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Chen Mu explained in the emergency room that since Ya Nuo is carrying triplets, her due date is earlier compared to regular pregnancy cases. She was almost at the end of her second trimester, and her body is preparing for labor. As she progresses through the pregnancy, she would need to distinguish between false and true contractions.

As always, Chen Mu was well prepared with the small booklets, "Here you all go~ Keep in mind that the baby is not hers alone~ Let's give the mommy a good rest and others less time to panic when situations act up. I'll be helping her deliver the three cutesy little ones, so don't worry about others harming your babies."

"Also, try to walk around more and do light exercises. It really helps with the dilating and the labor process. Ah, almost forgot. If you two are going to do it, make sure you do it lightly and very gently. You wouldn't want your babies to come greet you extra early. Hahahaa." Chen Mu's cell phone rang in the middle of his teasing.

"Ahem, everyone shush. I have to take this call. Very, extremely, important. Thank you." He cleared his throat before answering," Yes~~ My darling sugarplum~~ Uh huhh, daddy will be off soon. What's that? Awwww, don't worry, daddy will be home soon, okay? Hehehe, give daddy a smoooch. Mwuahhhh. I love you too, what's mommy doing?"

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"Ahhh, then you better be a good baby doll while mommy takes her nap. Go nap with her. Daddy promises you'll see me when you wake up. Mwahhhhh, sweet dreams~~~" He smiled happily as he talked to his daughter in the mushiest voice ever.

Everyone started giggling after he ended his call. His face was slightly flushed, "Ahem, this magical unicorn doctor needs to go home and be the best daddy. Job is one thing, but wife and daughter are the best miracle that I could ever ask for. Them first, job is second. Got it? So don't cut off my time with my family~ They're precious~~~"

He spun in circles and exited the room in a twirling motion, leaving his patient and their family members blinded by his happiness. Ya Nuo leaned on Huan Hei's arm, "hahhh, I could see your shadows in him, you know that?"

Huan Hei laughed, "Really? When?"

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"Whenever we come for checkups and whenever we talk about our children. Literally, a smile lasts throughout the entire day, and you try so hard to not smile. But I love that side of you very much. You love me and our children over the galaxy and back." He rubbed her head and whispered, "Let's go home. You're worn out."

Everyone went home separately. On the couples way home, Ya Nuo reminded him that Ying Ying still had keys to their house. That evening, every lock in their house was changed to new ones that only they had keys to. Finally, they had dinner and went to deep slumber.

That night, Ya Nuo dreamt of her, Huan Hei, and three babies in their baby room. There were one girl and two boys. Their eyes were sparkling with silly smiles while looking back at her and Huan Hei. After a while of playing with them, the babies went to sleep peacefully. Huan Hei hugged her from behind, and they shared a kiss while watching their babies.

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While she was having a great dream, someone else was going through multiple nightmares. Gu Wing had visited her dentist to recover her teeth, only to be told that it'll be useless because her wounds had been infected. The only things that they could do for her are to sew her wounds up, prescribe her antibiotics and customize a set of fake teeth for her.

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She lifelessly dragged herself back to her apartment and slouched into the couch in her living room. The more she thought about the incident that occurred this afternoon, the angrier she felt. She called Bin Guan for the nth time, and it still went straight to his voicemail. Her frustration was up to the max, so she called Nanny Wu to come collect her payment.

Nanny Wu was a bit hesitant, but her mind weighed the cash value higher than the suspicions that she had. Gu Wing ordered a cab to bring her to their meeting spot. The driver drove the cab away right after she got off. She went to the secluded woods to meet with Gu Wing, but couldn't find her anywhere. Just when she thought of turning back to leave, some branched cracked.

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"Gu Wing? Is that you?" she whispered and went closer to where the source was coming from. What greeted her next were hungry howls from extremely hungry wild animals from the area. For some reason, wherever she ran or hid, the animals found her easily. She realized when her hands felt up her back that it was stained with dried blood.

"It must be Gu Wing! That bitch!!! Fortunately, even if I die, her actions will be exposed to the world. That package will get into Mrs. Xu's hands. Hahaha. Even if I die, I'll bring you down with me. Gu Wing! Just you wait. Your karma is right around the corner. I curse you to the deepest depth of hell! After doing all this inhuman act, watch out when it's your turn. Ah!!" Nanny Wu screamed and laughed hysterically as she felt her limbs and flesh being torn apart by wild animals.

By the time the police had found her, she was already shared by the animals. Her face was barely recognizable, and body was beyond disfigured. This was one of the worst attacks that they've seen in history. It was brutal and extremely painful looking.

Gu Wing had a small airplane model with a spy camera watching the live animal chewing show. She had a carton of ice cream in one arm and the spoon in the other. "That's right. It's all your fault. Curse me? When have I been scared? Heh, next, I'll have to take care of Hen Qing. Then, my Bin Guan will take care of the other two bitches and the triplets. You dare mock my infertility? I'll make you empty your uterus and witness your babies live autopsy!"

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