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-Yang Mansion: Gu Wing's Private Tool Room-

Gu Wing entered her walk-in closet casually and slid open one of her jewelry drawers. At the sight of many valuables, her attention was focused on somewhere else. She stretched her hand further into the drawer and finally found it; a button.

Upon pressing on it, the other side of her walk-in closet automatically flipped, revealing an impressive collection of professional repair tools. Her wicked smile curved higher as the tips of her fingernail felt the hardness of each tool in front of her. If any professionals witnessed this sight, their hearts would surely waver as the combination of the tools hanging would be considered a full collection of an ultimate tool set that could last them for ages.

Each section of the wall hung a different kind of tool. There were different types of hammers, screwdrivers, saws, wrenches, Spanners, grinders, and other nameable hand and electric tools. If one wall isn't enough for all these, she always had another hideout place to keep them. She organized these tools by grouping them into their own categories.

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For example, one section of that wall is specifically for the different types of hammers. She separated the types of hammers first. She had common hammers such as Ball Peen, Club, Dead Blow, Framing, Rubber Mallet, Sledgehammer, and Tack hammer gathered as a group. Under the common hammers were the specialty hammers. Regardless of each shape and curve of the tools, she has every design of it. Some of the specialty hammers that are a part of her collection are such as Blacksmith, Blocking, Brass, Brick, Bushing, Drywall, and many more types that professionals often use to perform handiwork. After that, she would order them in an ascending order. This way, it would be easier for her to choose whenever she needed them.

Her fingernail poked from the right to the left, eventually in reverse like playing the Duck and Goose game where she chooses which one is 'it.' Finally, she settled on using the Framing hammer, which makes it extra convenient for her since it holds the nails. She then took a box of thumbtacks before switching her clothes back to its original place.

After exiting the closet, she shook her butt towards the left and right as she walked down the hallways; similar to a snake's action. As she passed by the corners of the mansion, evilness reflected from the wall mirrors. Of course, she was too blind to see how ugly she truly looked with the awkward high curved smile from the side view of her face. She hummed lowly and stopped when she reached a horse painting.

Her eyes wandered towards the left and right side of the hallway. After making sure that nobody was walking down the hall, she tilted the painting slightly towards the right and slipped her hand behind it.

"Aha," she made a smooch face, raised her eyebrows, and squinted her eyes revealing her wrinkles at the corner of her eyes. Her fingers located the string that she was looking for and gently pulled it down. She released her finger and fixed the painting, while waiting for the passageway to open up.

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The string behind the painting leads to a pinball machine that is hidden behind the wall. Once the string is pulled, the pinball drops and passes through the middle hole, dropping onto a mini Double-Pan balance scale. Since there is nothing on either side of the scale, once the pinball rolls onto one side, it becomes unbalanced and the light side would rise.

Once the lighter side of the scale goes up, the string that's attached to it would trigger a pull effect on the switch lever to a mini mechanical robot; turning it on. The tiny mechanical robot would then walk straight until it is stopped by various strings that connects to another lever that activates the entrance to the secret passageway. The robot would continue moving forward, while the strings would be tugged until the lever is pulled downwards.
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Once the lever is pulled, Gu Wing only needs to enter the passageway to reverse the effects of the whole design and make the objects go back to its original place. She may not have the brains for business, but when it comes to sneakiness, if she admits to being number two, nobody could be number one.

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The passageway opened up and she swung the hammer in her hand freely as she walked cheerfully to greet Mei Ching. She was looking forward to Mei Ching's appalled expressions and thinking about how she could barely make out a word, only limited vowels, made her extremely excited.

'Mei Ching... Let's hear your awful whimpers as I hammer these nails through your flesh. I'll have you watch the blood spurting out of your wound. It's been a while since I've used these bloody thumbtacks on your feet. Let us reminisce the good old beginning of those tiny marked holes at the bottom of your feet. I'm coming for you. Heh, enjoy your peace for now. Don't worry, no salt this time, only roaches to feed on your dead veins and fresh flesh.'

The passageway that Gu Wing took is an extended route that leads her to the spiral staircases that Ya Nuo and Nana discovered earlier. It's been a while and dust piled on top of their messy footprints, but it was still evident that someone intruded this place.

When she saw the sight of messy prints leading to the other entrance and exit, she clenched her teeth and growled. She no longer swung her arm freely with the hammer in her hand. Her grip on the hammer held enough strength for her to attack anyone that she comes across and could send them to their deathbed.

She gritted her teeth, leaving no gaps between them. When she saw various signs of intrusion, she rushed to the room where she had locked Mei Ching in. She angrily kicked items that were in her way and hurriedly plugged in the access code to unlock the door.

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She didn't even bother covering her mouth and nose from the foul scent. Once she inserted the code, she pulled the door opened and used the flashlight feature on her phone to search the disgusting room. All there were in front of her was a bag of moldy food that she had left Mei Ching, and many critters roaming the bag, digging for food.

"Gone! How could this be? Who? Who is it?! I will find you. I will find you and rip you to pieces. I should have killed you years ago instead of saving your life and torturing you! Argh!!!" She kicked the tips of her heels into the rusty metallic door, bending them. Her toenails were chipped during this kick and she limped her way back to the master bedroom.

She teared up on her way back up the steps and eventually cried her frustration out. She looked at her ruined toe and forcefully ripped her broken toenail out since it had to fall off anyways. Now, the mixture of pain helped her rationalize her thinkings.

'I need to find her before she rats out my doings. I won't let her or anyone she spoke to, alive.'

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