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-Notre Amour Bar-

It was a Sunday, so the bar was pretty empty. A sad fellow was sitting on a stool talking to the bartender, who was taking his time cleaning a glass and listening with a plastic smile that people wear when they are trying their best to not express their annoyance. The man was well dressed and looked as if he had gotten his heart broken. He wailed and hugged the bottles of champagne in his arms like it was his irreplaceable treasure.

The bartender sighed and gave Gu Wing a call to come pick the drunkard home. When she received the call, her eyes were still red from crying hopelessly from earlier.

"I got it. I'll be there shortly," she replied with an absent-minded tone. After hanging up, she tied up her static messy hair into a ponytail. From behind, a man's large warm hand reached for her breast and groped, "Who was it?" His hoarse voice sent butterflies to her stomach.

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"I have to go," she proclaimed while looking for her bra.

"What? Baby, we just got started. We haven't even done anything yet." He frowned in disappointment as his hands wandered South touching his aroused buddy.

'Forget it. Nothing will happen. I shouldn't have called you out anyways. Nothing will happen between us. I have a husband who needs me." She pulled her laced panties up to her waist. The sight of her round ass made his Adam's apple jump twice.

"Didn't you come to me crying for him? If he is a heartless bastard, why not try dating me? I can make you happier than anyone ever can. I've been chasing after you for several years and always been here for you. Whenever you needed to rant, I was there to hear you out. When you cried and needed comfort, I lent you my body to cry on. Why won't you look at me?" Bitterness filled his mouth as he confessed the reasons for his sourness.

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Her response was the same as always, "Sorry, but you're not him." Like always, she got dressed quickly, grabbed her purse, and walked out of the room without turning back. The man supported his forehead on his hand, "I should have expected this. Even though I've been there for you, you never looked at me the way you would toward him. Forbidden love, it is. You're the forbidden fruit that I'll never be able to taste."

Gu Wing hurried to the bar. When she got there, she panted out of breath and walked over to Qiu Rei, who was sobbing on two bottles of champagne. The bartender worked at the bar for many years and was used to seeing this scene. His poker face showed how much he cared about the drunkard in front of him; not at all. He had already prepared the bill for her to pay before she arrived.

"Here, keep the change." She placed several hundred dollars on the counter and woke Qiu Rei up. "Hubby, let's go home," she whispered weakly. Under the influence of alcohol, his blurred vision showed someone whom he missed dearly, Ying Ying. He opened his eyes wide and saw her beautiful face.

He smiled and hugged her tightly, "You're here. You're back."

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Her heart raced rapidly as he never showed such affection and expressed his feelings for her. She enjoyed the moments of closeness until he chanted, "Ying Ying, my Ying Ying is back."

Her smile froze and heard pieces of her heart shatter. She shoved him away from her and slapped him across the face, leaving a pink hand print "Look at me! I am Gu Wing! Not your dead wife, Ying Ying! Why is she the only one that you think about? When she was alive, you talk about her. And now, she's been dead for what? So long, long enough for people to discover aliens on another planet! Your heart is still yearning for her. Ying Ying! Ying Ying! Ying Ying! Argh!!!!!" Her shoulders heaved as she struggled to control her temper.

Her scream startled both the bartender and Qiu Rei, but that didn't help make him sober. He realized that she was not Ying Ying and wobbled his way back to the stool. He grabbed the bottles of champagne and hugged it as if his life depended on it.

Tears strolled down his wrinkled face as he wiped the champagne bottles with his sleeves, "Ying Ying. Don't worry. I'm here. I'll protect you and our son. Nobody could hurt the two of you now. Nobody. I knew you would come back for me. You love me too much to leave me. That's why you came to rescue me earlier haha."

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Listening to those words were equivalent to thousands of prickling needles poking against her heart. Her knuckles turned white and the veins were on the verge of popping out as she walked over to the drunkard. She snatched both bottles and smashed them against the counter, shattering them. The broken pieces of the bottles flew everywhere, leaving a huge mess.

She grabbed his collar and looked him in the eye, "Look at me. I am Gu Wing, your legal wife! Remember my face and my name. I am not Chen Ying Ying and will never be her. She is dead and gone forever. Quit those lingering feelings and throw it to that dreamland of yours. Because it won't come true. You hear me? She and your child died on the same day. In your arms."

Facing her pitiless expression and words, he gritted his teeth and pushed her away. "You! Give me back Ying Ying! Give me back my child! Just because you resemble her, slightly, doesn't mean you can trick me! My precious wife, my love, where are you? Come out and see me. This woman is lying to me. I was holding your warm hands a while ago. Finally got to hug you for a few minutes! Where are you?" He sniffled as he lost consciousness.


She took a deep breath and asked the bartender to carry him to the car. After that, she brought him home, threw him onto their bed and left him alone for the night. The more she thought of his words, the angrier she felt. Her blood was boiling and she needed to take it out on someone. Without the butlers and maids around, she resorted to one person; the woman whom she had locked up for many years in her secret passageway.

"Mei Ching!"

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