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Ever since Wei Na's confession, Bin Guan has been thinking about her every day. He wasn't thinking about her words from that day. Instead, he was thinking back in all these years and how they interacted. He couldn't explain the way he was feeling, but not seeing any messages or receiving any calls from her made him feel uneasy.

During this typical day, he was staring intensely at his phone screen. He took a few deep breaths and unlocked his phone. The first thing that popped up on his screen was Wei Na's contact number. Every time his finger got really close to pressing the call icon, it stops midway because he wasn't sure what he should say to her.

When he read their previous conversations on his phone, he realized that he was always the one who asked her to hang out and she would mostly say yes. There were times when she suggested going to different food spots, but he would either not respond or not read her messages carefully. Either way, she never complained once about it.

While scrolling up on their conversations, he focused on her responses and how she always made time for him. Some messages made him laugh and others made him facepalm. When he swiped his finger for even older messages, his second phone rang. It was Gu Wing.

He picked up the call because she became incredibly annoying. She's been calling and texting his phone nonstop with her complaints about her getting bullied by the Yang's, Xu's and Huang's on his second phone. She endlessly bombed his phone with spam and pictures of her disfigured teeth compared to her past selfies.

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He was very unhappy when she interrupted his reading time, so he answered the call while waiting for the previous texts to load on his primary phone.

"What do you want?" he said with a chilling voice.

"Is that attitude appropriate for your girlfriend who had just recently suffered a huge blow in the mouth?! You didn't answer my text or calls! What were you doing huh? Cheating with another bitch?" she was agitated by his coldness and felt extremely wronged.

"I won't even bother arguing. Just say what you want, or I'll hang up." His mood was getting worse as he sees the spinning circle on his phone. His app crashed and was restarting.

"Okay. I want you to teach the bitches a lesson for bullying me! I want the Yang's, Xu's and Huang's all bankrupt by the end of the day. I want that Yang Ya Nuo girl beaten with metal pipes stuffed up her vagina and fuck up her three triplets to meat pulps. I want that Wei Na girl raped by nasty acne gangsters and have their pimple pus all over her body. As for the rest, I don't care just do whatever." She didn't notice the oddness in his temper and continued blabbing nonsense.

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Ya Nuo's name caught some of his attention, but once she mentioned Wei Na's name, his eyes glared sharp as a dagger towards his second phone, "In what position do you think you are to demand such disgusting requests from me?"

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"As your girlfriend, every demand that I have should be fulfilled by you, the boyfriend. Or else, don't even think about our future. We will have no future." She smiled on the other end of the phone thinking this was his weakness.

"Okay. We won't have a future anyways. Even better since you said so yourself. Thank you for the short time of being together. Have fun taking revenge, but let me give you one last warning before you do something totally brainless and out of your nonexistent IQ, make a move on any person you just said and I will destroy you. Not only I, every gang and the three families that you just mentioned will come after you. Bye." He hung up before she could talk back.

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On her side of the phone, her smile froze as his words rung her ears, "w..what?! Hello? Hello?!!" She realized she had been cut off by him, and they've broken up. Devastated, she started redialing over and over again until he turned off that phone. She emailed him consistently and never received a response.

Finally, she ran to look for him at the company, but was roughly tossed out of the entrance for trespassing. She felt lost, confused, and helpless. She scratched her oily hair and comforted herself that this was all just a scare from him. She didn't dare consider any of his words as the truth because once she acknowledges that, she will officially have nothing left.

He could predict that she would rush to the company if she couldn't reach him by his phone. Therefore, Bin Guan told the securities to tighten the patrol around the building and kick Gu Wing out if she ever enters the building. Even if she screams that she is his girlfriend, ignore her because she's a psycho.

Of course, he also contacted the Yang's, Xu's and Huang's about this incident. Instead of saying that Gu Wing blabbed her plans out, he told them that he heard it from one of his people who was looking into the stolen funds incident.

When he checked the security cameras, he saw Gu Wing leaving the building area, but before she left, she screamed into the lobby saying, "Bin Guan! You'll regret this! I am going to hunt those bitches down and kill them with my own hands! I'm going to find out who stole you away! Once I do, she will die a horrible death, but before that, I'll avenge for myself!!" Her threat to take revenge made him extremely worried.

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Her words made him feel extremely disturbed, and he quickly texted Wei Na to be careful of her surroundings. After receiving no responses from her, he tried calling her several times, but each call was sent to her voicemail. Out of frustration and anxiety, he rode his private elevator and rushed to Wei Na's home.

After ringing the doorbell enough times, he called again. Finally, he sat in front of her apartment door and crouched down, feeling his racing heartbeat and trying to calm his fear. After two hours of continuous calls, texts and voice messages, he felt worse. He started scratching his fancy hair, messing up his hairstyle, and pacing back and forth.

He wanted to contact her parents or friends, but realized that he never asked about these things. He asked his brother to give him their contact information, but after calling, they said she left early in the morning. They didn't know where she went.

The more he thought about Gu Wing's words, the more anxious he got. 'How come I never asked her any of these questions? How come I barely know about her, yet we've been friends for this long? Please be alright. Please.'

He turned his second phone on and saw the countless missed calls, crazy number of texts and voicemails left by Gu Wing. the last message she ever sent him was right after she was thrown out of the building.

"Bin Guan, you'll regret it. I'm going over to find those bitches. After them will be whoever is with you. Every girl who I see around you will die. Everyone will die."

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