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A little over six weeks into the pregnancy, Ya Nuo felt utterly exhausted going in and out of the bathroom to the point where she wanted to camp in there. She almost asked Huan Hei to set up the bed by the toilet or stuff some cushions and blankets in the Jacuzzi for her to sleep in.

During the numerous times of feeling her stomach turn upside down and the unrelenting nausea, she became so proud of every mother out there who had or is fighting these pregnancy symptoms. Huan Hei prepared a warm cup of water, some sour plums, and a warm towel outside of the bathroom. After she asked him to go in to help her up, he quickly carried her back to bed.

While sucking on one of the sour plums, she asked, "Why the heck is it called morning sickness, when the damn symptoms last all day?! I can't eat this or that and literally throw up like nuts! If it's already this difficult during the early stages, how will I feel when I give birth?"

He rubbed her back, "Nuo, let's not have another child after this one. I don't want to see you going through all this pain. Look, you're so pale."

She sighed and fondled her tummy, "If it's our child, then it'll always be worth it. I'm complaining now, but in less than nine months we will see our little peanut smiling and crying. Thinking about that makes this all worth it."

He placed his head by her stomach, "You hear that? Mommy and daddy are looking forward to meeting you. So please be more obedient and let your mommy rest well."

"By the way, what time is the appointment?" She suddenly remembered that she was scheduled to go for a check up today.

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"We have time. It's at 3 p.m. It's only 12 p.m. right now." He stared at the slightly noticeable bump on her stomach.

2.5 hours later

Currently, Ya Nuo and Huan Hei arrived at the hospital and signed in at the counter. Ever since the nurse had told him that they could sit and wait for her name to be called by the Obstetrician-gynecologist. He wasn't that nervous at first until he went online and searched up prenatal appointments and read some parent's post about the doctor not being able to find the baby's heartbeat.

He started tapping his fingers and then walking around in front of her. At first she tried to comfort him or reassure him that everything will be fine, but things made the wrong turn when he stacked question after question. The nurses laughed, "Your husband really cares for you and your child. You're so lucky hahaha. First time fathers are like this. It's when he doesn't show any reaction, that's when you should feel angry."


"Little peanut, you see this silly goose who is hopping around with a thousand question marks? That's your daddy. See? Your daddy loves you a lot, but you might get annoyed by him like your mommy. If that happens, just remember how much he loves you and everything will be okay." She could only complain to the little one inside of her.

"Mrs. Xu, your turn." One of the nurses waved her over, and Huan Hei immediately helped her to the room. After helping her take off her pants and underwear, he made sure she was feeling comfortable on the chair. He covered her privates with the sheet that the nurse handed him before exiting the room.

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Knock Knock

The doctor entered with a wide smile across her face, "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Xu. How are you feeling today?"

Before Ya Nuo could answer, Huan Hei answered with the most detailed response about how often she gets morning sickness and her appetite. Every question that the doctor asked, it was him who replied for her. She leaned back in the chair as she observed him, 'Ah... I feel so lucky...'

"Okay, let's do an ultrasound. You two should be able to hear your child's heartbeat today. Are you guys excited?" She tried to make conversations with them to help them relax. She could tell from how tight their fingers were interlocking that they were tensed.

At first, the doctor was looking at the screen with a straight face trying to look for the embryo. "That's odd..." she mumbled lowly.

"Why? What's wrong?" They anxiously questioned, paying close attention to the screen.

"I can't seem to find.... ah! Found your bab- ies." The doctor announced to the nervous couple.

"Phew....Wait...huh?" They focused on the screen. There were two sacs on the screen.

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Huan Hei gulped subconsciously and she also tightened her grip around his hands.

"Seems like you'll have more than one member to your family, congratulations!" The doctor rolled out of the way for the couple to get a better view.

The moment they saw the two sacs on the screen, tears filled their vision along with a worried expression. They looked at each other and smiled, "That's our children. Look, so tiny..but why is there no heartbeat?" a few tears dripped down her face. She felt her pulse rate increasing from not hearing any heartbeats.

"Twins are harder to detect. You might have to wait longer for their heartbeats." The doctor gave them a family moment while she walked out to prescribe some vitamins for Ya Nuo to intake. After listening to the doctor's words, their tension was instantly diminished.

"Amazing, I never knew something so small could be this precious." He smiled dazzlingly while hugging her shoulder.

"Not just Little Peanut. Another" She pointed at the screen feeling very emotional.

He bent down and pecked her forehead, "Thank you for these two wonderful treasures. Haha. I can't wait for these two little ones to come out, cry loudly, and keep us awake throughout the night. Can't wait to meet them."

"Heh, daddy and mommy are looking forward to your arrivals. Before that day comes, please stay comfy and warm inside of me. For you, no matter how many times I have to throw up, I'll get through it." She leaned her head against his arm as they stared at the screen.

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- Couple of Weeks later -

It was a typical afternoon after another check up, the couple spent it on the bench in their yard where they held the images of their updated ultrasound results and discussed whose eyes, nose and lips, these little miracles will take after.

"Heh, Little Peanut might have your eyes." She giggled.

"Uh huh, Little Acorn maybe your lips. Do you think Little Peanut is a boy or a girl?" They enjoyed their family time together talking about the smallest things that brought smiles and laughter.

"Hei, what about Little Chia? Don't remember two and leave one alone. When three of them come out, they'll drive you crazy hahaha!" She joked around while rubbing her tummy.

He hugged her from the side and sat his chin on her shoulders while looking at the three sacs from the ultrasound, "Can't believe we haven't won the lottery, yet we won three little us. You should look at the spammed group chat. Our grandparents and parents went so wild that I had to mute it for some peace. They've gone over a thousand messages and it's only been like an hour."

"Hahaha can't blame them for that! Our children look so adorable!" Her head slanted against his.

From the second floor, the couple didn't notice that Ying Ying had been watching them from above. Her finger twirled on the window that was circling on Ya Nuo's tummy from where she was standing.

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