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"When are you making your move?" Hen Qing asked Gu Wing while patting on her anti aging cream.

"Already in progress. Just need to wait for some good news. I heard that she was having triplets." Gu Wing fixed strands of her hair and brushed it behind her ears.

"They can laugh and smile all they want for now. We'll see if Yang Ya Nuo and her triplets could even make it until the end. Hehe. By the way, that master you asked to recover half my youth did a splendid job. Tsk, tsk, poor, those teenagers and kids." Hen Qing looked at her skin satisfyingly.

"Of course. It cost a lot. Now, we just have to wait for some great news. You don't have to worry about Ya Nuo becoming a threat to you anymore. Also, I'm still waiting for you to take action. When will you give me what I want hmm?" Gu Wing's crystal nail slid down Hen Wing's face gently.

"Hey, watch it! What if you leave a scar?! I'll do it soon. I'm waiting for Ya Nuo to die off in front of everyone first! What's the rush?!" She quickly rubbed her face and checked to see if those nails left any trails behind.

Gu Wing turned around and smirked, 'Stupid. Your face will fade its youth within half a year, but why would I even tell you that? Hahahaha, I'll be the only winner in this situation. I'll gain a profit from this and have everything as planned.'

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"Why are you so quiet?" Hen Qing's eyes wandered to the right, staring at the slim figure.

"Nothing, just thinking about how we should celebrate our success." Gu Wing's crooked smile could easily scare one's soul out of their body.

Meanwhile, Ya Nuo was busy eating dumplings happily with Huan Hei by her side. She had an extra good appetite today and he loved seeing these dishes go from full to empty. She was in her second trimester and had different cravings.

"I want more!" She finished the last piece of dumpling on her plate and craved for more food. Ying Ying brought another two plates of dumplings onto the table and took the empty ones to the sink for wash. She looked at Ya Nuo's appetite and smiled approvingly.

Huan Hei wiped her lips, "Nuo, nobody is fighting with you. You can slow down. It's bad to swallow your food without proper chewing."

"Nnn... but I can't help it. I really want to eat it and chewing feels like forever." She stuffed another dumpling into her mouth and blissfully smiled with her hands on her cheeks.

"Hahaha, alright. Alright. But slow down a little. There's a lot of dumplings left. Mom made like ten platters in the fridge." He poured her a cup of warm water and handed it to her.

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"Mmm.." she took her time drinking the cup of water. After drinking half of it, she began eating the dumplings again.

Ying Ying walked over and typed, "It's good that she's eating more now. Better for your three kittens in there."

"See~ Auntie Ying Ying agrees~," She teased.

"Yes, yes, eat a little bit slower. Seems like you like the dumplings a lot... should I call mom and ask her to make more?" he was already facetiming his parents using his phone. When the phone connected, his parents saw Ya Nuo eating their homemade dumplings with sweetness written all over her face.

"Pffft. Seems like our grandchildren love these dumplings! I need to make more! Hurry, let's go grab the freshest ingredients from the supermarket and wrap more for her." Before Huan Hei could say anything to Mother Xu, she had already hung up the call and ran to get Father Xu.

His smile grew wider and more charming than ever as he watched his wife get doted on by his family. Ying Ying stepped out during the afternoon. When she came back, she saw Ya Nuo scooping a spoonful of soup from her bowl.

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She rushed to the kitchen and took the bowl from her hands. Ya Nuo furrowed her brows in confusion, "What's wrong Auntie Ying Ying? I want to drink the soup."

Ying Ying quickly typed, "This pot of soup is contaminated. A cockroach fell into it earlier. You would get a stomach ache if you drank this. I'll make you a different pot, so wait a few hours okay?"

"What? Cockroach?! I hate roaches! Did you see other ones?? And ugh I need to go rinse my mouth!" She got up and supported her back as she walked to the bathroom. Huan Hei came downstairs after hearing Ya Nuo's voice from upstairs, "What's wrong? Everything alright?"

"Blehh, a cockroach fell into that pot of soup that I was going to drink!" Ya Nuo was sticking her tongue out to express her disgust.

Ying Ying grabbed Ya Nuo's arm and hurriedly typed, "Did you drink any of the soup?!" Ya Nuo nodded, "Just a little bit."

Ying Ying's body trembled as she typed, "Quick, Huan Hei! Send her to the hospital. Go!"

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"It's okay, Auntie Ying Ying. It's a roach, but it would at most make my stomach hurt." Ya Nuo waved her hand and was about to leave for the bathroom. Ying Ying held her arm tightly and shook her head strongly while pointing to the entrance.

"Auntie Ying Ying, you're hurting me! Let me go! Ahh!" She struggled to wiggle her arm free from the tight grip.

"Auntie Ying Ying! Let her go! You'll end up hurting her!" Huan Hei tried separating Ying Ying's fingers from Ya Nuo's arm while holding onto Ya Nuo's shoulder.

"Sss... hah... ah.... stomach..hurts.." Ya Nuo stopped struggling as her free arm rubbed her stomach.

Ying Ying's expression turned gravely as she heard Ya Nuo's pained groans and saw her put her hands around her stomach. Huan Hei immediately asked, "What is it? Stomach ache? Bathroom?"

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She bit her lips and shook her head, "No... it hurts...not the poo ones..." He supported her balance and caught Ying Ying's guilty expression, "Let's go. I'll get you to the hospital." His tone was chilling, yet all Ying Ying had on her mind was Ya Nuo's pained expressions.

When Huan Hei carried her out, Ying Ying mouthed, 'I...I didn't mean to...'

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