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At six in the morning, Ya Nuo was wide awake, staring at the ceiling, wondering about the many things new parents would be worrying about. Suddenly, "Ow!" she bit her lip and deep breathed. She's been having more frequent false contractions and she figured that walking around may help.

She got out of bed quietly so that she wouldn't disturb Huan Hei's rest since he has to get up in two hours. After walking outside the hall and holding onto the rails to support herself another wave of cramps made her stop and hiss. "This feels like missing that Tylenol pill before heading to bed and getting hit by my menstrual cycle cramps.. Except probably twenty times worse."
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Another cramp made her grip the rail even tighter than before as she deep breathed. "Maybe a shower will help relieve the cramps. She grabbed a clean towel and headed for the tub. After getting into the tub, the cramps worsened, "Ow! Ow!! Ow!!"

"Okay, all those natural birth classes really suck up money. They talked about the great amazement and magical powdery pixie dust about these hot showers or hot tubs.. it doesn't even work that effective. Okay, ow.." She got out of the tub and wrapped herself in the large towel. After patting her body dry, she went back to bed naked. 'Eh, I don't want to put on my clothes just to strip them again later. I wonder when Hei will.. ow!'

It's been a while since she had gotten out from the bathroom, but the cramps hit more frequent over time. She started counting the time intervals between the cramps and realized that this might be it. 'My precious triplets!'

She smiled excitedly and rubbed her belly as she called, "Hei!! Hei!! Wake up!! I.. I think they're coming!"

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Hearing her excited voice mixed with his half-asleep logic, he asked, "What? Who is coming?"

"Sss... your children! I've been having these crazy cramps, and I tried the usual methods that worked for me. None of it worked!" she pulled the blanket off his head.

Hearing the great news, he quickly hopped out of bed and grabbed the closest clothings he could wear. "What?! L..let's get you to the hospital! I'm going to call Doctor Chen Mu!... You stay put!!!"


"what?! What?!!!! What's wrong? Does it hurt very badly?! Where's my damn phone?!!!" He struggled to find his phone even though it was by the drawer on the side of their bed.

"Um... I mean, you can go to the hospital like that, but I think it's better if you changed.. Because that's my night gown." She hinted that he had taken her clothes instead of his own.

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He quickly searched for his clothes and changed out of it. While he looked for his clothes, he also looked for her maternity dresses and a pair of undies for her. After that, he helped her get dressed and called Chen Mu to let him know that their babies are coming.

Chen Mu had been in the hospital since four in the morning, so when he received their call, he thought, 'Perfect timing.' Ya Nuo's water broke before they got into their car.

By the time the couple arrived at the hospital, the medical team had been prepared. After giving her a checkup, it was time for her C-section. Huan Hei paced back and forth outside the emergency room with both families waiting eagerly for the arrival of the three little babies.

After what felt like centuries of waiting, Chen Mu walked out with a bright smile, "Congratulations, both your wife and cute little bunnies are all safe and healthy. One very beautiful princess and two handsome princes! The babies have to be taken to the neonatal intensive-care unit because they were born prematurely. Other than that, you may go see your wife when she wakes up."

While the Yang and Xu's focused on the triplets and followed the nurses to the special care unit, Huan Hei focused on Ya Nuo first. He saw her worn out face after the C-section and felt very emotional. He stayed by her side with reddened eyes and waited for her to wake up. When she did, she smiled, "Where are my little babies?"

"Don't worry, they're all healthy at the neonatal intensive unit. I had a quick look at them and accompanied you until now. Does it hurt anywhere?" He brushed strands of her hair behind her ears.

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"Geez, what kind of daddy are you? You didn't go see them and stayed with me instead." a tiny tear drop trailed down her face. He wiped that tear off her face with his finger and kissed her gently on the lips, "My wife is the most important. Everyone else already kept them company. It's my job to look after you for now. I'll see them later."

"mm... but as their mommy, I want to see them very badly. I miss them. I want to see whose eyes, mouth, and lips they got. Yours or mine haha." She really wanted to go to see them right away.

"Shh... the nurses need to check your stitches and make sure everything is alright before you can move around. Stay put, mommy. Your little ones want to see you too." The couple smiled blissfully at each other for a while.

His eyes teared up a little bit after a while and he whispered, "Thank you. Thank you for giving me such wonderful angels. I'll cherish you and all three of them. You've worked hard, my wifey." He kissed her lips.

She giggled and shed little droplets of happy tears, "Thank you to you too for my wonderful babies. I'll work hard with you on the journey of parenthood. When we grow old, we'll watch our grandchildren together hehe."

Nurses came into the room with the healthy triplets, "Mrs. Xu, here is your babies. Here, let's guide you on how to hold these precious little muffins. Your arm is placed here and your other arm there. That's right. Now, I'll slowly place your princess into your embrace okay?"

Soon, their arms were filled with the babies. Ya Nuo held two babies at once and looked at them feeling how miraculous lives were. "They're so tiny," she whispered to the nurses and Huan Hei.

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"Hi there... I'm your mommy. You three are the most beautiful little persons and we will have so much fun together with daddy. I will love you guys so much. Can't wait to bring all of you home with me." Her eyes watered up while looking at her children.

"Since two of them are awake, would you like to try breastfeeding them? Two of them and then for your third child? If not, we can try the pump method later." The nurse happily smiled seeing the couple's glowing smile.

"Of course! I hope I have enough milk for them to share." She sweetly smiled staring at her children.

"No worries! Here, let me help you." The nurse assisted the couple and taught them what positions babies liked being held in. After she had fed her babies, the nurses left some empty bottles and breast pump for Ya Nuo to try practicing on getting milk from her breasts. This way, she could rest more and the babies could be fed.

"It doesn't feel real that I've given birth already." Her eyes were half closed after trying to pump milk for her babies. Huan Hei smiled, "Sleep. Have a sweet, sweet dream. When you wake up, you'll see and hold them in your arms again. You're already a mommy. The prettiest mommy and wife in the world."

" babies.. are cutest." she mumbled off to dreamland with Huan Hei staying by her side.

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