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After Wei Na and Bin Guan started dating, he told her everything between him and Yang Corps including the stolen funds and his relationship with Gu Wing. At first she was quite angry at him for having any type of physical contact with Gu Wing, but since he wasn't penetrating her using his real privates, she decided to forgive him.

"So, you did all that just to give Yang Qiu Rei a lesson and to dig information out from Gu Wing's side. That day you came to me was when she spurted out nonsense about taking revenge on me and Ya Nuo." She sipped her Passionfruit tea while linking all the events together.

"Now it all makes sense. Well, he deserved all this for kidnapping an innocent child and abusing her for many years. Regardless of whether that child was Ya Nuo or not, this is not something any human being should do even if they are forced to beg on the streets." She calmly spoke. He smiled, "I knew you'd understand."

"But!" she put her tea down.

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His muscles tensed up hearing her say 'but.' He thought to himself, 'Here it comes....'

What came out of her mouth next stunned him, "But you dealt with them way too lightly okay? They deserve far worse than just being separated with one behind bars and one crazily looking for a guy to get her pregnant. You could've stripped them naked, tie them to a tree trunk, and smudge on layers of honey all over their body to repay mother nature the amount of pollution they've caused."

"Hu... Uh... yeah, yeah. I'll do that, or I'll just let you do the punishment from now on." He swore that women were scariest when they take revenge. Therefore, he would never take women lightly.

"Oh? I'll take that offer right now, right away. In fact, let's give Qiu Rei a nice gift for his release today, shall we?" Her rose colored lip tint marked her cup as she took another sip of her tea.

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"What kind of plan do you have in mind?" He smiled while leaning closer to her.

"Let's give him the footage of that day at the hospital along with other supporting evidence of Gu Wing's wicked plots. Put them in an envelope and show the video footage to him, so that he will realize what kind of vixen he was married to. Oh, don't forget to mention that while he was playing with those fancy models, his real wife was suffering deep below his mansion being tortured by Gu Wing. That'll crush him enough for him to not get his dick up for a while."

"I love it when you mentally destroy your enemies." He chuckled and circled his arm around her waist, pulling her into his embrace. She put down her tea, wrapped her arms around his hips, and gave him a small peck on the cheeks. "Surprisingly you like that part of me."

"Ahem, Miss. Wei Na, how could I not love such an adorable side of you? That fearless side of you always mesmerizes me." He kissed the tip of her nose and grabbed his cup of coffee.

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"How is the coffee?" A flash of amusement reflected in her eyes.

"Hmm? Fairly decent. You want a try?" He put the mug down on the table and was about to lift it back up when he felt something warm by the corner of lips. She licked his lips with her tongue to taste the leftover coffee residue, "Mmmm... normally, I don't like coffee. But this way makes it more delicious, don't you think?"

She stuck out the tip of her tongue as a teaser. His fingers felt her hip as it slid up and down of her torso, sending shivers down her spine. "ahh.." she growled lowly to his ears, purposely letting out a hot breath against his sensitive ears. 'Heh, if I'm going down, you're going with me.' Her hand naughtily circled around his neck, "Hahh..." she moaned again into his ears.

"Very bold of you." he chuckled as he pulled her closer to his body, making their noses touch. A smile formed on both faces as they gave playful pecks on each other's lips, cheeks, forehead, and nose. They whispered sweet words to each other's ears while enjoying their tea.

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Their hands would wander to appropriate sensitive spots and tease each other playfully until the other giggles. Eventually, he raised his arms, surrendering to her since he was too easily tickled. They cuddled while having their afternoon tea and talked about their recent projects.

While the couple took their sweet time enjoying their homey moments, Qiu Rei was facing the most tragic event in his life as he reviewed the documents, page by page, after watching the video footage of the hospital conversation. "Ying.. Ying is alive? That bitch.. tricked me... and yet, I was so blind for all these years. I slept with her in the same bed, shared the same wardrobe, ate at the same dining table, and let her erase Ying Ying's presence in the house. Yet all along, my poor Ying Ying has been so close to me and suffering from that bitch's wrath."

His hands held into two fists as it crumbled the documents. After the guards passed the documents to him, he was soon released from prison and the first thing he did was try to find Ying Ying. From the footage, it seemed like she had been living with Ya Nuo. Therefore, wherever Ya Nuo was, she should be there.

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Since the footage showed Ya Nuo's stomach and the hospital's name, he rushed there, hoping his luck would be on his side this time. 'I missed out for all these years already. I can't miss this chance again!'

Meanwhile, Ying Ying just cut the ropes using a piece of glass she retrieved from breaking a glass cup by the drawer. After breaking loose, she thought logically and decided that Hen Qing must be targeting the babies and Ya Nuo. Therefore, she must be heading towards the hospital. Quickly, she took her wallet, a pen, a piece of paper, and rushed out to get a cab. She wrote the hospital's address and told the driver to drive as fast as he could.

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