war in the southeast and currently has no time to worry about the divisions of Polsky. If we want to increase our share and think about the future, we should proceed while Aust is at war.”


I do not understand what Mikalojus is saying. If the Kingdom of Ploiss trusts Aust, when Polsky is divided, it will proceed so that the borders of Moscove, Aust, and Ploiss touch each other.

The reason is simple, at least for Ploiss, since Moscove is neither an ally nor an ally. Up until now, it was a distant country with no borders, but from now on, it will be a neighboring country with borders touching each other. In order for Moscove to invade the west, it must pass through Ploiss and Aust.

If Ploiss trusts Aust and considers it to be an ally of the principality, it should try to create a front against Moscove by making Aust border with Moscove.

Rather than facing the enemy alone, if you are facing the border with two friends, the burden on the enemy will be heavier and the burden on you will be lighter. From a strategic point of view, that should be the way to go. That’s the practical reason for ceding the western border to Frasia so that it borders on the Demon Country.

However, the King’s instructions this time are that the territory to be divided should be seized so that Ploiss will cut off Polsky toward the southeast. This is an instruction to prevent Moscove and Aust from coming into contact with each other, so we must first secure the space between them.

If the division proceeds as instructed, Polsky will be divided into the northeast and southwest regions. Even if the remaining areas were to be acquired by Moscove and Aust, they should be divided between the two and secured to extend their power to the southeast.

Considering this, Ploiss, no, at least the royal family and those with higher decision-making powers connected to them, do not trust Aust. And more than anything else, perhaps… they should have taken into consideration the possibility of war in the future.

If the relationship between Ploiss and Aust decisively breaks down and war breaks out… it would be better if Aust was not in contact with other countries as much as possible. So far, Moscove and Aust seem to be enemies, but if the war with Ploiss becomes decisive, there is a possibility that Aust and Moscove will approach each other with the theory that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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In that case, if the two countries border each other, the possibility of sending reinforcements or providing some kind of support would increase. That’s why they’re telling me to block the borders of the two so that they don’t touch each other.

The only problem is… how to protect the long and narrow territory sandwiched between the two.

Even if I, in the Caan Knight’s Nation, obtained that territory, it might not be attacked unless Moscove officially declared war. But what if they form an alliance with Aust and declare war? This elongated territory will be stuck in a pincer by Aust and Moscove.

Even if only Aust went to war, they would attack this elongated area in order to get the support of Moscove behind the scenes. So if you can divide the middle, you can isolate the soldiers who guard there. Furthermore, in the worst case, if Moscove declares war, it will be attacked from both sides, making it extremely difficult to defend.

The King and his court looked at the map and said, “If we divide this territory, it will be advantageous later on, won’t it?” though I suppose I’m just hypothesizing. Do you not understand the difficulty of protecting it, or do you think it’s okay because it’s House Caan that bears the burden even if you do understand that risk…?

Polsky is a plain of gently rolling hills. It’s a land surrounded by a deep forest, but if you have the mobility to break through the forest, it’s a terrain that’s hard to defend.

Of course, in this era and with its technology, the deep forest itself can be an obstacle. But it doesn’t compare to the easy-to-defend terrain with high mountains, deep valleys, and big rivers. If you want to maintain a long and narrow place like this, you have to secure a place suitable for defense…

“Mikalojus, you’re native to Polsky, aren’t you…?” I asked. “If we were to obtain a territory towards the southeast, which area would be suitable for defense while dividing this territory? If possible, it would be good to be in a position where we can lay defenses on both sides so that we can withstand a pincer attack in both directions…”

“Because there aren’t many large rivers or high mountainous areas….” Mikalojus said. “The only option is to use the deep forests and lakes scattered throughout the area as obstacles for the enemy. “If so, around here… and here… and we’d like to hold this down, as well.”

It’s a low-precision map, so I don’t know how accurate it is on this map. However, Mikalojus also seems to know Polksy’s weaknesses. On top of that, he chose the most suitable ground for defense. If that’s the case… should I leave it to him? I told Kanbee to report and consult if there were any problems.

“Understood,” I said. “Then please proceed with the goal of dividing Polsky for the second time. Basically, the top priority is to divide this territory, but I will leave the necessary land to acquire to your judgment, Mikalojus.”

“Leave it to me. I will definitely make it a success.”

With a proud bow, Mikalojus went out. Something seems to have changed since he was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs. I wonder if he’s been able to realize a little bit of self-awareness and resolution. Like when he was serving Polsky, he could not stand being acted on by prioritizing his own interests over the interests of his country. He’s been monitored for the time being, but they report they haven’t seen any disturbing movements so far…

For the time being, he has some achievements to prove his worth, so I’ll leave it to him a little. Since we are monitoring through multiple routes, it is unlikely that his watchdogs will be bribed and report on Mikalojus for his convenience. At first, I was thinking of letting him take responsibility for the consequences of his actions and put him to death, but he might have been an unexpected asset.

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It’s been almost 3 weeks since I started attending the Caan Knight’s National School. I will finish studying abroad soon. Even after this trip, there is still some time left to stay here, so I won’t be commuting until the last minute to return to the royal capital.

For us, there was nothing to gain from studying, but it seems that the wives were a good stimulus for the students. I thought there were only two who had the beginnings of genius, but recently some of the other students were just savants of a different shade. If they continue to grow like this, they will break out from being budding geniuses and develop into talented adults.

Also, I knew that there was nothing to gain from my studies, but if I were to say that there was no point in going here, that would not be the case. Especially for the wives like Claudia, Louisa, and Katharina who couldn’t go to school together with me in the royal capital, now they could taste the feeling of going to school together.

“Charlotte, shall we go?”

“Even if you don’t pull me, I won’t run away.”

I head to the dining room with my arm pulled by Louisa. Calm days like this are very important. Once a war breaks out, you have to run around for months on a battlefield that has nothing to do with a peaceful life. Thinking about the future, it may be the last time I can relax like this.

House Caan will be embroiled in many wars in the future. Perhaps the Kingdom of Ploiss will go to war with Aust and Frasia. Of course, they wouldn’t do something stupid like that at the same time, but in the near future, these two countries should clash. And if you fight with these two countries, there will always be fights with other countries.

Hollant and Moscove will definitely move during that opportunity. There are many other countries and regions with neighbors and territorial disputes. If one country moves, it will no longer be a one-on-one story, and related countries and surrounding states will move according to their speculations. At that time, we will bear the brunt in many situations.

To tell you the truth… it might be better to cut off ties with me in order not to get my wives involved. Being involved with House Caan will get you caught up in the war.

But… I don’t want to leave my wives. The wives are also saying that they will follow me with that in mind. Then… all I can do is try not to sacrifice them or make them unhappy.

“Today I’ll be by Charlotte’s side,” Claudia said. “Now then, eat up. Aa~hhn.”

“No… um… Claudia…”

It’s strange to have us sit together in the cafeteria… Didn’t we just say that we’re pretending to be normal exchange students? Well, Claudia acts like a playboy to girls, so it might not be strange if it’s her…

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“Aah, I see… You’re going to do it to me, aren’t you? Aaa~hn.”

I’m not saying it’s strange for the male role to play the female role, but… Claudia waits with her mouth open as if to say that since she is in a male role, she is the one to be made into the woman’s role.

“Haa…” I sigh.

I can’t help it, so I toss food into her waiting mouth.

“Uhn! The food Charlotte feeds me is exceptional!”

No, it’s the same… Moreover, the dishes and tableware were originally Claudia’s tray. I didn’t use my tableware or feed her my food. So it’s the same thing as if she had eaten it herself.

“Wait! You’re the only one cheating, aren’t you, Claudia!?”

“Wouldn’t it be nice if Mikoto could do the same?”

I will not do it……. Or rather, the gazes of the other students hurt. Only this seat is clearly floating separate from the surroundings. I can’t help but wonder what the previous discussion was about anymore…

“Everyone… please refrain from acting too far apart from our surroundings.”

“That’s because you only treat Claudia special, Charlotte…”

But it wouldn’t have worked if it hadn’t happened, right? There is no way I can hit Claudia to stop it. Besides, Claudia is like this with other girls, so I can deceive them, but it’s too weird if it’s like this with Mikoto or Alexandra. It will soon become a suspicious event.

“Anyway, please be normal at school.”


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Do you really understand…? I’m honestly happy about everyone’s feelings, and there’s nothing they don’t understand, but I want you to comply with the TPO properly. I want to flirt with everyone too, but it’s just too weird to flirt with all the wives at school.

“Hey Charlotte, this is delicious. Try it.”

“Huh? Is that so?”

I tried it as per Louisa’s recommendation, but… it doesn’t feel any different than usual. This school feeds students free of charge. I think it’s a regular lunch, but…

“Louisa, you’re doing it as well…”

“You’ve done it, too!”

“Ah… maybe I did do that…?”

Apparently, I was made to eat a lot by Louisa. The school lunch itself was the same as usual, but I ate it because I said that and the food was offered. It was a success. Louisa said it like that to piss the others off. Isn’t Louisa also a schemer jamming herself into an opportunity?

“It’s certainly a great skill, but don’t we need to punish Louisa later?” I said.

“Umm…, please be nice to me?” Louisa said.


When I said that with a slightly angry face, Louisa replied like that. I nearly spilled what I had in my mouth. Louisa…. when did she remember that? She’s usually reserved and hides in everyone’s shadow, but unexpectedly, Louisa may be the most daring. She’s older, too.

“Haa…… will I be able to spend another week safely with things like this……?” I mused.

I can’t help but feel like I’m being swayed by the wives, after all.

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