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- Gu Wing's Apartment-

The shower was running, and the water added weight to Gu Wing's body as it searched for the escape route to the drains, "Impossible." She repeated. She was chewing on her crystal nails and ripping them off her fingertips, ignoring the stingy pain. Her ass was glued to the wet floor, sitting on the same spot for half an hour already.

Just half an hour ago, she received the news from the hooligans that she had demanded to track down Ya Nuo's whereabouts. They told her that she gave birth to her triplets, and everyone was safe.

Gu Wing felt her flat stomach and rubbed it harshly, "Why?! Why won't you work? Why couldn't I become a mother? Why do those bitches have that chance and I don't?! I only want to give birth to a child of my own with the man I love. I'm not even given this chance!" Her voice echoed and cries intensified as she howled in displeasure.
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The water was bubbling from the oil of her long unwashed hair and bloody fingertips, She watched the water drain and her hair starting to block water from draining out. "Heh, hehehe, triplets? You have triplets? And I have no baby? I couldn't even conceive or ever feel like a parent. Just you wait. I'll send you to an asylum. "

She combed through her heavily oiled hair and rinsed it with cold water before shampooing it. While cleaning herself, evil thoughts lined up in her mind. "But first, I need to deal with that bitch first."

Meanwhile, at a half rundown apartment, Hen Qing was looking through Ying Ying's belongings to see if she could find anything that could be used to go against Ya Nuo. She already tried using the house keys, but the couple had already changed their locks before she could even break in. She tried looking through Ying Ying's cell phone to find important contacts or maybe insider information about Xu Corps that she could use to threaten them. "Damn! No luck!"

Ying Ying finished her shower and walked out, she smiled after seeing Hen Qing enjoying her breakfast. Without any suspicions, she unlocked her phone using her very easily guessed password, HenQing123, and typed, "Good Morning. How are you feeling today?"

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Hen Qing pinched her thighs roughly, "I'm fine." She hid her true emotions and tried to pretend that everything was alright. In the middle of their meal, Hen Qing received an anonymous text and from the way it was typed, she knew it was Gu Wing.

The text message basically covered the recent updates about Ya Nuo and her healthy triplets. Since her babies were born, there is more of a reason for her to feel more afraid of someone harming them. Seeing the message made Hen Qing smile weirdly and her eyes reflected her devilish ideas.

'This smile.... oh no, don't tell me she is planning to do another bad thing...' After falling for the same tricks and repeating the same mistakes, Ying Ying grew smarter. She pretended that everything was fine during their meal and never asked about that message.

Hen Qing had nothing to do during the day and would usually take a nap or shower after eating. Since she was in a great mood, Hen Qing went for a long shower. After hearing her humming noises, Ying Ying quickly unlocked Hen Qing's phone. This was not the first time that Ying Ying had checked Hen Qing's phone secretly after the incident.

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She purposely arranged mirrors around the apartment to get her password without her knowing. After seeing the text message about Ya Nuo, the horrific smile on Hen Qing's face during breakfast surfaced in her mind. 'I need to warn them.'

She exited the texting app and placed the phone back to its original position. Right at the moment when she was about to inform Ya Nuo, the bathroom door swung opened. Instinctively, Ying Ying tried to hide her phone behind her back.

"I'm pretty disappointed in you. I thought that you had changed already, but as suspected, you were always on Yang Ya Nuo's side. Did you think I would trust you so easily and leave my phone on the table while I shower? Did you think that you could easily crack my passcode by using a few mirror tricks? Tsk, tsk, tsk. You're wrong."

Ying Ying stepped backwards slowly and gripped onto her phone tightly. "Give me that phone. I know it's behind you." Hen Qing's powerful voice almost made Ying Ying lose her balance. She shook her head vigorously and continued stepping backwards until her waist hit one of the drawers.

"You have no place to run. Give me that phone and after everything is done, I'll forgive you. We can live like we did in the past. We won't have to be bullied or feel afraid of those crappy rich kids. It'll be just us. Come on, just give me that phone." Hen Qing took wide steps towards Ying Ying and cornered her.

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After a few fist fights, Hen Qing ran out of patience and punched Ying Ying in the stomach, knocking her out from consciousness. "That's more like it. Sleep it through. When you wake up, our plan would be done."

She made Ying Ying sit on a chair with her limbs bound by ropes that she found in the closet. Before leaving, she whispered, "Don't worry, fake mom. After Ya Nuo and her babies... it will be your turn."

It took Hen Qing a while before getting out of the apartment because she had to double check on many technologies around the apartment. Not long after she left, Ying Ying regained consciousness and realized that she was tied up to a chair. She also noticed that Hen Qing was gone.

"Fuck!!! Was I wrong to save her? Ya Nuo and her triplets, please be alright. I feel so terrible. What monster have I created? I need to hurry and get out of here! Need to quickly untie this...'

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