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Ying Ying rode a taxi to the hospital shortly after Huan Hei left with Ya Nuo in his arms. On their way to the hospital, Huan Hei already contacted Chen Mu and told him about Ya Nuo's condition. When they reached the hospital, Chen Mu and several nurses were already waiting for them outside.

Quickly, Ya Nuo was rushed to the emergency room. Within the next fifteen minutes, both Yang and Xu family members met Ying Ying and Huan Hei by the waiting area.

Huan Hei's face was ashen, while Ying Ying was trembling and picking the dead skin around her cuticles. She was mouthing something, but nobody could figure out what she was saying.

Mother Yang knelt down beside Ying Ying, "Dear, what happened?"

No response

Mother Yang looked at Huan Hei and repeated the same question, but received the same silent response.

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Meanwhile, back at Hen Qing's place, Gu Wing received the news that Ya Nuo drank the soup and was rushed to the hospital.

Gu Wing: "What?! So quick! I knew you are as capable as before! People say the older the ginger, the spicier it gets. Now I know that this phrase is accurate!"

Hen Qing: "What? What??"

Gu Wing: "We've succeeded. Ya Nuo drank the soup and was rushed to the hospital. The medicine has taken effect, and she should be having a miscarriage now! If her condition worsens, she might even die!"

Hen Qing clapped her hands together and hopped around her room excitedly, "Finally!!! Hei will become mine after she becomes an infertile tramp! Hah, which man could accept and love a woman who can't give birth? Hahahahaha"

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Her words sharply stabbed Gu Wing's heart, "So what if she can't give birth? Unless she dies, he still has the chance of choosing adoption with her. Whatever happens next will depend on how well you do."

Hen Qing covered her mouth, realizing that she had accidentally dropped a grenade on Gu Wing's weakness, "Ah! Right. My bad, my bad. What should we do now? Wait for the update on her condition or see for ourselves?"

Gu Wing smiled, "Of course visit her. Stepping on an enemy during their worst times will give them a push off the edge of a cliff. Heh, even if she doesn't go crazy, she'll be looking forward to killing herself. How could we miss this wonderful moment right?"

Gu Wing made a call and has someone prepare two nurse uniforms for them. Afterwards, they headed to the hospital and changed into the uniform before blending with other nurses around the waiting area. They also took two name tags and clipped it on their uniform to make it more convincing.

Finally, the door to the emergency room burst open with Chen Mu rushing out in blood gloves.

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"I need Ya Nuo's husband to come to sign these papers. She's in critical condition. Your children's heartbeat already stopped. Hurry up. Any extra seconds and the situation may turn for the worst!" He held out the board with papers that had marked X's on it where Huan Hei needed to sign.

When everyone heard that, they were all in denial, especially Huan Hei. His fists tightened as his hands shook, reaching for the pen in Chen Mu's hands. 'How could I sign this paper? How did this happen? Just this afternoon, she was eating so happily. How do I face her? How could I comfort her when she wakes up to a flattened stomach? My triplets...are gone. Please don't blame daddy.. I can't lose your mommy.'

Finally, he signed the papers with tears in his eyes. His legs lost its strength, and body fell backwards onto the ice, cold floor. His palms supported his forehead as he faced the ground. He couldn't bear to watch Chen Mu rush back to the emergency room, so he closed his eyes and only listened to those hurried steps.

Everyone wished that they could do or say something to comfort him, but words clogged their throat. Ying Ying covered her tearful face quickly after seeing Chen Mu's bloody gloves holding onto the signed papers and back to the emergency room. Mother Yang was going to rub Ying Ying's back after seeing her weeping reaction.

The second her palms grew close to Ying Ying's back, a vibration of her phone stopped her from comforting her. Another minute later, Huan Hei also received a notification on his phone. When they saw their phone, they reacted tensed.

Huan Hei felt his eyes burning with tears. Tears flowed down his face as he sobbed with his heads in his embrace. His parents quickly consoled him and repeated the same overused lines from dramas that they were still young and could have other children in the future.

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Meanwhile, Mother Yang gripped her phone tightly in one hand and had her nails scratch the surface of her screen protector. Her breathing fastened and anger rose. As her eyes darted wildly around the hospital hall and finally landed back on Ying Ying, the veins in her eyes looked as if it were about to explode.

"Talk. One of you. Tell me what happened. I saw Ya Nuo just yesterday! She was happily eating her meals with me! How did it become like this?" Mother Yang opened her mouth and stomped her feet asking for an explanation. The hand that was holding her cell phone was pointed towards the emergency room.

Mother Yang bit her lip in urgency, "Speak! Ying Ying, you took care of her meals when Nanny Wu wasn't there! What were you doing before she felt stomach pain, huh?! And you! Huan Hei! Didn't you promise to always be close to her even when she goes to the bathroom? She was pregnant with triplets! How did this happen?!"

Huan Hei wiped his nose while his eyes cast a sharp glance on Ying Ying, who had calmed down from wailing. He stood up almost stumbling back down and took a deep breath before walking to Ying Ying, "Auntie Ying Ying! We called you Auntie because we respected you. Why did you pull her arm earlier? She already told you that you were hurting her arm! Why didn't you let her go? We were so happy. Didn't you see that?"

His voice started to break as he continued with his palm squeezing his chest, "We were all looking forward to the triplets arrival! Even though I know that I am becoming a father, I haven't fully felt that I am a father yet. But Ya Nuo? Since the first day she got pregnant, she's been fighting so hard as a mother. She fought the cravings of the tempting food that she loved and the morning sickness. When I told her that I didn't feel like I'm a father yet, she told me that once the little ones come to this world, I'll be the perfect model for them."

"We just bought little sized clothings from jumpsuits, shorts, tops, diapers, to many many essentials for our children. We kept all the ultrasound reports and pictures in the mother and baby's diary. She sings and reads to them before she sleeps. She talked about them every day and enjoying every tiny kick she feels from interacting with our children!"

Ying Ying's chest felt a load of burden guilt as her fingers typed, "It's not me. It's Nanny Wu. Didn't you guys want to know everything about my past? I'll tell you.. I'll tell you everything. I can't let history repeat itself, but it's already repeating."

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